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         Uhlenbeck Karen:     more detail
  1. Instantons and Four-Manifolds (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications) by Daniel S. Freed, Karen K. Uhlenbeck, 1990-12-03
  2. Biography - Uhlenbeck, Karen (Keskulla) (1942-): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2002-01-01
  3. Surveys in Differential Geometry, Vol. 4: Integrable Systems by Karen Uhlenbeck, 1998-04-01
  4. Geometry and Quantum Field Theory: June 22-July 20, 1991, Park City, Utah (Ias/Park City Mathematics, Vol 1) by Daniel S. Freed, 1995-03-24
  5. Regularity of Minimizing Harmonic Maps Into the Sphere: MSRI 039-83 by Richard; Karen Uhlenbeck Schoen, 1983

41. Ada Byron
karen uhlenbeck When she was a child she was interested in books and they led herto an interest in science. A personal Profile of karen K. uhlenbeck Online.
Karen Uhlenbeck When she was a child she was interested in books and they led her to an interest in science. No one would have guessed that she would be a math person. Her interest in math was sparked in college, because she believes that one doesn't understand what mathematics is until one takes abstract math courses and learns about proofs. Karen is a mathematician. Her work is on partial differential equations. These equations are now used in a more technical manner to look at the shapes of space. She has always known that she had a natural inclination for abstraction. She values time to be herself and think about math or other things. The noise of the world is a difficult thing for her to deal with and she has always had a difficult time handling external stimuli. Her accomplishments have been many. Some of her many honors are serving as Vice President of the American Mathematical Society. She has sat on editorial boards of ten research journals, and regularly serves as consultant to mathematics departments and foundations. Also in 1988 she received an honorary D.Sc. degree form Knox College. She is currently a professor in mathematics at the University of Texas at Austin. Not only has she influenced math but science has also been a part of her life. She was honored with a MacArthur Fellowship in 1983 and an election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1985 and to the National Academy of Sciences in 1986. She has also delivered numerous lectures at major research centers. She presented the Colloquium Lectures in the American mathematical Society at the joint summer meeting in 1985. In Kyoto, Japan in 1990, she became the second woman to give a Plenary Lecture at an international Congress of Mathematics.

42. Uhlenbeck_Karen
karen Keskulla uhlenbeck. Born Aug 24, 1942 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. karenuhlenbeck s father was an engineer and her mother was an artist.
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Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck
Born: Aug 24, 1942 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Karen Uhlenbeck's father was an engineer and her mother was an artist. She grew up in the country, the eldest of four children. Many mathematicians know from early age that mathematics will be their life but this was not so with Karen Uhlenbeck. As a child she was interested in books and this led her to an interest in science. She writes:- As a child I read a lot, and I read everything. I'd go to the library and then stay up all night reading. I used to read under the desk in school. ... we lived in the country so there wasn't a whole lot to do. I was particularly interested in reading about science. I was about twelve years old when my father began bringing home Fred Hoyle's books on astrophysics. I found them very interesting. I also remember a little paperback book called "One, Two, Three, (and, in?) Infinity" by George Gamow, and I remember the excitement of understanding this very sophisticated argument that there were two different kinds of infinities. Uhlenbeck entered the University of Michigan with the intention of studying physics but a combination of studying exciting mathematics courses and finding that physics practicals were not a strong point lead her to change to mathematics. She was awarded a B.S. in mathematics in 1964.

