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         Verhulst Pierre:     more detail
  1. Traité Élémentaire Des Fonctions Elliptiques; Ouvrage Destiné a Faire Suite Aux Traités Élémentaires De Calcul Intégral... (French Edition) by Pierre François Verhulst, 2010-01-12
  2. VERHULST, PIERRE-FRANÇOIS: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of Population</i> by R. Lesthaeghe, 2003
  3. Mathématicien Belge: Luc de Brabandere, Adolphe Quetelet, Adrien Romain, Joseph Delbeuf, Eugène Charles Catalan, Pierre François Verhulst (French Edition)
  4. Companion To Modern And Contemporary Art, A by Christiane Berndes, Anna Hakkens, et all 2003-04-02
  5. The Logistic Map and the Route to Chaos: From the Beginnings to Modern Applications (Understanding Complex Systems)

1. Verhulst
Pierre François Verhulst. Born 28 Pierre Verhulst was educated in Brussels,then in 1822 he entered the University of Ghent. He received
Born: 28 Oct 1804 in Brussels, Belgium
Died: 15 Feb 1849 in Brussels, Belgium Click the picture above
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Pierre Verhulst was educated in Brussels, then in 1822 he entered the University of Ghent. He received his doctorate in 1825 after only three years study and returned to Brussels. There he worked on the theory of numbers, and, influenced by Quetelet , he became interested in social statistics. He had been intending to publish the complete works of Euler but he became more and more interested in social statistics. In 1829 Verhulst published a translation of John Herschel 's Theory of light. However he became ill and decided to travel to Italy in the hope that his health would improve. In 1830 Verhulst arrived in Rome. However his visit there was not a quiet one. Quetelet wrote:- Whilst on a trip to Rome he conceived the idea of carrying out reform in the Papal States and of persuading the Holy Father to give a constitution to his people. This plan did not meet with approval and Verhulst was ordered to leave Rome. He returned to Belgium.

2. L'annuaire De Belgique (page Page37132A37132)
J Hermanslei 1 2640 MORTSEL. verhulst pierre. 52-412299. Fresiastr 26 - 9280 LEBBEKE. verhulst pierre. 58-521239
Annuaire de Belgique Effectuez une nouvelle recherche dans l' annuaire de Belgique
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Verhulst P Terlinden 79 - 9450 DENDERHOUTEM
Verhulst P
V. Van Malderln 27 - 1730 ASSE
Verhulst P
Warotstr 1 - 3020 WINKSELE
Verhulst P
Watermolenstr 2K - 1742 SINT-KATHERINA-LOMBEEK
Verhulst Palmer
Vijf Eikenstr 28 - 8780 OOSTROZEBEKE
Verhulst Paul
Bacchusln 37 - 2600 BERCHEM
Verhulst Paul
Rijksweg 987 - 3650 DILSEN-STOKKEM
Verhulst Paul
Stuurstr 66 C - 9120 HAASDONK
Verhulst Peter
Hoge Heerweg 59 b2 - 9100 SINT-NIKLAAS Verhulst Peter Kerkhofstr 31 - 2070 ZWIJNDRECHT Verhulst Ph J Hermanslei 1 - 2640 MORTSEL Verhulst Pierre Fresiastr 26 - 9280 LEBBEKE Verhulst Pierre Tennisln 64 - 8670 KOKSIJDE Verhulst Piet Lenniksestw 559 - 1730 ASSE Verhulst Pieter J. en M. Sabbestr 152 -

3. Pierre François Verhulst
Toys Games. Click Here. Encyclopedia. Main Page See live article,Pierre François Verhulst. Pierre François Verhulst (October_28.
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Pierre François Verhulst
Pierre François Verhulst Brussels Belgium ) doctor in number theory from the University of Ghent . Verhulst published in the logistic demographic model : when represents number of individuals at time t r the intrinsic growth rate and K number of individuals in equilibrium.
See also:
Verhulst, P. F., (1838). Notice sur la loi que la population pursuit dans son accroissement. Corresp. Math. Phys. 10:113-121. Note: The original source of this article can be found on the main Wikipedia Web site.

