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         Weierstrass Karl:     more books (64)
  1. Fast Solution of Discretized Optimization Problems: Workshop Held at the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, May 8-12, ... Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 138)
  2. High five: Catholic mathematicians by Herbert Janson, 1995
  3. L²-index of elliptic operators on manifolds with cusps of rank one (Report) by Werner Müller, 1985
  4. On spline approximation for a class of non-compact integral equations (Report) by Johannes Elschner, 1988
  5. MSE-comparisons between restricted least squares, mixed, and weighted mixed estimators with special emphasize [i.e. emphasis] to nested restrictions (Report) by Helge Toutenburg, 1988
  6. Infinite-dimensional supermanifolds. I (Report) by Thomas Schmitt, 1988
  7. Mellin techniques in the numerical analysis for one-dimensional singular integral equation (Report) by Siegfried Prössdorf, 1988

81. VEDA
9.9. MATEMATIKOVÉ V HISTORII karl Theodor Wilhelm weierstrass Jirí Svršek narozen31. ríjna 1815 v Ostenfelde, Bavorsko (nyní Nemecko) zemrel 19.
Nedìle 9.9.2001
Svátek má Daniela
Biologie a pøíroda




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Alena Marešová Neviditelný pes již pøed èasem uveøejnil dotazník paní doktorky Marešové z Institutu pro kriminologii a sociální prevenci v Praze, týkající se extremismu. Nyní vás znovu prosí o pomoc. Institut pro kriminologii a sociální prevenci se t.è. zabývá trestnou èinností policistù - jejími pøíèinami, nezbytnými podmínkami její existence a možnostmi její redukce. Dílèím úkolem je zjištìní, jak v souèasnosti policii a policisty vnímá veøejnost a odborná veøejnost. Ze zkušených pracovníkù justice a policie byl vytvoøen soubor expertù, jejichž názory budou zpracovány a interpretovány zvl᚝ .Vzhledem k vynikajícím zkušenostem ze sbìru názorù prostøednictvím dotazníkù pøedložených internetové èásti veøejnosti, také v tomto pøípadì jsem zpracovala krátký dotazník a prosím uživatele internetu o jeho vyplnìní.
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43. semináøe Spoleènosti pro talent a nadání - ECHA:

82. References For Weierstrass
Translate this page Books H Behnke and K Kopfermann (eds.), Festschrift zur Gedächtnisfeier für karlweierstrass (Cologne-Opladen, 1966). R Bölling, karl weierstrass-zum 100.
References for Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990).
  • Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Books:
  • H Behnke and K Kopfermann (eds.), (Cologne-Opladen, 1966).
  • A photo album for Weierstrass (Braunschweig, 1994).
  • Briefwechsel zwischen Karl Weierstrass und Sofja Kowalewskaja (Berlin, 1993).
  • P Ya Kochina, Karl Weierstrass, 1815-1897 (Russian), Nauka (Moscow, 1985).
  • P Ya Kochina, Letters from Karl Weierstrass to Sofja Kovalevskaja: 1871-1891 (German and Russian), Nauka (Moscow, 1973).
  • K Richter, Weierstrass, in H Wussing and W Arnold, Biographien bedeutender Mathematiker (Berlin, 1983). Articles:
  • H Behnke, Karl Weierstrass und seine Schule, in H Behnke and K Kopfermann (eds.), (Cologne-Opladen, 1966), 13-40.
  • Praxis Math.
  • K-R Biermann, K Weierstrass und A v Humboldt, Monatsb. Deutsch. Akad. Wiss. Berlin
  • K-R Biermann, Kontroversen um den Steiner-Preis und ihre Folgen : Ein Kapitel aus den Beziehungen zwischen Weierstrass und Kronecker, Historia Sci. No.
  • 83. Weierstrass
    karl weierstrass s father, Wilhelm weierstrass, was secretary to the mayor ofOstenfelde at the time of karl s birth. A quotation by karl weierstrass.
    Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass
    Born: 31 Oct 1815 in Ostenfelde, Bavaria (now Germany)
    Died: 19 Feb 1897 in Berlin, Germany
    Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index
    (Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Karl Weierstrass 's father, Wilhelm Weierstrass, was secretary to the mayor of Ostenfelde at the time of Karl's birth. Wilhelm Weierstrass was a well educated man who had a broad knowledge of the arts and of the sciences. He certainly was well capable of attaining higher positions than he did, and this attitude may have been one of the reasons that Karl Weierstrass's early career was in posts well below his outstanding ability. Weierstrass's mother was Theodora Vonderforst and Karl was the eldest of Theodora and Wilhelm's four children, none of whom married. Wilhelm Weierstrass became a tax inspector when Karl was eight years old. This job involved him in only spending short periods in any one place so Karl frequently moved from school to school as the family moved around Prussia. In 1827 Karl's mother Theodora died and one year later his father Wilhelm remarried. By 1829 Wilhelm Weierstrass had become an assistant at the main tax office in Paderborn, and Karl entered the Catholic Gymnasium there. Weierstrass excelled at the Gymnasium despite having to take on a part-time job as a bookkeeper to help out the family finances. While at the Gymnasium Weierstrass certainly reached a level of mathematical competence far beyond what would have been expected. He regularly read

    84. QA3 B45 V.2 ,1902, Beltrami, Eugenio, 1835-1900 , Opere
    weierstrass,karl, 1815-1897. , Mathematische werke von karl weierstrass.
