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         Widman Johannes:     more detail

21. Historie Und Geschichte Von Doktor Johannes Faustus - Titel
Translate this page 1587 erstmals in den Druck gebracht als «Historia von D. johannes Fausten, dem 1599kam durch widman eine wiederum erweiterte und veränderte Historia heraus.
Historie und Geschichte des Doktor Johannes Faust
(Historia vnd Geschicht Doctor Johannis Faustj.)
Nach der undatierten Handschrift des 16. Jahrhunderts Historia vnd Geschicht Doctor Johannis Faustj der Herzog-August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel behutsam ins moderne Deutsch übertragen von Wolfgang Peter . Teils wortgetreu, teils leicht verändert und um einige Anekdoten erweitert wurde die Geschichte des Doktor Faustus durch den Buchdrucker Johann Spiess in Frankfurt am Mai im Jahre 1587 erstmals in den Druck gebracht als Historia von D. Johannes Fausten, dem weitbeschreyten Zauberer und Schwarzkünstler . Noch im selben Jahr erschien eine Neuauflage mit acht neuen Kapiteln. Sechs weitere Anekdoten folgten in der Ausgaben von 1590. 1599 kam durch Widman eine wiederum erweiterte und veränderte Historia heraus. Einen guten, leicht lesbaren Überblick über das Volksbuch von Doktor Faust gibt die freie Nacherzählung von Gustav Schwab
Die « Historia vnd Geschicht Doctor Johannis Faustj » frei nacherzählt von Gustav Schwab
Die freie Nacherzählung von Gustav Schwab ist hier auch als PDF-Dokument verfügbar
Der erste Teil
  • Anfang – Leben und Historie des Doktor Faust Wie Faustus die Zauberei erlangt und bekommen hat Folgt die Disputation, die Faust mit dem Geist gehalten
  • 22. Paf2 - Pafg16 - Generated By Personal Ancestral File
    Translate this page Child. 2104. johannes widman was born in 1617 in Heinigen, Germany. He marriedAnna Gans. 2105. Anna Gans was born in 1621 in Heinigen, Germany. Child. 2106.
    Ancestors of Carl James Hessler
    Twelfth Generation
    Micheal Hofschneider was born in 1639 in Heinigen, Germany. He married Margaretha Widman. Margaretha Widman was born on 6 Mar 1643 in Heinigen, Germany. [Parents] [Child] Johan Georg Frasch was born in 1653 in Heinigen, Germany. He married Anna Haag. Anna Haag was born in 1657 in Heinigen, Germany. [Child] Johannes Hildenbrand Hildenbrand was born in 1649 in Duemau, Germnay. He married Anna. Anna was born in 1653 in Duemau, Germnay. [Child] Johan Georg Balleisin is printed as Anna Maria Wolf is printed as [Child] Johann Jacob Traub was born in 1648 in Heinigen, Germany. He married Magdelena Goelz. Magdelena Goelz was born in 1652 in Heinigen, Germany. [Child] Gerog Straub was born in 1646 in Gammelshausen, Germany. He married Barbara. Barbara was born in 1650 in Gammelshausen, Germany. [Child] Johannes Roesch was born in 1647 in Heinigen, Germany. He married Ursula Ziegeln. Ursula Ziegeln was born in 1651 in Heinigen, Germany. [Child] Thomas Haag was born on 5 Aug 1621 in Heinigen, Germany. He married Margaretha Stueber. Margaretha Stueber was born on 2 May 1625 in Heinigen, Germany.

