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         Whittaker Edmund:     more books (100)
  1. A History of the Theories of Aether & Electricity, Vol. 2: The Modern Theories, 1900-1926 (TB 532) by Edmund Whittaker, 1960
  2. A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity. Volume II: The Modern Theories by Edmund Whittaker, 1953
  3. History of the Theories of Aether & Volume 1 by Edmund Whittaker, 1951
  4. A Course Of Modern Analysis: An Introduction To The General Theory Of Infinite Series And Of Analytic Functions, With An Account Of The Principal Transcendental Functions (1902) by Edmund Taylor Whittaker, 2010-09-10
  5. Space And Spirit: Theories Of The Universe And The Arguments For The Existence Of God by Edmund Whittaker, 2010-09-10
  6. Economic Analysis by Edmund Whittaker, 1956-12
  7. Course of Modern Analysis by Edmund;Watson, George N. Whittaker, 1963
  8. A History of Economic Ideas by edmund whittaker, 1946-01-01
  9. Calculus of Observations an Introduction 4TH Edition by Edmund Whittaker, 1944
  10. The calculus of observations; a treatise on numberical mathematics, by Edmund Taylor Whittaker, 1956
  11. A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity: Volume I: The Classical Theories Volume II: The Modern Theories (Harper Torchbooks / The Science Library, 531-532) by Sir Edmund Whittaker, 1960
  12. A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity (2 Volumes) by Edmund Whittaker, 1951
  13. Space And Spirit: Theories Of The Universe And The Arguments For The Existence Of God by Edmund Whittaker, 2010-09-10
  14. Opticks: Or a Treatise of the Reflections, Refractions, Inflections & Colours of Light-Based on the Fourth Edition London, 1730 by Sir Isaac Newton, I. Bernard Cohen, et all 1952-06-01

41. Notes For George Edmund Whittaker/Wilma Helen O'Keefe
Notes for George edmund whittaker/Wilma HelenO Keefe. Living Parent(s) Details withheld
Notes for George Edmund Whittaker/Wilma Helen O'Keefe
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42. History Of Astronomy: Persons (W)
whittaker, edmund Taylor (18731956) Short biography and references(MacTutor Hist. Math.). Widmannstätten, Alois von Beckh- Aloys
History of Astronomy Persons
History of Astronomy: Persons (W)
Deutsche Fassung

43. Alibris - Click Here To Find Books By This Author!
Croyden Meredith ~ whittaker, Cynthia H. ~ whittaker, D. Hugh ~ whittaker, David~ whittaker, David J. ~ whittaker, ET ~ whittaker, edmund ~ whittaker, edmund
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, Shirley A. White, Simon White, Sol ... Whyte, David J.

44. Alibris: Edmund Whittaker
More results from UMSNH BIBLIOTECA DE LA ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS FISICO MATEMATICAS Whipkey, K. White, Frank M. White, Harvey E. Whitehead, Alfred North Whitehead, GeorgeW. Whitesitt, J. Eldon whittaker, ET whittaker, edmund Wichmann, Eyvind, Edmund
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Browse for author " Edmund Whittaker " matched 6 titles. Sometimes it pays off to expand your search to view all available copies of books matching your search terms. Page of 1 sort results by Top Selling Title Author Used Price New Price A course of modern analysis : an introduction to the general theory of infinite processes and of analytic functions; with an account of the principal transcendentalfunctions. more books like this by Whittaker, Edmund, Sir, and Watson, George Neville buy used: from A history of economic ideas more books like this by Whittaker, Edmund buy used: from Schools and streams of economic thought. more books like this by Whittaker, Edmund buy used: from The Northern Highlands.

Electricidad y Electronica QC-60 whittaker, edmund 1ª edicion.

46. Arthur Stanley Eddington Bibliography
whittaker, edmund Taylor, Eddington’s Principle in the Philosophy of Science; the5th Arthur Stanley Eddington Memorial Lecture 9 August 1951 (Cambridge Univ
Arthur Stanley Eddington Bibliography Papers, etc. Papers are at the University of Cambridge, Trinity College Library Finding aids for sources at several repositories are at AIP Center for History of Physics, where many oral history interviews mention Eddington. Other References: Historical QJRAS Scientific American Bertotti, B., et al, eds., Modern Cosmology in Retrospect (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990). Chandrasekhar, S. Bull. Atomic Sci. (1976); reprinted in Notes and Records of the Royal Society Chandrasekhar, S. Truth and Beauty: Aesthetics and Motivations in Science (Univ. of Chicago Press, 1987). Cohen, Chapman, God and the Universe: Eddington, Jeans, Huxley and Einstein. With a reply by A.S. Eddington (Pioneer Press, London, c. 1930) Einstein, Eddington, and the 1919 Eclipse Proceedings of International School on the Historical Development of Modern Cosmology, Valencia 2000, Cowling, Thomas QJRAS Vistas in Astronomy Proceedings of the Sir Arthur Eddington Centenary Symposium (World Scientific, Singapore, 1984-1986). Dingle, Herbert