43. A Personal Profile Of Karen K. Uhlenbeck
A Personal Profile of karen K. uhlenbeck. (This information is publishedto aid middle and high school steudents in their projects.
A Personal Profile of Karen K. Uhlenbeck
(This information is published to aid middle and high school steudents in their projects. Please be sure and
refer to the published sourse of this article. It is in S. Ambrose et al. "Journeys of Women in Science and
and Engineering, No Universal Constants", Temple University Press. Do not quote from sources, even sources
on the web, without giving proper documentation!)
Field: Mathematics Research Area: Partial Differntial Equations Present Position: Professor and Sid W. Richardson Foundation Regents Chair in Mathematics, University of Texas at Austin Date/Place of Birth: August 24, 1942 / Cleveland, Ohio PhD: Brandeis University in 1968 under Dr. Richard Palais Honors: Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1985) Member of the National Academy of Sciences (1986)
My first love is the outdoors I enjoy mountain climbing, back-packing, hiking, canoeing, swimming, and bicycling. Many of these interests I inherited from my parents who, at age 83, are still hiking and back-packing. I am at home in nature and, when I can't be out in the wilderness, I can often be found in my garden at my home in Austin. That's the real me. My day-to-day life is something very different. As a young academic I worked by myself a lot. In fact, that was one of the attractions of mathematics. I am the eldest of four children and I always considered dealing with my siblings the hardest things I've ever done in my life. That had a great impact on my choosing a career I wanted a career where I didn't have to work with other people. I've always been competitive, but I don't like the attitudes of people who don't win (i.e. "sore losers"). So I found it attractive to work in an area where I compete only with myself and didn't have to deal with the negative aspects of competition. As my career advanced, however, I had to learn better communication skills in order to interact with graduate students. This was a very difficult stage of my career, but surprising to me, I found it very rewarding to deal with younger mathematicians, and I now truly enjoy collaborative projects.

44. Matematikçiler
Translate this page Tinseau Tisserand Titchmarsh Todd Todhunter Trail Tricomi Troughton Tsu Tukey TunstallTurán Turing Turnbull Turner Tusi uhlenbeck uhlenbeck, karen Ulam Ulugh
Günlük hayatta iþinize yarayacak dersler... En can alýcý noktalar... Ana Sayfa Kimya Matematik Fizik ... e-mail Gelmiþ Geçmiþ Ünlü Matematikçiler Abbe


Grasmann Hermann Günther

Doppler Dupin Eckert, John Eratosthenes Euclid Eudoxus Eutocius Faltings Fano Fano Faulhaber Fefferman Feigl Feller Fermat Ferrar Ferrari Ferrel Ferro Feynman Fibonacci Fields Fincke Fine Fine, Henry Finsler Fischer Fisher Fiske Fiske FitzGerald FlüggeLotz Fomin Forsyth Fourier Fox Fraenkel Francais, F Francais, J Francesca Francoeur Frank Franklin Fredholm Fredholm Freedman Frenet Freundlich Friedmann Friedrichs Frisi Fuchs Fuller Fuss Galerkin Galerkin Galileo Galois Gassendi Gauss Geiser Gelfand Gelfond Gellibrand Geminus Gemma Frisius Genocchi Gentzen Gergonne Germain Gherard Ghetaldi Gibbs Girard, Albert

45. Karen --  Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article
, karen Keskulla uhlenbeck University of St Andrews, Scotland Brief biographyof this 20th century mathematician, a leading expert on partial differential horney&ct=

46. Search Results For Karen Horney - Encyclopædia Britannica
karen Keskulla uhlenbeck University of St Andrews, Scotland Brief biography ofthis 20th century mathematician, a leading expert on partial differential horney&fuzzy=N&ct=igv&start=6&show=