    23. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: Faust
    Translate this page du célèbre nécromancien Docteur johannes Faustus, sans oublier ses disciples ChristophorusWagner et Jacobus Scholtus (Hambourg, 1598-1599). widman prétend
    Accueil Index Catégories Dossiers ... Imprimer Arts, Grandes questions, Lettres Faust Biographie en résumé
    Faust, ou Doctor Johannes Faustus, est un nom légendaire sous lequel se sont groupées toutes sortes d'aventures merveilleuses ou bizarres, attribuées à divers docteurs du moyen âge que l'on croyait doués de facultés surnaturelles. Il n'est nullement prouvé qu'un personnage de ce nom ait jamais vécu. Les textes les plus anciens où il est fait mention de lui remontent aux premières années du XVIe siècle; on les trouvera réunis dans la 2e édition refondue de l' Histoire de la poésie allemande de Goedeke ( Grundrisz zur Geschichte der deutschen Dicthung , II, p. 562). Plus tard, on essaya de constituer à Jean Faust une biographie avec les éléments de la légende plus ou moins simplifiée. Il était né, selon les uns, à Knittlingen dans le Wurtemberg, selon les autres à Roda près de Weimar . Il était, disait-on, l'un des hommes les plus savants de son temps, mais il étudia de préférence les sciences occultes, et il profita surtout de son savoir pour s'enrichir. On le confondit quelquefois avec l'imprimeur Fust de Mayence. Quoi qu'il en soit du Faust plus ou moins historique, la tradition légendaire personnifia en lui la révolte contre la doctrine de l'Église et contre la science de l'École. Tel est l'esprit du livre populaire qui parut, en 1587, chez l'imprimeur Jean Spies de Francfort-sur-le-Main : Historia von D. Johann Fausten, dem weitbeschreyten Zauberer und Schwartzkünstler

    24. Andre Forlags Bøger Til Salg På Dialogcentret
    Med bidrag af Ian Astley, Lars Bo Bojesen, Bent Smidt Hansen, Bent DalsgaardLarsen, Peter widman og johannes Aagaard. Religiøsitet og religioner. red.
    Andre forlags bøger til salg på Dialogcentret
    Reinkarnation og sjælevandring
    red. af Johannes Aagaard, forlaget Anis, 1993, 183 s., kr. 78,- ISBN 87-7457-130-3
    En stadig større del af danskerne angiver at tro på reinkarnation. Denne stærke fokusering på sjælevandring og interesse for det religiøse finder sted samtidig med, at kirkerne gennem flere generationer har forsømt tænkningen om de sidste tider. Som Johannes Aagaard skriver i bogens forord, er kristendommen "blevet en religion for dagen og nuet, mens fremtiden tilsyneladende er tom". Tomheden fyldes af reinkarnationsforestillinger af mange slags. "Reinkarnation og sjælevandring" giver en bred orientering om fænomenet med artikler om:
    • Reinkarnation i hinduistisk og buddhistisk regi Læren om sjælevandring i mødet mellem græsk kultur og kristendom Sjælevandring på Goethes tid. Reinkarnationstanken i teosofi og New Age Reinkarnation som religions-psykologisk problem.
    Med bidrag af: Ian Astley, Lars Bo Bojesen, Bent Smidt Hansen, Bent Dalsgaard Larsen, Peter Widman og Johannes Aagaard.
    Religiøsitet og religioner
    red. af Johannes Aagaard, forlaget Anis, 1991, 304 s., kr. 148,- ISBN 87-7457-1125

    25. Dialogcentrets Forlag
    problem. Med bidrag af Ian Astley, Lars Bo Bojesen, Bent Smidt Hansen,Bent Dalsgaard Larsen, Peter widman og johannes Aagaard. Vil

    26. ( Werner , Philipp Jakob - Wurst , Joerg)
    Translate this page Tobias Ludwig (26 JAN 1718 - ) widman , Anna Maria ( - ) widman , Heinrich ( - )widmann Wolff , Georgius (14 SEP 1624 - ) Wolff , Hans (johannes) (MAY 1621
    Index of Persons
    Werner , Philipp Jakob (10 JUL 1637 - )
    Werner , Philipp Jakob (2)
    (22 SEP 1613 - AFT 1681 )
    Werner , Sebastian
    (7 JAN 1592 - BEF JUN 1594 )
    Werner , Sebastian (2)
    (2 JUN 1594 - )
    Werner , Tobias Ludwig
    (26 JAN 1718 - )
    Widman , Anna Maria

