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         Verrier Urbain Le:     more books (19)
  1. Urbain Le Verrier, savant universel, gloire nationale, personnalite contentine (French Edition) by Francoise Lamotte, 1977
  2. La Métallurgie En France (French Edition) by Urbain Le Verrier, 2010-02-09
  3. Métallurgie Générale: Procédés De Chauffage : Combustibles Solides, Description Des Combustibles, Combustibles Artificiels, Emploi Des Combustibles, Chauffage ... Usine Métallurgique, Don (French Edition) by Urbain Le Verrier, 2010-03-24
  4. Astronome Français: Charles Messier, Nicolas Louis de Lacaille, Léon Foucault, Urbain le Verrier, Nicole Oresme, Pierre Gassendi (French Edition)
  5. Historic Dispute : Is Urbain Le Verrier the true discoverer of Neptune?: An entry from Gale's <i>Science in Dispute, Volume 1</i> by Lee A. Paradise, David Tulloch, et all 2002
  6. Urbain Le Verrier
  7. Ancien Étudiant de L'université de Caen: Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, François Morel, Urbain le Verrier, Jules Barbey D'aurevilly (French Edition)
  8. Météorologue Français: Urbain le Verrier, Herménégilde Duchaussoy, Gaston Tissandier, Robert de Lamanon, Joseph Vallot, Léon Teisserenc de Bort (French Edition)
  9. Naissance à Saint-Lô: Urbain le Verrier, Jacques Du Perron, Octave Feuillet, Paul Porel, Benoît Lesoimier, Hugues Duboscq, Jean Teulé (French Edition)
  10. Député de La Deuxième République Française: Victor Schoelcher, Urbain le Verrier, Alexis de Tocqueville, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, André Dupin (French Edition)
  11. Académie de Caen: Henri Poincaré, Léopold Sédar Senghor, Alphonse de Lamartine, François Coppée, Urbain le Verrier, François Guizot (French Edition)
  12. Neptune: Voyager Program, François Arago, Urbain le Verrier, John Couch Adams, Discovery of Neptune, Rings of Neptune, Great Dark Spot
  13. Ancien Conseiller Général de La Manche: Alain Cousin, Jean-Claude Lemoine, Claude Gatignol, Jean Lemière, Urbain le Verrier (French Edition)
  14. Ancien Député de La Manche: Jean-Claude Lemoine, Jean Lemière, René André, Urbain le Verrier, Alexis de Tocqueville, René Schmitt (French Edition)

61. - Site Profile For Le Verrier, Urbain
The Frenchastronomer whose mathematical predictions led to the discovery of Neptune....... le verrier, urbain Site Profile. Title le verrier, urbain.
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62. Urbain Le Verrier - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
urbain le verrier. Die Texte stammen aus der Wikipedia Dies ist nicht die Wikipedia.deurbain le verrier frurbain le verrier slurbain-Jean Joseph le verrier.
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Urbain Le Verrier
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de:Urbain Le Verrier fr:Urbain Le Verrier sl:Urbain-Jean Joseph Le Verrier Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier March 11 September 23 ) was a French mathematician who specialized in celestial mechanics . He worked at the Paris Observatory for most of his life. He was born in Saint-Lô, France. His most famous achievement is the discovery of Neptune , using only mathematics and astronomical observations. The calculations were made to explain discrepancies between Uranus 's observed orbit and that predicted from the laws of Kepler and Newton . At the same time, but unknown to each other, the same calculations were made by Adams . Le Verrier assisted Galle in locating the planet (September - Aquarius Perhaps galvanized by his discovery, Le Verrier proceeded to intepret the orbit of Mercury as influenced by another planet (tentatively named Vulcan ). This triggered a wave of false detections, which lasted until , when Einstein explained the anomalous motion with his theory of general relativity He died in Paris France
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Saint-Lô, Manche 50 (ville natale d urbain le verrier).