47. Catálogo De Autores
Eldon (1); Whitmore, Georges D. (1); Whitney, Eric J. (1); whittaker,edmund T. (1); whittaker, Sir edmund T. (1); Whitten , Kenneth

48. Custos Edmund
Reginald Parsons, it honours the memory of his ancestor edmund Parsons, the Rotarianand Mrs. Ornon whittaker (left) and Mrs. Reese and Rotarian Lionel Downer. Articles/July 2002/Issue 210/Custos
Custos Edmund Parsons Award - A Highlight of Rotary Club of Grand Cayman Changeover (left to right) Past President Chris Evans, Dale Parsons, Mr. Will Jackson, Paul Harris Fellowship Award recepient, Mr. Reggie Parsons and Ms. Carmilee Pierson
The night of July 4th saw the Change-over of officers of the Rotary Club of Grand Cayman at a gala dinner held at the Grand Pavilion Conference Centre, with His Excellency the Governor. Mr. Bruce Dinwitty and Mrs. Emma Dinwitty in attendance. Past President Alan Roffey, John Kartonchuk and Rotarian Sharon Hurlston Commencing the evening's events, out-going President Chris Evans announced the introduction of the Custos Edmund Parsons Award. This annual award will be made to a Caymanian for services to the community Initiated by Rotarian Reginald Parsons, it honours the memory of his ancestor Edmund Parsons, the last Custos of the Cayman Islands. Rotarian Reggie presented the first such award in a touching ceremony to Mr. Percival "Will" Jackson of East End. (Left to right) Rotarian Joey Hew, Joanna Boxall, David and Christine Kirkaldy

49. Matemáticos Matemáticas Ciencia Y Tecnología Español
Matemático francés (1717 1783). ? whittaker, edmund Taylor y tecnología Matemáticas Matemáticos.ñol/Ciencia_y_tecnología/Matemátic English Deutsch Espa±ol ... Matem¡ticos Matem¡ticos Historia de matem¡ticos famosos

Ciencia y tecnolog­a Matem¡ticas Matem¡ticos.
Realizado por la Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
Neumann, Carl Gottfried

Ciencia y tecnolog­a Matem¡ticas Matem¡ticos.
Matem¡tico alem¡n (1832 - 1925).
Poisson, Sim©on Denis

Ciencia y tecnolog­a Matem¡ticas Matem¡ticos. Matem¡tico franc©s (1781 - 1840). D'Alembert, Jean Le Rond Ciencia y tecnolog­a Matem¡ticas Matem¡ticos. Matem¡tico franc©s (1717 - 1783). Gauss, Carl Friedrich Ciencia y tecnolog­a Matem¡ticas Matem¡ticos. Matem¡tico alem¡n (1777 - 1855). Erd¶s, Paul - La pregunta adecuada Ciencia y tecnolog­a Matem¡ticas Matem¡ticos. An©cdotas e ideas sobre las teor­as del matem¡tico hºngaro (1913-1996). Berkeley, George

50. 8. Vorlesung. Von Magnetismus Und Elektrizität Zur Elektromagnetischen Wellenth
Translate this page Univ.-Verl., 1990. (UB, BLB). whittaker, edmund T. A history of the theoriesof aether and electricity, San Francisco,Tomash, 1987 (1. Aufl. 1951).
Joachim Schummer : Vorlesung im Sommersemester 1999:
8. Vorlesung:
1999 by Joachim Schummer
  • Materialien Literatur
  • 1.2 Peregrinus: Experimente und technische Visionen 1.3 William Gilbert: Experimente und Globalisierung des Magnetismus 1.5 Orte der Forschung und Entdeckungen bis ins 19. Jhd.
2. Theoretische Konzeptionen zwischen Metaphysik und Experiment
    2.3 Mechanisten vs. Dynamisten
3. Schritte zur elektromagnetischen Wellentheorie
    3.1 Oersted und der elektromagnetische Effekt 3.2 Faraday und das Kraftlinienfeld 3.3 Maxwell’ mathematische Theorie des elektromagnetischen Feldes 3.4 Herz’ Nachweis der elektromagnetischen Natur der Lichtwellen
Wichtige Personen
(lt. Petrus Peregrinus , um 1269) William Gilbert Otto von Guericke Francis Hauksbee (ca. 1660-1713) Peter von Musschenbroek Cisternay Dufay Benjamin Franklin Robert Symmer Charles Augustin de Coulomb Luigi Galvani Alessandro Volta Thomas Johann Seebeck Jean-Baptiste Biot Hans Christian Oersted Humphry Davy Georg Simon Ohm Michael Faraday John Kerr Clerk Maxwell Alexander Graham Bell Heinrich Hertz Pieter Zeeman Valdemar Poulsen
Peregrinus’ technische Vision eines magnetischen Motors
(aus Prinzipien der Philosophie , IV.149)

