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Vranceanu Gheorghe: more detail | |||||
21. Cultura.ro - The Central University Library Of Bucharest - Mathematics Personalities of the field, such as Simion Stoilov, Dimitrie Pompeiu, Miron Nicolescu,Dan Barbilian, Grigore Moisil, George vranceanu, gheorghe Mihoc signed http://www.ministerulculturii.ro/engleza/biblioteci/bcu_bucuresti/matematica.htm | |
22. Romanian Open Championship Sprint - Eredmények Victoria 6 2550 Perelea Ovidiu 45722 Metalul Plopeni 7 2559 Iancu gheorghe 45628CS 18 3221 Becze Árpád 45621 PC MCiuc 19 3514 vranceanu Attila 45689 http://www.geocities.com/romofed/rezultateskiosprint2004.html | |
23. UV Index Johann (356*) von Seidel, Philipp (94) von Staudt, Carl (146*) von Tschirnhaus, E(321*) von Vega, Georg (295*) Voronoy, Georgy (198*) vranceanu, gheorghe (999 http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/V.htm | |
24. COLEGIUL UNIVERSITAR DE CONSTRUCTII Dr. Stefan MITITELU. · Conf. Dr. Victoria CRISTEA. · Conf. Dr. gheorghe vranceanu.· Lector Dr. Ileana BUCUR. · Lector Dr. Marta GROSU. · Lector Anisoara BALCU. http://civile.utcb.ro/colegiu/webcol.htm | |
25. Istoric in jurul lui 1940, venirea unor profesori de vaza care anterior functionasera laUniversitatea din Cernauti (Simion Stoilow, gheorghe vranceanu, Miron Nicolescu http://fmi.unibuc.ro/Prezentare/istoric.html | |
26. Livres Numérisés / Digitalized Books : Bibliothèque Nationale De France, Corn Translate this page 18..-19.. - professeur (1), Von Neumann, John (1). Vasilesco, Florin(2), Viète, François (1), vranceanu, gheorghe (2). Vergne, Henri http://math-doc.ujf-grenoble.fr/LiNuM/index_au-nonlib.html | |
27. Bibliography SSR, 19521953. vranceanu, gheorghe, 1900-1979, Opera matematica,Bucuresti, Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, 1969-1977. http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=V& |
28. Olimpiada.informatica Bynet 2004 125, Marian, Razvan, 9, Lic. Stefan Odobleja, Dolj. 124, Neagu, Paul, 9, gheorghevranceanu, Bacau. 63, Munteanu, Alexandru, 9, Colegiul National gheorghe vranceanu ,Bacau. http://olimpiada.info/bynet/index.php?cid=participanti&cls=9 |
29. Olimpiada.informatica Bynet 2004 Dragos, 10, gheorghe Titeica, Mehedinti. 39, Posea, Simona, 10, cn bp. hasdeu ,Buzau. 38, andrei, ciobanu, 10, LIIS, iasi. 37, Ghiurca, Cristian, 10, CN Gh. vranceanu ,Bacau. http://olimpiada.info/bynet/index.php?cid=participanti&cls=10 |
30. Frumosii Nebuni Ai Marilor Intreceri major Nicolae Olar, lotul Vatra Dornei; locul 2, sergentul major Adrian Leu, lotulPredeal; locul 3, sergentul major Mihai vranceanu, lotul Sfantul gheorghe. http://www.presamil.ro/OM/2003/9/pag 10.htm | |
31. Muntele, Unicul Prieten Pentru vanatorii de munte din Sfantul gheorghe, prietenul devotat este muntele. Panaite,Liviu Gaita si sergentul major Mihai vranceanu campionul nostru la http://www.presamil.ro/OM/2003/31/pag 6.htm | |
32. Bacau gheorghe vranceanu , Bacau (Rumänien). Mit demITC Biagio Pascal in Romentino, dem Colegiul National gheorghe http://www.hubertus-schwartz-soest.de/partner/bacau.php | |
33. Romentino gheorghe vranceanu in Bacau und der Leipalingio Vidurine Mokykla in Leipalingis führt http://www.hubertus-schwartz-soest.de/partner/romentino.php |
34. Colegiul National "Gheorghe Lazar" fiz. ,,vranceanuProcopiu . Copiright 1999-2001 Colegiul National GheorgheLazar Concept si design Ciprian Ciocan Contactati-ma la cips@directnet.ro. http://www.pcmagazine.ro/concurs/3591/prezentare/elevi.htm | |
35. Editeur - EDITURA ACADEMIEI REPUBLICII SOCIALISTE ROMANIA Translate this page OPERA MATHEMATICA.VOLUME 3, Livre. vranceanu,gheorghe BUCURESTI EDITURA ACADEMIEIREPUBLICII SOCIALISTE ROMANIA , 1973, p. 652. OPERA MATHEMATICA.VOLUME 2, Livre. http://www.math.univ-rennes1.fr/bibli/catalogue/Reference.htm&numrec=19191460291 | |
36. Mathem_abbrev Pierre Verrier, Urbain Le Vinci, Leonardo da, Vinogradov, Ivan Volterra, Vito vonLeibniz, Gottfried von Neumann, John von Segner, Johann vranceanu, gheorghe. http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm | |
37. PREPUBLICATIONS du Centennial gheorghe vranceanu, Bucharest June 30-July 2, 2000), PS (191 http://www.math.uha.fr/publi2001.html | |
38. Chimie Anorganica Total, 1, Ursu Andrei, Bacau, CN gheorghe vranceanu , 83, 19, 102, 72.5,8, Neculcea Mihai Daniel, Bacau, CN gheorghe vranceanu , 51, 19,70, http://www.nenitescu.com/rez2002/ano.htm |
39. Muzeul Literaturii Romane Titu Dumitrescu Geo Dumitrescu Adriana Fianu Gabriela vranceanu Firea Ioan FloraSerban Foarta Augustin Fratila Matei Gavril Ioan gheorghe, Mihaela Ghitescu http://www.mlr.ro/litromhtm/contemporana/poezie/firea.php | |
40. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page Morte do compositor romeno George Stephanescu Fatos relacionados 27/04/1979 MorteMatemática Fatos Romênia Morte do matemático romeno gheorghe vranceanu http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad9.php?w=38 |
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