    Widman , Heinrich

    Widmann , Anna Maria
    (1626 - 25 SEP 1693 )
    Widmann , Michael

    Wild , Agatha
    (28 JUL 1616 - )
    Wild , Agnes
    (6 FEB 1609 - ) Wild , Anna Maria Wild , Georg (22 AUG 1602 - ) Wild , Johann (ABT 1575 - AFT 1624 ) Wild , Johann Jakob (26 JUL 1605 - ) Wild , Johann Martin (8 JAN 1604 - ) Wild , Josua (1 JAN 1611 - ) Wild , Katharina (22 SEP 1606 - BET 1666 AND 1670 ) Wild , Magdalena (8 NOV 1613 - ) Wild , Martin (4 MAR 1601 - ) Winzelhaeuser , Apollonia (1495 - 25 SEP 1569 ) Winzelhaeuser , Ulrich Wirth , Elisabetha Catharina (20 JAN 1726 - ) Wirth , Eva Maria (10 MAY 1728 - 5 FEB 1757 ) Wirth , Johann Heinrich (19 MAR 1734 - 11 MAR 1741 ) Wirth , Johann Jacob Wirth , Johanna (24 JUN 1731 - 1734 ) Wirth , Sophia Margaretha

    27. ISTG Vol 2 - Ship St Andrew
    Kugley 33 2 Hendrick widman 38 3 Michl Middelercher 40 4 Paulus Needscher 50 5 JohanNichs Bouwer 21 6 Godfret Wesel 23 7 Rudolph Becker 19 8 johannes Peyl 50
    Immigrant Ships
    Transcribers Guild
    Germany, Unspecified Port to Philadelphia
    2 October 1741
    (Contributor's note: Following is a transcription of part of List B. I apologize for not getting all of it, but I decided to transcribe the partial list as an illustration of how the spelling varies from one list to another. It also shows who signed their own names and who used a mark, illustrated by characters in parentheses.) Pennsylvania German Society Donated and Transcribed by Thera for the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild 25 July 1999
    If you find an ancestor on a ship on ISTG and would like to
    link to your email address or home page, please submit a short
    paragraph about the passenger, where settled, children, etc.,
    with the name of the ship and date of arrival, and send to
    the transcriber at the bottom of the manifest or to the
    ISTG Production Coordinator
    Get all your genealogy books and CDs at one convenient location: Genealogical Publishing Don't have a subscription to yet? - Immigration/Emigration Databases - Search Historical Records - Census Records - Newspaper Databases ... - Complete Database Listing Website search technology courtesy of

    28. Uplands Nation
    Matthias HT 1792 Ihlström johannes HT 1793 Magnus Nyman HT 1794 Noraeus johannesHT 1796 CHE HT 1878 Örnmark AH VT 1880 Lewenhaupt CHE VT 1881 widman O HT
    Förstekuratorer vid Uplands nation
    Nationen har från 1660 (då våra längder börjar) fram tills idag haft 259 olika personer på posten som förste kurator. Här nedan redovisas vem som satt, och när.

