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101. The Wallace Monument - Stirling In Scotland Historic Places To Visit 220 feet (67m) high, this Victorian Gothic tower was opened in 1869 to commemorate Scotland s greatest freedom fighter, Sir william wallace (12671305). http://www.instirling.com/sight/wallace.htm | |
102. Braveheart (1995) (more) Plot Outline william wallace, a commoner, unites the 13th Century Scots in their battle to overthrow English rule. william wallace. James Robinson, . http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112573/ | |
103. Digital Sheet Music â Title Index For William Wallace | Musicnotes.com back to Table of Artists. william wallace. Title Index. View sorted by Instruments and Voices 26 Cents for Guitar, Piano and Voice. http://www.musicnotes.com/SheetMusic/index/artists/Wallace-William/default.asp | |
104. MOH Citation For William Wallace in presenting the. Medal of Honor. to. wallace, william. Rank and Organization Sergeant, Company C, 5th US Infantry. Place and Date http://www.homeofheroes.com/moh/citations_1865_ind/wallace.html | |
105. Books & Literature/Poetry/W/Wallace, William Ross the entire directory only this category Advanced Search. Listings. Home Books Literature Poetry W wallace, william Ross. http://search.able2know.com/Books___Literature/Poetry/W/Wallace__William_Ross/ | |
106. Medieval Sourcebook: Flores Historiarum: On William Wallace And Robert The Bruce Medieval Sourcebook The Flores Historiarum On william wallace and Robert the Bruce, c. 1307. Colby Introduction On william wallace About the http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/1307bruce.html | |
107. William Wallace Of Elderslie Sir william wallace of Elderslie. The case for Elderslie as the birthplace of Sir william wallace David Ross The Society of william wallace. http://www.braveheart.co.uk/macbrave/history/wallace/elder01.htm | |
108. Scots Independence Tour -Sir William Wallace Sir william wallace Scottish Freedom Fighter. Much has been said and written about Sir william wallace and the release in 1995 of the film Braveheart. http://www.freescotland.com/wallace.html | |
109. DIALOG Dissertation Abstracts Acclimation and Adaptation to PollutantsEffects on Metal Trophic Transfer wallace, william G 1996 State University of New York at Stony Brook (USA), 153 pp. http://aslo.org/phd/dialog/1996January-52.html | |
110. Ccm :: Wallace, William Wallace wallace, william I 18601940 Scotland, Greenock - Malmesbury. Title, Parts. Villon. Symphonic poem no6. Orch. 1909 BBC SO / Martyn Brabbins, http://composers-classical-music.com/w/WallaceWilliam.htm | |
111. St Pauls Publications - St Pauls Bookcentre Print wallace, william, Titles Include The Elements of Philosophy (1977). 208968 requests since Friday 20 September, 2002. Prices http://www.stpauls.com.au/catalog/authors.php?authors_id=Wallace, William |
112. Composer william Vincent wallace (18121865) william wallace was born in Waterford on 11 March 1812. His father, a Scottish-born regimental http://www.naxos.com/composer/btm.asp?fullname=Wallace, William Vincent |
113. Oak Knoll Books & Oak Knoll Press Spare s obsession with the themes of the woman and the mask, wallace delves into title/ presentation leaf is followed by a list of Hodderwilliam s associates. http://www.oakknoll.com/detail.php?d_booknr=34854 |
114. WILLIAM WALLACE - Decision Sciences & Engineering Systems william A. wallace Professor Ph.D. (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) Contact Information CII 5117 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY 121803590 Phone http://www.rpi.edu/dept/dses/www/people/faculty/wallace/wallace.htm | |
115. Castle Classics Wallace, William (Scottish 1860-1940) Castle ClassicsClassical CDComposers Wwallace, william (Scottish 1860-1940). W wallace Creation Symphony. Pelléas and Mélisande http://shop.castleclassics.co.uk/acatalog/Wallace.html | |
116. Users: RE: Cache Simulation RE cache simulation. From wallace, william (williamW@interworld.com) Date Wed Nov 28 2001 104240 MST Next message Simon Patarin http://www.web-polygraph.org/mail-archive/users/200111/0011.html | |
117. HTTP-WG Mailing List Archive For 1999: Correct Behavior Of Reverse Proxies WRT H Correct behavior of reverse proxies WRT host field. wallace, william (williamW@interworld.com) Wed, 28 Apr 1999 105306 0400 http://ftp.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/hypermail/1999/0103.html | |
118. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Wallace wallace, william of Maryville, Blount County, Tenn. Democrat. Burial location unknown. wallace, william of Martins Ferry, Belmont County, Ohio. Republican. http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/wallace.html | |
119. BUSINESS FORECASTING AND ITS PRACTICAL APPLICATION (1927) From Pickabook Books Buy this and other books by wallace, william LAYTON, WT online from the UK s best online bookshop Pickabook. Pickabook - Discount http://www.pickabook.co.uk/cgi/bkdetail.php?isbn=0766161382 |
120. The Bruce Medalists: W.W. Campbell The Bruce Medalists. Photo 1901, courtesy Mary Lea Shane Archives, Lick Observatory, william wallace Campbell. 11 April 1862, 1915 Bruce Medalist, 14 June 1938. http://www.phys-astro.sonoma.edu/BruceMedalists/Campbell/ | |
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