51. Edmund
Edmond Frémy (18141894) French chemist. edmund Beecher Wilson (1856-1939) Americanbiologist. Sir edmund Taylor whittaker (1873-1956) British mathematician.
For many more names, please Return to Edgar's Main Page. Edmund
Gender : Masculine.
Language : English.
Edmund is the modern form of the Old English name Eadmund
Pronunciation : ed-mund.
English Ed Eddie Eddy Ned Neddie Neddy Ted Teddy
Alternates Edmonde French Edmond Emon Monet Hawaiian Ekemona Hungarian Irish Eamon Eamonn Italian Edmondo Spanish Edmundo Famous Bearers Artists and Authors Edmund Spenser English poet. Edmund Waller English poet. Edmondo de Amicis Italian writer. Edmond Rostand French dramatist. Edmund C. Blunden American poet. Hungarian novelist. (Eamonn) Kevin Roche Irish architect. Educators, Scholars, and Social Workers Edmund Bolton English historian. Edmund Calamy English theologian. Edmund Burke British statesman and political scientist. Edmund Malone Irish-English scholar. Edmund Hodgson Yates English journalist. Edmund Clarence Stedman American editor. Sir Edmund Gosse British literary historian. Edmund Husserl Edmund philosopher.

52. Beaver Cemetery, Battery Rock, Hardin Co., IL.
11, 1876 March 23, 1918. Rutherfor, Josie Beavers 1884 - 1964. whittaker,edmund F. 1880 1939. Beavers, Felix April 23, 1897 - April 8, 1961.
Beaver Cemetery, Battery Rock, Hardin Co., IL Edwards, William T. Ill. Sgt. U.S. Army WWII March 23, 1893 - April 29, 1958 Edwards, Mazie 1902 - 1962 Rutherford, Laura 1877 - 1939 Rutherford, Walter 1881 - 1964 Blair, Seba Ezra Ill. Ship's Cook 3 Cl. U.S. Coast Guard Res. Sept. 14, 1922 - March 31, 1944 Blair, Henry Harrison PFC US Army WWI Sept. 27, 1889 - Jan. 13, 1979 Edwards, Janice Yevonne Sept. 14, 1943 - July 25, 1945 Blair, Elva 1903 - 1961 McDowell, Virgil April 16, 1909 - Feb. 3, 1935 McDowell, W. Clement April 26, 1902 - July 8, 1969 McDowell, George C. Feb 11, 1888 - May 4, 1956 Scott, Margaret 1857 - 1933

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54. Welcome To Paul Edmund Norman's The Gateway
whittaker was looking very glum. Did you tell Lord Alloa what has happened? he asked. No? Besides, said whittaker, there is the post.
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The Thirty-Nine Steps
'Nonsense!' said the official from the Admiralty.
Sir Walter got up and left the room while we looked blankly at the table. He came back in ten minutes with a long face. 'I have spoken to Alloa,' he said. 'Had him out of bed - very grumpy. He went straight home after Mulross's dinner.'
'But it's madness,' broke in General Winstanley. 'Do you mean to tell me that that man came here and sat beside me for the best part of half an hour and that I didn't detect the imposture? Alloa
must be out of his mind.' 'Don't you see the cleverness of it?' I said. 'You were too interested in other things to have any eyes. You took Lord Alloa for granted. If it had been anybody else you might have looked more closely, but it was natural for him to be here, and that put you all to sleep.'
Then the Frenchman spoke, very slowly and in good English.
'The young man is right. His psychology is good. Our enemies have not been foolish!'
He bent his wise brows on the assembly.

