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         Uhlenbeck Karen:     more detail
  1. Instantons and Four-Manifolds (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications) by Daniel S. Freed, Karen K. Uhlenbeck, 1990-12-03
  2. Biography - Uhlenbeck, Karen (Keskulla) (1942-): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2002-01-01
  3. Surveys in Differential Geometry, Vol. 4: Integrable Systems by Karen Uhlenbeck, 1998-04-01
  4. Geometry and Quantum Field Theory: June 22-July 20, 1991, Park City, Utah (Ias/Park City Mathematics, Vol 1) by Daniel S. Freed, 1995-03-24
  5. Regularity of Minimizing Harmonic Maps Into the Sphere: MSRI 039-83 by Richard; Karen Uhlenbeck Schoen, 1983

21. National Academy Of Sciences
Taubes, Clifford H. Thompson, JG. Thurston, William P. Tits, Jacques. uhlenbeck,karen K. Varadhan, Srinivasa SR. Whitehead, George W. Wiles, Andrew J. Yau, ST.$$Section11?OpenDocume

22. Profiles Of Women In Mathematics: Lesley Sibner
About this time, she met karen uhlenbeck, whose work on nonlinear variationalproblems had a significant effect on Sibner. uhlenbeck
Lesley Sibner Analysis in Gauge Theory Cincinnati, Ohio 1994 Previous Index Next LESLEY SIBNER is a native New Yorker. After a brief career in the theatre, she received her bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from the City College of New York in 1959. She came to mathematics quite late, only discovering her enthusiasm for it after taking a required calculus course designed for liberal arts majors. While at City College, she met her husband, Robert Sibner, who at the time was a graduate student in mathematics and was teaching as a lecturer in the Physics Department. She went on to study at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, receiving a PhD in 1964 under the joint supervision of Lipman Bers and Cathleen Morawetz. Lesley Sibner was an instructor at Stanford University (l965-l966), a Fulbright Scholar at the Institut Henri Poincare' in Paris (1966-1967), an awardee of the Visiting Professorships for Women Program of the National Science Foundation (1986-1987), and a Bunting Science Scholar at Radcliffe College (1990-1991). Brooklyn Polytechnic University has been her home base since 1967. Starting with her doctoral thesis on equations of mixed type, Sibner's love of analysis, especially partial differential equations, has remained constant throughout her career. A few years after her PhD, she and her husband were led to study nonlinear Hodge theory following an informal discussion with Bers, in which he conjectured the existence of compressible flows on a Riemann surface. This added a new ingredient, differential geometry, to her mathematical interests. While a member of the Institute for Advanced Study during 1971-1972, she met and was greatly influenced by Michael Atiyah and Raoul Bott. She then pursued geometric problems which could be solved using analysis, and produced an "integral equations" proof of the Riemann-Roch Theorem during this period.

23. Uhlenbeck-text
Engineering. Poster Texts. karen uhlenbeck Mathematics The Equations ofNature. Such equations lie at the heart of karen uhlenbeck s work. Her
Visualizing Women in Science, Mathematics and Engineering
Poster Texts Karen Uhlenbeck
Mathematics The Equations of Nature
Throw a ball in the air - where does it go? Put a pot on the stove - how does the heat spread? Blow a soap bubble - what shape will it take? Flip a switch and... a light turns on! All of these phenomena are governed by simple differential equations that have been known and studied for over 100 years. Nature at a snall scale - electrons, protons and other particles - is governed bu more complicated laws; these also involve differential equations. Such equations lie at the heart of Karen Uhlenbeck's work. Her discoveries have shed light on the solutions to these equations and have found applications in both geometry and physics. A soap film on a wire frame naturally assumes the form of a curved surface. This is what negative curvature looks like. Return to Poster page.