64. De Negen Planeten : Woordenlijst
le verrier, urbain Jean Joseph 18111877 Franse astronoomm die de positie van eennog niet ontdekte planeet (Neptunus) voorspelde als gevolg van storingen op
Verklarende woordenlijst
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Adams, John Couch
Engelse astronoom en wiskundige die op 24jarige leeftijd als eerste, op basis van de zwaartekrachtwetten van Newton, een planeet buiten de baan van Uranus voorspelde. Nadat Galle het bestaan van Neptunus bevestigde op basis van berekeningen van Le Verrier , ontstond er een zware discussie omtrent wie de ontdekker van Uranus was. ( 4k jpg
het percentage licht dat door een bepaald object weerkaatst wordt. Een wit lichaam straalt alle licht terug en heeft een albedo van 1,0 terwijl een zwart lichaam alle straling opslorpt en een albedo van 0,0 heeft.
albedo karakteristiek
Een donkere of lichtgevende plek op een lichaam dat niet van geologische of topografische oorsprong is.
antipode punt
De plaats die zich aan de oppositiezijde van de planeet bevindt.
de plaats waar een planeet tijdens zijn omloop zich het verst van de zon bevindt. Voor objecten (de maan of kunstsatellieten) die een omloop rond de aarde hebben noemt men dit punt het apogeum . Voor omlopen rond andere lichamen gebruikt men de term apoapsis . Het tegenovergestelde van het aphelium is het perihelium
asteroïde nummer
asteroïden krijgen een volgnummer wanneer ze ontdekt worden. De nummer heeft geen speciale betekenis en is gewoon oplopend. (zie

65. LE VERRIER (Urbain)., Rapport Fait Au Nom De La Commission Chargée D'examiner L
Llibreria Antiquària Comellas
Le Télégraphe pour tous LE VERRIER (Urbain). Rapport fait au nom de la Commission chargée d'examiner le projet de loi sur la correspondance télégraphique privée. (à la fin:) Paris, s.d. (1850). in-8. 38pp. (1f.blanc). Broché, couverture muette de l'époque. EDITION ORIGINALE de ce texte du célèbre astronome originaire de SaintLô, Urbain Le Verrier (1811- 1877) à qui l'on doit la découverte de la planète Neptune. Le Verrier était membre d'une commission chargée d'étudier un projet de loi ouvrant aux particuliers le service du télégraphe, car l'utilisation de ce moyen de communication dont l'implantation ne remonte en France qu'à 1845, était réservé jusqu'alors aux pouvoirs publics. Le présent texte contient les suggestions de cette commission, et plusieurs documents relatifs à l'implantation du télégraphe à l'étranger, en particulier aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique (statistiques, tarifs, etc.). Bon exemplaire. This item is listed on Bibliopoly by Llibreria Antiquària Comellas ; click here for further details.

66. Urbain Le Verrier
Article on urbain le verrier from, licensed fromWikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Return Index urbain le verrier.
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Urbain Le Verrier
Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier March 11 September 23 ) was a French mathematician who specialized in celestial mechanics . He worked at the Paris Observatory for most of his life. He was born in Saint-Lô, France. His most famous achievement is the discovery of Neptune , using only mathematics and astronomical observations. The calculations were made to explain discrepancies between Uranus's observed orbit and that predicted from the laws of Kepler and Newton . At the same time, but unknown to each other, the same calculations were made by Adams . Le Verrier assisted Galle in locating the planet (September - Aquarius Perhaps galvanized by his discovery, Le Verrier proceeded to intepret the orbit of Mercury as influenced by another planet (tentatively named Vulcan ). This triggered a wave of false detections, which lasted until 1915, when Einstein explained the anomalous motion with his theory of general relativity He died in Paris France
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67. People In Astronomy
Hyperion. A successful brewer before turning to astronomy. le verrier,urbain Jean Joseph 18111877 French astronomer. La verrier s
People in Astronomy
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Additional Resources
Adams, John Couch
English astronomer and mathematician. At the age of 24, Adams was the first person to predict the position of a planetary mass beyond Uranus . After Johann Gottfried Galle confirmed the existence of Neptune based on independent calculations done by Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier , the two became embroiled in a dispute over priority.
Barnard, Edward Emerson
American astronomer. Barnard discovered Jupiter 's satellite Amalthea and Barnard's star, the second-nearest star system to the Sun.
Bode, Johann
German astronomer. He is known for the bogus "Bode's Law" which attempts to explain the sizes of the planetary orbits.
Bond, William Cranch
American astronomer. One of the earliest American astronomers of note, Bond rose from poverty and overcame a lack of formal education to become the first director of the Harvard College Observatory. At the observatory, he studied Saturn and (with William Lassell ) discovered its moon Hyperion
Brahe, Tycho

