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         Veblen Oswald:     more books (68)
  1. Introduction To Infinitesimal Analysis: Functions Of One Real Variable by Oswald Veblen, Nels J. Lennes, 2010-09-10
  2. Geometry of complex domains;: A seminar conducted by Professors Oswald Veblen and John Von Neumann, 1935-36 by Oswald Veblen, 1958
  3. Geometry of complex domains: A seminar conducted by Oswald Veblen and John Von Neumann, 1935-36 by Oswald Veblen, 1955
  4. Oswald Veblen, June 24,1880-August 10, 1960 (Biographical memoirs) by Saunders Mac Lane, 1964
  5. Projective geometry. by Oswald Veblen and John Wesley Young. by Veblen. Oswald. 1880-1960., 1910-01-01
  6. Projective geometry, by Oswald Veblen and John Wesley Young. (Michigan Historica by Oswald Veblen, 1910-01-01
  7. The Cambridge colloquium, 1916: Part II: analysis situs by Oswald Veblen, 1922
  8. Geometry of complex domains; by Oswald Veblen, 1958
  9. A set of assumptions for projective geometry, by Oswald Veblen, 1908
  10. Geometry of Complex Domains a seminar conducted by Professors Oswald Veblem & John Von Neumann 1935-36 . . . Special Edition Reprinted by University of Tokyo Press by Oswald Veblen and John Von Neumann, 1955-01-01
  11. Analysis Situs by Oswald Veblen, 1960
  12. Geometry of complex domains: A seminar (Tokyo University international edition) by Oswald Veblen, 1955
  13. Invariants of Quadratic Differential Forms / The Foundations of Differential Geometry (Cambridge tracts in mathematics and mathematical physics) by Oswald / Veblen, Oswald; Whitehead, J. H. C. Veblen, 1932
  14. Introduction to infinitesimal analysis; functions of one real va by Veblen. Oswald. 1880-1960., 1907-01-01

61. Coxeter Library Monograph Holdings
Banff, 1957 veblen, oswald and John Wesley Young Projective Geometry Vol II VonVega, Baron Logaritmic Tables of Numbers and Trigonometrical Functions
Coxeter Library: Monograph and other holdings
Coxeter Collection
Pounder Collection
M. Shimrat Collection
This portion of this site is still under construction.
G. Sieburth Collection
Wittenberg Collection
Miscellaneous other titles
This collection is only partially catalogued. ICM: Actes du congres international des mathematiciens, Nice 1970, 3 volumes. Donated by M. Muldoon Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Vancouver 1974, 2 volumes. Donated by M. Muldoon Equadiff: Equadiff 3 - Proceedings of the Czechoslovak conference on differential equations and their applications, Brno 1972 Donated by M. Muldoon Equadiff 6 - Proceedings of the international conference on differential equations and their applications, Brno 1985 Donated by M. Muldoon Main Menu

62. Basic Library List-Geometry
Verlag, 1988. * veblen, oswald and Young, John Wesley. Projective Geometry,New York, NY Blaisdell, 1938, 1946. 2 Vols. Wylie, Clarence
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Geometry: General
*** Banchoff, Thomas F. Beyond the Third Dimension: Geometry, Computer Graphics, and Higher Dimensions New York, NY: Scientific American Library, 1990. Blackwell, William. Geometry in Architecture New York, NY: John Wiley, 1984. Bold, Benjamin. Famous Problems of Geometry and How to Solve Them Mineola, NY: Dover, 1982. Burger, Dionys. Sphereland New York, NY: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1965. ** Croft, Hallard T.; Falconer, Kenneth J.; and Guy, Richard K. Unsolved Problems in Geometry New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1991. * Fischer, Gerd, ed. Mathematical Models from the Collections of Universities and Museums, Wiesbaden: Friedr. Vieweg and Sohn, 1986. 2 Vols. ** Friedrichs, Kurt Otto. From Pythagoras to Einstein Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America, 1965. *** Hilbert, David and Cohn-Vossen, S. Geometry and the Imagination New York, NY: Chelsea, 1952. *** Hildebrandt, Stefan and Tromba, Anthony J. Mathematics and Optimal Form New York, NY: Scientific American Library, 1984. Ivins, William M., Jr.

