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1. Biography-center - Letter V www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janez_Vajkard_ Valvasor. van amringe, howard. wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/ Mathematicians/amringe.html. van Ceulen, Ludolph http://www.biography-center.com/v.html | |
2. Leadership Directories | News Media Yellow Book | The Leadership Library On The Jon van, Chicago Tribune. Judyth van amringe, House Garden. Jim van Anglen, Mobile Register Walter Veazey, Scripps howard News Service. Anthony Vecchione, Drug Topics http://www.leadershipdirectories.com/nwsinfo/NWSLink109.html | |
3. Famous Mathematicians With A V howard van amringe. Ludolph van Ceulen. David van Dantzig. Bartel van der Waerden. Hendrik van Heuraet. Philip van Lansberge. Adriaan van Roomen. Frans van Schooten. Edward van Edward van Vleck http://www.famousmathematician.com/az/mathematician_V.htm | |
4. Columbia College Today Arthur Rose Teaching Assistantship. howard Leo Morrow Nye 03 Eric Michael Patterson 03. Professor van amringe Mathematics Prize. Kiril R http://www.college.columbia.edu/cct/jul02/jul02_quads7.html | |
5. Amringe John howard van amringe. Born 3 howard van amringe was educated athome by his father until he entered Montgomery Academy. There he http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Amringe.html | |
6. The Value Of The Civil Engineer -- Van Brunt, Henry: In Cornell University's Mak 15, issue 4 (April 1873). van amringe, J. howard, A.M, Ph.D 8, issue 4 (June 1890). van amringe, W. F., Principles of Zoology http://moa.cit.cornell.edu/moa/browse.author/v.4.html | |
7. References For Amringe References for howard van amringe. JW Burgess, Reminiscences of an American Scholar(1934). John howard van amringe, Columbia Alumni News (5 Nov, 1915), 42. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Amringe.html | |
8. Sterling George van amringe. Mary van amringe. Ella Camilla van amringe. Henry van amringe. Thomas Sterling van amringe. John howard van amringe, who http://users.adelphia.net/~budd/Sterling.html | |
9. RBML Collections: Van Amringe, John Howard, 1835-1915. . Creator van amringe, John howard, 1835-1915.......Columbia University Rare Books and Manuscript Library Manuscript and ArchivalCollections. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/inside/projects/findingaids/rbml_collection | |
10. Cornelius Rea Agnew 2, van amringe, John howard To Cornelius Rea Agnew New York 2 January1879 1 p. als. 2, van amringe, John howard To Cornelius Rea http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/indiv/rare/guides/Agnew,C.R./main.html | |
11. Sterling Ella Camilla van amringe; Henry van amringe. Thomas Sterling van amringe;John howard van amringe, who married Cornelia Buckner and had http://home.adelphia.net/~budd/Sterling.html | |
12. Amringe Biography of howard van amringe (18351915) John howard van amringe. Born 3 April 1835 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , USA howard van amringe was educated at home by his father until he entered Montgomery Academy http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Amringe.html | |
13. Detailed Record By Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain ; William Roscoe Thayer ; Charles Henry Smith; John De Witt ; Jesse Lynch Williams ; John howard van amringe ; Charles E L http://worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/ow/8147c6391109d168.html | |
14. Signers V - Global Warming Petition Project van, PhD, William P van, PhD, John H van Aken, John van amringe, Willard van Asdall, PhD, Theodore van Bruggen Viox, Luciano Virgili, PhD, howard Virkler, Richard J Virshop, Saralee http://www.oism.org/pproject/s33p435.htm | |
15. The Value Of The Civil Engineer -- Van Brunt, Henry: In Cornell University's Mak van amringe, J. howard, AM, Ph.D., Columbia College. The New England Magazine,vol. 8, issue 4 (June 1890). van amringe, WF, Principles of Zoology. http://cdl.library.cornell.edu/moa/browse.author/v.4.html | |
16. ROCKS AND MINERALS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1937 Bibliographical Notes, 89. The Amateur Lapidary, JH howard, 90. The Canon CityEmbayment, FC Kessler, 114. The Nature of Fossils, Edwin V. van amringe, 117. http://www.minsocam.org/MSA/collectors_corner/rm/toc1937.htm | |
17. Books On-line: Authors Starting With "V" Griffith (HTML at sacredtexts.com) van amringe, J. howard, ed. Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry page images at Cornell) van Belle, Hubert World Views From Fragmentation to http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/authorstart?V |
18. ROCKS AND MINERALS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1936 A PEEK AT OUR MAIL, 193. THE AMATEUR LAPIDARY, JH howard, 194. THE ARTIFICIALCOLORING OF AGATES, EV van amringe, 194. AGATE BIBLIOGRAPHY, Peter Zodac,197. http://www.minsocam.org/MSA/collectors_corner/rm/toc1936.htm | |
19. Davies The 1883 and final version was published by J. howard van amringe. He wasa professor at Columbia College where Davies had his last teaching job. http://www.uzes.net/books/bookreviews/davies.htm | |
20. UW Libraries - Database Search Author, Davies, Charles, 17981876 (2) Legendre, AM (Adrien Marie),1752-1833 van amringe, J. howard (John howard), 1835-1915. Subject, http://www.lib.washington.edu/resource/search/ResFull.asp?Field=record&ID=32658 |
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