    "QA3 B45 v.2",1902,"Beltrami, Eugenio, 1835-1900","Opere matematiche. Pubblicate per cura della Facolta di scienze della R. Universita di Roma." "QA3 B45 v.4",1902,"Beltrami, Eugenio, 1835-1900","Opere matematiche. Pubblicate per cura della Facolta di scienze della R. Universita di Roma." "QA3 B45 v.3",1902,"Beltrami, Eugenio, 1835-1900","Opere matematiche. Pubblicate per cura della Facolta di scienze della R. Universita di Roma." "QA3 B45 v.1",1902,"Beltrami, Eugenio, 1835-1900","Opere matematiche. Pubblicate per cura della Facolta di scienze della R. Universita di Roma." "QA3 B48 v.2",1903,"Betti, Enrico, 1823-1892","Opere matematiche. Pubblicate per cura della R. Accademia de'Lincei." "QA3 B48 v.1",1903,"Betti, Enrico, 1823-1892","Opere matematiche. Pubblicate per cura della R. Accademia de'Lincei." "QA3 B85 v.2",1901,"Brioschi, Francesco, 1824-1897.","Opere matematiche di Francesco Brioschi. Pubblicate per cura del comitato per le onoranze a Francesc" "QA3 B85 v.1",1901,"Brioschi, Francesco, 1824-1897.","Opere matematiche di Francesco Brioschi. Pubblicate per cura del comitato per le onoranze a Francesc" "QA3 B85 v.3",1901,"Brioschi, Francesco, 1824-1897.","Opere matematiche di Francesco Brioschi. Pubblicate per cura del comitato per le onoranze a Francesc" "QA3 B85 v.5",1901,"Brioschi, Francesco, 1824-1897.","Opere matematiche di Francesco Brioschi. Pubblicate per cura del comitato per le onoranze a Francesc" "QA3 B85 v.4",1901,"Brioschi, Francesco, 1824-1897.","Opere matematiche di Francesco Brioschi. Pubblicate per cura del comitato per le onoranze a Francesc" "QA3 B85 v.2",1901,"Brioschi, Francesco, 1824-1897.","Opere matematiche di Francesco Brioschi. Pubblicate per cura del comitato per le onoranze a Francesc" "QA3 C298 Pt. 1 V. 1",1952,"Cartan, Elie, 1869-1951.","?uvres completes. " "QA3 C298 Pt. 3 V. 2",1952,"Cartan, Elie, 1869-1951.","?uvres completes. " "QA3 C298 Pt. 2 V. 2",1952,"Cartan, Elie, 1869-1951.","?uvres completes. " "QA3 C298 Pt. 1 V. 2",1952,"Cartan, Elie, 1869-1951.","?uvres completes. " "QA3 C298 Pt. 3 V. 1",1952,"Cartan, Elie, 1869-1951.","?uvres completes. " "QA3 C298 Pt. 2 V. 1",1952,"Cartan, Elie, 1869-1951.","?uvres completes. " "QA3 C35 ser.2 v.6",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.1;v.9",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.1;v.11",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.1;v.4",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.1;v.2",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.1;v.7",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.2;v.11",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.2;v.9",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.2;v.7",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.2;v.5",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.2;v.3",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.1;v.12",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.1;v.10",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.1;v.8",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.1;v.6",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.1;v.5",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.1;v.3",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.1;v.1",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.2;v.4",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.2;v.10",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.2;v.8",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C35 ser.2;v.1",1882,"Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron, 1789-1857.","Oeuvres completes d'Augustin Cauchy / publiees sous la direction scientifique de l'Academie des s" "QA3 C4 v.1",1889,"Cayley, Arthur, 1821-1895.","The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley. " "QA3 C4 v.2",1889,"Cayley, Arthur, 1821-1895.","The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley. " "QA3 C4 v.6",1889,"Cayley, Arthur, 1821-1895.","The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley. " "QA3 C4 v.9",1889,"Cayley, Arthur, 1821-1895.","The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley. " "QA3 C4 v.13",1889,"Cayley, Arthur, 1821-1895.","The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley. " "QA3 C4 v.11",1889,"Cayley, Arthur, 1821-1895.","The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley. " "QA3 C4 v.7",1889,"Cayley, Arthur, 1821-1895.","The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley. " "QA3 C4 v.4",1889,"Cayley, Arthur, 1821-1895.","The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley. " "QA3 C4 v.5",1889,"Cayley, Arthur, 1821-1895.","The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley. " "QA3 C4 v.3",1889,"Cayley, Arthur, 1821-1895.","The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley. " "QA3 C4 v.8",1889,"Cayley, Arthur, 1821-1895.","The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley. " "QA3 C4 