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41. Manuscripts & Archives UCT Libraries, Manuscripts Archives. University of Cape Town. Correspondenceof walker, arthur, Search. Collection BC 293 STANFORD PAPERS 1 item, 1919. http://www.lib.uct.ac.za/mss/index/index.php?action=showletters&authid=2321 |
42. Descendants Of Walker, Tennyson, Walls And Cowburn In America by Francis walker, my wife s grandfather and the son of Thomas Richardson walker sbrother William, we believe that the Tennyson s produced arthur Ake (see http://homepage.ntlworld.com/the.carpenters/usa1.htm | |
43. McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Arthur Blessit, Notable Walker ARTHU R BLESSIT , NOTABL E walker . In 1969, arthur Blessit heard Jesus Christ askhim to walk around the world, visiting every nation of every continent while http://www.mcsweeneys.net/2002/11/13blessit.html | |
44. The Lost World Arthur Conan Doyle Michael Walker Translate this page Doyle arthur Conan walker Michael arthur Conan Doyle Michael walker Rubrik KategorienKrimis Thriller Nach Genres Britische Detektive Medium Sondereinband http://www.alle-musical.de/Arthur-Conan-Doyle-Michae-The-Lost-World-611-894-041- | |
45. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Walker, A To B walker, arthur N. Republican. Candidate for Michigan state house of representativesfrom Genesee County 1st District, 1960. Still living as of 1960. http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/walker1.html | |
46. The Genealogical Tree Of Benjamin Arthur Walker Christopher Ayton Rosina Anholt Wills Benjamin arthur walker Lilian Ayton Benjaminarthur walker Married 24 NOV 1928 to Edith Hilda Crawford; Died 13 MAR 1976. http://freespace.virgin.net/j.austing/51.html | |
47. The Genealogical Tree Of Benjamin Arthur Walker links. Children with Lilian Ayton Children Benjamin arthur walker. Benjamin arthurwalker Married to Lilian Ayton. Generated by GreatFamily 2.1 UNREGISTERED. http://freespace.virgin.net/j.austing/235.html | |
48. MARRTC: Arthur Ankeney - Walker You are here Home Joints In Motion. arthur Ankeney walker. arthurAnkeneys mother Mary Ellen Ankeney laughs when shes asked http://www.muhealth.org/~arthritis/jim2000/aankeney.html | |
49. Invitation Card For Mr. Arthur Lewis By Fred Walker Invitation Card for Mr. arthur Lewis by Frederick walker. January 1867. This is thethird such design walker executed for London manabout-town arthur Lewis. | |
50. (Albert Arthur Richmond - Joseph Harvey Walker ) Albert arthur Richmond (1882 13 JAN 1939 ) Albert Marion Richmond (14 Louisa Tenney( - ) Mary Catherine Travis ( - ) Harriet Anne walker ( - ) Joseph Harvey http://user.icx.net/~richmond/genealogy_html/IND0002.html | |
51. Walker Family Genealogy Forum Carolina Marc Smilen 4/14/04 walker, arthur Anna Maibaum walker- Wendy Maddox 4/13/04 re ROBERT walker - Marsha Faulk 4/13/04 http://www.genforum.com/walker/ | |
52. Arthur Cecil Walker, B: 1868 - Pittsylvania Co., VA Family Group. Husband arthur Cecil walker Born 1868 PittsylvaniaCo., VA Marr ABT. 1890 - Pittsylvania, VA Died 13 MAR 1942 http://www.stumbotree.com/gedtree/gp275.htm | |
53. Walker_Arthur arthur Geoffrey walker. Born 17 arthur walker attended Watford GrammarSchool and from there he entered Balliol College Oxford. He received http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Wlkrrthr.htm | |
54. Brigadier General Kenneth Newton Walker, USAAC While he was in Townsville, General walker s regular driver was aWAAAF driver called Jan arthur (nee Turner). (I would like to http://home.st.net.au/~dunn/genwalker.htm | |
55. Arthur Walker Bryan, Lieutenant, United States Navy arthur walker Bryan Lieutenant, United States Navy, From a contemporarypress report arthur walker Bryan, who taught at the Polytechnic http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/awbryan.htm | |
56. Genealogy Data Family Spouse walker, arthur L. Birth 1871 Death 1951 GenderMale. Back to Main Page. SYKES, BF Gender Male Parents Father http://members.easyspace.com/knightma/obx/dat44.htm | |
57. Walker Family Genealogy Forum 14/04 James walker, of North Carolina Marc Smilen 4/14/04 walker,arthur Anna Maibaum walker - Wendy Maddox 4/13/04 re ROBERT http://genforum.familytreemaker.com/walker/ | |
58. George Walker At Suez By Anthony Trollope : Arthur's Classic Novels details.) This is the etext version of the book George walker At Suez by AnthonyTrollope, taken from the original etext grgwk10.txt. arthur s Classic Novels. http://arthursclassicnovels.com/arthurs/trollope/grgwk10.html | |
59. SKIPTON WEB: Comments For Arthur E Walker & Co Home Directory Comments for arthur E walker Co, contact skiptonweb. arthurE walker Co Comments. No comments added yet for arthur E walker Co. http://www.skiptonweb.co.uk/directory/comments.asp?id=905&k= |
60. Arthur E. Walker 2001 arthur E. walker was born in Danville, Kentucky, July 1, 1905. He attendedDanville High School. In 1922, he enrolled at the University http://www.ktc.uky.edu/A_Walker_text.htm | |
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