63. Prizes And Awards At The Joint Mathematics Meetings In Phoenix
AMS Award for Distinguished Public Service, Louise Hay Award for Contributionsto Mathematics Education, oswald veblen Prize in Geometry.
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Prizes and Awards at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Phoenix
Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics Thomas Garrity
Thomas Garrity was one of three winners of the Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics. In his acceptance, Garrity described himself as “the William Shatner of mathematics: a smidgeon of talent and a huge number of lucky breaks.” Andrew Chiang-Fung Liu
Andrew Chiang-Fung Liu was one of three winners of the Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics. He began his response by saying “I think I’m entitled to a rebuttal.” For more on the Haimo Award winners, see the November issue of FOCUS. Olympia Nicodemi
Olympia Nicodemi was one of three winners of the Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics. In her response, Nicodemi thanked her students “who have put up with all this nonsense.” She also observed that MAA President Ron Graham has (so far) failed to teach her how to juggle. Section Certificate of Meritorious Service Underwood (Woody) Dudley
Underwood (Woody) Dudley received a Certificate of Meritorious Service from the Indiana Section of the MAA. The citation noted his many years of service to the Section and to the Association at a national level. In his response, Dudley said, “I turned in my first set of grades in December 1957 (Calculus I) and my last set in May 2003 (Calculus II). Not much progress!”

64. Projective Geometry -- From Eric Weisstein's Encyclopedia Of Scientific Books
Berlin, 1832. veblen, oswald and Young, John Wesley. Projective Geometry,2 vols. Boston, MA Ginn, 191018. Whitehead, Alfred North.
Projective Geometry
see also Projective Geometry Bennett, M.K. Affine and Projective Geometry. Wiley, 1995. 229 p. $65.95. Blaschke, W. Projektive Geometrie. Borsuk, Karol. Foundations of Geometry: Euclidean and Bolyai-Lobachevskian Geometry. Projective Geometry. Amsterdam, Netherlands: North-Holland, 1960. 444 p. Chasles, M. Chasles, M. Paris, 1852. Coxeter, Harold Scott Macdonald. Projective Geometry, 2nd ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1987. 162 p. $49.95. Coxeter, Harold Scott Macdonald. The Real Projective Plane, 3rd ed. with an Appendix for Macintosh. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1993. 222 p. $64.95. Coxeter, Harold Scott Macdonald. The Real Projective Plane, 3rd ed. with an Appendix for PC. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1993. 222 p. $67.95. Cremona, Luigi. Elements of Projective Geometry, 3rd ed. New York: Dover, 1960. 302 p. Kadison, L. and Kromann, M.T. Projective Geometry and Modern Algebra. Pedoe, D. An Introduction to Projective Geometry. New York: Pergamon, 1963. Poncelet, J.-V. Paris, 1822.

65. VEBLEN - Meaning And Definition Of The Word
Synonyms oswald veblen, Thorstein Bunde veblen, Thorstein veblen. See Also economicexpert, economist, mathematician. COPYRIGHT © 20002003 WEBNOX CORP.
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  • Synonyms: Oswald Veblen Thorstein Bunde Veblen Thorstein Veblen See Also: economic expert economist mathematician HOME ... ABOUT HYPERDICTIONARY

    66. Ve-vh
    Translate this page meraviglia! da vedi, imperativo di vedere \veblen, oswald (Decorah1880-Princeton 1960) Matematico statunitense. Compì importanti


    Particella atona, usato in luogo di vi davanti a lo, la, li, le, ne.
    VE Sigla di Vostra Eccellenza.
    pron. pers. m. e f
    . A voi.
    avv. there. pron. to you.
    ve', inter. Esprime ammonimento o rafforza un'affermazione, una negazione. tai attento ve', che altrimenti sbagli , bada, fai attenzione; ve' che meraviglia!
    da vedi , imperativo di vedere
    Veblen, Oswald
    Veblen, Thorstein
    (Walders 1857-Menlo Park 1929) Sociologo ed economista statunitense. Tra le sue opere, La teoria della classe agiata (1899) e Proprietà assenteista e impresa (Roma 1943-) Filosofo. Tra le opere L'altruismo e la morale (con Francesco Alberoni, 1989) ed Etica e politica Vecchi e i giovani, I Romanzo di L. Pirandello (1913). L'Amphiparnaso Fase avanzata della vita naturale. I vecchi. sf. old age. deriv. da vecchio. Comune in provincia di Pisa (10.410 ab., CAP 56019, TEL. 050). Centro industriale (calzaturifici, prodotti alimentari) presso la foce del fiume Serchio. Vi si trova nelle vicinanze la macchia di Migliarino. Gli abitanti sono detti Vecchianesi Vecchio d'aspetto mite, fragile.