    HT 1660 Arepontelius Andreas
    HT 1661 Salonius Gerhard
    VT 1663 Salonius Johan
    VT 1664 Lohrman Gustaf
    VT 1666 Nerelius Olaus
    HT 1667 Bergh Ericus
    HT 1669 Hiller Olaus
    VT 1672 Nezelius Martinus
    VT 1673 Schroderus Olaus HT 1674 Beckius Olaus VT 1676 Blidh Olaus VT 1677 Micrander Ericus VT 1680 Lundgren Johannes VT 1681 Kihlberg Georg HT 1683 Thegner Gabriel HT 1686 Fraxinus Zacharias HT 1687 Upmarck Johannes VT 1690 Sandell Magnus VT 1691 Skunk Carolus VT 1693 Celcius Olaus HT 1695 Byrelius Johannes VT 1697 Beronius Nicolaus P VT 1698 Enecopiander Olaus VT 1701 Nybohm Andreas HT 1702 Arrhenius Laurentius HT 1705 Boberg Andreas HT 1707 Byreiius Nicolaus HT 1708 Arrhenius Arvidus HT 1709 Norrelius Andreas VT 1715 Frondin Elias VT 1716 Bergman Ericus HT 1717 Klint Ericus HT 1719 Montelius Johannes VT 1721 Boberg Jacobus HT 1721 Wilsdorf Henricus VT 1722 Berg Ericus VT 1723 Sparrman Johannes HT 1723 Båld Ericus VT 1725 Celsius Bernhardus HT 1725 Celsius Andreas HT 1727 Leufstadius Andreas VT 1729 Skunk Carolus Eliaser VT 1730 Lötman Johannes VT 1731 Deckberg Olavus HT 1732 Pfeiffer Maternus HT 1733 Collin Jonas HT 1734 Diurberg Johannes HT 1735 Celsius Magnus HT 1736 Plaan Ericus HT 1737 Bauman Andreas HT 1738 Kempe Johannes HT 1740 Frondin Bergerus

    29. Ethymology Of Symbols
    (less less) shift left bitwise in BCPL end of 1960s; (minussign) used for subtraction by johannes widman 1489 (Germany).
    back to history back to signs ethymology of symbols ethymology of keywords Location: . By since 070300. Please mail any comments
    Ethymology of Symbols
    Ordered lexically by the symbol's name
    • "" (juxtaposition): for logical conjunction (OR) and relational conjunction (composition) by DeMorgan 1860 (?) (UK), (Germany).
    • " ligature = a + e: in use since Merowingian time [ dtv
    • " (ampersand): logical AND in BCPL end of 1960s
    • " (and, logical conjunction): introduced by Alfred Tarski
    • " (apostrophy, aka single quote):
    • line comment in Basic.
    • string literal up to space in Scheme.
    • character literal up to closing "'" in C/C++/Java.
    • part of identifiers in ML, Haskell.
    • " (arrow down): the Peirce arrow is the logical symbol for NOR
    • (arrow up): exponentiation in Algol-60 HN
      In the later development of character sets, the caret character " " came to be used instead of an up-arrow.
    • " (assertion sign): combines with a statement (proposition) A A " which asserts/affirms A (read `` A is true''). The sign must have originated some time between Frege and Russell: «In Russell's hands, ... the combination of Frege's

    30. Free Ship Passenger Lists Of The Palatine Germans To Pennsylvania - Ship Anderso
    johannes Gunderman * Martin Weber Peter Hentzel Gottfried Buttner Samuel Luthy* Christoph Metz johannes Shmit * Jacob Ruter Christian widman Oswald Dups
    Palatine Ship Passenger Lists
    Brought to you by Ancestor Search
    An Interactive Directory of 400 Genealogy Search Engines.
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    Search Ancestry Learn ... Record First Name Last Name New! U.S. Immigration Databases by Ancestry
    Over 10 million names on ship passenger lists to all major ports
    NEW! NEW!
    Aug. 21, 1750 . Ship Anderson, Hugh Campbell , Captain, from Rotterdam , last from Cowes
    Ludwig Horst *
    Johannes Gunderman *
    Martin Weber
    Peter Hentzel Gottfried Buttner Samuel Luthy * Christoph Metz Johannes Shmit * Jacob Ruter Christian Widman Oswald Dups * Conrad Hauser Gerhart Fuhr Conrad Derr Lorentz Hauck Jacob Dengler Valentin Maitlin * Jonas Mutschler Johannes Hebel Johan Miller * Johannes Schauerer Christoph Miller Michael Wagenmann Gerhart Birkenbeyly * Johannes Marquardt Johannes Bretz Johann Beck * Matheas Weymer * Jacob Lyme * Henry Reinfeld * Johan Engel Gonderman Johann Henrich Fick Johannes Peter Jung Johann Henrich Cuntz Johan Georg Schneider Johannes Henrich Ham Johan Jacob Sturm Johan Christian Sturm Johan Heinrich Schuster Joh. Heinrich Mauden

