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         Turan Paul:     more detail
  1. Collected Papers of Paul Turan by Paul Erdos, 1990-12
  2. Number Theory and Analysis
  3. On a New Method of Analysis and Its Applications (Pure & Applied Mathematics) by Paul Turan, 1984-08-08
  4. Number Theory and Analysis : A Collection of Papers in Honor of Edmund Landau (1877 - 1938) by Paul (editor) Turan, 1969-01-01
  5. Turkish Former Muslims: Mehmet Ali Agca, Aziz Nesin, Tunch Ilkin, Ibrahim Ben Ali, Johannes Avetaranian, Hakan Tastan and Turan Topal, Paul Mulla
  6. Studies in pure mathematics: To the memory of Paul Turan
  7. Studies in Pure Mathematics to the Memory of Paul Turan
  8. Eine Neue Methode in der Analysis und deren Anwendungen by Paul Turan, 1953
  9. In Turan Und Armenien Auf Den Pfaden Russischer Weltpolitik (German Edition) by Paul Rohrbach, 2010-01-11
  10. Graph Theorists: W. T. Tutte, Julius Petersen, Tomaz Pisanski, Dragan Marusic, Arthur Cayley, Paul Erdos, András Hajnal, Pál Turán, János Pach
  11. Members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Paul Erdos, Norman Borlaug, György Lukács, Ágnes Heller, László Sólyom, András Hajnal, Pál Turán

81. ROHRBACH, Paul Carl Albert
turan und Armenien auf den Pfaden russischer Weltpolitik Sendschreibendes Alpenländischen Kulturverbandes 2), Graz 1954; paul Rohrbach, in
Verlag Traugott Bautz Zur Hauptseite Bestellmöglichkeiten Abkürzungsverzeichnis ... NEU: Unser E-News Service
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Band VIII (1994) Spalten 592-608 Autor: Josef Anker Werke: Die alexandrinischen Patriarchen als Großmacht in der kirchenpolitischen Entwicklung des Orients, Teildr. Diss. phil. (Berlin) 1891; »Geboren von der Jungfrau«, Berlin 1894; 1905 ; Der Schluss des Markusevangeliums, der Vier-Evangelien-Kanon und die kleinasiatischen Presbyter, Berlin 1894; Das Bekenntnis zum geschichtlichen Christentum gegenüber der Bedrohung unserer Religion durch die orthodoxe Auffassung von der heiligen Schrift, Berlin 1895; Die Berichte über die Auferstehung Jesu, o.O. 1898 (Diss. theol. Strassburg 1898); In Turan und Armenien auf den Pfaden russischer Weltpolitik, Berlin 1898; Das »Größere Deutschland« in Moral und Politik I u. II, in: Mitt. des Evangelisch-sozialen Kongresses, Februar 1900, 9. Folge, Nr. 1, 2-4 u. März 1900, 9. Folge, Nr. 2, 14-16; Im vorderen Asien. Politische und andere Fahrten, Berlin 1901; Im Lande Jahwehs und Jesu. Wanderungen und Wandlungen von Hermon bis zur Wüste Juda, Tübingen 1901; 1911 ; Persien und die deutschen Interessen (Abt. Berlin-Charlottenburg der Deutschen Kolonial-Gesellschaft, Verhh. 1901/02 Heft 1), Berlin 1901; Die Bagdadbahn, Berlin 1902; 1911

82. Priv. Doz. PhD. Paul Yule: Silver Grave Goods From The Sohr Damb
Pottery vessels of Nal type occurred in 1975 in Shahri Sokhta (Seistan/turan)in the northern part of the cemetery there (18).

