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         Volterra Vito:     more books (64)
  1. Naissance à Ancône: Carlo Renaldini, Vito Volterra, Emanuele Naspetti, Franco Corelli, Virna Lisi, Samuele Papi, Alessandro Serenelli (French Edition)
  2. Théorie Générale Des Fonctionnelles; Tome Premier: Généralités Sur Les Fonctionnelles Théorie Des éQuations Intégrales. Préface De Vito Volterra by vito volterra, 1936
  3. Hochschullehrer (Rom): Enrico Fermi, Athanasius Kircher, Vito Volterra, Vilfredo Pareto, Emilio Segrè, Andrea Camilleri, Tarcisio Bertone (German Edition)
  4. Hochschullehrer (Turin): Lorenzo Romano Amedeo Carlo Avogadro, Vito Volterra, Augustin Louis Cauchy, Joseph-Louis Lagrange, Vincenzo Gioberti (German Edition)
  5. Ancien Élève de L'école Normale Supérieure de Pise: Giosuè Carducci, Giovanni Gentile, Enrico Fermi, Vito Volterra, Antonio Tabucchi (French Edition)
  6. Vito Volterra Symposium on Mathematical Models in Biology: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare, Accademia Nazionale ... 1979 (Lecture Notes in Biomathematics)
  7. Leçons sur l'intégration des équations différentielles aux dérivées partielles: professées à Stockholm sur l'invitation de S.M. le roi de Suède par M. V. Volterra (French Edition) by Vito Volterra, 1912-01-01
  8. Equations Integrales (French and French Edition) by Vito Volterra, M. Tomassetti, et all 2009-11-24
  9. The theory of permutable functions. Lectures delivered at Princeton University October, 1912 by Vito Volterra, 2010-08-18
  10. Lecons Sur Les Equations Integrales et Les Equations Integro- Differentielles by Vito Volterra, 1913
  11. Leçons sur les fonctions de lignes: professées à la Sorbonne en 1912 (French Edition) by Vito Volterra, 1913-01-01
  12. Lectures Delivered at the Celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Foundation of Clark University, Under the Auspices of the Department of Physics, Worcester Mass., September 7-11,1909 by Vito; Ernest Rutherford; Robert Williams Wood; and Carl Barus Volterra, 1912
  13. Leçons sur les équations intégrales et les équations intégro-différentielles: Leçons professées à la Faculté des sciences de Rome en 1910 (French Edition) by Vito Volterra, 1913-01-01
  14. Fluctuations dans la lutte pour le vie; leurs lois fondamentales et de réciprocité Conference de la Réunion internationale des Mathématiciens, tenue à Paris en Juillet 1937. by Vito Volterra, 1938-01-01

