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81. "Cijfers Liegen Niet!" - 3,141 592 653 589 793 238 462 643 383 279 502 884 197 1 Zo rekende de Leidse hoogleraar ludolph van ceulen (15401610) in1596 pi tot op 20 decimalen uit. Enkele jaren daarna verbeterde http://www.cijfers.net/pi.html | |
82. Science -- Sign In Modern machines crank out digits of pi by the gigabyte, but 400 years ago Dutchmathematician ludolph van ceulen got the ball rolling with a hand computation http://intl.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/summary/289/5477/241e | |
83. Ca 1100 F.Kr av pi. 1596, ludolph van ceulen beräknar 32 decimaler av pi. 1610,van ceulen utvidgar beräkningen till 35 decimaler. 1621, Willebrod http://www.mats-andersson.se/matematik/pi/historik.html | |
84. O4R: Underground Pi By diligent use of Archimedes method, in a 1596 paper entitled On the Circle,Dutch mathematician ludolph van ceulen singlehandedly delivered the http://www.o4r.org/pf_v4n3/PiUnderground.htm | |
85. NRC Handelsblad - Pi-muziek Ouderwets was de aanpak van ludolph van ceulen, die veelhoeken met miljarden zijdenop Griekse wijze aanpakte om na jarenlange rekenarbeid in 1620 op 35 http://www.nrc.nl/W2/Lab/Pi/geschiedenis.html | |
86. Encyclopedia: Ludolph Van Ceulen PDF 1 The geometric period http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Ludolph-van-Ceulen | |
87. Mathematics Resources On The Web 16231662); Ptolemy, Claudius (c 87 - 150); Pythagoras (c 580 - c520 BCE); van ceulen, ludolph (1540-1610). Software Computational http://www.eastern.edu/library/www/Subjects/Websites/math.html | |
88. The Life Of Pi History And Computation Jonathan M. Borwein, FRSC Chung Chi480?7AlKashi142914Romanus159315van ceulen (Ludolphs number particular.12Ludolphs Rebuilt Tombstone in LeidenLudolph van ceulen (1540-1610) http://crd.lbl.gov/~dhbailey/jonb/pi-slides.pdf |
89. Pi Page righ t now tell me where the logic is in that ) ludolph van Ceulenwas the first man to calculate 20 digits of pi back in the 1610s. http://www.geocities.com/lkp42/pi.html | |
90. Verbalóide 3.0 - It Isn T Only Rock And Roll Translate this page Mas o c¡lculo mais impressionante foi efetuado pelo matem¡tico holandªsLudolph van ceulen (1540-1610) no final do s©culo XVI. http://verbaloide.weblogger.terra.com.br/20030803_verbaloide_arquivo.htm | |
91. History 1596 A.D 1596 AD Rene DescartesThe Father of Analytical Geometry or LudolphVan ceulen and the history of pi. Rene Descartes was born on http://faculty.oxy.edu/jquinn/home/Math490/Timeline/1596AD.html | |
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