    31. Free Ship Passenger Lists Of The Palatine Germans To Pennsylvania - Ship Hampshi
    johannes Faust Philip Hap * Adum Mayer * johannes Bischoff Michael widman Peter Ferdig* Jacob Ruhl johannes Mayer Hartman Adam johannes Adam Georg Steyerwald
    Palatine Ship Passenger Lists
    Brought to you by Ancestor Search
    An Interactive Directory of 400 Genealogy Search Engines.
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    Search Ancestry Learn ... Record First Name Last Name New! U.S. Immigration Databases by Ancestry
    Over 10 million names on ship passenger lists to all major ports
    NEW! NEW!
    Sept. 7, 1748. Foreigners imported in the ship Hampshire, Thomas Cheesman, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Falmouth.
    Johannes Faust
    Philip Hap *
    Adum Mayer *
    Johannes Bischoff Michael Widman Peter Ferdig * Jacob Ruhl Johannes Mayer Hartman Adam Johannes Adam Georg Steyerwald * Conrath Maul Johannes Deffithal * Nicholaus Christ * Jacob Runckel Friederich Hammer Tobias Schall Jacob Holtz Andreas Hollinger * Caspar Hoberling Philip Merckel Carl Engel Philip Koch Michael Basserman Jacob Sherr David Hag Anthony Ermolt * Frantz Grove * Henrich Cron Johannes Engel Jacob Schmidt Georg Lembcher Christopher Rubi Lorentz Wentzel Wolfgang Wolff * Jacob Hammer Anselmus Schreiner Andreas Miller * Rev. Joh. Albert Weygand

    32. Medhost Gesundheitsseiten - Hof Stadt
    Translate this page Klinikum/Eppenreuther Str. 9. 09281-982275. johannes Rumpf. Enoch-widman-Str.7. 09281-74248. Wolfgang Rusch. Eppenreuther Str. 28. 09281-850003.
    Hof Hof/Saale
    Anästhesist Augenarzt Chirurg ... Urologe
    Allgemeinarzt Hof Ortsübersicht Wolfgang Amann Joditzer Weg 80 Jakob Asis Poststr. 13 Dr. Attila Balaton Bismarckstr. 9 Stefan Breit Wunsiedler Str. 59 Peter Deubert Liebigstr. 25 Maximilian Dietrich Luitpoldstr. 23 Karlheinz Engel Leopoldstr. 16 Petra Günther-Michael Kirchplatz 10 Hans Waldemar Jomaa Bismarckstr. 21 Fazli Kücüköztürk Klosterstr. 2 Robert Friedrich Künzel Jägerzeile 39 Christoph Münch Martinsreuther Str. 56 Peter Pankow Heiligengrabstr. 16 Angela Rödel Karlstr. 2-4 Winfried Sachs Graben 9 Pia Schmitt-Mickley Theresienstr. 17 Werner Steinert Enoch-Widman-Str. 18 Jürgen Strietzel Münsterstr. 1 Christian Tschoepe Ludwigstr. 4 Sabine Westphal Eppenreuther Str. 28 Michael Zschätzsch Äußere Bayreuther Str. 16
    Anästhesist Hof Ortsübersicht
    Dipl.-Med. Simone Fischer Westendstr. 1
    Augenarzt Hof Ortsübersicht Jürgen Heinz Enoch-Widman-Str. 3 Hubert Jonientz Marienstr. 48

    33. (Surnames From Widman, Emma ) "San Francisco Call" Newspaper Vital Records For 1
    J . born in 1890 1890B2147 widman, son of Fred J . born in 1890 1890B-2148widmann, Emena age 53 1890D-6997 Wiett, johannes
    San Francisco Call Front Page San Francisco Call Index ... CEFHA Website Index
    San Francisco Call Newspaper
    Vital Records for 1869-1897
    (Surnames from: Widman, Emma )
    Jim W. Faulkinbury, CGRS First Posted: 26 March 2003
    This is one of a series of files in a web-base finding aid to the many vital events recorded in the San Francisco Call during calendar years 1869-1897. Most events are for the San Francisco California area - births, marriages, and deaths. However many records are for events throughout California and beyond which were of interest to residents of San Francisco. Deaths at sea were also reported by the ships coming into the port of San Francisco.
    This database will be gradually updated (Year by Year) until all of the information (we can find) that were lost in the 1906 earthquake and fire have been posted here. Thus it is suggested that you revisit this web database periodically To update information On your ancestors.
    Answers to your questions: Name ... Event and Year ... Spouse or Age ... Record No.
    Widman, Emma... married in 1889 to Gingg, Ulrich ...1889M-4460