21. Benvenuti All'ITIS Vito Volterra Di Ancona
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22. Vito Volterra --  Encyclopædia Britannica
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23. References For Volterra
References for vito volterra. (Leningrad, 1977). R Simili (ed.), Scienza, tecnologiae istituzioni in Europa vito volterra el origine del Cnr (Rome, 1993).
References for Vito Volterra
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990).
  • Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Books:
  • E M Polishchuk, Vito Vol'terra 1860-1940 (Russian), Nauchno-Biograficheskaya Literatura, Izdat. "Nauka" Leningrad. Otdel. (Leningrad, 1977).
  • R Simili (ed.), Scienza, tecnologia e istituzioni in Europa : Vito Volterra e l'origine del Cnr (Rome, 1993). Articles:
  • E S Allen, The scientific work of Vito Volterra, Amer. Math. Monthly
  • Anonymous, Vito Volterra, Archimede
  • G Armellini, Vito Volterra e la sua opera scientifica, Ricerca Sci.
  • A Borsellino, Vito Volterra and contemporary mathematical biology, Vito Volterra Symposium on Mathematical Models in Biology, Lecture Notes in Biomath. (Berlin-New York, 1980), 410-417.
  • G Castelnuovo, Obituary: Vito Volterra, Mem. Soc. Ital. Sci.
  • G Colonnetti, Nel cinquantesimo anniversario di una memoria di Vito Volterra che ha aperta vie nuove alla moderna scienza delle costruzioni, Univ. e Politec. Torino. Rend. Sem. Mat.
  • D'Arcy W Thompson and S Chapman, Obituary: Prof. Vito Volterra, For. Mem. R S
  • 24. Volterra, Vito
    volterra, vito (18601940). Italian mathematician whose chief workwas in the fields of function theory and differential equations.
    Volterra, Vito
    Italian mathematician whose chief work was in the fields of function theory and differential equations. His chief method, hit upon as a young boy, was based on dividing a problem into a small interval of time and assuming one of the variables to be constant during each time period.
    Volterra was born in Ancona and studied at Florence and Pisa. He was professor at Pisa 1883-92, Turin 1892-1900, and Rome 1900-31. During World War I he established the Italian Office of War Inventions, where he designed armaments and proposed that helium be used in place of hydrogen in airships.
    After the war he became increasingly involved in politics, speaking in the Senate and voicing his opposition to the Fascist regime. For his views he was eventually dismissed from his academic post and banned from taking part in any Italian scientific meeting.
    At the age of 13, after reading Jules Verne 's novel From the Earth to the Moon, Volterra became interested in projectile problems and came up with a plausible determination for the trajectory of a spacecraft which had been fired from a gun. His solution was based on the device of breaking time down into small intervals during which it could be assumed that the force was constant. The trajectory could thus be viewed as a series of small parabolic arcs. This was the essence of the argument he developed in detail 40 years later in a series of lectures at the Sorbonne, France.

    25. Lotka-Volterra Predator-Prey Model
    Alfred Lotka and the Italian mathematician vito volterra. Unlike the Malthusian and Logistic have previously seen, the Lotkavolterra model is based on differential equations
    Lotka-Volterra Two Species Model
    Two Species Models
    The models we have discussed so far (Malthus and Logistic) are single species models. Many of the most interesting dynamics in the biological world have to do with interactions between species. Mathematical models which incorporate these interactions are required if we hope to simulate these dynamics. One of the first models to incorporate interactions between predators and prey was proposed in 1925 by the American biophysicist Alfred Lotka and the Italian mathematician Vito Volterra. Unlike the Malthusian and Logistic models we have previously seen, the Lotka-Volterra model is based on differential equations.
    Differential Equations
    For our purposes, the best way to understand differential equations is to contrast them with the now familiar difference equations. When using difference equations the population sizes are computed at discrete points in time. These results can be likened to snapshots, we observe the situation at points in time but do not observe what happens between snapshots. In the difference equation models we've discussed so far, the snapshots have been taken at the beginning of each time period, often years. In constrast, differential equation models strive to observe the population at

    26. Lotka & Volterra Award Winners
    Prizes for Best Student Presentations in Theoretical Ecology. The Theoretical Ecology Section awards the Alfred J. Lotka and vito volterra prizes for the best presentations given by students during
    Prizes for Best Student Presentations in Theoretical Ecology
    The Theoretical Ecology Section awards the Alfred J. Lotka and Vito Volterra prizes for the best presentations given by students during the Annual Meeting of the ESA. The award is open to graduate student members of the ESA who, as sole or first author, present a talk or poster at the ESA annual meeting on original research in theoretical ecology. All suitable approaches that yield theoretical insight to ecological phenomena will be considered. Prizes will be awarded on the basis of merit, originality, and clarity of presentation. Sinauer Associates has generously provided the 2001 Award: $100 each for the best poster and best talk, redeemable as books published by Sinauer Associates . To be considered for the Theoretical Ecology Section Award, students must notify the Section by June 30. Prospective candidates should contact: Will Wilson
    A. J. Lotka Award for Best Student Poster in Theoretical Ecology
    Derek Johnson
    University of Miami
    Patch size-dependent migration and semi-synchronous extinction in a beetle metapopulation.