68. Gente
Translate this page Saturno. Fue un cervecero de éxito antes de pasarse a la astronomía.le verrier, urbain Jean Joseph 1811-1877 Astrónomo francés. La
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Recursos Adicionales
Adams, John Couch
Urano Galle Neptuno Le Verrier , los dos se vieron envueltos en una disputa sobre la prioridad de sus trabajos
Barnard, Edward Emerson
Bode, Johann
Bond, William Cranch
Saturno y (con William Lassell
Brahe, Tycho
Kepler del movimiento planetario.
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico
Saturno Tetis Dione Rea y Japeto ) y la mayor de las separaciones entre sus anillos.
Einstein, Albert
Franklin, Benjamin
Galle, Johann Gottfried
Neptuno Le Verrier . Aunque Galle fue el primero en observar Neptuno, su descubrimiento se otorga generalmente a John Couch Adams
Galileo Galilei
Lunas Galileanas de
Jorge III
Hall, Asaph
Marte Deimos y Fobos
Halley, Edmund
Herschel, Sir William
Huygens, Christiaan
Kepler, Johannes
tres leyes que dice que los planetas giran alrededor del Sol
Kowal, Charles T.
Leda y Chiron un cuerpo parecido a un cometa.
Kuiper, Gerard
Luna Miranda y Nereida
Lagrange, Joseph Louis
Lassell, William
Neptuno y (con William Cranch Bond , la luna de Saturno
Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph

69. S³ownik Astronomiczny PTA
UMK. Polecamy. PTMA - - Serwis Edukacyjny Orion. Stronaglówna / hasla, Powrót. le verrier, urbain Jean Joseph. 1811

70. The Nine Planets Glossary
(22k jpg; more) le verrier, urbain Jean Joseph 18111877 Fransk matematiker, hvisforudsigelser af positionen af en uopdaget planet (Neptun), der forårsagede
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Adams, John Couch
Engelsk astronom og matematiker som i en alder af 24 var den første til at forudsige positionen af en planet udenfor Uranus . Men desværre offentliggjorde Adams ikke sin forudsigelse. Galle bekræftede eksistensen af Neptun baseret på en uafhængig beregning udført af Le Verrier 4k jpg
Akkumulation af støv og gas ind i større legemer sådan som stjerner, planeter og måner.
Forholdet mellem reflekteret og indkommende lys for et legeme, et mål for reflektiviteten eller den egentlige klarhed af et objekt (en hvid, perfekt reflekterende flade vil have en albedo på 1,0, mens en perfekt totalabsorberende sort flade har en albedo på 0,0).
En mørk eller lys markering på overfladen af et objekt, der måske ikke er en geologisk eller topografisk formation.
Punktet som ligger på den diametralt modsatte side af planeten.
Punktet i en planets bane, hvor den er længst væk fra Solen. Når det drejer sig om objekter i bane om Jorden bruges betegnelsen apogæum , mens betegnelsen apoapsis bruges for andre legemer. (det modsatte af