    67. Food For Thought: Biographies
    Vazov, Ivan Minchov (Bulgarian poet, novelist), 18501921. veblen,oswald (American mathematician; nephew of Thorstein), 1880-1960.
    Vacarescu, Alecu (Walachian poet; son of Ienachita) Vacarescu, Iancu (Walachian poet, translator; son of Alecu) Vacarescu, Ienachita (Walachian scholar, poet) Vacarescu, Nicolae (Walachian poet; son of Ienachita) Vacarius (Italian legal scholar) c.1115/20-1198? Vachell, Horace Annesley (English writer) Vacherot, Etienne (French philosopher) Vade, Jean-Joseph (French poet, dramatist) Vadim, Roger (orig. V.D. Plemmianikow) (Fr. film dir., writer) Vaganova, Agrippina Yakovlevna (Russian dancer, teacher) Vaida-Voevod, Alexandru (Romanian politician) Vaihinger, Hans (German philosopher) Vail, Alfred Lewis (American pioneer in telegraphy) Vaillant, Edouard-Marie (French politician) Vair, Guillaume du (French writer, orator) Vakhtangov, Yevgeny (Russian theatrical director) Valancius, Motiejus (Lithuanian prelate, writer) Valaoritis, Aristotelis (Greek poet, politician) Val-de-Grace, Jean-Baptiste du (French revolutionist) Valdemar I (Valdemar the Great) (King of Denmark 1157-1182) Valdemar II (King of Denmark 1202-1241; son of Valdemar I) Valdes, Alfonso de (Spanish Humanist)

    68. Genealogy HA Newton No Known Doctorate. Students 1.EH Moore (Yale
    EH Moore Doctorate from Yale University in 1885 Adviser HA Newton Students 1.GDBirkhoff (unknown university, unknown year) 2.oswald veblen (University of
    Genealogy H.A. Newton No known doctorate. Students: 1.E.H. Moore (Yale University, 1885) E.H. Moore Doctorate from Yale University in 1885 Adviser: H.A. Newton Students: 1.G.D. Birkhoff (unknown university, unknown year) 2.Oswald Veblen (University of Chicago, 1903) Oswald Veblen Doctorate from University of Chicago in 1903 Adviser: E.H. Moore Students: 1.Alonzo Church (Princeton University, 1927) Alonzo Church Doctorate from Princeton University in 1927 Adviser: Oswald Veblen Students: 1.William Boone (Princeton University, 1952) 2.Martin Davis (Princeton University, 1959) 3.Alfred Foster (Princeton University, 1930) 4.John Kemeny (Princeton University, 1949) 5.Stephen Kleene (Princeton University, 1934) 6.Simon Kochen (Princeton University, unknown year) 7.Michael Rabin (Princeton University, 1957) 8.Bob Ritchie (Princeton University, 1961) 9.Hartley Rogers (Princeton University, 1953) 10.Barkley Rosser (Princeton University, 1934) 11.Dana Scott (Princeton University, 1958) 12.Raymond Smullyan (Princeton University, 1959) 13.Alan Turing (Princeton University, 1938) Alfred Foster Doctorate from Princeton University in 1930 Adviser: Alonzo Church Students: 1.Frank Harary (University of California at Berkeley, 1948) Frank Harary Doctorate from University of California at Berkeley in 1948 Adviser: Alfred Foster Students: 1.L.W. Beineke (University of Michigan, 1965) 2.Niall Graham (New Mexico State University, 1989) 3.Steve Hedetniemi (University of Michigan, 1966) 4.Paul Stockmeyer (University of Michigan, 1971) Steve Hedetniemi Doctorate from University of Michigan in 1966 Adviser: Frank Harary Students: 1.Curtis Cook (University of Iowa, 1970) 2.Gayla Domke (Clemson University, 1987) 3.Eleanor Hare (Clemson University, 1989) 4.Aniket Majumdar (Clemson University, 1992) 5.Sandra Mitchell (University of Virginia, 1977) 6.Chandra Narayanan (Clemson University, 1989) 7.Frances VanScoy (University of Virginia, 1976) 8.Peter J. Slater (University of Iowa, 1973) 9.Thomas Wimer (Clemson University, 1987) This information obtained from Theoretical Computer Science Genealogy at URL