24. Nebraska Conference For Undergraduate Women In Mathematics
Click images to enlarge. karen uhlenbeck (University of Texas) delivering her plenaryaddress on Solitons Where applied math meets algebra and geometry .
Click images to enlarge
Karen Uhlenbeck (University of Texas) delivering her plenary address on "Solitons: Where applied math meets algebra and geometry".
Suzanne Lenhart (University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratories) delivering her plenary address on "Applications of Optimal Control to Various Population Models". Dr. Lenhart is the President-elect for the Association for Women in Mathematics.
"Is graduate school right for you?" panelists: Susan Hermiller (UNL, Moderator), Julia Brainin (CUNY Graduate Center), Karen Uhlenbeck (University of Texas), Julie Berg (UNL), and Karl Kattchee (UNL).
Fumei Lam (University of California, Berkeley) giving her talk "Forcing Numbers of Several Planar Graphs."
Judy Walker (UNL) directing the beginning of the conference.
Kim Schneider (Bowdoin College) giving her talk "Igusa Local Zeta Function of Elliptic Curves."
Conference participants are bundled up and ready to go to lunch at Valentino's.
A large group of participants hang around after the last talk.
Kate Rendall (St. Norbert College) giving her talk "Rado Numbers for X Y C = Z."

25. Auteur - Uhlenbeck, Karen K.
Translate this page Auteur uhlenbeck, karen K. 2 documents trouvés. Ajouter au panier,Imprimer, Envoyer par mail, Liste détaillée. Ouvrage Instantons

26. Editeur - Springer-Verlag
uhlenbeck,karen K. (Co-auteur) Springer-Verlag Mathematical sciences research institute
Ajouter au panier Imprimer Envoyer par mail
Automation of reasoning 1

classical papers on computational logic 1957-1966

Siekmann, Jorg
(Editeur) ; Wrightson, Graham (Editeur)

Ouvrage RdC (A)
Foundations of logic programming

Lloyd, J. W.
Symbolic computation/artificial intelligence, disparu Ouvrage Computers in chess solving inexact search problems Botvinnik, M. M. (Principal) Springer-Verlag Symbolic computation, Ouvrage RdC (B) Ouvrage Numerical methods for nonlinear variational problems Glowinski, Roland (Principal) Springer-Verlag Springer series in computational physics, Ouvrage RdC (D) Ouvrage Foundations of constructive mathematics Beeson, Michael J. (Principal) Springer-Verlag Ergebnisse der mathematik und ihrer grenzgebiete 3 folge, 0006 Ouvrage RdC (B) Ouvrage Constructibility Devlin, Keith J. (Principal) Springer-Verlag Perspectives in mathematical logic, Ouvrage RdC (D) Mathematical ecology proceedings of the autumn course research seminars held at the international theoretical physics Miramare Nov. 29 - Dec. 10 ... Hallam, T. G. (Editeur) ; Levin, S. A.

27. Karen Uhlenbeck Visits Sweden
karen uhlenbeck visits Sweden. karen uhlenbeck is one of the world s leading researcherson nonlinear differential equations and their geometric properties.
Karen Uhlenbeck visits Sweden
At the invitation of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and four Swedish Departments of Mathematics,
Professor Karen K. Uhlenbeck, University of Texas at Austin,
will give four lectures in Uppsala, Luleå, Linköping, and Lund on
Geometric Partial Differential Equations
The dates of her lectures are: In Uppsala: Monday, September 16, 1996, at 10:15, in the Aula of the Mathematics and Information Technology Center (MIC), Polacksbacken; In Luleå: Wednesday, September 18, at 12:45, Room Alfa 117; In Linköping: Friday, September 20, at 1:15; and In Lund: Monday, September 23, at 3:15, Room C, Department of Mathematics, Sölvegatan 18. Karen Uhlenbeck is one of the world's leading researchers on non-linear differential equations and their geometric properties. She is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Texas at Austin and holds the Sid W. Richardson Foundation Regents' Chair in Mathematics. Since receiving her Ph.D. from Brandeis University in 1968, she has held positions in MIT, University of California at Berkeley, University of Illinois, and the University of Chicago. She has been a Sloan Fellow and a MacArthur Prize Fellow. Memberships include the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences. She has written extensively in the field of gauge field theory, geometric calculus of variations and integrable systems, including one book and over thirty articles. She visits Sweden at the invitation of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and its National Committee for Mathematics, and the Departments of Mathematics in Uppsala, Luleå, Linköping, and Lund.