v.12",1889,"Cayley, Arthur, 1821-1895.","The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley. " "QA3 C4 v.10",1889,"Cayley, Arthur, 1821-1895.","The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley. " "QA3 C42 Suppl.",1898,"Cayley, Arthur, 1821-1895","The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley. Supplementary volume, containing titles of paper" "QA3 D44 V. 2",1930,"Dedekind, Richard, 1831-1916.","Gesammelte mathematische Werke, hrsg. von Robert Fricke, Emmy Noether [und] Oystein Ore." "QA3 D44 V. 1",1930,"Dedekind, Richard, 1831-1916.","Gesammelte mathematische Werke, hrsg. von Robert Fricke, Emmy Noether [und] Oystein Ore." "QA3 D44 V. 3",1930,"Dedekind, Richard, 1831-1916.","Gesammelte mathematische Werke, hrsg. von Robert Fricke, Emmy Noether [und] Oystein Ore." "QA3 H36",1959,"Hecke, Erich, 1887-1947.","Mathematische Werke. Hrsg. im Auftrage der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen." "QA3 H55 V. 3",1905,"Hermite, Charles, 1822-1901.","?uvres de Charles Hermite, publiees sous les auspices de l'Academie des sciences, par Emile Pica" "QA3 H55 V. 4",1905,"Hermite, Charles, 1822-1901.","?uvres de Charles Hermite, publiees sous les auspices de l'Academie des sciences, par Emile Pica" "QA3 H55 V. 1",1905,"Hermite, Charles, 1822-1901.","?uvres de Charles Hermite, publiees sous les auspices de l'Academie des sciences, par Emile Pica" "QA3 H55 V. 2",1905,"Hermite, Charles, 1822-1901.","?uvres de Charles Hermite, publiees sous les auspices de l'Academie des sciences, par Emile Pica" "QA3 H87 V. 1",1932,"Hurwitz, Adolf, 1859-1919.","Mathematische Werke. Hrsg. von der Abteilung fur Mathematik und Physik der Eidgenossischen Technis" "QA3 H87 V. 2",1932,"Hurwitz, Adolf, 1859-1919.","Mathematische Werke. Hrsg. von der Abteilung fur Mathematik und Physik der Eidgenossischen Technis" "QA3 J16 bd.1-2",1881,"Jacobi, C. G. J. (Carl Gustav Jakob), 1804-1851.","Gesammelte werke." "QA3 J16 bd.5-6",1881,"Jacobi, C. G. J. (Carl Gustav Jakob), 1804-1851.","Gesammelte werke." "QA3 J16 bd.7, + suppl.",1881,"Jacobi, C. G. J. (Carl Gustav Jakob), 1804-1851.","Gesammelte werke." "QA3 J16 bd.3-4",1881,"Jacobi, C. G. J. (Carl Gustav Jakob), 1804-1851.","Gesammelte werke." "QA3 K76 v.1",1895,"Kronecker, Leopold, 1823-1891.","Werke. Hrsg. auf Veranlassung der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, von K. Hensel" "QA3 K76 v.4",1895,"Kronecker, Leopold, 1823-1891.","Werke. Hrsg. auf Veranlassung der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, von K. Hensel" "QA3 K76 v.2",1895,"Kronecker, Leopold, 1823-1891.","Werke. Hrsg. auf Veranlassung der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, von K. Hensel" "QA3 K76 v.5",1895,"Kronecker, Leopold, 1823-1891.","Werke. Hrsg. auf Veranlassung der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, von K. Hensel" "QA3 K76 v.3 pt.2",1895,"Kronecker, Leopold, 1823-1891.","Werke. Hrsg. auf Veranlassung der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, von K. Hensel" "QA3 L5 V. 2 Pt.1",1922,"Lie, Sophus, 1842-1899.","Gesammelte Abhandlungen auf Grund einer Bewilligung aus dem Norwegischen Forschungsfonds von 1919 mi" "QA3 L5 V. 6 Pt.1",1922,"Lie, Sophus, 1842-1899.","Gesammelte Abhandlungen auf Grund einer Bewilligung aus dem Norwegischen Forschungsfonds von 1919 mi" "QA3 L5 V. 4",1922,"Lie, Sophus, 1842-1899.","Gesammelte Abhandlungen auf Grund einer Bewilligung aus dem Norwegischen Forschungsfonds von 1919 mi" "QA3 L5 V. 2 Pt.2",1922,"Lie, Sophus, 1842-1899.","Gesammelte Abhandlungen auf Grund einer Bewilligung aus dem Norwegischen Forschungsfonds von 1919 mi" "QA3 L5 V. 1",1922,"Lie, Sophus, 1842-1899.","Gesammelte Abhandlungen auf Grund einer Bewilligung aus dem Norwegischen Forschungsfonds von 1919 mi" "QA3 L5 V. 3",1922,"Lie, Sophus, 1842-1899.","Gesammelte Abhandlungen auf Grund einer Bewilligung aus dem Norwegischen Forschungsfonds von 1919 mi" "QA3 L5 V. 5",1922,"Lie, Sophus, 1842-1899.","Gesammelte Abhandlungen auf Grund einer Bewilligung aus dem Norwegischen Forschungsfonds von 1919 mi" "QA3 L5 V. 6 Pt.2",1922,"Lie, Sophus, 1842-1899.","Gesammelte Abhandlungen auf Grund einer Bewilligung aus dem Norwegischen Forschungsfonds von 1919 mi" "QA3 M64 V. 2",1885,"Mobius, August Ferdinand, 1790-1868.","Gesammelte Werke. Hrsg. auf Veranlassung der Koniglichen Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaft" "QA3 M64 V. 1",1885,"Mobius, August Ferdinand, 1790-1868.","Gesammelte Werke. Hrsg. auf Veranlassung der Koniglichen Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaft" "QA3 M64 V. 3",1885,"Mobius, August Ferdinand, 1790-1868.","Gesammelte Werke. Hrsg. auf Veranlassung der Koniglichen Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaft" "QA3 M64 V. 4",1885,"Mobius, August Ferdinand, 1790-1868.","Gesammelte Werke. Hrsg. auf Veranlassung der Koniglichen Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaft" "QA3 R3",1927,"Ramanujan