4. Pierre François Verhulst -
Pierre François Verhulst, matematiker, född den 28 oktober år 1804 i Bryssel iBelgien där han även dog den 15 februari år 1849 efter ha varit sjuklig içois_Verhulst
Pierre François Verhulst
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Pierre François Verhulst
matematiker , född den 28 oktober år 1804 i Bryssel i Belgien där han även dog den 15 februari år 1849 efter ha varit sjuklig i nästan 20 års tid.
Verhulst är mest känd för sina dynamiska system där formeln "Verhulst dynamiska ekvation" är den viktigaste : Xn = AXn-1(1-Xn-1), formeln är nog mest berömd för att den ger upphov till den kaotiska bifurkationskurvan men användes av Verhulst för att studera populationsnivåer. Se även: Hitta mer information om samma ämne på webben På svenska ( Pierre François Verhulst ) sök i A D G W ... SAOB A = Alltheweb , D = Dmoz , G = Google , W = Wikipedia , Y = Yahoo , NE = Nationalencyklopedin , SAOB = Svenska Akademiens ordbok Sätt betyg på den här artikeln: Startsida Senaste nytt Länkspegel Inställningar Sök:
Visa andra versioner drivs av Aronsson Datateknik
Senast ändrad 12 maj 2004 (skillnad)

Translate this page Pierre Antoine

6. Verhulst
Pierre Francois Verhulst. Born 28 Pierre Verhulst was educated in Brussels,then in 1822 he entered the University of Ghent. He received
Pierre Francois Verhulst
Born: 28 Oct 1804 in Brussels, Belgium
Died: 15 Feb 1849 in Brussels, Belgium
Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index
(Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Pierre Verhulst was educated in Brussels, then in 1822 he entered the University of Ghent. He received his doctorate in 1825 after only three years study and returned to Brussels. There he worked on the theory of numbers, and, influenced by Quetelet , he became interested in social statistics. He had been intending to publish the complete works of Euler but he became more and more interested in social statistics. In 1829 Verhulst published a translation of John Herschel 's Theory of light. However he became ill and decided to travel to Italy in the hope that his health would improve. In 1830 Verhulst arrived in Rome. However his visit there was not a quiet one. Quetelet wrote:- Whilst on a trip to Rome he conceived the idea of carrying out reform in the Papal States and of persuading the Holy Father to give a constitution to his people. This plan did not meet with approval and Verhulst was ordered to leave Rome. He returned to Belgium.

7. VERHULST Marie, Elisabeth
Translate this page 108 verhulst pierre, Joseph. 109 BIDOUL Marie, Rosalie ° 1806 à Bossut-Gottechain1390 Bra + 26/12/1859 à Hamme-Mille 1320 Bra. 218 BIDOUL Antoine.

VERHULST Marie, Elisabeth

° 09/04/1869 à Bossut-Gottechain 1390 Bra
+ 24/03/1958 à Tournai 7500 Hai
° 13/07/1847 à Hamme-Mille 1320 Bra
x 25/04/1868 à Bossut-Gottechain 1390 Bra
VERHULST Pierre, Joseph
BIDOUL Marie, Rosalie
° 1806 à Bossut-Gottechain 1390 Bra
+ 26/12/1859 à Hamme-Mille 1320 Bra BIDOUL Antoine LEBRUN Marie-Christine DEMARET Marie, Joséphine, ° 25/11/1845 à Bossut-Gottechain 1390 Bra DEMARET Charles ° 06/03/1815 à Bossut-Gottechain 1390 Bra x 31/01/1840 à Bossut-Gottechain 1390 Bra DEMARET Jean, Joseph ° à Hamme-Mille 1320 Bra + 06/11/1828 à Bossut-Gottechain 1390 Bra x 26/06/1799 à Nodebais 1320 Bra DEMARES Guillaume ° 13/01/1743 à Hamme-Mille 1320 Bra + 27/11/1787 à Hamme-Mille 1320 Bra x 15/07/1771 à Hamme-Mille 1320 Bra CASTENS Jeanne, Françoise ° 14/01/1747 à Hamme-Mille 1320 Bra + 29/03/1817 à Bossut-Gottechain 1390 Bra HUGET Marie, Alexandrine ° 13/10/1776 à Nodebais 1320 Bra + 14/10/1844 à Bossut-Gottechain 1390 Bra HUGET André, Joseph ° 14/11/1737 à Nodebais 1320 Bra + 09/07/1800 à Nodebais 1320 Bra x 02/06/1765 à Bierbeek 3360 Bra PEETERS Elisabeth ° 21/01/1737 à Bierbeek 3360 Bra + 08/09/1811 à Nodebais 1320 Bra DETRY Elisabeth