71. Die Neun Planeten - Das Glossar
Translate this page le verrier, urbain Jean Joseph 1811-1877 Französischer Mathematiker, dessen Vorhersagenüber die Position eines unentdeckten Planeten (Neptun), der die
A B C D ... Z
Ablenkung engl. perturbation
Adams, John Couch
Englischer Astronom und Mathematiker, der im Alter von 24 Jahren als erster Mensch einen Planeten hinter der planetarischen Masse von Uranus Galle Neptun Le Verrier ... 4k jpg
Aerobremsung engl. aerobreaking
Ansammlung von Staub und Gas zu einer Scheibe, in der Form etwa vergleichbar einer Galaxis.
Antipode, antipodischer Punkt
Aphel engl. aphelion
Der Punkt auf der Umlaufbahn eines Planeten, der von der Sonne am weitesten entfernt ist; bezogen auf Objekte, die die Erde umkreisen, ist das Wort Apoapsis Perihel
Pariser Observatorium
d' Arrest, Heinrich Louis
Galle bei den ersten Beobachtungen des Neptun assistierte. Nachdem sie die vorhergesagte Position von Le Verrier 90k jpg
n+1 direkt nach Asteroid n entdeckt wurde (siehe Anhang 5
astronomische Einheit (AE) engl. astronomical unit (AU)
km ; der durchschnittliche Abstand zwischen der Erde und der Sonne
engl. resolution
aurora borealis
Sonnenwind aurora australis bekannt ist.

72. Comprendre - Histoire De L´observatoire De Paris - Urbain-Jean-Joseph Le Verrie
Translate this page urbain-Jean-Joseph le verrier. Arago est mort le 2 octobre 1853. le successeur d´Aragourbain-Jean-Joseph le verrier était né à Saint-Lô le 11 mars 1811.
Comprendre Urbain-Jean-Joseph Le Verrier

Cassini IV
Le Temps Delaunay Observations
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plus sur Le Verrier


73. Scientific Identity: Portraits From The Dibner Library Of The History Of Science
Scientist le verrier, urbain Jean Joseph (1811 1877). Discipline(s)Astronomy. Scientist le verrier, urbain Jean Joseph (1811 - 1877).

74. Odkrywca Neptuna - Nowinki Astronomiczne - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat
Byl to bodaj najwiekszy sukces mechaniki nieba w XIX w., tym bardziej niezwykly,ze podwójny urbain Jean Joseph le verrier (18111877).
W Na bie¿±co: I nformacje C o nowego Matematyka i przyroda: A stronomia B iologia ... odelowanie rzeczywisto¶ci Humanistyka: F ilozofia H istoria ... ztuka Czytaj: B iblioteka D elta ... ielcy i wiêksi Przydatne: S ³owniki C o i gdzie studiowaæ ... szech¶wiat w obrazkach Jeste¶ tutaj: Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat Informacje Nowinki 2000-2002 Astronomia Jeste¶ tutaj nowinka:
Odkrywca Neptuna
Jaros³aw W³odarczyk
z dnia:
Szukacz Przeszukaj Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat: Jak zadawaæ pytania?
Odkrywca Neptuna 190 lat temu urodzi³ siê astronom, o którym siê mówi, ¿e "odkry³ planetê za pomoc± o³ówka". By³ to bodaj najwiêkszy sukces mechaniki nieba w XIX w., tym bardziej niezwyk³y, ¿e podwójny...
Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier (1811-1877). Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier urodzi³ siê 11 marca 1811 r. w Saint Lô w Normandii w rodzinie urzêdnika pañstwowego. Dwadzie¶cia lat pó¼niej, w 1831 r. rozpocz±³ studia in¿ynierskie w paryskiej École Polytechnique, gdzie - po krótkim flircie z chemi± - uzyska³ w 1837 r. posadê asystenta przy katedrze astronomii. Szybko zas³yn±³ swymi precyzyjnymi obliczeniami ruchów cia³ niebieskich. W 1839 r. opublikowa³ tablice zmian parametrów orbit planetarnych w okresie od 100 000 r. p.n.e. do 100 000 r. (dzi¶ mamy rok 2001). W 1840 r. dyrektor Obserwatorium Paryskiego, François Arago (1786-1853), skierowa³ uwagê Le Verriera na ruch Merkurego . Zaowocowa³o to w 1843 r. pierwsz± prac± na ten temat, a w 1848 r. drug±, która prezentowa³a teoriê ruchu planety w konfrontacji z wynikami obserwacji jej przej¶æ na tle tarczy

