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61. The Columbia Core Curriculum, 1888-1959 1894, John howard van amringe (CC 1860) succeeds first Dean of Columbia College,Henry Drisler (CC 1839); to serve until 1910, 1897. Move from 49 th St. http://beatl.barnard.columbia.edu/stand_columbia/TimelineCore.html | |
62. John H Von Amringe _private/imageflipbot.htm John howard van amringe Acting President, 1899. http://beatl.barnard.columbia.edu/imagearchive/earlycu/amringe.htm | |
63. Chadbourne Family Association Temple, Grace Rebecca (Chadbourne), 500. Temple, howard L, 500. Temple,Patricia Ann, 500. Vallette, Muriel, 283. van amringe, Abbie Ellis, 292. http://develop.nmdg.com/virtualhosts/communities/chadbourne/t-z-names.html | |
64. Chadbourne Family Association Chadbourne, etc, Abbie E 1877, 382. Chadbourne, etc, Abbie Ellis (van amringe),292. Chadbourne, etc, Almenia 1859, 236. Chadbourne, etc, Almira (howard), 326. http://develop.nmdg.com/virtualhosts/communities/chadbourne/c-ch-f-names.html | |
65. Columbia Culture Map Columbia College. L. William Ordway Partridge John howard van amringe,1920 van amringe Memorial Quadrangle Acquired in 1922. M. William http://www.tc.columbia.edu/academic/arad/ccmap/sulpturelist.htm | |
66. Columbia College Today 1894 Mathematics Professor John howard van amringe (Class of 1860) succeeds HenryDrisler as dean of the School of the Arts; in 1896, he becomes the first dean http://www.college.columbia.edu/cct/mar04/columbia250_3.php | |
67. Columbia University Culture Map College. 29, William Ordway Partridge John howard van amringe 1920van amringe Memorial Quadrangle Acquired in 1922. 30, William http://www.mcah.columbia.edu/culturemap/ver4/framels-4.html | |
68. Columbia Campus Tour John howard van amringe (19181922) by William Ordway Partridge. http://www.mcah.columbia.edu/culturemap/culturewalk/tour/Tour188.html | |
69. San Francisco Genealogy - Record Of Deaths, 1872, Overland Monthly And Out West Holzenbecher, Chas. F. Nevada City, Apr. 03, 48/00/00. howard, John, San Francisco,Apr. 27, 45/00/00. 25, 28/ 06/20. van amringe, Ellen, Antioch, Apr. 03, 22/07/20. http://www.sfgenealogy.com/sf/gnl/death72a.htm | |
70. OSCN Found Document:HOME-STAKE ROYALTY CORP. V. MCCLISH deed. The case of van amringe v. Morton, 4 Whart. (Pa.) 382, 34 Am.Dec. transaction. ¶31 The case of Simmons v. howard, 136 Okla. http://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/deliverdocument.asp?citeid=12635 |
71. Books On-line: Authors Starting With "V" by Ralph TH Griffith (HTML at sacredtexts.com); van amringe, J. howard, ed. Elementsof Geometry and Trigonometry , by AM Legendre and Charles Davies (frame http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/authorstart?V |
72. Books On-line: Call Numbers Starting With QA Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry by AM Legendre and Charles Davies, ed. by J.howard van amringe (frame and JavaScript-dependent page images at Cornell); http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/subjectstart?QA |
73. Charles F. W. McClure Papers McClenahan, howard, physicist, Princeton University, later secretary of FranklinInstitute, Philadelphia. van amringe, dean of Columbia University. http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/mcclure.html | |
74. THE ALUMNI NEWSLETTER OF THE SCHOOL OF GENERAL STUDIES Here, in the quiet of van Am Quad, a student could sit and contemplate the inscriptionon the memorial for John howard van amringe, honored and beloved by http://www.alumni.gs.columbia.edu/owlnet/fallwinter2002/memories.htm | |
75. Famous Mathematicians With An A Abu alQuhi Shams al-Samarqandi Ibn al-Samawal Abu al-Sijzi Nasir al-Tusi Sharafal-Tusi Abu al-Umawi André-Marie Ampère howard van amringe Jacob Amsler http://www.famousmathematician.com/az/mathematician_A.htm | |
76. Who's Who - New York State 1911 Hosmer Hotchkiss Hottenroth Hough Houghton House Hovey Hoving howard Howe Howell UterhartUzzell Vail Valentine van Allen van Alstyne van amringe van Anda van http://www.ancestorinfo.com/whos_who__new_york_state_1911.htm | |
77. Woodlawn National Cemetery - Surnames Tr-Wa - Chemung County, New York 03/28/1966 van amringe, William Martin, b. 10/05/1884, d. 07 10/14/1997 van Zile,Richard J, b. 01/30/1931, d 10/04/1948 Wall, howard Robert Jr, b. 03/31/1928, d http://www.interment.net/data/us/ny/chemung/woodnat/woodlawn_trwa.htm | |
78. Philadelphia National Cemetery - Surnames T-V - Philadelphia County, Pennsylvani Belena, b. 01/03/1888, d. 05/09/1960, Plot 684 05/13/1960, * Trout, howard F, d Edmond,d. 07/03/1865, PVT E 40 NY INF, Plot 307, * van amringe, Clayton Walter http://www.interment.net/data/us/pa/philadelphia/philanat/index_tv.htm | |
79. Past Exhibitions Recent Works Yizhak Elyashiv, David Newton, Judyth van amringe June 8 July7, 2002. 20002001. howard Ben Tré New Work August 28 - October 3, 1993. http://www.brown.edu/Facilities/David_Winton_Bell_Gallery/past_exhibitions.html | |
80. Names Index Page 15 JAN 1948) Tinnell, Homer Eugene (10 JUL 1943-) Tinnell, howard Frank Tinnell vanAlstine, Beulah M. (23 DEC 1913-14 APR 1999) van amringe, Thankfull van http://www.baberfamilytree.org/groupsheets/names16.htm | |
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