8. Hommes "VANG_VY"
VERHOEVEN Honoré, 2 Batallion, VERHULST K, 10349, 1 Batallion, verhulst pierre,Sdt, 4077, 1924, Engineers Coy, Sapper, VERHULST Theodore, 0955, 1921, 3 Mot.
- VANG - VY - A Ba-Bl Bo-By Ca-Cl ... X-Y-Z En noir : étaient présents en Angleterre En bleu : ont rejoint en Belgique wounded = blessé = gewonde In zwart : waren in Groot-Brittannië aanwezigen In blauw : hebben in België achterhalen Buried = enterré = begraaf In black : were present in UK In blue : have joined in Belgium Killed = tué = dood NAME Rank Nr Birth Unit Function Casualties and/or citations VANGEEL Joseph 3 Motorized Coy VANHAUTE Maurice 2 Batallion VANHAVERBEKE Désiré 3 Mot. Coy - 2 Pl (Drivers) Driver Ford VANHENDE Omer VANLAERE VANLOON Guillaume VANMAEREN Bertrand 3 Batallion VANMAEREN Robert 2 Batallion VANNESTE Albert 2 Mot. Coy - 1 Pl (Mach Gun) VANNESTE Camille 1 Batallion VANSANT Oscar 2 Mot. Coy - 4 Pl (Assault) VANSLAMBROEK Raphaël 3 Batallion VANTORRE André VECKMANS Dieudonné Bde Staff Coy VELDERS Alphonse 3 Mot. Coy - 5 Pl (Assault) 3 Sec - Rifleman VERANNEMAN Arm. Cars Squadron

9. Verhulst, Pierre-Francois (1804-1849) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientif
Mathematicians. Nationality. Belgian. verhulst, pierreFrancois (1804-1849) This entry contributed by Margherita Barile. Belgian mathematician who introduced the verhulst equation (also known as the
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality Belgian
Verhulst, Pierre-Francois (1804-1849)

This entry contributed by Margherita Barile Belgian mathematician who introduced the Verhulst equation (also known as the logistic equation ) to model human population growth in 1838. He quit his literary studies to devote himself to mathematics. As an undergraduate at the University of Ghent, he was awarded two academic prizes for his works on the calculus of variations Later, he published papers on number theory and physics. The Belgian revolution of 1830 and the invasion of his country by the Dutch army in 1831 partially diverted his attention from abstract research. His political initiatives failed, nonetheless he could pursue his interests for social issues as a mathematician and a teacher. His interest in probability theory had been triggered by a new lottery game, but he soon applied it to political economy and later to demographical studies, a field that was rapidly developing due to Malthus' theory and the increasing use of statistics in human sciences. Verhulst, however, opposed any attempt to apply mathematical models to ethical judgement. His main work is
References Quetelet, A. "Pierre-François Verhulst." in

10. Biography-center - Letter V
com/verdi/life_En.htm; verhulst, pierre;verhulst, Rombout www.kfki
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11. Hollis: Differential Equations
Lagrange, JosephLouis. Laplace, pierre-Simon. Legendre, Adrien-Marie Google search) verhulst, pierre. Volterra, Vito. Wronski, Hoëné
Differential Equations
with Boundary Value Problems by Selwyn Hollis
Contents and Preface
Marketing Blurb Book Site @ Prentice Hall ... QuickTime Movies Technology Mathematica Maple Java M ... ATLAB Sundry Items Problem graphics and extra graphical problems for Section 3.1.
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Some Biographical References
The following are links to information on most of the mathematicians/scientists whose names appear in the book. Unless otherwise noted, each of these is a link to the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive at the University of St Andrews, Scotland.
Abel, Niels Henrik

Airy, George

Banach, Stefan

Bendixson, Ivar
... Edelstein-Keshet, Leah (U. BC) Euler, Leonhard Fourier, Joseph Frobenius, Georg Gauss, Carl Friedrich ... Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf (Google search) Hodgkin, Alan Nature Hooke, Robert Huxley, Andrew ( Jacobi, Carl Jordan, Camille Kirchhoff, Gustav Kutta, Martin Wilhelm ... Lorenz, Edward N. ( Lotka, Alfred (Google search) Lyapunov, Aleksandr Maclaurin, Colin Malthus, Thomas (Google search) Menten, Maud