75. Glossário
Translate this page le verrier, urbain Jean Joseph 1811-1877 Astrônomo francês cuja previsão da posiçãode um planeta ainda desconhecido (Netuno) que causava perturbações
B C D ... Z
Adams, John Couch
Urano Galle Netuno Le Verrier ... 4k jpg
albedo marca de albedo
km Terra ao Sol
aurora aurora boreal
vento solar
atmosfera = 1.02 kg/cm2 = 100 kilopascal = 14.5 lbs/pol quadrada.
Barnard, Edward Emerson Barsoom
Nome local do planeta Marte nos livros de Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Bode, Johann
"Lei de Bode"
Bond, William Cranch
Saturno e (com Lassell ) descobriu seu Hyperion
Brahe, Tycho
Kepler 141k jpg 38k jpg mais
caldera carbonato Cassini, Giovanni Domenico
Real de Paris ; descobridor de quatro das luas de Saturno Tethys Dione Rhea e 13k jpg mais
cadeia de crateras
cavus chaos chasma
solar entre a fotosfera e a coroa
pequenas colinas
cometa ativo
ptolomaica 470k html/gif 12k gif 129k jpg ... mais
coroa coroa solar
solar Sol a fim de permitir o estudo da fraca atmosfera solar.
densidade disco efeito Doppler dinossauros
ou cometa
direto dorsum
excentricidade Einstein, Albert
Teorias Especial e Geral da Relatividade velocidade da luz 96k gif
oval. Foi

76. Encyclopedia4U - Urbain Le Verrier - Encyclopedia Article
urbain le verrier. This article is licensed under the GNU Free DocumentationLicense. It uses material from the Wikipedia article urbain le verrier .
ENCYCLOPEDIA U com Lists of articles by category ...
Encyclopedia Home Page
Urbain Le Verrier
Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier March 11 , Saint-Lô, France - September 23 Paris, France ) was a French mathematician who specialized in celestial mechanics . He worked at the Paris Observatory for most of his life. His most famous achievement is the discovery of Neptune , using only mathematics . The calculations were made to explain discrepancies between Uranus 's observed orbit and that predicted from the laws of Kepler and Newton . At the same time, but unknown to each other, the same calculations were made by Adams . Le Verrier assisted Galle in locating the planet (September - Aquarius Perhaps galvanized by his discovery, Le Verrier proceeded to intepret the orbit of Mercury as influenced by another planet (tentatively named Vulcan ). This triggered a wave of false detections, which lasted until , when Einstein explained the anomalous motion with his theory of general relativity
Content on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. We accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by any person resulting from information published on this site. We encourage you to verify any critical information with the relevant authorities.
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License . It uses material from the Wikipedia article " Urbain Le Verrier

77. La Silla Observatory
Translate this page O segundo estará pronto em 2004. LBV (Luminous Blue Variables). leverrier (urbain Jean Joseph le verrier 1811-1877). Matemático
La Silla Observatory ESO NTT LAGRANGE (Joseph Louis Lagrange 1736-1813) LAMBERT (Johann Lambert 1728-1777) "regente negro" p Larissa Netuno descoberto, em 1989, pela sonda espacial Voyager 2 , da NASA LASSELL (William Lassell 1799-1880) Netuno em 1846. Juntamente com W. C. Bond foi o descobridor, em 1848, de Hiperion Saturno . Em 1851 Lassell descobriu Ariel Urano . Curiosamente, Lassell foi um cervejeiro muito bem sucedido antes de se interessar por Astronomia Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory LBT (Large Binocular Telescope) LBV (Luminous Blue Variables) LE VERRIER (Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier 1811-1877) planeta Netuno Urano Galle , embora John Couch Adams LEAVITT (Henrietta Swan Leavitt 1868-1921) Leda . Foi descoberto em 1974 por C. Kowal kg. Lei de Hubble o R, onde H o constante de Hubble "Lei" de Titius-Bode Netuno Johann Daniel Titius ... Johann Elert Bode , que fizeram este trabalho no final dos 1700. Leis de Kepler Leis de Kirchhoff Primeira Lei de Kirchhoff Segunda Lei de Kirchhoff Terceira Lei de Kirchhoff Leis de Newton Primeira Lei de Newton do Movimento Segunda Lei de Newton do Movimento Terceira Lei de Newton do Movimento LEMAITRE (Georges Lemaitre 1894-1966) Lentes Gravitacionais Life Finder projeto associado ao programa Origins da NASA Terrestrial Planet Finder Limbo Limite de Chandrasekhar colapso gravitacional Chandrasekhar Limite de Roche estrela Linha dos Nodos nodo ascendente ao nodo descendente Linhas de Fraunhofer Linhas Espectrais espectro LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) o tendo sido descoberto, em 1938, por