28. Matematiska Institutionens Veckoblad, Nr 642
karen uhlenbeck är en av världens främsta forskare på ickelineäradifferentialekvationer och deras geometriska egenskaper.
This is a HTML-3 document
Nr 642
Vecka 37
Gästföreläsning Karen K. Uhlenbeck, Austin
Måndagen den 16 september
1996 klockan 10.15
Lokal: MIC-Aulan Geometric Partial Differential Equations
Karen Uhlenbeck är en av världens främsta forskare på icke-lineära differentialekvationer och deras geometriska egenskaper. Hon besöker Sverige på inbjudan av Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien och dess Nationalkommitté för matematik samt de matematiska institutionerna i Uppsala, Luleå, Linköping och Lund. Alla intresserade, speciellt alla studenter, inbjuds. Dagarna för Karen Uhlenbecks övriga föredrag i Sverige är: Luleå den 18 sept klockan 12.45, Hörsal Alfa 117;
Linköping den 20 sept klockan 13.15; samt
Lund den 23 sept klockan 15.15, Sal C, Matematiska institutionen, Sölvegatan 18. Gästforskare Institutionen gästas under tiden 5-25 september av professor Albert Marden. På inst. träffas han i rum 2339, tel. 183281. Han är inbjuden av prof. Dennis Hejhal. Plurikomplexa seminariet Christer Kiselman
Måndag 9 september kl. 13.15, sal 2:314

29. Michigan Great Karen K. Uhlenbeck: Pioneer In Mathematical Analysis—and For Wom
uhlenbeck. karen K. uhlenbeck studied mathematics for many years, well into graduateschool, before she finally acknowledged that a career in this field was
The University Record, December 6, 1999
By Lee Katterman
Office of the Vice President for Research Uhlenbeck Today, Uhlenbeck, holder of the Sid W. Richardson Foundation Regents Chair in Mathematics at the University of Texas at Austin, is widely acclaimed as a talented and creative mathematician as well as someone who takes very seriously her obligation to mentor young women mathematicians. Through her research, Uhlenbeck has made significant contributions to our understanding of the fundamental properties of matter. In her professional life, she has demonstrated a perseverance that enabled her to succeed in science in spite of the discouraging roadblocks she encountered. After receiving her Ph.D. in 1968, she followed her bio-physicist husband to Massachusetts Institute of Technology and then Berkeley, where she worked as a non-tenure track lecturer because the schools interested in her husband were not interested in her. In 1971, Uhlenbeck was offered an assistant professorship at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. This time her husband moved with her. However, the marriage ended a few years later, at which time Uhlenbeck joined the faculty at the University of Illinois-Chicago. In 1995, Uhlenbeck received the Common Wealth Award for Science and Technology from Sigma Xi, the national research honorary society, and, in 1984, was named Alumna of the Year by the U-M.

30. VEDA
Otec karen uhlenbeck byl inženýr a matka umelkyne. karen uhlenbeckstudovala na Univerzite v Michiganu s úmyslem studovat fyziku.
Støeda 21.11.2001
Svátek má Albert
Biologie a pøíroda




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Anglický Úøad pro UFO zavøen
Anglický úøad The British Flying Saucer Bureau, který po celé pùlstoletí pátral po mimozemšanech a jejich aktivitách, ukonèil svou èinnost. Tento úøad, který mìl v jedné dobì až 1500 pracovníkù po celém svìtì, registroval v minulosti týdnì kolem 30 rùzných hlášení o výskytu UFO. V poslední dobì ale poèet hlášení klesl na minimum a také na pravidelné mìsíèní konference docházelo tak málo úèastníkù, že je bylo nutno pozastavit. Podle Denise Plunketta, spoluzakladatele úøadu, je nutno èinnost úøadu ukonèit pro nedostatek UFO. Víra v UFO klesá i v Nìmecku ètìte zde:
akce zaèíná na serveru HTTP:// Motto akce: "Politik nemùže pøijímat do státního rozpoètu peníze získané prodejem nejnebezeènìjší drogy cigarety, která zabije jen v Èeské Republice dvacet tisíc lidí roènì, absurdnì v dobì, kdy policie a záchranné sbory musí a po právu prohlížet kupøíkladu obálky, ale i všeliké lokality, které jsou by jen podezøelé z toho, že by mohly být kontaminovány nebezpeènou nákazou. Policie nás chrání pøed terorem a patøí jí za to dík i ohleduplnost nás všech." Smrt a nemoci z cigaret nejsou legální tím, že je brání zkorumpovaní politikové, leckdy bohužel i prostou ignorací žurnalisté, èi lobisté tabákových koncernù. Smrt z cigaret je stejný teroristický èin jako kterýkoliv jiný a po duchu platných zákonù je veøejným ohrožením èíslo jedna. Což ví ostatnì i pan ministr zdravotnictví, jak nám vzkazuje na krabièkách, ale nikterak ho to nevzrušuje zøejmì?, nebo nechává cigarety dále distribuovat jako potraviny - v této souvislosti je smutné zjištìní, že žvýkací tabák neprojde.. Cigarety ano? Proè tedy cigareta není novokuøákùm zakázána, co hledá v kapitole "Potravináøský a tabákový prùmysl?"

31. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Karen Uhlenbeck
karen Keskulla uhlenbeck Biography According to our current onlinedatabase, karen uhlenbeck has 13 students and 19 descendants.

32. Karen K. Uhlenbeck
Written by Daniel S. Freed , karen K. uhlenbeck Published by AmericanMathematical Society (June 1995) ISBN 0821804006 Price $49.00. Books.

Search High Volume Orders Links ... Witchcraft and Sorcery Additional Subjects Werewolves Don't Go to Summer Camp A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches Handbook The Angel of the Left Bank: The Secrets of Delacroix's Parisian Masterpiece Louisa May Alcott: Author of Little Women ... New Age Parapsychology Superstition Featured Books
This book has four articles on mathematics in quantum field theory. Some of it is well known and "classical", particularly the article by Bryant on symplectic geometry (however, Bryan does discuss the modern modern developments by Gromov in the last section). The article by Rabin attempts to do the impossible: try to teach mathematicians the physics behind quantum field theory via path integrals. The article by Alvarez on index theorems summarizes nicely the connections between supersymmetry ...
Written by Daniel S. Freed Karen K. Uhlenbeck
Published by American Mathematical Society (June 1995)
ISBN 0821804006
Price $49.00

33. Karen Uhlenbeck
The Ohio State University DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM of THURSDAY, DECEMBER7, 2000 karen uhlenbeck University of Texas will talk on Geometric Partial
The Ohio State University

DECEMBER 7, 2000
Karen Uhlenbeck
University of Texas
will talk on
Geometric Partial Differential Equations:From Hilbert's 23rd Problem to Nonlinear Waves
The Colloquia of the Department of Mathematics are normally held on Thursdays at 4:30pm in UH 014,
preceded by Tea at 3:30pm in the Math Tower Top Floor Lounge (MW724), and followed by a dinner. Our Colloquium is intended to be a vehicle for invited speakers to communicate to the entire department significant new developments in their fields of research, in a manner accessible to a broad mathematical audience. Graduate students and visitors are particularly welcome. Comments, suggestions and questions: e-mail Return to OSU Department of Mathematics Home Page.

34. Untitled Document
Comm. Anal. Geom. 3 (1995), no. 34, 479522. w/uhlenbeck, karen; Wentworth,Richard. Topology 34 (1995), no. 1, 203215. uhlenbeck, karen K.
Office: 213 Kassar-Gould House
Email: Mailing Address:
    Mathematics Department
    Box 1917
    Brown University
    Providence, RI 02912
Fall 2003 Math 9: Introductory Calculus I
Math 106: Differential Geometry Spring 2004 Math 226: Complex Function Theory
Differential Geometry
Gauge Theory
Sympletic Geometry
Education: Ph.D., Chicago, 1989.
Math. Ann. 318 (2000) , no. 1, 142. w/Wentworth, Richard A. Math. Res. Lett. 7 (2000) , no. 1, 133146. w/Katzarkov, Ludmil; Wentworth, Richard Duke Math. J. 101 (2000) , no. 2, 189207. w/Dostoglou, S.; Wentworth, R. On the Brill-Noether problem for vector bundles. Forum Math. 11 (1999) , no. 1, 6377. w/Wentworth, Richard A. Math. Res. Lett. 5 (1998) , no. 4, 523533. w/Dostoglou, S.; Wentworth, R. Geometric quantization for the moduli space of vector bundles with parabolic structure. Geometry, topology and physics (Campinas, 1996) , 119155, de Gruyter, Berlin, 1997. w/Wentworth, Richard A. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2) 40 (1997)

35. PCMI Women's Program By Karen Uhlenbeck
PCMI Women s Program by karen uhlenbeck. reply to this message posta message on a new topic Back to geometryannouncements Subject
PCMI Women's Program by Karen Uhlenbeck
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Subject: PCMI Women's Program Author: Organization: Geometry Forum Date: The Math Forum