55. Welcome To Paul Edmund Norman's The Gateway
Royer dines with my Chief, and then comes to my house where four people willsee him whittaker from the The same with whittaker till he meets Royer.
Home Features Book Reviews Stories ... Contact
The Coming of the Black Stone
I came down to breakfast next morning, after eight hours of blessed dreamless sleep, to find Sir Walter decoding a telegram in the midst of muffins and marmalade. His fresh rosiness of yesterday seemed a thought tarnished.
'I had a busy hour on the telephone after you went to bed,' he said. 'I got my Chief to speak to the First Lord and the Secretary for War, and they are bringing Royer over a day sooner. This wire clinches it. He will be in London at five. Odd that the code word for a SOUS-CHEF D/ETAT MAJOR-GENERAL should be "Porker".'
He directed me to the hot dishes and went on.
'Not that I think it will do much good. If your friends were clever enough to find out the first arrangement they are clever enough to discover the change. I would give my head to know where the leak is. We believed there were only five men in England who knew about Royer's visit, and you may be certain there were fewer in France, for they manage these things better there.'
While I ate he continued to talk, making me to my surprise a present of his full confidence.

56. Literatur-Auswahl Zur Geschichte
Translate this page whittaker, edmund A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity,I. The Classical Theories, II. The Modern Theories oO 1987
Literatur-Auswahl zur Geschichte der Elektrotechnik und Elektrifizierung
Johannsen, Hans Rudolf: Eine Chronologie der Entdeckungen und Erfindungen vom Bernstein zum Mikroprozessor, 2. Aufl. Berlin und Offenbach 1987 (= Geschichte der Elektrotechnik Bd. 3). Dummer, G. W. A.: Electronic Inventions and Discoveries. Electronics from its earliest beginnings to the present day, 4. verb. Aufl. Bristol und Philadelphia 1997. Voigt, Heinrich: Nachdenkliches und Heiteres aus den ersten Jahrzehnten der Elektrotechnik, Leipzig 1925. Mottelay, Paul Fleury: Bibliographical history of electricity and magnetism, London 1922. Whittaker, Edmund: A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity, I. The Classical Theories, II. The Modern Theories o.O. 1987 (= The History of Modern Physics 1800-1950, Bd. 7, I. und II., Reprint von 1951 und 1954). Kaiser, Walter: Theorien der Elektrodynamik im 19. Jahrhundert, Hildesheim 1981. Schoen, Lothar: Die Elektrotechnik. Die Entstehung des Begriffs und der Wandel seiner Bedeutung, in: Wessel, Horst A. (Hg.): Energie - Information - Innovation. 100 Jahre Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker (8.VDE-Kolloquium), Offenbach und Berlin 1993 (= Geschichte der Elektrotechnik, Bd. 12, S. 13-24.

57. [] Namensregister U Bis Z
Translate this page John Archibald () - amerik. Physiker, Quantenphysik whittaker, edmund Taylor() - Mathematiker Wiclif (Wyclif), John (um 1330-1384) - engl.
Urey, Harold Clayton (1893-1981) - amerik. Chemiker, entdeckte 1932 den schweren Wasserstoff (Deuterium) und war an der Entwicklung der Atombombe beteiligt; 1934 NP (C)
Uyeshiba, Morihei
Velikovsky, Immanuel (1895-1979) - russ. Astronom
Verne, Jules (1828-1905) - franz. Schriftsteller; Jurastudium; schrieb als erster utopische
Vinci, Leonardo da
(1452-1519) - ital. Maler, Bildhauer, Architekt, Kunsttheoretiker, Naturforscher, Erfinder u. Universalgenie
Virchow, Rudolf
Voll, Dr. Reinhard
Volta, Prof. Alessandro Graf
Waddington, Conrad (1905-1975) - engl. Biologe
Wagner, Richard
Washington, George Watkins, Alfred Watt, James (1736-1819) - schott. Erfinder u. Mechaniker; erfand die erste verwendbare Dampfmaschine, die Kopierpresse, den Dampfkondensator, u.w. Watson, James Dewey (1928) - amerik. Biochemiker, entw. mit Crick das Doppelhelix-Modell (Watson-Crick-Modell) der DNS, 1962 NP (M) Watson, J.B. (1878-1958) - amerik. Psychologe Watson, Lyall Watzlawick, Paul Weigel, Valentin (1533-1588) - dt. ev. Theologe u. Mystiker, seine Schriften zeigen eine mit naturphilosophischen Ideen bereicherte Aneignung der Mystik des Paracelsus u. J. Tauler, er gilt als Inspirant von

