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61. Inventor Leonardo Da Vinci Fascinating facts about leonardo da vinci, whose innovations anticipated many of the developments of modern science. http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventors/davinci.htm | |
62. LEONARDO Da Vinci A collection of many works of the author, including paintings, drawings and sculptures. With notes for each work http://gallery.euroweb.hu/html/l/leonardo/index.html | |
63. Liceo Scientifico Statale "Leonardo Da Vinci" Di Maglie (Lecce) Maglie, LE Sito ufficiale dell'Istituto. http://cliomg.clio.it/sc/lsm/ | |
64. Leonardo Da Vinci Obras y biografa de este autor italiano. http://www.epdlp.com/vinci.html |
65. Leonardo Da Vinci - Il Genio E Le Sue Opere Presenta la vita, le opere, gli studi, la pittura, i manoscritti, le invenzioni e il codice. Inoltre, alcuni link a risorse correlate. http://digilander.libero.it/webmastermito/lobiancoalessandra/ |
66. Met Special Topics Page | Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) leonardo da vinci (1452Ð1519). leonardo da vinci (14521519) is one of the most intriguing personalities in the history of Western art. http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/leon/hd_leon.htm | |
67. Home Page Leonardo Da Vinci Cecina, LI Sito ufficiale della scuola. http://www.bdp.it/~limm0001/index.html | |
68. Leonardo Da Vinci: European Training In The UK leonardo da vinci is a European programme designed to help develop new vocational training approaches. http://www.leonardo.org.uk/ | |
69. Valorisation Evaluation of the vocational training programme 'leonardo da vinci' http://www.ntnu.no/intersek/leonardo/valorisation/eng.htm | |
70. Leonardo Da Vinci -- Encyclopædia Britannica leonardo da vinci Encyclopædia Britannica Article. Selfportrait by leonardo da vinci, chalk drawing, 1512; in the Palazzo Reale, Turin, Italy. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=114893 |
71. Leonardo Da Vinci - Art Images - Works And Biography - OCAIW Translate this page leonardo da vinci Italian Painter, 1452-1519 Works and biography. All the pictures of works by leonardo da vinci in image galleries and art museum sites. http://www.ocaiw.com/leonardo.htm | |
72. Nationale Agentur Beim Bundesinstitut Für Berufsbildung (BIBB) - Leonardo Da Vi Translate this page leonardo da vinci. leonardo da vinci. das Transfer von im Rahmen des Programms leonardo da vinci entwickelten innovativen Ansätzen. Die http://www.na-bibb.de/leonardo/ | |
73. Leonardo Da Vinci - Painter, Architect, Engineer, Draftsman, Botanist, And Anato Yianis Zouras provides a biography and a collection of images of the artist's works. http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/eastwood/124/ | |
74. ITIS L.da Vinci TRAPANI Trapani Sito ufficiale dell'Istituto. http://www.bdp.it/~tptd0001/itihome.html | |
75. Nationale Agentur Beim Bundesinstitut Für Berufsbildung (BIBB) - Leonardo Da Vi Translate this page leonardo da vinci. leonardo da vinci. Zu den Antragsunterlagen. Transfer von im Rahmen des Programms leonardo da vinci entwickelten innovativen Ansätzen. http://www.na-bibb.de/leonardo/index.php?site=Leonardo da Vinci |
76. Index Texto sobre la obra de leonardo por Dolores Garca. http://webs.ono.com/FLORENCIA |
77. Leonardo Da Vinci Vita ed opere del grande maestro. http://digilander.libero.it/arteworld/leonardo/ | |
78. EUROPA - Education And Training - EUROPA - Education And Training: Home Page Socrates, Leonard da vinci and Youth programme The Memorandum of Understanding establishing Turkey s participation in the Socrates, leonardo da vinci and Youth http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/index_en.html | |
79. Museo Nazionale Della Scienza E Della Tecnologia "Leonardo Da Vinci" Milano Presenta il padiglione dedicato alla nautica nel Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica leonardo da vinci, che accoglie il veliero Ebe, parti del transatlantico Conte Biancamano, armi navali. http://www.museoscienza.org/navi/ |
80. Original Oil-paintings For Sale!!! We are selling original oilpaintings!!! http://www.geocities.com/oil_paintings2000 | |
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