47. WEBCSBMI: Bacheca: Lista Videocassette
uhlenbeck, karen K. Applications of nonlinear analysis in topology Videoregistrazione/ karen K. uhlenbeck. Sl The mathematical
Centro di Servizio Bibliotecario di Matematica e Informatica "E.Togliatti" Via Dodecaneso 35 16146 Genova Italy
tel. 010 353 6759 fax 010 353 6752 e-mail
Elenco materiale audiovisivo posseduto dal CSBMI
Videomath Festival at ICM '98 [videoregistrazione] : a collection of mathematical videos / Hans-Christian Hege, Konrad Polthier (eds.). Berlin : Springer, [1998?]. 1 videocassetta (VHS) : col., son..
Raccolta di video di argomento matematico presentata in occasione del Congresso Internazionale dei Matematici tenutosi a Berlino nel 1998.
ISBN: 3-540-92634-8
Wallach, Nolan R.
Some applications of group representations [Videoregistrazione] / Nolan Wallach. Providence (RI) : American Mathematical Society, c1990. 1 videocassetta (VHS) : col., son.. (AMS-MAA Joint lecture series).
Videoregistrazione di una conferenza (Louisville, Kentucky, January 1990).
Smale, Stephen
Videoregistrazione di una conferenza (Phoenix, Arizona, January 1989). Ribet, Kenneth Modular elliptic curves and Fermat 's last theorem [Videoregistrazione] / Kenneth A. Ribet. Providence (RI) : American Mathematical Society, c1993. 1 videocassetta (VHS) : col., son.. (Selected lectures in mathematics). Videoregistrazione di una conferenza (Washington DC, August 1993).

48. !Daniel S Freed Karen K Uhlenbeck - Book Daniel S Mynatt Isbn 038797377X 0821804
Information about writer Daniel S Freed karen K uhlenbeck, publishedworks, links, reviews, essays . Daniel S Freed karen K uhlenbeck.
review - links
Home ::Author:: Daniel S Freed Karen K Uhlenbeck Daniel S Freed Karen K Uhlenbeck
Daniel S Freed Karen K Uhlenbeck
Publications [click on the titel for more informations: - review - summary - notes - price - publisher ..]

49. Department Of Mathematics - University Of Georgia
Professor karen uhlenbeck made pioneering contributions to global geometry and gaugetheory that resulted in advances in mathematical physics and the theory of
Professor Karen K. Uhlenbeck
Sid W. Richardson Regents Professor of Mathematics, University of Texas, Austin
Professor Karen Uhlenbeck made pioneering contributions to global geometry and gauge theory that resulted in advances in mathematical physics and the theory of partial differential equations. She has received numerous awards and honors for her mathematical work, including election to the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She received the MacArthur Prize in 1983, and was chosen as a plenary speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Kyoto in 1990. In December 2000, she was awarded the National Medal of Science, the nation's highest scientific honor.
Geometry Across Three Centuries April 10-12, 2001
A selection of equations from nineteenth century geometry
Tuesday, April 10, 2001, 4:00 p.m.

50. Women In Math: Biographies
U. uhlenbeck, karen (1942 ) uhlenbeck, karen (1942- ).

51. Index.html
uhlenbeck, karen (April 1996), Coming to Grips with Success A Profile of karenuhlenbeck, Math Horizons, Washington, DC The Mathematical Association of
This page is the final project for an independent study at Carleton College facilitated by Deanna Haunsperger, mathematician extraordinaire, amazing mentor, and caring friend. Created by Cassie Aronberg, Melissa Powell, and Elena Contreras
Women and Girls in Society
Belenky, Mary F., Clinchy, Blythe M., Goldberger, Nancy R., and Taruli, Jill M. (1997), Women's Ways of Knowing , New York: HarperCollins. In response to a well-known study of learning by William Perry, who interviewed male students at Harvard, these authors sought to explore how a woman's learning differs. They have found through their interviews with women that there are several distinct phases of learning. They interviewed women having a variety of different educational experiences: college graduates, high school graduates, and the women in the "invisible college," those who struggle with learning about mothering but have received less formal education. Douglas, Susan J. (1995), Where the Girls Are , New York: Times Books. Where the Girls Are explores feminist thought and the conflicting messages women have received from the media from the 50's to the early 90's. Douglas shows how these messages have changed each decade and how women have wrestled with the choice to identify with or reject them. From the news media's representation of the women's movement in the 1970's to the escapism many women find in reading popular magazines such as