Aiyangar, Srinivasa, 1887-1920.","Collected papers of Srinivasa Ramanujan. " "QA3 R5514 1898",1898,"Riemann, Bernhard, 1826-1866.","Oeuvres mathematiques de Riemann / traduites par L. Laugel ; avec une pref de M. Hermite et un dis" "QA3 S98 V. 2",1904,"Sylvester, James Joseph, 1814-1897.","The collected mathematical papers of James Joseph Sylvester ..." "QA3 S98 V. 3",1904,"Sylvester, James Joseph, 1814-1897.","The collected mathematical papers of James Joseph Sylvester ..." "QA3 S98 V. 1",1904,"Sylvester, James Joseph, 1814-1897.","The collected mathematical papers of James Joseph Sylvester ..." "QA3 S98 V. 4",1904,"Sylvester, James Joseph, 1814-1897.","The collected mathematical papers of James Joseph Sylvester ..." "QA3 W35 V. 2",1894,"Weierstrass, Karl, 1815-1897.","Mathematische werke von Karl Weierstrass. Herausgegeben unter mitwirkung einer von der Koniglich pr" "QA3 W35 V. 7",1894,"Weierstrass, Karl, 1815-1897.","Mathematische werke von Karl Weierstrass. Herausgegeben unter mitwirkung einer von der Koniglich pr" "QA3 W35 V. 5",1894,"Weierstrass, Karl, 1815-1897.","Mathematische werke von Karl Weierstrass. Herausgegeben unter mitwirkung einer von der Koniglich pr" "QA3 W35 V. 3",1894,"Weierstrass, Karl, 1815-1897.","Mathematische werke von Karl Weierstrass. Herausgegeben unter mitwirkung einer von der Koniglich pr" "QA3 W35 V. 1",1894,"Weierstrass, Karl, 1815-1897.","Mathematische werke von Karl Weierstrass. Herausgegeben unter mitwirkung einer von der Koniglich pr" "QA3 W35 V. 4",1894,"Weierstrass, Karl, 1815-1897.","Mathematische werke von Karl Weierstrass. Herausgegeben unter mitwirkung einer von der Koniglich pr" "QA3 W35 V. 6",1894,"Weierstrass, Karl, 1815-1897.","Mathematische werke von Karl Weierstrass. Herausgegeben unter mitwirkung einer von der Koniglich pr" "QA4 F35 1891 V. 1",1891,"Fermat, Pierre de, 1601-1665.","Oeuvres de Fermat : publiees par les soins de MM. Paul Tannery et Charles Henry sous les auspices d" "QA4 F35 1891 Supplmt.",1891,"Fermat, Pierre de, 1601-1665.","Oeuvres de Fermat : publiees par les soins de MM. Paul Tannery et Charles Henry sous les auspices d" "QA4 F35 1891 V. 4",1891,"Fermat, Pierre de, 1601-1665.","Oeuvres de Fermat : publiees par les soins de MM. Paul Tannery et Charles Henry sous les auspices d" "QA4 F35 1891 V. 2",1891,"Fermat, Pierre de, 1601-1665.","Oeuvres de Fermat : publiees par les soins de MM. Paul Tannery et Charles Henry sous les auspices d" "QA4 F35 1891 V. 3",1891,"Fermat, Pierre de, 1601-1665.","Oeuvres de Fermat : publiees par les soins de MM. Paul Tannery et Charles Henry sous les auspices d" "QA5 E5313 1988 v.1",1988,"Matematicheskai?a? ?nt?s?iklopedii?a?. English.","Encyclopaedia of mathematics : an updated and annotated translation of the Soviet ""Mathematical ency" "QA5 E5313 1988 v.8",1988,"Matematicheskai?a? ?nt?s?iklopedii?a?. English.","Encyclopaedia of mathematics : an updated and annotated translation of the Soviet ""Mathematical ency" "QA5 E5313 1988 v.10 (index)",1988,"Matematicheskai?a? ?nt?s?iklopedii?a?. English.","Encyclopaedia of mathematics : an updated and annotated translation of the Soviet ""Mathematical ency" "QA5 E5313 1988 v.6",1988,"Matematicheskai?a? ?nt?s?iklopedii?a?. English.","Encyclopaedia of mathematics : an updated and annotated translation of the Soviet ""Mathematical ency" "QA5 E5313 1988 STANDING ORDER:V.1 ONWARDS",1988,"Matematicheskai?a? ?nt?s?iklopedii?a?. English.","Encyclopaedia of mathematics : an updated and annotated translation of the Soviet ""Mathematical ency" "QA5 E5313 1988 v.4",1988,"Matematicheskai?a? ?nt?s?iklopedii?a?. English.","Encyclopaedia of mathematics : an updated and annotated translation of the Soviet ""Mathematical ency" "QA5 E5313 1988 v.9",1988,"Matematicheskai?a? ?nt?s?iklopedii?a?. English.","Encyclopaedia of mathematics : an updated and annotated translation of the Soviet ""Mathematical ency" "QA5 E5313 1988 v.7",1988,"Matematicheskai?a? ?nt?s?iklopedii?a?. English.","Encyclopaedia of mathematics : an updated and annotated translation of the Soviet ""Mathematical ency" "QA5 E5313 1988 v.5",1988,"Matematicheskai?a? ?nt?s?iklopedii?a?. English.","Encyclopaedia of mathematics : an updated and annotated translation of the Soviet ""Mathematical ency" "QA5 E5313 1988 v.2",1988,"Matematicheskai?a? ?nt?s?iklopedii?a?. English.","Encyclopaedia of mathematics : an updated and annotated translation of the Soviet ""Mathematical ency" "QA5 E5313 1988 v.3",1988,"Matematicheskai?a? ?nt?s?iklopedii?a?. English.","Encyclopaedia of mathematics : an updated and annotated translation of the Soviet ""Mathematical ency" "QA5 E5313 1988 Suppl. v.2",1997,,"Encyclopaedia of mathematics. Supplement / [managing editor, M. Hazewinkel]." "QA5 E5313 1988 Suppl. STANDING ORDER:SUPPL.1 ONWARDS",1997,,"Encyclopaedia of mathematics. Supplement / [managing editor, M. Hazewinkel]." "QA5 E5313 1988 Suppl. v.3",1997,,"Encyclopaedia of