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Wald Abraham: more books (32) |
41. Bibliography wald, abraham, 19021950, Selected papers in statistics and probability / editedfor the Institute of Mathematical Statistics by TW Anderson, committee http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=W& |
42. PERSONEN Translate this page Hückeswagen. walder / fürm wald, abraham, *21.03.1795, Hückeswagen.walder / fürm wald, Hendricus, *24.03.1786, Hückeswagen. walder http://home.t-online.de/home/manfred.kannen/namenw.htm | |
43. Jacob Wolfowitz - Disinfopedia family. 2. Wolfowitz met abraham wald in 1938 and they began a collaborationwhich lasted until wald s death . Wolfowitz obtained http://www.disinfopedia.org/wiki.phtml?title=Jacob_Wolfowitz |
44. Jacob Wolfowitz - Disinfopedia Laura is a biologist living in Israel with her family. 2 (http//stills.nap.edu/html/biomems/jwolfowitz.html). Wolfowitz met abraham wald (http//wwwgap http://www.disinfopedia.org/wiki.phtml?title=Jacob_Wolfowitz&printable=yes |
45. Alibris: Abraham Wald Bibliography on Learning in Economic and Game Theory 1. General Exposition. wald, abraham (1950). Statistical Decision Functions. NewYork John Wiley. wald, abraham (1947). Sequential Analysis. New York Wiley. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Wald, Abraham | |
46. References For Wald References for abraham wald. K Menger, The formative Years of abraham wald andhis work in Geometry, Annals of Mathematical Statistics 23 (1952), 1420. http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/~DZAFB9.htm | |
47. WALD In response to wald. Rollo May · Albert Ellis · Karen Horney · Erich Fromm ·Otto Rank · Gordon Allport · George Kelly · abraham Maslow · Carl Rogers http://mind-brain.com/abstracts.php?qa=Wald |
48. Categories Added(2205-2002). 46. abraham wald - mathematician. URLhttp//www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/wald.html.Biography http://www.transylvania.info/cgi-bin/indexing?FROM=36&CAT=14&AG_PROCESS=LISTCAT& |
49. Subcategories Added(0410-2003). 7. abraham wald - mathematician. URLhttp//www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/wald.html.Biography http://www.transylvania.info/cgi-bin/indexing?AG_PROCESS=LISTSUBCAT&CAT=14&LANG= |
50. UWA SPE abraham wald Prize in Mathematical Statistics *. 1. Dr J. Gani, formerlyreader in mathematical statistics in this University, having http://www.publishing.uwa.edu.au/spe/99/prizes/science/Scip28.html | |
51. 2004 Scholarships, Prizes, Endowments Volume statistics in this University, having presented the sum of $200 for the establishmentof a fund to provide a prize to be called the abraham wald Prize in http://www.publishing.uwa.edu.au/spe/latest/prizes/lps/waldprize.asp | |
52. Living On Earth Matt wald, reporter for the New York Times, attended abraham s confirmationhearing. Matt, thanks for joining us. wald Hi Diane. http://www.loe.org/ETS/organizations.php3?action=printContentItem&orgid=33&typeI |
53. ¿·ÈÇ¡¡Åý·×³Ø¤Îǧ¼±¡¡´ðÈפÈÊýË¡ Sussmilch, Johann Peter, 38, 2.1. ?, Page, Section. W, Wagner, Adolf,72, 3.3. wald, abraham, 346, 347, 11.6. Walras, Leon, 160, 6.4. Walras, Leon,457, 15.2. http://www.sci.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/~ebsa/kitagawa04/keyword03.html | |
54. Studienberatung USA - Erfahrungsberichte Translate this page von Imke abraham. Genauso gewöhnungsbedürftig war die wöchentliche Übernachtungim wald, da mein Camp außerdem den Schwerpunkt Natur hatte. http://wwwserv1.rz.fh-hannover.de/usa/erf_camp/ | |
55. McCloskey Essay wald, abraham. 1939. Contributions to the Theory of Statistical Estimation and TestingHypotheses, Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 10 (4, Dec.) 299326. http://www.gsm.uci.edu/econsoc/McCloskey.html | |
56. "Genealogie Mutz - Frensel: Kotten: Kirschbaumskotten" Translate this page Am 9. August 1808 werden in der Grundaufnahme von wald zwei abraham Weck als Eigentümerdes Weckskottens genannt einer aus Sonnenschein und einer aus Itter. http://home.arcor.de/maramut/02arc/koti10k.htm | |
57. "Genealogie Mutz - Frensel: Solingen-Wald" Translate this page Isaac Mutz, Kleine Ehren, Messerschmied, Sohn von abraham Benjamin Mutz und WilhelmineKohl, getauft 1788 in wald, 1. Heirat mit Johanna Maria Linder am 12.06 http://home.arcor.de/maramut/02arc/o1sgwa5.htm | |
58. Portraits Of Statisticians U. V. VENN, John 18341923. VILLE, Jean Andre? 1910-. W. wald, abraham 1902-1950.WALKER, Helen Mary 1891-1983. WALLIS, John 1616-1703. WEAVER, Warren 1894-1978. http://www.stat.ucla.edu/history/people/ | |
59. Retratos De Economistas Ortodoxos Translate this page Roos, Charles F. (1901-1958). wald, abraham (1902-1950). http://www.ieev.uma.es/econlinks/Links/RetOrto.htm | |
60. INDICE INTERNO CAOTICO Translate this page QUETELET, (Lambert) Adolphe (Jacques) 1796-1874. wald, abraham 1902-1950. MATRIZDE CORRELACIÓN. SISTEMAS BASADOS EN CONOCIMIENTO . SISTEMAS EXPERTOS. http://www.uv.es/~econinfo/hipe/intro/glocaos1.htm |
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