52. 1904_1953 Index
Translate this page . .) Kingman (1940- . . . . Quillen (1941-1978) Stefan, Peter (1942- . . . .Hawking (1942- . . . . uhlenbeck, karen (1944- . . . . Deligne (1945- . . .
Mathematicians born from 1904 to 1953
Hall, Philip



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53. Natura
John Wilder Tukey. Alan Turing. George Eugene uhlenbeck. karen Keskulla uhlenbeck.Pavel Samuilovic Urysohn. Abraham Wald. Hermann Klaus Hugo Weyl.
èíslo 8/2003
  • Jedlobukový karpatský les v ohrožení. Podle materiálù ÈSOP KOSENKA Na našem území vzácný jednobukový karpatský les je ohrožen. ÈSOP KOSENKA z Valašských Kloboukù se prostøednictvím veøejné sbírky pokouší o jeho záchranu. Americký národní raketový obranný systém. (6) Podle studie Union of Concerned Scientists zpracoval: Jiøí Svršek. Bezpeènostní rizika nasazení systému NMD (Rusko. Vývoj americko-ruských vztahù. Èína. Nespolehlivé státy. Další státy.). Zastrašování a diplomacie (Nespolehlivé státy s raketovou výzbrojí. Další státy. Rusko a Èína.). Jaderné zbranì v Rusku. Podle zprávy " Nuclear weapons in Russia. Safety, Security and Control Issues " výzkumné služby amerického Kongresu z dubna 2002 zpracoval: Jiøí Svršek. Jaderné zbranì po rozpadu Sovìtského svazu. Kooperativní programy pro omezení jaderné hrozby (Nunnùv-Lugarùv kooperativní program pro omezení hrozby. Program na odstranìní strategických útoèných zbraní. Program ochrany, kontroly a evidence jaderného materiálu. Iniciativa pro prevenci šíøení jaderných zbraní. Iniciativa o jaderných mìstech. Ruská pøechodová iniciativa). Struèná historie pracovních skupin od 90. let 20. století (Rusko-americká komise o ekonomické a technologické spolupráci. Pracovní skupina strategické stability. Rozhovory o zárukách, prùhlednosti a nevratnosti likvidace jaderných zbraní. Problém nestrategických jaderných zbraní. Dohoda o pøemìnì plutonia z jaderných zbraní. Sdílení dat vèasného varování. Pohotovostní stupnì strategických jaderných zbraní.)

54. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of U
Translate this page Uhl, James, University of Victoria, 1995. uhlenbeck, karen, BrandeisUniversity, 1968. uhlenbeck, George, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 1927.

uhlenbeck, karen K., speaker. Applications of non-linear analysisin topology /gravação de vídeo/. Providence, AMS, c1990. Inglês.
  • QC141.VC/P473a
  • PESCE, Celso Pupo Anéis de vortices e uma aplicação em escoamentos potenciais tridimensionais: /gravação de vídeo/. São Paulo, IME-USP, 1996. Português. 1 vídeo cassete (1:15 min): NTSC/VHS, son, color.
  • QA758.VC / B879a
  • Animation of geometric algorithms: a vídeo review: /gravação de vídeo/. Palo Alto, Systems Research Center, 1992. Inglês. 1 vídeo cassete (1:50 min.): VHS, son., color.
  • QA862.VC / B862.VC
  • BROWN, Marc H., ed. An anthology of algorithm animations using Zeus: /gravação de vídeo/. Palo Alto, Systems Research Center, 1991. Inglês. 1 vídeo cassete (56 min.): VHS, son., color.
  • QA612.9.VC/U31a

56. Academy Members (U)
uhlenbeck, Olke, Cornelis, II, 1, FELLOW. uhlenbeck, karen, Keskulla, I,1, FELLOW. Uhr, Jonathan, William, II, 5, FELLOW. Ullman, Richard, Henry,III, 3, FELLOW.