mathematics. Supplement / [managing editor, M. Hazewinkel]." "QA5 E5313 1988 Suppl. v.1",1997,,"Encyclopaedia of mathematics. Supplement / [managing editor, M. Hazewinkel]." "QA29 A2 N5",1902,"Holst, Elling.","Niels Henrik Abel; memorial publie a l'occasion du centernaire de sa naissance." "QA36 E58 T.1;v.1;fasc.3",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.3;v.3;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.3;v.1;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.2;v.5;fasc.2",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.2;v.4;fasc.2",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.2;v.3;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.2;v.1;fasc.2",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.1;v.4;fasc.4",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.1;v.4;fasc.2",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.1;v.3;fasc.5",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.7;v.1;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.6;v.1;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.5;v.3;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.5;v.1;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.4;v.5;fasc.2",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.4;v.2;fasc.2",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.4;v.2;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.4;v.1;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.3;v.4;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.2;v.1;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.1;v.4;fasc.3",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.1;v.4;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.1;v.3;fasc.4",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.1;v.3;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.1;v.2;fasc.2",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.1;v.1;fasc.4",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.1;v.1;fasc.2",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.1;v.2;fasc.3",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.7;v.1;fasc.2",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.6;v.2;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.5;v.4;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.5;v.2;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.4;v.6;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.4;v.5;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.3;v.3;fasc.2",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.3;v.1;fasc.2",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.2;v.6;fasc.2",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.2;v.6;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.2;v.5;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.2;v.4;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.2;v.2;fasc.1",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.1;v.3;fasc.3",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA36 E58 T.1;v.2;fasc.4",1907,,"Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees publiee sous les auspices des acade" "QA155 B66",1907,"Bocher, Maxime, 1867-1918.","Introduction to higher algebra, by Maxime Bocher ... prepared for publication with the cooperation" "QA184 H87 1988",1988,"Huseyin Tevfik Pasa, 1832-1901.","Huseyin Tevfik Pasa ve ""Linear algebra"" / haz?rlayan, Kaz?m Cecen." "QA191 M863",1882,"Muir, Thomas, Sir, 1844-1934.","A treatise on the theory of determinants with graduated sets of exercises for use in college and sch" "QA191 M9 v.1",1890,"Muir, Thomas, Sir, 1844-1934.","The theory of determinants in the historical order of development / by Thomas Muir." "QA191 M92 V.1",1906,"Muir, Thomas, Sir, 1844-1934.","The Theory of determinants in the historical order of development / by Thomas Muir. " "QA191 M92 V.5",1906,"Muir, Thomas, Sir, 1844-1934.","The Theory of determinants in the historical order of development / by Thomas Muir. " "QA191 M92 V.3",1906,"Muir, Thomas, Sir, 1844-1934.","The Theory of determinants in the historical order of development / by Thomas Muir. " "QA191 M92 V.2",1906,"Muir, Thomas, Sir, 1844-1934.","The Theory of determinants in the historical order of development / by Thomas Muir. " "QA191 M92 V.4",1906,"Muir, Thomas, Sir, 1844-1934.","The Theory of determinants in the historical order of development / by Thomas Muir. " "QA191 S35",1880,"Scott, Robert Forsyth, 1849-1933.","A treatise on the theory of determinants and their applications in analysis and geometry." "QA242 M56",1907,"Minkowski, H. (Hermann), 1864-1909.","Diophantische Approximationen; eine Einfuhrung in die Zahlentheorie." "QA271 B57",1899,"Bianchi, Luigi, 1856-1928.","Lezioni sulla teoria dei gruppa di sostituzioni e delle equazioni algebriche secondo Galois. " "QA273 B66",1910,"Borel, Emile, 1871-1956.","Elements de la theorie des probabilities. " "QA273 B75",1923,"Borel, Emile, 