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61. Whittaker Family Genealogy Forum 03 whittaker family of England 17001800 s - April Eddy 5/01/03 Joseph john whittaker and Ellen Buchanan - BRENDA DICE 4/23/03 http://genforum.genealogy.com/whittaker/ | |
62. SCAN Authors, Steve whittaker, Julia Hirschberg, john Choi, Don Hindle, Fernando Pereira, Amit Singhal, Sponsor, SIGIR ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=312639&dl=ACM&coll=GUIDE&CFID=11111111&CFT |
63. Martin John Ca.1765-1847 They had at least one child(My GGGGP) Martin john b.1822 d.428-1900 married Mary whittaker (Whiticker)b.4-21-1823 d.10-13-1885. http://members.fortunecity.com/fpreston/cathjohn.htm | |
64. Scott Whittaker, A Seventh Grade Student From John Ware Jr Transformations were a big thing in the poems, and as a reader, I was transformed.. Scott whittaker, also a seventh grade student from john Ware Jr. http://www.ucalgary.ca/~gifteduc/childrenweekend/langartsaldred.htm | |
65. Englische Bücher : John Whittaker - Kaufen, Bestellen, Shop, Vorbestellen, Onli Translate this page Englische Bücher john whittaker - g?stig, kaufen, bestellen, vorbestellen, online kaufen, shop, shopping, internetshop, preiswert. http://www.firstsfind-shop.de/shop-mode-books_de_intl_us-search_type-AuthorSearc | |
66. Phorum - Genealogy - John Whittaker Family Of Lawrence County, AR john whittaker Family of Lawrence County, AR. Author WhitBJ Date 0212-04 2118 john whittaker of Lawrence County, AR. I am looking http://www.thetd.com/messageboard/read.php?f=7&i=80&t=80 |
67. Autogramm Adressen Von Stars Translate this page montalban ricardo briefadresse griffith melanie gavin john Kontaktadressen dahl arlene cole olivia starfotos cain dean Adressen whittaker mary promiadressen http://www.autogramm-adresse.de/ | |
68. Genealogy Data Page 10 (Family Pages) Connecticut Gender Female whittaker, James Oliver {I243} b. 14 JUL 1963 Fargo, North Dakota Gender Male. Back to Main Page. Elftmann, john William {I250} b http://www.oshel.com/database/f_9.htm | |
69. Whittaker Home Page john H. whittaker. Professor. Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies. http://www.artsci.lsu.edu/phil/faculty/whittaker/ | |
70. John Whittaker john whittaker Jobs Post. Email john@zombies.co.uk Index Male, fit 22,. Qualifications. No coaching experience, bags of trophies from tough uk league. http://www.soccercampguide.com/_disc1/000001c4.htm | |
71. Blather Misc. Articles: John Harbison, David Whittaker, Over Their Dead Bodies.. Mick Cunningham Dave Walsh spend Halloween cooped up with Irish State Pathologist john Harbison and David whittaker, Professor of Forensic Dentistry at the http://www.blather.net/articles/deadbodies2002_whittaker.html | |
72. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Whiton To Whittaker whittaker, john of Union County, Ill. Delegate to Illinois state constitutional convention Union County, 1818. Burial location unknown. http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/whiton-whittaker.html | |
73. Keep The Heritage Alive! - Reginald Whittaker & Josephine Whittaker Samuels five blocks south of here. Of course, john R. Duff and my father, Walter whittaker, were very good friends. So eventually, I think http://www.mchistory.org/blackHistory/whittaker.html | |
74. A Peruvian Atlatl -- John Whittaker A PERUVIAN ATLATL john whittaker. Peruvian atlatls represent a type not seen very often among modern American atlatlists, although occasionally described http://www.thudscave.com/npaa/others/jw-peru.htm | |
75. Past Councils Douglas. 1953, Reeve Albert E. Beasley, Councillors George W. whittaker, john G. Pinson, Charles AP Murison, Wallace W. Seymor. 1954, http://www.northcowichan.bc.ca/past_councils.htm | |
76. Genealogy Data Father McQuarrie, HL Mother whittaker, Harriette. Back to Main Page. Marriage living Spouse Thomson, john A. Birth living Gender Male Parents http://peterjanes.ca/family/dat68.html | |
77. Spoken Content-Based Audio Navigation (SCAN) - Choi, Hindle title = Spoken contentbased audio navigation (SCAN , text = john Choi, Donald Hindle, Fernando Pereira, Amit Singhal, and Steve whittaker, Spoken content http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/choi99spoken.html |
78. St. John's Episcopal Church - Richmond, Virginia whittaker gained fame as the minister who baptized Pocahontas, giving her the Christian name of Rebecca, and who married her to john Rolfe in 1614. http://www.historicstjohnschurch.org/pages/history.htm | |
79. Week 1 Week 2, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. AM Anchor, X, john Cifelli, Greg whittaker, john Carroll, Rob Gaboy, Amy Karakevicus, X. http://weatherwatcher.rutgers.edu/~wxwatcher/spring03schedule.htm | |
80. Letchworth Timothy John Whittaker In Letchworth - Timothy John Whittaker Letchwo Letchworth Timothy john whittaker in Letchworth UK is one of Letchworth s Electrical Work Contractors these details are brought to you by TouchStevenage.com http://www.touchstevenage.com/comdir/cditem.cfm/3845 | |
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