    34. Palatine Ships St. Andrew From Rotterdam To Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1741
    305) Hendrick Kugley 33; Hendrick widman 38; Michl Middelercher 40; Paulus Needscher50; Johan Nichs Bouwer 21; Godfret Wesel 23; Rudolph Becker 19; johannes Peyl 50;
    Can't find your ancestors? Search for your family origins on Olive Tree Genealogy! Free Ships' Passenger lists, family surnames, church records, military muster rolls, census records, land records and much more will help you find that elusive ancestor. est. 1996 Find Your Ancestors with FREE genealogical records at The Olive Tree Genealogy
    off-site records First Name Last Name Home Ships' Lists Search Ships Lists! Naturalization Records ... FAQ Look for The Olive Tree button marking FREE Olive Tree Genealogy genealogy records NEW! IMMIGRATION RECORDS
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    35. St. Andrew 1743
    Translate this page johannes Meyer, 30, Mayer. Hans Jerg Öhler, 20, Ehler, Eler. Peter Werner, 35, Warner.johannes widman, 25, Wydman. Michael Wolfgang, 23, Wolfanger. Leonhardt Kern, 24,
    1743 St. Andrew
    [List 103 A, B, C] St. Andrew
    Captain: Robert Brown
    From: Rotterdam
    By Way of: Cowes
    Arrival: Philadelphia, 7 Oct 1743 Name, Age Place of Origin (Town, Province) Source Remarks (USA, Spelling Variations, Occupation, Relationships, etc.) Hans Nicholas Zeisinger, 17 Reytringer Johann Adam Gerber, 20 Garber Jacob Walter, 20 Georg Michael Weissmüller, 19 Weysmiller Friederich Stoll, 20 Stall Hans Jerg Maurer, 23 Mower Johannes Moak, 40 Maak Johann Simon Kern, 25 Karn Hans Peter Grumbach, 22 Kranback Andreas Wollinger, 19 Wolinger Ulrich Krehbühl, 20 Krehbiehl, Creble Adam Heyler, 20
    Magdalena (Bodamer), 19 Kaller; married 13 May 1743 3 days before leaving Heidelberg for Pennsylvania. Jacob Strieby, 44 Stirby, Strevey Hans Michael Stribey, 17 Stirby, Strevey Joseph Hartman, 29 Friederich Jayser, 20 Yeiser Lorentz Tibber, 50 Georg Phillipp Kurr, 33 Korr Johannes Hauser, 22 Hans George Eatter, 43 Eter Hans Mardi Fischer, 25 Fisher Georg Gross, 30 Philipp Jacob Luttman, 23 Schwaigern, Baden Lodman, To Lancaster Co. Johann Michael Wagner, 25