1871-1956.","Probabilites, erreurs," "QA273 B8 T. 2",1924,"Borel, Emile, 1871-1956.","Traite du calcul des probabilites et de ses applications / par Emile Borel avec la collaboration" "QA273 B8 T. 1",1924,"Borel, Emile, 1871-1956.","Traite du calcul des probabilites et de ses applications / par Emile Borel avec la collaboration" "QA273 B8 T. 3, fasc. 1",1924,"Borel, Emile, 1871-1956.","Traite du calcul des probabilites et de ses applications / par Emile Borel avec la collaboration" "QA273 B8 T. 4;facs. 1",1924,"Borel, Emile, 1871-1956.","Traite du calcul des probabilites et de ses applications / par Emile Borel avec la collaboration" "QA273 B8 T. 3;fasc. 2",1924,"Borel, Emile, 1871-1956.","Traite du calcul des probabilites et de ses applications / par Emile Borel avec la collaboration" "QA273 L4",1925,"Levy, Paul.","Calcul des probabilites. " "QA273 L42",1948,"Levy, Paul, 1886-","Processus stochastiques et mouvement brownien/ Paul Levy ; suivi d'une note de M. Loeve. " "QA273 L44",1937,"Levy, Paul, 1886-","Theorie de l'addition des variables aleatoires" "QA300 L32 V. 1",1903,"La Vallee Poussin, Charles Jean de, b. 1866.","Cours d'analyse infinitesimale." "QA300 L32 V. 2",1903,"La Vallee Poussin, Charles Jean de, b. 1866.","Cours d'analyse infinitesimale." "QA300 L32 1926 T. 1",1926,"La Vallee Poussin, Charles Jean de, b. 1866.","Cours d'analyse infinitesimale / par Ch.-J. de la Vallee Poussin. " "QA300 L32 1926 t.2",1926,"La Vallee Poussin, Charles Jean de, b. 1866.","Cours d'analyse infinitesimale / par Ch.-J. de la Vallee Poussin. " "QA315 H2",1910,"Hadamard, Jacques, 1865-1963.","Lecons sur le calcul des variations professees par J. Hadamard ... recueillies par M. Frechet. To" "QA341 A6",1895,"Appell, Paul, 1855-1930.","Theorie des fonctions algebriques et de leurs integrales. Etude des fonctions analytiques sur un" "QA343 K64 bd.2",1890,"Klein, Felix, 1849-1925.","Vorlesungen uber die Theorie der elliptischen Modulfunctionen : augearbeitet und vervollstandigt /" "QA343 K64 bd.1",1890,"Klein, Felix, 1849-1925.","Vorlesungen uber die Theorie der elliptischen Modulfunctionen : augearbeitet und vervollstandigt /" "QA345 N49",1884,"Neumann, Carl, 1832-1925.","Vorlesungen uber Riemann's Theorie der Abel'schen Integrale." "QA351 F89 v. 1",1897,"Fricke, Robert, 1861-1930.","Vorlesungen uber die theorie der automorphen functionen, von Robert Fricke ... und Felix Klein ..." "QA351 F89 v. 2",1897,"Fricke, Robert, 1861-1930.","Vorlesungen uber die theorie der automorphen functionen, von Robert Fricke ... und Felix Klein ..." "QA371 F7 v. 6",1890,"Forsyth, Andrew Russell, 1858-1942.","Theory of differential equations / by Andrew Russell Forsyth. " "QA371 F7 v. 2",1890,"Forsyth, Andrew Russell, 1858-1942.","Theory of differential equations / by Andrew Russell Forsyth. " "QA371 F7 v. 3",1890,"Forsyth, Andrew Russell, 1858-1942.","Theory of differential equations / by Andrew Russell Forsyth. " "QA371 F7 v. 5",1890,"Forsyth, Andrew Russell, 1858-1942.","Theory of differential equations / by Andrew Russell Forsyth. " "QA371 F7 v. 1, pt. 1",1890,"Forsyth, Andrew Russell, 1858-1942.","Theory of differential equations / by Andrew Russell Forsyth. " "QA371 F7 v. 4, pt. 1",1890,"Forsyth, Andrew Russell, 1858-1942.","Theory of differential equations / by Andrew Russell Forsyth. " "QA371 P14",1897,"Painleve, Paul, 1863-1933.","Lecons sur la theorie analytique des equations differentielles, professees a Stockholm (septem" "QA385 L68 v. 2",1888,"Lie, Sophus, 1842-1899.","Theorie der transformationsgruppen ... unter mitwirkung von dr. Friedrich Engel bearb. von Sophus Li" "QA385 L68 v. 3",1888,"Lie, Sophus, 1842-1899.","Theorie der transformationsgruppen ... unter mitwirkung von dr. Friedrich Engel bearb. von Sophus Li" "QA385 L68 v. 1",1888,"Lie, Sophus, 1842-1899.","Theorie der transformationsgruppen ... unter mitwirkung von dr. Friedrich Engel bearb. von Sophus Li" "QA445 B3 v. 1",1922,"Baker, H. F. (Henry Frederick), 1866-1956.","Principles of geometry," "QA445 B3 v. 5",1922,"Baker, H. F. (Henry Frederick), 1866-1956.","Principles of geometry," "QA445 B3 v. 6",1922,"Baker, H. F. (Henry Frederick), 1866-1956.","Principles of geometry," "QA445 B3 v. 4",1922,"Baker, H. F. (Henry Frederick), 1866-1956.","Principles of geometry," "QA445 B3 v. 3",1922,"Baker, H. F. (Henry Frederick), 1866-1956.","Principles of geometry," "QA445 B3 v. 2",1922,"Baker, H. F. (Henry Frederick), 1866-1956.","Principles of geometry," "QA501 L69 1889 pt.2",1889,"Low, David Allan, 1857-1937.","Text-book on practical, solid, or descriptive geometry / by David Allan Low." "QA641 B5 v. 1, pt. 2",1920,"Bianchi, Luigi, 1856-1928.","Lezioni di geometria differenziale / Luigi Bianchi." "QA641 B5 v. 1, pt. 1",1920,"Bianchi, Luigi, 1856-1928.","Lezioni di geometria differenziale / Luigi Bianchi." "QA641 B5 v. 2, pt. 2",1920,"Bianchi, Luigi, 1856-1928.","Lezioni di geometria differenziale / Luigi Bianchi." "QA641 B5 v. 