36. Re: Utah Summer Geometry Institute By Gene Klotz Organization Geometry Forum Date 2 Feb 1993 150336 GMT continuedfrom original message Information karen uhlenbeck, University of$e33@forum.swart
Re: Utah Summer Geometry Institute by Gene Klotz
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Subject: Re: Utah Summer Geometry Institute Author: Organization: Geometry Forum Date: The Math Forum

37. Professor Karen K. Uhlenbeck Abstract
Abstract by Professor karen K. uhlenbeck Austin. Integrable systemsin Geometry The Geometric NonLinear Schroedinger Equation.
Abstract by
Professor Karen K. Uhlenbeck
Integrable systems in Geometry: The Geometric Non-Linear Schroedinger Equation. The geometric non-linear Schroedinger equation arises as in a simplification of the Landau-Lifschitz equations for a macroscopic ferro-magnetic continuum. The continuum is taken to be R n , where n = 1, 2, 3 and the equation is written t
D U for U = (u ,u ,u ) satisfying u +u +u = 1. For the domain R , this equation is equivalent to the integrable (focusing) non-linear Schroedinger equation. There is also an interpretation as the equation governing the tangent of a curve in R propagating in the direction of the binormal with speed equal to the curvature. The equation itself can be thought of as a non-linear Schroedinger equation governing the flow of a map from R n to S , and the target manifold S can be replaced by any Kaehler manifold, yielding a family of non-linear Schroedinger equations whose behavior depends both on the dimension of the independent variable and on the geometry of the target. This equation belongs to the sequence of equations based on harmonic maps, including the harmonic map equation, the heat flow for the harmonic map equation and wave maps. We discuss the well-posedness of this equation, and some of the basic estimates which are used in proving long-time existence for non-linear Schroedinger equations.
Friday, May 12, 2000, 4:00 p.m.

38. Biography-center - Letter U
uhlenbeck.html; uhlenbeck, karen;uhlenbeck, karen www.agnesscott
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46 biographies

39. Women's Program Site
A note from karen uhlenbeck In past years, most of the enjoyable aswell. I hope you will join us. karen uhlenbeck. Program for Women
A note from Karen Uhlenbeck: In past years, most of the women who have come to the Women's Program have wondered, "Why are they having this program?" and "What will I get out of it?"
There is concern in many quarters that women are not succeeding in the mathematics community at the expected rate. Those concerned include research mathematicians, women who studied in the l960's and 1970's and expected larger numbers of women to follow, and those who view the scene from institutional perspectives. This program provides a chance for women to advance their careers in mathematics. In accordance with the principle that mathematics should be inclusive, not exclusive, the activities of the program are open to all, regardless of age and gender. Funding is provided for women.
Many female students and young researchers have encountered discrimination in certain situations and have concerns about entering a field with few senior women visible. The atmosphere in classes and seminars can be unappealing, and nearly all young women have practical questions about managing a career and personal interests. Often women have not had the opportunity to work with other serious women in their profession or listen to more than an occasional lecture or course given by a woman. The network formed through contacts with women functions like any other network in giving opportunities, support, and inside information to its members.
Participants at every level in the Women's Program find the experience of working with other serious women and gaining access to the network of female mathematicians not only rewarding and useful, but enjoyable as well.

40. Women's Program Site
karen uhlenbeck, University of Texas at Austin, led the Womenin-ScienceSeminar assisted by Michelle Swenson, University of Texas at Austin.

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2003 Program
The tenth annual Program for Women in Mathematics was held at the Institute for Advanced Study from May 12-22, 2003. The area of research was mathematical biology. Tandy Warnow, University of Texas at Austin, and Dorothy Buck, Brown University, taught the undergraduate course. Topics discussed in Professor Warnow’s course included an introduction to mathematical phylogenetics; comparing treesdistances, consensus, and agreement methods; stochastic models of evolution and the performance of simple tree reconstruction methods; and perfect phylogenies, triangulating colored graphs, and evolutionary trees. Professor Buck’s course focused on modeling interesting phenomena in molecular biology or chemistry using topological tools Lisa Fauci, Tulane University, and Naomi Leonard, Princeton University, gave the graduate course. The primary goal of Professor Fauci’s lectures was to make students aware of how different areas of mathematics are directly applicable to problems in biology and physiology, and to introduce them to open problems that could be the subject of graduate research projects.

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