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21. Definic V Translate this page Véase cúpula de Viviani. vlacq, adriaan. Holandés de mediado delsiglo XVII, que contribuyó a la difusión de los logaritmos. http://ing.unne.edu.ar/Matem_diccion/p323_letra_v_definic.htm | |
22. Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge VLACOVICH, Niccolö. VLACOVICH, Niccolö 1888. vlacq, adriaan - 1695. vlacq, Adrlaan.vlacq, Adrlaan - 1681. vlacq, adriaan - 1738. Vlad, Jon. Vlad, Jon - 1940. http://webapp.uibk.ac.at/alo/cat/?id=5009406 |
23. Rare Mathematics Titles Vince, Samuel,, The principles of fluxions designed for, 1812. vlacq,adriaan. Tables de sinus tangentes, secantes et de, 1651. Vossius http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/spec/rarebook/science/math.htm | |
24. Rare Mathematics Titles Vossius, Gerardus Jo, Gerardi Ioannis Vossii De qvatvor artibvs, 1650.vlacq, adriaan. Tables de sinus tangentes, secantes et de, 1651. http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/spec/rarebook/science/math2.htm | |
25. In Situ - N°1 - Patrick Le Boeuf : Identification Des Titres Translate this page Paris D. Cavellat, 1608. In-4° BNF. (52) Gravure non identifiable.(53) vlacq, adriaan. Ephemerides motuum clestium ad http://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/revue-inv/001/aplb01.html | |
26. Carte Face Visible Translate this page vlacq 53,3S, 38,8E - adriaan vlacq (v. 1600-1667). Libraire et mathématicienhollandais. Publia en 1628 une table de logarithmes de dix lignes. http://r.aberlin.free.fr/lune/cartographie/visible/cartes/75.htm | |
27. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page vlacq, adriaan (199) Volterra, Vito (436*) von Brill, Alexander (86*) von Dyck,Walther (71*) von Eötvös, Roland (159*) von Helmholtz, Hermann (120*) von http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html |
28. Original Documents On The History Of Calculators Edward Wright. adriaan vlacq, Eerste deel van de nievwe Telkonst ,an oldDutch translation of John Napier s Rabdologiae large!; J http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Horizon/1404/ | |
29. SUB - Sammlung Deutscher Drucke 1701 - 1800, Neuerwerbungsliste 2. Quartal 1999 vlacq, adriaan. Tabellen http://www.sub.uni-goettingen.de/archiv/nel/neu_105/a1.htm | |
30. Logarithm in 1624. adriaan vlacq published a 10place table for values from1 to 100,000 in 1628, adding the 70,000 values. Both Briggs and http://www.thocp.net/sciences/mathematics/logarithm_hist.htm | |
31. The Selfish Genius? Stade, Michiel Florentius van Langren, adriaan Metius (die benaderde met de verhouding355/113), Theodore Moret, André Tacquet, adriaan vlacq, David Fabritius http://soliton.wins.uva.nl/~bais/selfish.html | |
32. Lunar Crater Statistics 5.2N. 117.1E. 26. Vincenzo; Italian physicist, mathematician (16221703). . vlacq.53.3S. 38.8E. 89. adriaan; Dutch mathematician (c. 1600-1667). Vogel. 15.1S. 5.9E.26. http://lunar.arc.nasa.gov/science/atlas/text/cratertex_v.html | |
33. Moon Nomenclature - Craters 5.2N. 117.1E. 26. Vincenzo; Italian physicist, mathematician (16221703). . vlacq,53.3S. 38.8E. 89. adriaan; Dutch mathematician (c. 1600-1667). Vogel, 15.1S. 5.9E.26. http://lunar.arc.nasa.gov/printerready/science/geography_items/carters/craters_v | |
34. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page Vinogradov, Ivan Matveevic (1891 - 1983) Vitali, Guiseppe (26.8.1875 - 29.2.1932)Viviani, Vicenzo (1622 - 1703) vlacq, adriaan (1600 - 1667) Volterra, Vito http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
35. Tablas De Logaritmos Translate this page 30,000 números naturales por el inglés Henry Briggs (Londres, 1624) y hasta losprimeros100,000 números naturales por el holandés adriaan vlacq (Goude, 1628 http://www.ull.es/bull/lam2000/Tablas.htm | |
36. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ Vincent, Gregorius Saint (296*) Vinci, Leonardo da (704*) Vinogradov, Ivan (685*)Vitali, Giuseppe (269*) Viviani, Vincenzo (339*) vlacq, adriaan (199) Vleck http://www.newturk.net/index111.html | |
37. Rekenlinialen/slide Rules Verzameling,esperanto, Nomogrammen, Historie Rekenlini Napier om voor het grondtal 10 (gepubliceerd in 1624). Deze tabel werddoor de Goudse boekhandelaar adriaan vlacq in 1628 aangevuld. http://www.barneveld.com/pleinen/leefomg/hobby/rekenlat/historie.htm | |
38. Mathematical Database - Math Funland - Math Articles To accomplish the goal, Briggs and a young Dutch mathematician adriaan vlacq constructedthe common logarithm table, to the precision of 14 significant figures http://db.math.ust.hk/articles/log/e_log.htm | |
39. 17¥@¬ö²üÄõ¼Æ¾Ç®a C ?. ?17?. ?adriaan vlacq. 1600~1667.Born 1600 in Gouda, Netherlands Died 1667 in The Hague, Netherlands. http://www1.emath.pu.edu.tw/mkuo/2001æ¸å¸å²/æ·å±æ¸å¸ | |
40. History, Scientific Terms, Nomenclature, Etc. - Numericana The gap was closed by the Dutch publisher adriaan vlacq (16001667), whose resultswere included in the second (1628) edition of Arithmetica Logarithmica, the http://home.att.net/~numericana/answer/culture.htm | |
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