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21. Whittaker, Edmund (Bob) : Scott's End edmund (Bob) whittaker. Born. Died. Parents. Siblings. Children. Married. Date. Place. Dale O'Brien. Remarks. Source References Record No 875. Created on 98.10.28 and last updated on 98.10.28 . http://myweb.absa.co.za/mike.sw/0875.HTM | |
22. Whittaker Translate this page whittaker, edmund Taylor. 1873-1956. whittaker es conocido por sutrabajo en el Análisis, en particular Análisis Numérico, pero http://www.sectormatematica.cl/biografias/whittaker.htm | |
23. Untitled Course of modern analysis Allis 410 whittaker, edmund From Euclid to Eddington; a study of conceptions of the external world Allis 042 whittaker, edmund History of the theories of http://www.psfc.mit.edu/library/Allis_collection.txt |
24. References For Whittaker References for edmund Taylor whittaker. Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography(New York 19701990). A Erdélyi, Sir edmund whittaker, 1873-1956, Math. http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/~DZ382D.htm | |
25. Biografia De Whittaker, Sir Edmund Taylor Translate this page whittaker, sir edmund Taylor. (Birkdale, 1873-?, 1956) Matemático británico.Profesor en la Universidad de Edimburgo, sus investigaciones http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/w/whittaker.htm | |
26. Biographie.net - Letra W whittaker, edmund Taylor www.mat.usach.cl/histmat/html/whit.html; Wickremasinghe,Ranil www.cidob.org/bios/castellano/lideres/w023.htm; http://biographie.net/es/w.html | |
27. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Edmund Whittaker edmund Taylor whittaker Biography According to our current online database,edmund whittaker has 4 students and 1010 descendants. http://www.genealogy.ams.org/html/id.phtml?id=18571 |
28. Whittaker Prize SIR edmund whittaker MEMORIAL PRIZE. Members of the Edinburgh Mathematical Societyare invited to make nominations for the Prize to be awarded in October 2001. http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~ems/whittaker.html | |
29. Descendants Of Edmund Joyce 4. 7. MARTHA 4 JOYCE (JOHN H. 3 , JAMES 2 , edmund 1 ) was born 1899 in LaCrosse,Wis., and died 1990 in Washington, Iowa. She married MARTIN whittaker. http://www.fjsmjs.com/Mary/edmundjoyce.htm | |
30. Descendents Of JohnLynch Children of JOHN JOYCE and LOUISA MUELLER are i. edmund 4 JOYCE, b. 1897, LaCrosse,Wis.; d. 1979, Galesburg, IL. 7. ii. She married MARTIN whittaker. http://www.fjsmjs.com/Mary/johnlynch.htm | |
31. All Individuals - Pafg710 - Generated By Personal Ancestral File Rev. edmund whittaker.edmund married Maria EARP. Maria EARP was born in 1775. Shedied on 26 May 1829. She married Rev. edmund whittaker. Other marriages http://www.airgale.com.au/individuals/pafg710.htm | |
32. Knowledge ª¾ÃѺô "´f¯S§J Whittaker, Sir Edmund Taylor (1873.10.24~1956. The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.knowledge.idv.tw/Document.asp?DocumentNo=10731 |
33. Whittaker | Sir | Edmund Taylor | 1873-1956 | Mathematician whittaker Sir edmund Taylor 18731956 mathematician.Faculty of Science Minute Book (1943-1949). http://www.nahste.ac.uk/pers/w/GB_0237_NAHSTE_P2210/ | |
34. St Edmund Hall, Oxford Robert whittaker. Qualifications. MA (B.Sc. Position. Dean; Reader in Biogeographyand Tutor in Geography. Email. robert.whittaker@geography.ox.ac.uk. http://www.seh.ox.ac.uk/index.cfm?do=view_fellow&fellowID=30 |
35. Sir Edmund Hillary And The Legends Of Modern Climbing History Sir edmund Hillary he and Tenzing Norgay were the first people to reach the meterswhen he reached the summit of Annapurna in 1950 Lou whittaker has 234 http://classic.mountainzone.com/climbing/himalayan/ | |
36. MAGNETIC THERAPY LTD - Low Level Radiation Protectection 1 whittaker, edmund T. On the partial differential equations of mathematicalphysics. Mathematische Annalen. Volume 57, 1903. p. 354. http://www.magnetictherapy.co.uk/main.asp?sitepages=ADR-Protect |
37. Sir Edmund Whittaker Textbooks Textbooks & Books Price Comparison - Direct Textb File 81 Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE Son of edmund WESTON (16601727) and Rebecca SOULE (1656-1732) b. 16 Dec 1690 Daughterof William whittaker (1658-) and Sarah EMERSON (1665-1702) b. 7 Apr 1698 http://www.directtextbook.com/author/sir-edmund-whittaker | |
38. Error 500 Engineering, Author whittaker, edmund Taylor, Title A history of the theoriesof aether and electricity, Author whittaker, edmund Taylor,, Title http://taulib1.tau.ac.il/F/?func=find-c&CCL_TERM=WTI=(history electricity) AND W |
39. Angewandte, Numerische Mathematik Translate this page Ann 15, whittaker, edmund T., Robinson, George, The calculus of observations A treatiseon numerical mathematics, London Blackie 1944, 4.ed. XV,397 Sm.Abb.u.Tab. http://www.sternwarte.uni-erlangen.de/~ailib/buch/ann.html | |
40. George Edmund Whittaker/Wilma Helen O'Keefe Husband George edmund whittaker Born at Married at Died atFather Mother Other Spouses NOTES Wife Wilma Helen O Keefe http://www.ronulrich.com/rfuged/fam08535.htm | |
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