    36. Las Matemáticas En El Renacimiento
    Translate this page Por otra parte, johannes widman (1462-1500), natural de Eger (hoy día en la RepúblicaCheca), publicó en 1849 el libro Mercantile Arithmetic, en el cual
    Episodio 24: Las Matemáticas en el Renacimiento
    Traducción del capítulo 24 "Mathematics in the Renaissance" de la parte I del libro
    The Heritage of Thales , W.S. Anglin y J. Lambek; Springer-Verlag, 1995
    con hiperenlaces a las páginas de los matemáticos mantenidas en Aparte de la adopción de los dígitos arábigos y del trabajo de unas pocas personas de talento (como Pappus y Fibonacci ), durante los siglos que prosiguieron a Diophantus no se habían producido avances significativos en Matemáticas. En los siglos XV y XVI tuvo lugar un repentino brote de actividad impulsado por el descubrimiento chino de la imprenta, la cual llegó a Europa en 1450 y propulsó a unas Matemáticas (tanto las puras como las aplicadas) que se habían quedado estancadas en los logros de tiempos ancestrales. Es conveniente recalcar la importancia de la imprenta para la difusión del conocimiento matemático. El copiado a mano de textos matemáticos requería mucho tiempo y esfuerzo. En los tiempos antiguos, de la mayoría de los textos sólo existía una copia única que se encontraba en la biblioteca de Alejandría; ésta es la razón por la cual toda la actividad matemática estuvo concentrada en un solo sitio durante unos ochocientos años. Con la llegada de la imprenta dichos textos pasaron a estar disponibles por todo el mundo civilizado y la gente podía aprender matemáticas en lugares tan distantes como Bohemia o Escocia. En este episodio y en los dos siguientes se van a presentar los avances que se dieron en esta época en las siguientes áreas: notación matemática, teoría de las ecuaciones, descubrimiento de los logaritmos, y mecánica y astronomía.

    37. IGS First Immigrant Ancestor List - Surnames W -
    Translate this page .. 1830 WERTWEIN, johannes 1 ALS, Flameresheim 1846 1838 1838 widman, Joh Christoph .. GER, WUE Sindelfingen 1853
    First Immigrant List INDEX IGS HomePage
    Ethnic, Religious, National Index
    Map Room ... Website Index
    IGS First Immigrant Ancestor List
    - Surnames W -
    As of 03 June 1997
    (Sorted by Surname)
    Latest Update: 11 December 2002
    First Immigrant List Background and INDEX

    Abbreviations Used

    How to Get More Information?

    WACHENHEIM, Joseph ... ... GER, BAD WUE Grafenhausen ... 1847
    WACHER, August Henry ... ... GER, WEF KrHalle Holtfeld ... 1856 ... 1918 ...
    WACHTER, Ambrosius Hermann ... ... GER, BADEN Assamstadt ... 1854
    WACHTER, Clemens ... ... GER, BAD Assamstadt ... 1854 ... 1894 ... WACHTER, Henry ... ... SWT, ... 1856 ... ... WACHTER, Rosine ... ... GER, BAD W"schbach-Hambrg ... 1855 ... ... WACKER #1896, Johannes,Brger ... ... GER, BAD Oberacker - POL. ... 1818 WAGNER, Katy ... 3 ... PRU, Germania ... 1880 ... ... WAGNER, Charles J. ... 1 ... POL, ... 1883 ... 1894 ... WAGNER, Valentine ... ... GER, Pfungstadt ... 1840 ... 1914

    38. Genealogy Data
    Translate this page Back to Main Page. widman, Verena Birth 27 Jan 1691 Fisibach, Aargau, SwitzerlandGender Female Family Father WIRTH, johannes Mother WIRTH, Anna Maria.
    Genealogy Data
    Back to Main Page
    WIRTH, Anna Maria
    Gender: Female
    Parents: Father: WIRTH, Hans Jacob
    Mother: WIRTH, Anna
    Spouse: WIRTH, Johannes
    Gender: Male
    Parents: Father: WIRTH, Hans Jacob
    Mother: FREY, Anna Esther
    Children: WIRTH, Rudolf
    WIRTH, Barbara
    WIRTH, Anna Regula Gender: Female WIRTH, Verena WIRTH, Gender: Male WIRTH, Gender: Male
    Back to Main Page
    HANGARTNER, Jakob Birth : 19 Sep 1821 Switzerland Death : 21 Jun 1879 Switzerland Gender: Male Family: Spouse: HILPERT, Anna Death : 2 Jan 1883 Switzerland Gender: Female Parents: Father: HILPERT, Heinrich Mother: DEMUTH, Susanna
    Back to Main Page
    DEMUTH, Jakob Gender: Male Parents: Father: DEMUTH, Jakob Mother: SIEGRIST, Anna Family: Spouse: HILPERT, Susanna Gender: Female Parents: Father: HILPERT, Heinrich Mother: DEMUTH, Susanna Children: DEMUTH, Elisa
    Back to Main Page
    WIDMER, Heinrich Gender: Male Family: Marriage: 5 Jun 1853 in Switzerland Spouse: HILPERT, Elisabeth Gender: Female Parents: Father: HILPERT, Heinrich Mother: DEMUTH, Susanna
    Back to Main Page
    Gender: Female Parents: Father: Mother: RUTSCHMANN, Susanna