12. Verhulst
Biography of pierre verhulst (18041849) pierre François verhulst. Born 28 Oct 1804 in Brussels, Belgium pierre verhulst was educated in Brussels, then in 1822 he entered the University of
Born: 28 Oct 1804 in Brussels, Belgium
Died: 15 Feb 1849 in Brussels, Belgium Click the picture above
to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Pierre Verhulst was educated in Brussels, then in 1822 he entered the University of Ghent. He received his doctorate in 1825 after only three years study and returned to Brussels. There he worked on the theory of numbers, and, influenced by Quetelet , he became interested in social statistics. He had been intending to publish the complete works of Euler but he became more and more interested in social statistics. In 1829 Verhulst published a translation of John Herschel 's Theory of light. However he became ill and decided to travel to Italy in the hope that his health would improve. In 1830 Verhulst arrived in Rome. However his visit there was not a quiet one. Quetelet wrote:- Whilst on a trip to Rome he conceived the idea of carrying out reform in the Papal States and of persuading the Holy Father to give a constitution to his people. This plan did not meet with approval and Verhulst was ordered to leave Rome. He returned to Belgium.

13. Verhulst Portrait
pierre verhulst. JOC/EFR September 2003 The URL of this page is © Copyright information.http//
Pierre Verhulst
JOC/EFR September 2003 The URL of this page is:

14. Pagina's Met De Gegevens
Terug naar de stamboom startpagina Retour à la page principale genealogie- Back to main page genealogy. verhulst, pierre Jean, Gesl./Sexe Man.
Pagina's met de gegevens
Molinet, Jean-Baptiste Gesl./Sexe: Man
Geb./Naiss.: 08 april 1769 te Tienen, Vlaams Brabant, BEL
Molinet, Jean-Henri Gesl./Sexe: Man
Geb./Naiss.: 20 october 1752 te Tienen, Vlaams Brabant, BEL
Molinet, Jean Henri Gesl./Sexe: Man
Geb./Naiss.: 08 juli 1789 te Tienen, Vlaams Brabant, BEL
Molinet, Joseph Gesl./Sexe: Man
Geb./Naiss.: omstr./vers 1829
Molinet, Madelaine Gesl./Sexe: Vrouw
Geb./Naiss.: 06 december 1648 te Tienen, Vlaams Brabant, BEL
Molinet, Madelaine Gesl./Sexe: Vrouw
Geb./Naiss.: 11 december 1728 te Tienen, Vlaams Brabant, BEL
Molinet, Marie Gesl./Sexe: Vrouw
Geb./Naiss.: 16 mei 1676 te Tienen, Vlaams Brabant, BEL
Geb./Naiss.: 12 september 1871 te Tienen, Vlaams Brabant, BEL
Famille Sacré - Molinet Huwlk/Mar.: 07 september 1896 te Tienen, Vlaams Brabant, BEL Type: civil Molinet, Louis Molinet, Joseph Dewaelheijns, Barbe Vanweddingen, Marie Elisabeth Gesl./Sexe: Vrouw Geb./Naiss.: 01 juli 1870 te Tienen, Vlaams Brabant, BEL
Molinet, Marie-Madelaine Gesl./Sexe: Vrouw Geb./Naiss.:

15. Genealogy Data
Spouse Dillewijns, Maria Death 27 JUL 1719 Wieze Gender Female. Children verhulst,Petrus. Back to Main Page. Children De Donder, pierre. Back to Main Page.
Genealogy Data
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Pieters, Franciscus
Death : 04 MAY 1663 Lebbeke
Gender: Male
Family: Spouse: Coolman, Catharina
Death : 15 MAR 1667 Lebbeke
Gender: Female
Children: Pieters, Jan
Pieters, Joanna
Back to Main Page
Siccard, Carolus Ludovicus
Birth : 03 SEP 1806 Lebbeke
Death : 20 DEC 1879 Lebbeke
Gender: Male Parents: Father: Siccard, Philippus Mother: De Bock, Maria Elisabeth Family: Marriage: 30 MAY 1838 in Lebbeke Spouse: Cools, Anna Maria Birth : 26 JAN 1811 Malderen Death : 04 MAY 1871 Lebbeke Gender: Female Parents: Father: Cools, Joseph Mother: Van Hoeymissen, Joanna Children: Siccard, Joannes Franciscus
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Persijn, Egidius Birth : 28 MAR 1641 Lebbeke Death : 09 MAY 1719 Lebbeke Gender: Male Parents: Father: Persijn, Petrus Mother: Moortgat, Antonia Family: Spouse: Cools, Barbara Theresia Dame Birth : Lebbeke Death : 18 JUL 1707 Lebbeke Gender: Female Children: Persijn, Petrus
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Moonen, Leo Gender: Male Family: Spouse: Cools, Joanna Maria

