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61. I20074: Anne AMUNDSDATTER (3 Feb 1778 - BEF 1865) Christoffersdatter GRAAE _+ INDEX. HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5eWIN95(Sep 26 1998) on 02/13/2004 020932 . caspar VON wessel. 1693 - 1768. http://home.online.no/~nermo/slekt/d0022/g0000019.html | |
62. Untitled Document It was only in 1787 that a Norwegian surveyor named caspar wessel came up withthe idea of a 90degree rotation for i, and the resulting diagram above. http://www.sas.org/E-Bulletin/2003-10-17/features/body.html | |
63. Caspar Wessel Article on caspar wessel from WorldHistory.com, licensed from Wikipedia, the freeencyclopedia. Return to World History (home) Main Article Index caspar wessel. http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/C/Caspar-Wessel.htm | |
64. Peter Wessel's Nettsted - Kontakt vår wesselfamilie og den berømte som fostret folk som kontreadmiral Peter wesselTordenskjold, Norges første matematiker caspar wessel, dikteren Johan http://peter.wesselinfo.net/slekt.asp | |
65. Stubljan Dette skrev den store dikter riktignok om en annen bror karttegneren,juristen og matematikeren - caspar wessel. To av tre brødre http://home.chello.no/~arthur.danielsen/rosenkra.htm |
66. Biography-center - Letter W wessel, caspar wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/wessel.html;Wessig, Gerd www.olympic.org/uk/athletes/heroes/bio_uk.asp?PAR_I_ID=42203; http://www.biography-center.com/w.html | |
67. Historiemagasinet SIDEN SAXO Nr 1, 2000 caspar wessel landmåler og matematiker Familien wessel er mest kendt for familiemedlemmernePeter og Johan Herman, der gjorde sig bemærkede indenfor http://www.sa.dk/lak/saxo/glnumre/100.htm | |
68. Dr. Thomas Wessel Und Charles Hill, Nordstern Art Service Ltd., London Translate this page Dr. wessel, Leiter der Nordstern Kunstversicherung Vertrieb und Service international,und Lobby haben - zB die Diebe des unversicherten caspar David Friedrich http://www.gdv.de/presseservice/13554.htm | |
69. Fiche Document -Around Caspar Wessel And The Geometric Representation Of Complex Translate this page Congrès - Cote 00024387 - (disponible) Around caspar wessel and the geometricrepresentation of complex numbers proceedings of the wessel symposium at the http://bibli.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/Document.htm&numrec=031130113931290 | |
70. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results with his wife, son out by the Norwegian mathematician caspar wessel(17451818) and by Gauss when, in 1806, an anonymous http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_dictiona |
71. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab: Seneste Udgivelser Titel. Pris (price). 46. caspar wessel. On the Analytical Representation of Direction. 500DKK. 462. Around caspar wessel and the Geometric Representation. http://www.royalacademy.dk/pubs.htm |
72. FoCuS Ås: Homepage caspar is named for Norway s first mathematician, caspar wessel,who was born at Vestby, right south of Ås in 1745. He was the http://focus.nlh.no/ | |
73. Wessel 29. 32.6. caspar von wessel Født 1 nov. 1693 30,2 . Død 9 sep. Gift 1° medEichsted; Gift 2° 1721 med caspar von wessel (1 nov. 1693 9 sep. 1768). http://www.nose.dk/Norge/wessel.html | |
74. Wessel Selv om caspar wessel hverken var landmåler eller matematiker af uddannelse, vardet faktisk med den nævnte afhandling lykkedes for ham ! som den første ! http://www.tornbjerg-gym.dk/dengodehistorie/historier/historierMatematik/wessel. | |
75. Legacy Report Anna married caspar Diedrich Hoffman . 22 M ii. Herman wessel Brockelmann was bornon 3 Nov 1676 in Dortmund. Sixth Generation (3rd Great Grandchildren). 12. http://www.groen-breukelman.nl/thoebrockel.htm | |
76. SmartPedia.com - Free Online Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Books. caspar Peucer, caspar Schoppe, caspar Schwenkfeld. caspar W. Weinberger,caspar Weinberger, caspar wessel. Caspase, Casper, Casper, Wyoming. http://www.smartpedia.com/smart/browse/Special:Allpages&from=Carson_McCullers | |
77. ×ÔÈ»¿Æѧ¡¢ÊýÀí»¯ 1998 Copenhagen, Denmark) invited papers (Matematiskfysiske Meddelelser / DetKongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab; 462), wessel, caspar, Copenhagen CA http://www.nlc.gov.cn/newpage/info/books/wwxs/2002/3/nature4.htm | |
78. I12707: Rune Bertelsen (29 JAN 1959 - ) Trond wessel Thorbjørnsen Birth 16 DEC 1955. Father Nordal Thorbjørn wesselThorbjørnsen Mother caspar Kruse Kielland Birth 26 NOV 1852; Death 1 DEC 1934. http://www.ronneberg.org/ron/D0002/G0000032.html | |
79. W: Wells-Wiese Translate this page wessel, Brown, Holger Fredrik, prest, 5 108, 7 222. wessel, caspar,5 72f., 8 297, 9 248. wessel, Christiane Louise Ambrosia, 20 240. http://www.genealogi.no/nst_reg/w/w-1a.htm | |
80. Begynneropplæringen Betegning 17981998 / caspar wessel; med en biografisk skisse av Nils VojeJohansen, wesselakademiets småskrifter; nr 1, wesselakademiet, Vestby. http://www.caspar.no/visuelle/avbildninger/litteratur.html | |
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