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Last Name First Name Middle Cls Sec Membership
Type Udry J. Richard III FELLOW Uhlenbeck Olke Cornelis II FELLOW Uhlenbeck Karen Keskulla I FELLOW Uhr Jonathan William II FELLOW Ullman Richard Henry III FELLOW Ulrich Laurel IV FELLOW Ulrich Eugene IV FELLOW Unanue Emil Raphael II FELLOW Unger Roberto Mangabeira III FELLOW Unger Roger Harold II FELLOW Ungerleider Leslie II FELLOW Unruh William G. I FHM Uyeda Seiya I FHM * FHM = Foreign Honorary Member Back to the Search Page
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57. Mathematician List
Somerville, Mary, Stevin, Simon, Tartaglia, Nicolo, Thales, uhlenbeck, karen,Viete, Francois, Wallis, John, Wheeler, Anna J. Pell, Young, Grace Chisholm,

58. Paths To Erdos
Dennis P. 3 Swan, Richard G. 3 Tate, John T. 3 Taubes, Clifford H. 4 Thompson, JohnG. 3 Thurston, William P. 2 Tits, Jacques 4 uhlenbeck, karen K. 3 Varadhan

59. Ohio State Honors Six At Summer 2001 Commencement
and biological researcher; University of Maryland president Clayton Daniel Mote,Jr.; US Surgeon General David Satcher; and karen K. uhlenbeck, a 2000 National
August 21, 2001 Contact: Shannon Wingard Ohio State honors six at summer 2001 commencement
COLUMBUS – Six individuals will be honored at The Ohio State University’s summer 2001 commencement for their contributions to society and academics, and their dedication to the university. Ceremonies begin at 9:30 a.m., Aug. 30, in the Jerome Schottenstein Center. This is the first commencement to be held at the Schottenstein Center. Honorary doctorates will be presented to Raphael Mechoulam, internationally renowned chemistry and biological researcher; University of Maryland president Clayton Daniel Mote, Jr.; U. S. Surgeon General David Satcher; and Karen K. Uhlenbeck, a 2000 National Medal of Science recipient. The Distinguished Service Award will be presented to Ray J. Groves, chair of Legg Mason Merchant Banking Inc. and The Ohio State University Foundation Board of Directors; and E. Leonard Jossem, emeritus professor of physics at Ohio State and former member of the scientific staff at Los Alamos in the Advanced Developments Division during World War II. Raphael Mechoulam, Doctor of Science

60. Vol.31, No. 3-- This Issue -- OnCampus, OSU"s Newspaper For Faculty And Staff
(She said yes.). karen K. uhlenbeck, Doctor of Science. A 2000 NationalMedal of Science recipient, karen K. uhlenbeck has held the
Sept. 13, 2001
Vol. 31, No. 3
Photos by Jo McCulty The first commencement to be held in the Jerome Schottenstein Center featured a new platform backdrop designed by John Page, technical director at the center.
Commencement message: Take care of yourself
Speaker Satcher is among six honored
Ohio State graduates had one more lesson to learn during summer commencement ceremonies on Aug. 30. Speaker David Satcher, surgeon general of the United States, gave them a quick rundown of his low-tech guidelines to good health. The four-point prescription: Conduct 30 minutes of physical activity per day at least five days per week; eat five servings of fruits and vegetables per day; avoid tobacco and other drugs; and be responsible when engaging in sexual behavior. It may sound familiar. In fact, Satcher expects it to. But he said that from his vantage point, a major challenge of the 21st century is bridging the gap between science, policies and practices or, more simply, bridging the gap between what we know and what we do. Changes in human behavior could make a big difference in the quality of public health, he said. Satcher spoke at Ohio State's first commencement to be held in the Jerome Schottenstein Center. He also was among six recipients of commencement honors. U.S. surgeon general since 1998 and only the second person in history to simultaneously serve as surgeon general and assistant secretary for health, Satcher received an honorary doctor of science degree.

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