16. Math 145: Verhulst Population Growth Model
verhulst Population Growth Model. This model of population growth was first proposed by the Belgian mathematician pierre F. verhulst in 1845
Verhulst Population Growth Model
This model of population growth was first proposed by the Belgian mathematician Pierre F. Verhulst in 1845. It remains a standard tool of mathematical biology today. Let:
  • u(n) be the population at time or stage n g be the natural rate of increase per stage or unit of time, h be the rate of decrease (or harvesting) per stage or unit of time, and M be the carrying capacity of the habitat.
Then: u n h u n g/M u n M - u n Notice that the second term, ( g/M u n M - u n -1)), is the logistic model (see text, page 11). Offhand it doesn't seem like this model would be very different from logistic in its behavior. This impression is incorrect. For small values of g the Verhulst model tends to predict populations approaching a stable number (like the logistic model). For somewhat larger values of g it predicts fluctuating populations, and for still larger values it predicts chaotic behavior and eventual extinction.
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17. Salem Press Catalog
Reproduction Matorral vegetation, 400 Maupertuis, pierreLouis Moreau de, 236 Maximal intrinsic corridors, 378 Venoms, 486 verhulst, pierre-Franois, 577 Vertical migrations

18. Guitar School Network With Marc Seal - Tab Hey Joe - J.H.
In loving memory pierre verhulst 03/24/2004 In loving memory - pierre verhulst 03/24/2004

19. Pierre François Verhulst - Encyclopedia Article About Pierre François Verhulst
pierre Eugene du Simitiere encyclopedia article about pierre Augereau (enc.) pierre François Charles Augereau, duc de Castiglione (enc.) pierreFrançois le Courayer (enc.) pierre François verhulst (enc.) pierre Frank François Verhulst
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Pierre François Verhulst
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Pierre François Verhulst Centuries: 18th century - 19th century - 20th century Decades: 1750s 1760s 1770s 1780s 1790s - Years: 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 -
  • January 1 - End of French rule in Haiti
  • June 15 - The Twelfth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution ratified by New Hampshire, and arguably becomes effective (subsequently vetoed by the Governor of New Hampshire)

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 18th century - 19th century - 20th century Decades: 1790s 1800s 1810s 1820s 1830s - Years: 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 -
  • January 23 - Elizabeth Blackwell is awarded her MD by the Medical Institute of Geneva, New York, thus becoming the United States' first woman doctor

Click the link for more information. Brussels Brussels (French Bruxelles , Dutch Brussel , German ) is a major city in Belgium and its capital.
Contemporary Brussels
Brussels is first a city located in the center of Belgium, but it sometimes refers to the main municipality of the Brussels-Capital Region. This municipality inside Brussels is correctly named The City of Brussels ( Bruxelles-Ville or Ville de Bruxelles in French

20. Regnier Verhulst & Marie Van Boterdael
FAQs. FATHER Regnierpierre-Joseph verhulst 32; b. 25-Sep-1755 Pittem, West-Vlaanderen,Belgium; d. 18-Jul-1815 Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium; m. bef 1774
D escendants of: Regnier Verhulst
FAQs FATHER: Regnier-Pierre-Joseph Verhulst [32]; b. 25-Sep-1755 Pittem, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium; d. 18-Jul-1815 Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium; m. bef 1774; PARENTS: MOTHER: Marie-Jeanne-Catherine Van Boterdael
Regnier-Joseph Verhulst
[32/1]; b. 28-Apr-1787 Pittem, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium; d. 23-Sep-1834 Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium; m. 28-Jul-1828 Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium; Colette-Sophie van Hecke [32/1]; b. 2-Nov-1805 Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium; d. 17-Nov-1877 Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium Therese-Charlotte Verhulst [32/2]; b. 24-May-1789 Pittem, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium; d. 25-Apr-1793 Pittem, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Henriette-Sophie-Constance Verhulst [32/3]; b. 23-Mar-1791 Pittem, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium; d. 24-Dec-1853 Portici, , Italy; m. 1818 Naples, , Italy; Giovanni de Crescenzo [32/3]; d. after 1853 Pauline-Marie-Therese Verhulst [32/4]; b. 26-Jan-1793 Pittem, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium; d. 22-May-1787 Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium; m. 12-Dec-1816 Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium; Gerard-Laurent Nyssens [32/4]; b. 29-Apr-1789 Maaseik, Limburg, Belgium; d. 6-Apr-1835 Mechelen, Antwerpen, Belgium

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