58. Further Reading
0875482023. 1988. AKT Assis. Amazon. Borders. whittaker, edmund. A History ofthe Theories of Aether and Electricity. 0486261263. Dover. AKT Assis. Newton,Isaac.
APEIRON studies in infinite nature
The Bookshelf
Reader’s resource: editors’ favourites and reviewed titles Author/Editor Title ISBN/ASIN Edition Editor/Review Buy Online Mach, Ernst The Science of Mechanics A.K.T. Assis Amazon Borders Whittaker, Edmund A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity Dover A.K.T. Assis Newton, Isaac Mathematical principles of Natural Philosophy (Principia) U. Calif. A.K.T. Assis Newton, Isaac Opticks Dover, 1952 A.K.T. Assis Heath, Thomas L. Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements Dover, 1956 A.K.T. Assis Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions U. Chicago, 1996 A.K.T. Assis Pecker, Jean-Claude Understanding the Heavens: Thirty Centuries of Evolution of Ideas on the Universe Springer 2001 J.-C. Pecker Nesme-Ribes, Thuillier Histoire solaire et climatique Belin PLS 2000 J.-C. Pecker Hoyle, F., Burbidge, G., Narlikar, J. A Different Approach to Cosmology Cambridge UP 2000 J.-C. Pecker

59. Everest Challenge'98 - Mission And Timeline
In May 1998, via Sir edmund s South Col route, whittaker and a disabled Sherpa intendto create history by being the first disabled mountaineers to stand on
Everest Challenge '98
Mission and Timeline "Tom Whittaker's amputee-push to Mount Everest's summit may bethe last great challenge in Himalayan climbing." Greg Child EVEREST CHALLENGE '98 is an expedition to place
the first disabled mountaineers on the roof of the world. Background Highlights and Editorial-a short preview of Everest Challenge '98 Mission Everest Challenge '98
is a global initiative to assist the integration of people with disabilities. Everest Challenge '98 's mission is to make history and redefine the possible. But more important; it is the inspiration to create a legacy for disabled children. Via the Internet, in schools world wide, Everest Challenge '98 is opening the hearts and minds of children to the capabilities of their disabled peers through inspiration and leadership. Everest Challenge Summit Climb. April -May 1998 Mount Everest was first climbed in 1953 by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. Since it's discovery as the highest mountain in the world, Everest remained aloof for more than 100 years. Since then some 600 people have stood on her summit. No longer do we climb in hob-nail boots and Norfolk jackets, and to some the challenge seems diminished. However, for a disabled mountaineer, technology has not reduced the challenge; it has brought it into reach. In May 1998, via Sir Edmund's South Col route, Whittaker and a disabled Sherpa intend to create history by being the first disabled mountaineers to stand on the roof of the world. The magnitude of this undertaking was summed up by Greg Child, who partnered Tom on the North Ridge in 1995. He said "Tom's amputee push to Everest's summit may be the last great challenge in Himalayan climbing."

60. De Edmund Burke Stichting
Lokatie home conservatisme denkers whittaker Chambers Auteur webmasterDatum edmund Burke Stichting Postbus 10498 2501 HL Den Haag T +31 (0)70


De Stichting
... Denkers
conservatisme - denkers
Whittaker Chambers, Witness (1952)
The rags that fell from me were not only Communism. What fell was the whole web of the materialist modern mind – the luminous shroud which it has spun about the spirit of man, paralyzing in the name of rationalism the instinct of his soul for God, denying in the name of knowledge the reality of the soul and its birthright in that mystery on which mere knowledge falters and shatters at every step. If I had rejected only Communism, I would have rejected only one political expression of the modern mind, the most logical because the most brutal in enforcing the myth of man’s material perfectibility, the most persuasive because the least hypocritical in announcing its purpose and forcibly removing the obstacles to it. Tijdens een met veel publiciteit omgeven plechtigheid in het Witte Huis werd op 26 maart 1984 door president Reagan postuum aan Whittaker Chambers (1901-1961) de Medal of Freedom , de hoogste onderscheiding voor Amerikaanse burgers, toegekend. Ronald Reagan heeft er nooit een geheim van gemaakt dat lezing van Chambers’ Witness (1952) een grote invloed heeft gehad op zijn ontwikkeling van New Deal liberal tot conservatief politicus. In zijn eerste autobiografie, Where's the Rest of Me?

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