2, pt. 1",1920,"Bianchi, Luigi, 1856-1928.","Lezioni di geometria differenziale / Luigi Bianchi." "QA641 B6253 v. 1",1923,"Blaschke, Wilhelm, 1885-","Vorlesungen uber Differentialgeometrie und geometrische Grundlagen von Einsteins Relativitatstheor" "QA641 B6253 v. 2",1923,"Blaschke, Wilhelm, 1885-","Vorlesungen uber Differentialgeometrie und geometrische Grundlagen von Einsteins Relativitatstheor" "QA641 B6253 v. 3",1923,"Blaschke, Wilhelm, 1885-","Vorlesungen uber Differentialgeometrie und geometrische Grundlagen von Einsteins Relativitatstheor" "QA641 B6254 1973",1973,"Blaschke, Wilhelm, 1885-","Elementare Differentialgeometrie. [Von] W[ilhelm] Blaschke [u.] K(urt) Leichtweiss. Mit 37 Fig." "QA641 D3 v. 2",1887,"Darboux, Gaston, 1842-1917.","Lecons sur la theorie generale des surfaces et les applications geometriques du calcul infinit" "QA641 D3 v. 4",1887,"Darboux, Gaston, 1842-1917.","Lecons sur la theorie generale des surfaces et les applications geometriques du calcul infinit" "QA641 D3 v. 3",1887,"Darboux, Gaston, 1842-1917.","Lecons sur la theorie generale des surfaces et les applications geometriques du calcul infinit" "QA641 D3 v. 1",1887,"Darboux, Gaston, 1842-1917.","Lecons sur la theorie generale des surfaces et les applications geometriques du calcul infinit" "QB3 L3 v.1",1878,"Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, 1749-1827.","Oeuvres completes, publiees sous les auspices de l'Academie des sciences." "QB3 L3 v.4",1878,"Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, 1749-1827.","Oeuvres completes, publiees sous les auspices de l'Academie des sciences." "QB3 L3 v.6",1878,"Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, 1749-1827.","Oeuvres completes, publiees sous les auspices de l'Academie des sciences." "QB3 L3 v.10",1878,"Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, 1749-1827.","Oeuvres completes, publiees sous les auspices de l'Academie des sciences." "QB3 L3 v.13",1878,"Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, 1749-1827.","Oeuvres completes, publiees sous les auspices de l'Academie des sciences." "QB3 L3 v.11",1878,"Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, 1749-1827.","Oeuvres completes, publiees sous les auspices de l'Academie des sciences." "QB3 L3 v.9",1878,"Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, 1749-1827.","Oeuvres completes, publiees sous les auspices de l'Academie des sciences." "QB3 L3 v.7",1878,"Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, 1749-1827.","Oeuvres completes, publiees sous les auspices de l'Academie des sciences." "QB3 L3 v.5",1878,"Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, 1749-1827.","Oeuvres completes, publiees sous les auspices de l'Academie des sciences." "QB3 L3 v.3",1878,"Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, 1749-1827.","Oeuvres completes, publiees sous les auspices de l'Academie des sciences." "QB3 L3 v.2",1878,"Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, 1749-1827.","Oeuvres completes, publiees sous les auspices de l'Academie des sciences." "QB3 L3 v.12",1878,"Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, 1749-1827.","Oeuvres completes, publiees sous les auspices de l'Academie des sciences." "QB3 L3 v.8",1878,"Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, 1749-1827.","Oeuvres completes, publiees sous les auspices de l'Academie des sciences."

    85. Karl Weierstraß - Wikipedia
    Imago Mundi weierstrass. - Translate this page weierstrass, karl, mathématicien né en 1815 en Westphalie, mort en1897 à Berlin. Après avoir enseigné les mathématiques dans
    Karl Weierstraß
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    (Weitergeleitet von Karl Weierstrass
    Karl Weierstraß 31. Oktober in Ostenfelde bei Paderborn 19. Februar in Berlin ) war ein Mathematiker . Sein Hauptwerk galt der logisch korrekten Fundierung der Analysis und der Entwicklung der Funktionentheorie auf Basis der Potenzreihenentwicklungen . Er leistete wichtige Beiträge zur Theorie der elliptischen Funktionen , zur Differentialgeometrie und zur Variationsrechnung . Der Begriff Elementarteiler stammt von ihm. Nach ihm benannt wurde in der Analysis der Satz von Bolzano-Weierstrass über beschränkte Zahlenfolgen. Der Satz von Weierstrass besagt, dass eine stetige Funktion in einem abgeschlossenen Intervall ihr Minimum und Maximum annimmt. Weierstraß wurde in Ostenfelde nicht weit von Paderborn geboren. Nach dem Besuch des Gymnasium Theodorianum in Paderborn studierte er in Bonn und Münster . Zunächst unterrichtete er als Lehrer an Gymnasien in Deutsch-Krone und Braunsberg . Später lehrte er an der Universität Berlin . Er starb am 19. Februar in Berlin Views Persönliche Werkzeuge Navigation Suche Werkzeuge Andere Sprachen

    86. életrajzok: W
    weierstrass, karl (1815. október 31.—1897. február 19.) német matematikus.Nevéhez fuzodik az analízis szabatos felépítése.