78. The Nine Planets Glossary
(22k jpg; more) le verrier, urbain Jean Joseph 18111877 French mathematician whoseprediction of the position of an undiscovered planet (Neptune) that caused
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Accumulation of dust and gas into larger bodies such as stars, planets and moons.
Adams, John Couch
English astronomer and mathematician who, at the age of 24, was the first person to predict the position of a planetary mass beyond Uranus . But, unfortunately, Adams did not publish his prediction. Galle confirmed the existance of Neptune based on independent calculations done by Le Verrier 4k jpg
the ratio of the amount of light reflected by an object and the amount of incident light; a measure of the reflectivity or intrinsic brightness of an object (a white, perfectly reflecting surface would have an albedo of 1.0; a black perfectly absorbing surface would have an albedo of 0.0).
albedo feature
A dark or light marking on the surface of an object that may not be a geological or topographical feature.
antipodal point
the point that is directly on the opposite side of the planet
the point in its orbit where a planet is farthest from the Sun; when refering to objects orbiting the Earth the term apogee is used; the term

79. Urbain Le Verrier
Translate this page urbain le verrier urbain Jean Jospeh leverrier (* 11._März 1811 in Saint-Lô, Frankreich,† 23._September 1877 in Paris) war französischer Mathematiker und
what = 'Urbain Le Verrier';
Urbain Jean Jospeh Leverrier
  • 11._März in Saint-Lô in Paris ) war französischer Mathematiker und Astronom . Er arbeitete einen Großteil seines Lebens am . Sein größter Erfolg war die Berechnung der Bahn des Planeten Neptun , die durch Beobachtungen von Störungen im Umlauf des Uranus berechnet hatte. Zwei Jahre später, im September , entdeckte den Planeten nur ein Grad von der vorhergesagten Position entfernt. Später versuchte Leverrier mit der gleichen Methode Bahnstörungen des Merkur Periheldrehung ) zu erklären, postulierte die Existenz eines Planeten innerhalb der Merkurbahn und nannte diesen Vulkan . Astronomen in aller Welt versuchten, die Existenz dieses Planeten zu beweisen. bewies jedoch mit der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie , dass sich die Bahnstörungen allein durch das Schwerkraft sfeld der Sonne erklären lassen. HOME INDEX MAIL SUCHE BEI GOOGLE ... SUCHE BEI MSN History:
    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled
    "GNU Free Documentation License"
  • 80. ThinkQuest : Library : From Mercury To Pluto
    the wind. levee An embankment, continuous dike or ridge. le verrier,urbain Jean Joseph 18111877 French astronomer. La verrier s
    Index Astronomy Solar System
    From Mercury to Pluto
    Prepare to travel from Mercury to Pluto as this web site takes you on a guided tour through the solar system and beyond. Short biographies present interesting facts about each planet, who discovered it, and how it has been explored. Topics in the Universe section include the start of the universe, the life cycle of stars, and Universal Debris (also known as space junk). Five interactive quizzes let you test your knowledge. Visit Site 1998 ThinkQuest Internet Challenge Languages English Students Russell B. Lake Brantley High School, Altamonte Springs, FL, United States Jasper E. Anna van Rijn College, Nieuwegein, Netherlands Coaches Susan Lake Brantley High School, Altamonte Springs, FL, United States Karel A. Anna van Rijn college, Nieuwegein, Netherlands Want to build a ThinkQuest site? The ThinkQuest site above is one of thousands of educational web sites built by students from around the world. Click here to learn how you can build a ThinkQuest site.

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