    27. Biografia De Volterra, Vito
    Translate this page volterra, vito. (Ancona, 1860-Roma, 1940) Físico y matemático italiano.Fue profesor de mecánica teórica y realizó diversos
    Inicio Buscador Utilidades Recomendar sitio
    Volterra, Vito (Ancona, 1860-Roma, 1940) Físico y matemático italiano. Fue profesor de mecánica teórica y realizó diversos trabajos sobre ecuaciones integrales y funciones lineales. Desarrolló notablemente el análisis funcional, que aplicó a numerosos problemas de física y de biología. Es autor de varias biografías de matemáticos italianos. Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

    28. Résultats De La Recherche
    Translate this page Auteur volterra, vito (3 articles) volterra, vito Fluctuations dans lalutte pour la vie, leurs lois fondamentales et de réciprocité., Vito&format=short

    29. ITIS Vito Volterra > POF
    vito volterra. vito volterra grandematematico, uno dei maggiori che l Italia abbia mai avuto
    IL PERSONAGGIO Torna alla Homepage Scrivici
    Una breve presentazione dell'uomo! Vito Volterra Torna all'Inizio

    30. Lotka & Volterra Award Winners
    The Theoretical Ecology Section. Prizes for Best Student Presentations in Theoretical Ecology. The Theoretical Ecology Section awards the Alfred J. Lotka and vito volterra prizes for the best presentations given by students during the Annual Meeting of the ESA John Haskell, volterra Award for Best Oral Presentation
    The Theoretical Ecology Section
    Prizes for Best Student Presentations in Theoretical Ecology
    The Theoretical Ecology Section awards the Alfred J. Lotka and Vito Volterra prizes for the best presentations given by students during the Annual Meeting of the ESA. The award is open to graduate student members of the ESA who, as sole or first author, present a talk or poster at the ESA annual meeting on original research in theoretical ecology. All suitable approaches that yield theoretical insight to ecological phenomena will be considered. Prizes will be awarded on the basis of merit, originality, and clarity of presentation. Sinauer Associates has generously provided the 2001 Award: $100 each for the best poster and best talk, redeemable as books published by Sinauer Associates . To be considered for the Theoretical Ecology Section Award, students must notify the Section by June 30. Prospective candidates should contact an officer of the Theory Section
    Lotka-Volterra Student Award Recipients
    Caz Taylor, Lotka Award for Best Poster

    31. Home Page Centro Vito Volterra
    I l Centro Volterra e' un centro di ricerca, servizi e consulenza, aperto al dialogo e alla collaborazione con individui o istituzioni interessati allo studio, speculativo o finalizzato a scopi precisi, dei sistemi complessi nel tentativo di individuare metodologie generali di modellizzazione, interpretazione e intervento, che integrino quelle tradizionali rivelatesi, da sole, insufficienti al trattamento quantitativo di tali problemi. Il Centro Volterra intende ricollegarsi alla migliore tradizione scientifica italiana rifiutando una netta separazione tra ricerca pura e ricerca applicata: esso incoraggia entrambi i tipi di attivita' e soprattutto il dialogo tra esse, nel pieno rispetto delle scelte individuali. L e attivita' del Centro si articolano in progetti di ricerca che coinvolgono, in aggregazioni non mutuamente esclusive, membri del Centro e personale esterno. Ad esse si aggiungono seminari a carattere esplorativo e iniziative riguardanti la diffusione delle conoscenze scientifiche. Le aree di ricerca che caratterizzano il Centro non sono predeterminate, ma aperte a stimoli e a proposte esterne. In altri termini: la caratterizzazione culturale del Centro non e' stabilita a priori ma dinamica I L a risoluzione di problemi riguardanti i sistemi complessi richiede in genere, una fase di

    32. Home Page Centro Vito Volterra
    Translate this page Keywords Luigi Accardi, Centro vito volterra, Quantum Probability, Infinite DimensionalAnalysis, Research, Probability , Mathematics, Statistics, Biomedic
    Keywords: Luigi Accardi, Centro Vito Volterra, Quantum Probability, Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Research, Probability , Mathematics, Statistics, Biomedic, Mathematical finance, Philosophy, Managerial engineering, Systems of Production, Operations research, Optimization, Simulation, stocastic limit of quantistic electrodynamics, hypothesis, red shift, Quantum Chromodynamics, Stochastic bosonization, Equations, Quantum Markov chains, White noise analysis, Brownian Motion, Quantum mechanics, pseudo-random sequences, random, Meteorological radars, Telecommunication, Visual communication, Visual Limbs, AQPIDA