    rovatok j¡t©k arch­vum jegyzetek mutat³k kitekintő v©lem©nyek inform¡ci³k
    ©letrajzok magyar¡zatok forr¡sok
    WALD brah¡m (Kolozsv¡r, 1902—India, 1950): magyar sz¡rmaz¡sº amerikai matematikus. A modern matematikai statisztika egyik megalapoz³ja, a j¡t©kelm©let tov¡bbfejlesztője. K¶z©piskol¡it sz¼lőv¡ros¡ban v©gezte. Ezut¡n r¶vid ideig mag¡nºton tanulta a matematik¡t, majd a b©csi egyetemre iratkozott be. K¶zben katonai szolg¡latra h­vt¡k be a rom¡n hadseregbe, ­gy csak 1931-ben v©gzett. Ugyanekkor doktor¡lt ©s megjelentek első publik¡ci³i is. MORGENSTERN ( NEUMANN JNOS k©sőbbi szerzőt¡rsa) b©csi int©zet©ben kezdett dolgozni. 1938-ban a new-yorki Columia egyetem h­vta meg. Ott tan­tott tragikus hal¡l¡ig (rep¼lőg©p-szerencs©tlens©g ¡ldozata lett). WALLIS, John (1616. december 3.—1703. november 8.): angol matematikus ©s fizikus. A Royal Society egyik alap­t³ja. BARROW -val egy¼tt az anal­zis elők©sz­tője. 1649-től hal¡l¡ig az oxfordi egyetem tan¡ra volt.

    87. Online Encyclopedia - Karl Weierstrass
    MSN Encarta karl weierstrass - Translate this page karl weierstrass. karl weierstrass (1815-1897), matemático alemán quecolaboró en la fundación de la moderna teoría de las funciones.
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    Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstraß October 31 February 19 ) was a German mathematician who is oft cited as the "father of modern analysis". He was born in Ostenfelde Westphalia (today Germany ) and died in Berlin , Germany. See also:
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    Oeuvres RdC Ouvrage Mathematische werke von Karl Weierstrass Zweiter band abhandlungen II Weierstrass, Karl (Principal) Mathematisches werke von Karl Weierstrass, 0002 Oeuvres RdC Ouvrage Mathematische werke von Karl Weierstrass Erster band abhandlungen I Weierstrass, Karl (Principal) Mathematische werke von Karl Weierstrass, 0001 Oeuvres RdC Ouvrage Mathematische werke von Karl Weierstrass Dritter band abhandlungen III Weierstrass, Karl (Principal) Mathematische werke von Karl Weierstrass, 0003 Oeuvres RdC Ouvrage Mathematische werke von Karl Weierstrass Vierter band vorlesungen uber die theorie der abelschen transcendenten Weierstrass, Karl (Principal) Mathematische werke von Karl Weierstrass, 0004 Oeuvres RdC Ouvrage Mathematische werke von Karl Weierstrass Funfter band vorlesungen uber die theorie der elliptischen functionen Weierstrass, Karl (Principal) Mathematisches werke von Karl Weierstrass, 0005

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    • January 4 - Utah is admitted as the 45th U.S. state.
    • January 5 - An Austrian newspaper reports that Wilhelm Röntgen discovered a type of radiation later known as X-rays.

    Click the link for more information. ) was a Danish For alternative meanings, see Denmark (disambiguation). The Kingdom of Denmark is the smallest Nordic country, situated in Scandinavia, in northern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, on a peninsula and a number of islands north of Germany and Poland, southwest of Sweden and south of Norway. Additionally, the territories of Greenland and the Faroe Islands are under Danish sovereignty, while enjoying home rule.
    Click the link for more information.

    94. Karl Weierstraß
    Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
    Karl Weierstraß
    Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstraß October 31 February 19 ) was a German mathematician who is oft cited as the "father of modern analysis". He was born in Ostenfelde, Westphalia (today Germany ) and died in Berlin , Germany. See also:
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    95. Karl Weierstra �
    karl Weierstra ?. karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstra ? (Ríjen 31,1815 Únor 19, 1897) byl Nemec matematik kdo je oft citoval
    švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
    Karl Weierstra �
    Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstra � Ř­jen 31 šnor 19 ) byl Němec matematik kdo je oft citoval jak " otec modern­ anal½zy ". On byl narozen½ v Ostenfelde, Westphalia (dnes Německo ) a umřel v Berl­n , Německo. Vidět tak©:
    Extern­ spojen­
    Tento druh zbož­ je Å¡paček. Vy můžete pomoci Wikipedia t­m, že umluv­ si to.
    Toto je strojov½ překlad čl¡nku z encyklopedie Wikipedia poř­zen½ překladačem Eurotran . Cel½ text je dostupn½ za podm­nek GNU FDL licence

    96. :: UniverSiTor ::

    97. National Academy Of Sciences - Deceased Member
    National Academy of Sciences.

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