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61. MATHEMATIK anciens. Archives de philosophie. 1937; 13 221/245. 13.viete, francois.The Analytic Art. In Witmer, T. Richard, Transl. Ohio; 1983. http://heihobel.phl.univie.ac.at/per/rh/ellvau/kaweb/l3txt.htm | |
62. Mathematician List Somerville, Mary, Stevin, Simon, Tartaglia, Nicolo, Thales, Uhlenbeck, Karen,viete, francois, Wallis, John, Wheeler, Anna J. Pell, Young, Grace Chisholm, http://www.manassas.k12.va.us/round/ClassWeb/Volz/mathematicianlist.htm |
63. Stefan's Florilegium francois viete) Date Fri, 17 Mar 1995 110714 0500 OrganizationBell-Northern Research. jeffs@math.bu.EDU (Jeff Suzuki) wrote http://www.florilegium.org/files/UNCAT/cryptography-msg.html | |
64. VIERZON VIETA (or viete), francois, SEIGNEUR DE LA BIGOTIERE (15401603), more generallyknown as FRANCISCUS VIETA, French mathematician, was born in 1540 at Fontenay http://26.1911encyclopedia.org/V/VI/VIERZON.htm | |
65. The Scientific Revolution (1550-1700) 16. Which of the following introduced the decimal system of representing fractions?(A), francois viete. (B), Simon Stevin. (A), francois viete. (B), Simon Stevin. http://www.sparknotes.com/history/european/scientificrevolution/test.html | |
66. Using Projects In The Mathematics Classroom To Enhance Instruction And Incorpora Charlotte Angas Somerville, Mary Fairfax Steven, Simon Tartaglia, Niccolo TausskyTodd,Olga Thales Uhlenbeck, Karen Keskulla viete, francois Vinci, Leonardo http://jwilson.coe.uga.edu/EMT668/EMT668.Folders.F97/Anderson/nctm 99 San Franci | |
67. [2.0] Refining The Art The French codebreaking tradition began with Philibert Babou, who wasfollowed by francois viete. viete was so successful in cracking http://www.vectorsite.net/ttcode2.html | |
68. List Of Mathematical Topics (V-Z) Vertex Vertical translation A very elementary proof that 22/7 exceeds p Vidav Vidav, Ivan Vierbein viete, francois Vietoris, Leopold http://www.wikisearch.net/en/wikipedia/l/li/list_of_mathematical_topics__v_z_.ht | |
69. Matematikusok Arcképcsarnoka Viéte, francois (15401603. 02. 23.). Másodfokú egyenletek gyökök és együtthatókkapcsolatát megadó képletek, a viete-formulák is orzik a nevét. http://www.sulinet.hu/ematek/html/viete.html | |
70. ORIENTALIA InfoBase | World History Viet+Cong. Viet+Minh. Viet+Nam+Duy+Tan+Hoi. Viet+Nam+Quang+Phuc+Hoi. Viet+Nam+Quoc+Dan+Dang.viete+francois. Vietnam. Vietnam+War. Vietnamese+National+Liberation+Front. http://www.orientalia.org/infobase2-V.html | |
71. [FOM] Interesting Book Tartaglia (Fontana) 32 Taylor, Brook 16 Tchebycheff, Pafnuty 4 ValleePoussin, Charlesde la 6 Vandermonde, Alexandre 1 Venn, John 1 viete, francois 36 Volterra http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2003-December/007780.html | |
72. Food For Thought: Biographies Vierkandt, Alfred Ferdinand (German sociologist), 18671953. viete,francois (Franciscus Vieta) (French mathematician), 1540-1603. Vigano http://www.junkfoodforthought.com/bio/bio_V.htm | |
73. STORIA DELLA MATEMATICA la circonferenza di raggio unitario è stato francois viete( 1540-1603 http://digilander.libero.it/artemate/storiamrinascimento.htm | |
74. 6.1 Francois Viéte (Dejiny Algebry) 6.1 francois Viéte (1540 1603). viete uvádza ete est dalíchpríkladov na túto metódu, ktorá pochádza od Cardana. http://www.matika.sk/zdroje/texty/recenz/Dejalg/Cast6/Part6-1.htm | |
75. A Closer Look At Cryptography (2). francois viete was born in 1540 in Fontenayle-Comte in France, anddied on December 13th, 1603 in Paris. He was a French mathematician http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/udaepp/090/w3/brads.htm | |
76. List Of People By Name: V symbolist); Viereck, Peter?, poet; viete, francois?, (1540 1603),mathematician; Vietoris, Leopold, (1891 - 2002), mathematician; http://www.fastload.org/li/List_of_people_by_name:_V.html | |
77. 80.07.11: A Chronological History Of ¹ With Developmental Activities In Problem Most of Western Europe now was involved in mathematics, but the central and mostmagnificent figure in the transitions was a Frenchman, francois viete. http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1980/7/80.07.11.x.html | |
78. François Viète Translate this page LA VIE DE francois viete(frz). Biography of francois viete. Françoisviete (TU Freiberg). François Viète (Kantonsschule Kreuzlingen). http://home.t-online.de/home/099191080-0002/viete.htm | |
79. Viktoriin NNN 8. Klass 13. Sõnasta viete i teoreem! Prantsuse matemaatik francois viete mängis olulistrolli ka Prantsuse ajaloos (pole otseselt seotud matemaatikaga). http://vabrik.ee/karikas/8klass.htm |
80. The Modern Age - 17th Century Marin Getaldiæ made significant contributions to mathematics as a followerof the famous French mathematician francois viete. Working http://public.srce.hr/zuh/English/nv17_e.htm | |
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