    69. A Matematika Világa
    Mathematicians (Nagy matematikusok) Vajda, S. Theory of Games (Játékelmélet)veblen, oswald Young, John Wesley A Mathematical Science Warner, Sylvia
    rovatok j¡t©k arch­vum jegyzetek mutat³k ... inform¡ci³k
    megcsapottak nyomot hagy³k huhog³k h­dverők mesterkurzus ... limes
    J AMES R N EWMAN A matematika vil¡ga (The World of Mathematics) A bbott, Edwin Abbott: Flatland (S­kf¶ld)
    Andrade, E. N. da C.: Isaac Newton
    Archimedes: The Sand Reckoner (Arhim©desz homoksz¡m­t¡sa)
    B all, W. W. Rouse: Arithmetical Restorations
    Calculating Prodigies
    (Csod¡k kisz¡m­t¡sa)
    Bell, Eric Temple: Gauss, the Prince of Mathematicians (Gauss, a matematikusok fejedelme)
    Invariant Twins, Cayley and Sylvester (Az invari¡ns ikrek: Cayley ©s Sylvester)
    The Queen of Mathematics (A matematika kir¡lynője)
    Berkeley, Bishop: The Analyst (Az Analiz¡l³) Bernoulli, Daniel: Kinetic Theory of Gases (A g¡zok kinetikus elm©lete) —, Jacob: The Law of Large Numbers (A nagy sz¡mok t¶rv©nye) Berwick, W. E. H.: (A h©t hetes) Birkhoff, George David: A Mathematical Approach to Ethics (Az etika matematik¡ja) Mathematics of Aesthetics (Az eszt©tika matematik¡ja) Boole, George: Mathematical Analysis of Logic (A logika matematikai elemz©se) Boring, Edwin G.:

    70. Taub Obituary
    At Princeton, his intellectual development was deeply affected by hisassociation with HP Robertson, oswald veblen, and John von Neumann.
    SIAM NEWS , volume 34, Number 7, September, 2001
    In Memoriam:
    Abraham Haskel Taub was born in Chicago on February 1, 1911. After receiving his undergraduate degree in mathematics at the University of Chicago in 1931, he went to Princeton University for his graduate education. At Princeton, his intellectual development was deeply affected by his association with H.P. Robertson, Oswald Veblen, and John von Neumann. These outstanding scientists became his mentors and profoundly influenced the direction of his scientific career. A prolific researcher for six decades, Abe Taub made significant contributions to differential geometry, general relativity and cosmology, applied mathematics (shock waves and relativistic hydrodynamics), and numerical analysis. Taub worked with Robertson on his doctoral thesis in mathematical cosmology and received his PhD in mathematics in 1935. He then moved to the newly established Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, working as a postdoctoral fellow on differential geometry with Veblen. Taub's first published paper, with Veblen in 1934, was on the projective differentiation of spinors. Projective relativity theory had been developed by Veblen, Pauli, and others and was being intensively investigated at the time. The projective theories are essentially equivalent to the five-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theories. The work of Veblen and Taub was followed six months later by a paper of Taub, Veblen, and von Neumann on the Dirac equation in projective relativity.

    71. NYPL, Emergency Committee In Aid Of Displaced Foreign Scholars Records, 1933-194
    151. U, 19341945. V, 1933-1943. veblen, oswald, 1934-1940. W, 1933-1945. 152.Warburg, Felix M., 1933-1935. Whyte, John, 1936-1944, Brooklyn College. X, 1934-1945.
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    IV. Refugee Organizations
    Box A – Am, 1933-1944 Academic Assistance Council, 1933-1936 Alliance Israelite Universelle, 1934 American A – Z, 1933-1944 American Association of University Professors, 1934-1940 American Association of University Women, 1938-1939 American Committee for Christian German Refugee, 1933-1943 American Committee for Relief in Czechoslovakia, 1939-1940 American Council of Learned Societies, 1941-1942 American Friends of Czechoslovakia, 1939-1940 American Friends of the Hebrew University, 1944 American Friends Service Committee, 1934-1942 American Friends Service Committee, 1943-1945 American Jewish Congress, 1933-1937

    72. The Science Bookstore - Chronology
    Carr, Emma Born 7/23/1880 Died 1/7/1972, 1880 AD, veblen, oswald Born 2/24/1880Died 8/10/1960, 1880 AD, 1880 AD, Castiron radiators for steam heating.