    33. Biografia Di Volterra
    Translate this page volterra, vito. volterra, vito (Ancona 1860 - Roma 1940), matematicoe fisico italiano. Studiò a Firenze e alla Scuola Normale di
    VOLTERRA, VITO Volterra, Vito (Ancona 1860 - Roma 1940), matematico e fisico italiano. Studiò a Firenze e alla Scuola Normale di Pisa con il matematico Ulisse Dini. Divenuto professore a soli 23 anni, insegnò meccanica razionale e fisica matematica. Nel 1905 fu nominato Senatore del regno. Fondatore della Società fisica italiana e del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche (CNR), del quale fu presidente dal 1923 al 1926, nel 1931 fu allontanato dall'insegnamento e successivamente estromesso da tutti gli istituti culturali italiani per non aver prestato giuramento di fedeltà al regime fascista. Vittima della persecuzione antisemita, si trasferì a Parigi, per poi tornare in Italia nel 1939. Si occupò di numerosi problemi di analisi e fisica matematica; diede importanti contributi alla teoria delle equazioni integrali e fu uno dei fondatori del calcolo funzionale. Torna all'inizio di biografie di grandi matematici Vota questo sito!

    34. I.T.I.S. "Vito Volterra" - San Donà Di Piave - Venezia
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    35. Auteur - Volterra, Vito
    Translate this page Auteur volterra, vito, 14 documents trouvés. primo 1881-1892 volterra,vito (Principal) Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei 1954 Oeuvres RdC.

    36. Descripteur - 01A75
    Translate this page Ouvrage Opere matematiche, meemorie e note, vol. primo 1881-1892 volterra,vito (Principal) Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei 1954 Oeuvres RdC.
      AMS : 01-XX: 01Axx:
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    Collected papers,vol i


    MacMahon, Percy Alexander
    (Principal) ; Andrews, George E. (Editeur)
    The Mit Press

    Mathematicians of our time, 0004
    Oeuvres RdC
    Choix d'oeuvres mathematiques.Tome II
    Dieudonne, Jean (Principal) Hemann Oeuvres RdC Ouvrage Oeuvres de maurice gevrey Gevrey, Maurice (Principal) Editions du C.N.R.S. Oeuvres RdC Ouvrage Selected papers Elgot, Galvin C. (Principal) ; Bloom, Stephen L. (Editeur) Springer-Verlag Oeuvres RdC Ouvrage Die mathematischen studien von g.w. leibniz zur kombinatorik auf grund fast ausschliesslich handschriftlicher aufzeichnungen dargelegt und kommentiert Knobloch, Eberhard (Principal) Franz Steiner Verlag Gmbh Studia leibnitiana supplementa, 0011 Oeuvres RdC Ouvrage Selected papers Vol.1 Chern, Shiing-Shen (Principal) Springer-Verlag Ouvrage Selected papers Wolfowitz, Jacob (Principal) ; Augustin, U. (Editeur) ; Kiefer, J. (Editeur) ; Weiss, L. (Editeur) Springer-Verlag Oeuvres RdC Ouvrage Collected papers,vol. 1

    37. - Math Site For Kids! Home Of Flashcards, Math
    Click Here volterra, vito. voltera (18601940). Mathematician,born in Ancona, Italy. He was professor at Pisa, Turin, and Rome.

    38. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article
    volterra, vito (18601940). The Hutchinson Dictionary of ScientificBiography; 1/1/1998. Read the Full Article, Get a FREE Trial for

    39. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
    6. volterra, vito (18601940) The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography;January 1, 1998 volterra, vito (1860-1940) was an Italian mathematician

    40. Cannizzaro Documents Look Up
    Translate this page volterra, vito. Dati anagrafici Ancona,1860-Roma,1940 Notizie Matematico,silaureò a Pisa nel 1882, divenendo poi professore di

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