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         Von Mises Hilda Geiringer:     more detail
  1. Probability, Statistics and Truth. Second Revised English Edition by Richard (Geiringer, Hilda) Von Mises, 1957-01-01
  2. Probablility, Statistics & Truth by Richard & Geiringer, Hilda (Ed) Von Mises, 1961-01-01
  3. Probability Statistics and Truth. Second Revised English Ed. Prepared By Hilda Geiringer by Richard Von Mises, 1957-01-01

Prof. Erwin Finlay Freundlich, Richard von mises, Dr. hilda geiringer, Hans Reichenbach;daha sonra Harvard da karsilasacagi çok önemli sahsiyetlerdi.

62. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations
A. Thompson.; Central Library; 533.2 T 1972 Mathematical theory of compressiblefluid flow by Richard von mises, completed by hilda geiringer and GSS,889/search/dCompressibility/
KEYWORD AUTHOR TITLE SUBJECT Num Mark SUBJECTS (1-4 of 4) Year Compressibility 3 Related Subjects

The compressibility of the elements and their periodic relations. By Theodore William Richards in collaboration with W.N. Stull, F.N. Brink, and F. Bonnet, Jr.; Central Library ; 541 R51 C Compressible-fluid dynamics [by] Philip A. Thompson.; Central Library ; 533.2 T Mathematical theory of compressible fluid flow [by] Richard von Mises, completed by Hilda Geiringer [and] G. S. S. Ludford.; Central Library ; 533.6 M678 M New method for determining compressibility. By Theodore William Richards and Wilfred Newsome Stull.; Central Library ; 541 R51 N The physics of high pressure.; Central Library ; 533 B85 A Compressibility Congresses.
Central Library ; 629.1323 C Compressibility Tables.
A selection of tables for use in calculations of compressible airflow, prepared on behalf of the Aeronautical Research Council.; Central Library ; q629.131 G786 S

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65. TOC Entry ID 3 (OID 14785576) Name Issn_in (opaque) Type
l English\ 245 10 $a Probability, statistics, and truth / $c Richard von mises.\250 $a 2d rev. English ed. / $b prepared by hilda geiringer.\ 260 $a New York
< Type: OPERATOR Owner: bates CREATE OPERATOR < (PROCEDURE = issn_lt , LEFTARG = issn , RIGHTARG = issn , NEGATOR = >= ); TOC Entry ID 147 (OID 14785587) Name: <= Type: OPERATOR Owner: bates CREATE OPERATOR <= (PROCEDURE = issn_le , LEFTARG = issn , RIGHTARG = issn , NEGATOR = > ); TOC Entry ID 149 (OID 14785588) Name: = Type: OPERATOR Owner: bates CREATE OPERATOR = (PROCEDURE = issn_eq , LEFTARG = issn , RIGHTARG = issn , COMMUTATOR = = , NEGATOR = ); TOC Entry ID 144 (OID 14785589) Name: >= Type: OPERATOR Owner: bates CREATE OPERATOR >= (PROCEDURE = issn_ge , LEFTARG = issn , RIGHTARG = issn , NEGATOR = < ); TOC Entry ID 146 (OID 14785590) Name: > Type: OPERATOR Owner: bates CREATE OPERATOR > (PROCEDURE = issn_gt , LEFTARG = issn , RIGHTARG = issn , NEGATOR = <= ); TOC Entry ID 148 (OID 14785591) Name: Type: OPERATOR Owner: bates CREATE OPERATOR < Type: OPERATOR Owner: bates CREATE OPERATOR < (PROCEDURE = isbn_lt , LEFTARG = isbn , RIGHTARG = isbn , NEGATOR = >= ); TOC Entry ID 153 (OID 14785629) Name: <= Type: OPERATOR Owner: bates CREATE OPERATOR <= (PROCEDURE = isbn_le , LEFTARG = isbn , RIGHTARG = isbn , NEGATOR = > ); TOC Entry ID 143 (OID 14785630) Name: = Type: OPERATOR Owner: bates CREATE OPERATOR = (PROCEDURE = isbn_eq , LEFTARG = isbn , RIGHTARG = isbn , COMMUTATOR = = , NEGATOR =

66. Mathematical Theory Of Compressible Fluid Flow (in MARION)
flow. Title Mathematical theory of compressible fluid flow by Richardvon mises; completed by hilda geiringer and GSS Ludford.

67. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations
c1972 3 Mathematical theory of compressible fluid flow / by Richardvon mises, completed by hilda geiringer and GSS Ludford.,889/search/dCompressibility/
Compressibility. The compressibility of the elements and their periodic relations. / By Theodore William Richards in collaboration with W.N. Stull, F.N. Brink, and F. Bonnet, Jr. Compressible-fluid dynamics [by] Philip A. Thompson. Mathematical theory of compressible fluid flow / [by] Richard von Mises, completed by Hilda Geiringer [and] G. S. S. Ludford. New method for determining compressibility. / By Theodore William Richards and Wilfred Newsome Stull. The physics of high pressure.

68. - Frauenschwerpunkt
Translate this page Okt 16, Don, 930 - 1030 Mathematische Heldinnensagen hilda Geiringervon mises. 1100 - 1200 Mathematische Heldinnensagen Emmy Noether.
Die Mathematik ist weiblich
Zwei wichtige Aspekte des Themas werden in den vier Tagen der Veranstaltung angesprochen: Einerseits sollen in Mathematischen Heldinnensagen Zukunftsmathematik im Organisatorische Details: Veranstaltungen im in der Woche vom 13.10-18.10.2003 Okt 13 Mon
Okt 14 Die
Mathematische Heldinnensagen: Hypatia
Mathematische Heldinnensagen: Olga Taussky-Todd
Zukunftsmathematik im - Ulrike Hof-Freisleben:
Mathematik erfolgreich anwenden (Arbeitstitel) Okt 15 Mit
Mathematische Heldinnensagen: Ruth Moufang
Mathematische Heldinnensagen: Marie-Sophie Germain
Zukunftsmathematik im - Barbara Kaltenbacher: Mathematik erfolgreich forschen (Arbeitstitel)
"Der Zahlen gigantische Schatten". R. Taschner: Bohr, oder Zahl und Materie. Okt 16 Don
Mathematische Heldinnensagen: Hilda Geiringer von Mises Mathematische Heldinnensagen: Emmy Noether Die Mathematik ist weiblich - Podiumsdiskussion Okt 17 Fr Mathematische Moritaten - A. Mehlmann: Poesie und Mathematik - die Motive

69. Auteur - Geiringer, Hilda
geiringer, hilda (Co-auteur) Academic Press 1964 Ouvrage RdC (V).

70. WhoWasThere Reply
Richard von mises was 67 this year and would die in a further 3 years. HildaGeiringer was 57 this year and would die in a further 23 years.

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Probability, Statistics and Truth
By: Richard von Mises Hilda Geiringer (Translator)
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74. Hürriyetim
24/08/2003 önceki gün bugün sonraki gün 01 Ocak,,authorid~37@sid~9@tarih~2003-08-2
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