    73. Vachell, Horace Annesley The Hill A Romance Of Friendship
    veblen, oswald Introduction to Infinitesimal Analysis, also by NJLennes (frame and JavaScript-dependent page images at Cornell);

    74. Books On-line: Authors Starting With "V"
    veblen, oswald Introduction to Infinitesimal Analysis , also by NJLennes (frame and JavaScript-dependent page images at Cornell);

    75. Definic V
    Translate this page variedad. Multiplicidad. Varignon, Pierre. Francés (1564-1722) a quiense debe la llamada regla del paralelogramo de fuerzas. veblen, oswald.
    V Vigésima letra del abecedario de mayúsculas que, en la numeración romana vale 5. v Vigésima letra del abecedario de minúsculas, que suele emplearse para representar la incógnita, y a veces, como característica de algunas funciones y como sigla de vector. Vacca, Giovanni Erudito italiano, nacido en 1872, a quien se deben varios estudios críticos sobre las obras de Harriot, Maurolico, Cavalieri, Lagrange y otros, así como algunos trabajos acerca de la Matemática China. Vailati, Giovanni Italiano (1863-1909), que publicó varias monografías sobre Filosofía Matemática y notables artículos en numerosas revistas, espacialmente en la de Métaphysique et de Morale de París. Valeiras, Antonio Argentino contemporáneo, nacido el año 1895, a quien se deben algunas memorias sobre ecuaciones integrales, construcción de cónicas, curva de Viviani, funciones monógenas, triángulo de perímetro mínimo, curvas unicursales y sistemas complejos de Humbert, que ha tomado como punto de arranque para desarrollar la teoría de funciones analíticas. Valentinuzzi, Máximo

    76. Economics
    Modigliani, Franco; EconomistsItalyBiography. (Ricardo), oswald St. (veblen),Joseph Dorfman with new appendices (1966). Thorstein veblen and His America.



    Business Fiction

    Walter Bagehot
    ( Economists/Gifs/Bagehot.gif) Milton Friedman (friedman.gif) John Kenneth Galbraith ( studorgs/forum/jkgalb.jpg) Friedrich August von Hayek ( nobel/laureates/economy-1974-2.jpg) John Maynard Keynes ( time100/scientist/images/ profilepix/keynes.jpg) Thomas Robert Malthus ( Economists/Gifs/Malthus.gif) Alfred Marshall (alfredmarshall.jpg) John Stuart Mill (jsmill.gif) David Ricardo ( ~uroy/images/ricardo2.jpg) Paul Samuelson ( images/economy/jan-june00/113econ110.JPG) Joseph Schumpeter ( workshop/schumpeter.jpg) Adam Smith ( Economists/Gifs/Smith.gif) Thorstein Veblen (veblen.jpg) ECONOMICS: History of Economic Thought (Gerschenkron), Nicholas Dawidoff (2002). The Fly Swatter: How My Grandfather Made His Way in the World . (New York, NY: Pantheon Books, 353 p.). Gerschenkron, Alexander; Harvard University. Dept. of Economics; EconomistsUnited StatesBiography.

    77. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of VE
    Veach, Eric, Stanford University, 1998. Veatch, Michael, Massachusetts Instituteof Technology, 1992. veblen, oswald, The University of Chicago, 1903.

    78. Graph Theorist Families
    Translate this page EH Moore, oswald veblen. EH Moore, oswald veblen, Henry R. Brahana. EHMoore, oswald veblen, Henry R. Brahana, Renu C. Laskar, /Aniket Majumdar.

    79. Biography-center - Letter V
    Veach, Charles Lacy; veblen,;
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    80. National Academy Of Sciences - Deceased Member
    National Academy of Sciences.

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