    39. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With W
    Translate this page WEISSKOPF, johannes (28 Jan 1777-16 Feb 1851) WEISSKOPF, johannes (20 Nov WEY, Verena(-18 Oct 1673) WEYMANN, Seline (-) WICHTER, Anna (-) widman, Verena (27
    Genealogy Index for surnames beginning with W
    Back to Main Page
    WAGELI, Anna Lisabetha (1 Dec 1745-17 Dec 1808)
    (Abt 1689-1745)
    (Bef 1773-Aft 1790)
    WAGNER, Anna

    WAIBEL, Robert

    WALCH, Verena
    (19 Sep 1830-27 Mar 1869)
    WALDER, Anna
    (19 Mar 1861-9 Apr 1861)
    WALDER, Anna
    (1702-28 Feb 1757)
    WALDER, Dorothea
    (22 Jul 1820-27 Jun 1855)
    WALDER, Elisabeth

    WALDER, Felix
    WALDER, Jakob WALDER, Robert ... WALDER, Susanna (13 Mar 1850-) WALDVOGEL, Johannes WALDVOGEL, Rudolf WALSER, WALT, Anna Katharina ... WALT, Josephine (3 Mar 1851-12 Jun 1919) WALT, Samuel WALTER, Emil Otto WALTER, Hans Jacob (Abt 1718-) WALTER, Magdalena (Abt 1722-) WALTER, Maria WALTER, Marie Luise WALTI, Frieda Klara (14 May 1874-15 Feb 1922) WALTI, Margaretha WANGER, Anna Barbara (7 Feb 1798-) WANGER, Catharina (22 Feb 1791-) WANGER, Conrad WANGER, Elisabeth (22 Dec 1789-) WANGER, Hans Conrad (2 May 1796-2 Jul 1796) WANGER, Hans Conrad (15 May 1793-19 Aug 1793) WANGER, Hans Jacob (16 Jan 1799-) WANGER, Heinrich (2 Jun 1792-) WANGER, Johannes (8 Aug 1784-) WANGER, Johannes (27 Apr 1755-11 Aug 1808) WANGER, Rudolf

    40. Lunenburg County 30 Acre Lots
    2nd Div H10 SCHWEINHEIMER, Philip = 3rd Div E-5 SEEBERGER, johannes = 1st Div A 3rdDiv A-15 WEYNACHT, Adam = 1st Div C-4 (his children) widman, Valentin = 3rd
    about 1767

    For this Index, data was taken from a Registry of 300 Acre Lots prepared about 1767.
    Names are listed as found.
    According to W.P. Bell, the lots were to be assigned in several stages as follows:
  • The first drawing was reserved for settlers who had resided in the Lunenburg area since 1753 and had "improved" their 30-acre lots together with orphans of original settlers;
  • The second drawing was reserved for "all the young men who have married since the commencement of this settlement, and have no lands given them, also those who have come of late amongst us"
  • A final drawing was reserved to two final categories:
  • settlers who had "sold their 30-acre lots and follow other employments than Agriculture," under the condition that that they must not sell their 300-acre Lots in "unimproved" condition;
  • persons who had obtained 30-acre lots but then moved away and left those lots "unimproved" -these under the condition that they themselves return to settle, or cause settlement of the lots to be made, within six months after the drawing.
    Drawings for lots occurred:
  • 3 Oct 1763; 90 participants
  • A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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