Find Situation
Some long-lost artefacts from southeastern Baluchistan are offered here as a tribute to a colleague whose publication activity reveals a committment to an ancient Near East which is broadly defined, taking into account more than the areas which a previous generation of archaeologists considered "orthodox". From a small test excavation which Mirza Sher Muhammad conducted on a mound known as the Sohr Damb (red mound), near Nal in the Jahlawan Division of the Kalat State in the year 1903 (later Sir) John Marshall catalogued an unknown kind of prehistoric pottery . Excavations which the Hazara Pioneers carried out here in 1908 followed yielding 250 pottery vessels . Bizanjau Saidar salvaged further vessels from the mound in 1923 or 1924 . In May and June of 1925 H. Hargreaves retested the site with what workmen he could divert from the harvest. 270 mostly well-preserved pottery vessels and other finds were recovered and most published, if only in a rudimentary way. Such pot-counts reflect the archaeological standards of the day. Nonetheless, one must admit that he laid the cornerstone for the study of the Sohr Damb (usually simply refered to as Nal) and its culture. Some curious silver objects were excavated which for what ever reason did not appear in the final report (Pl. 1 and

83. Bernd Ahrens
5). II. Felix Labhardt (1), paul Schmidlin (2), Sylvia Schmidlin (3).b d. 37, a. Street photo I. turan M. Itil (1), Dieter Bente (3). b
a. Bernd Ahrens b. Bernd Ahrens c. d. a. Group photo: Mohammed M. Amin (6), Thomas A. Ban (12), Peter Morozov (15), B.B. Sethi (17), Markus Gastpar (18), Paul Kielholz (19) b. Mohammed M. Amin c. WHO Training Course in Psychopharmacology; Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik; Basel, Switzerland d. October 1982 a. Mohammed M. Amin (4) b. Mohammed M. Amin c. WHO Training Course in Psychopharmacology; Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik; Basel, Switzerland d. October 1982 a. Mohammed M. Amin b. Mohammed M. Amin c. Montreal, Quebec, Canada d. August 1999 a. Jambur Ananth b. Jambur Ananth c. Torrance, California, USA d. a. Burt Angrist b. Burt Angrist c. d. a. Burt Angrist b. Burt Angrist c. d. a. Samuel Gershon b. Burt Angrist c. d. a. Samuel Gershon b. Burt Angrist c. d. a. Group photo (around the table): I. Jules Angst (1), Gurney Coppen (2), Edward J. Sachar (3), Ole J. Rafaelsen (5), Alec Coppen (9), William E. Bunney, Jr. (10) b.

84. Truthout - Paul Krugman Threats, Promises And Lies
Threats, Promises and Lies By paul Krugman New York Times Editorial. Politicalanalyst Ilter turan said the government was likely to twist as many arms as

85. Paul's Oscar Pix 2000
I m inclined to agree with the Los Angeles Times Kenneth turan, who called it Therest of the best, in no particular order MAGNOLIA—paul Thomas Anderson s
Now that all is said and done, click here to read my Oscar Wrap-up!
You know, for a long time it's been highly fashionable to criticize the Oscars as being out of touch, too willing to go with safe choices, unable to recognize a good movie if it hit them in the head. I've always taken a more charitable view. Yes, it's true that they never choose to honor the films I think are the best of the year, and sometimes I just don't know where they come up with their nominees. Still, it could be way worse. The most popular movies being made today are crapfests like ARMAGEDDON (1998) and INDEPENDENCE DAY (1996) , and they never win the big awards. Truthfully, if you were to restrict yourself to seeing only movies that were nominated for Oscars in major categories, you'd have a generally positive and fulfilling moviegoing experience. So for the most part I've gone pretty easy on the Academy Awards.
But not this year.

86. Finding Aid To The Papers Of Norbert Wiener, 1898-1966
1972.Lettvin, Jerome Ysrael.Levinson, Norman, 1912Levy, paul, 1886-Lichtenstein, Leon, b.1878.Littauer, Sebastian B

87. The Mathematics Of Paul Erdos
related work on polynomials.paul Erdos, NumberTheorist does not have a density.) Later, paul Turán, a close. friend of Erdo

88. Auteur - Erdos, Paul
paul (Editeur) Akademiai Kiado 1990 Oeuvres RdC (TURA).

89. Untitled
AuthorTitlePlace PublisherDateVolPagesCornell Holding Libary "Abbe, Ernst Carl, 18401905" Gesammelte AbhandlungenJenaG. notes par paul Ver Eecke TuranBaselBirkhauser19702MATH QA 3 F31 1970
; forward by George Marx ; translators: Jozsef Illy… ; editorial assistants: Mary Gay…

90. Los Angeles Times -
FLASH GALLERY. India Ruling Party Ousted in Upset. By paul Watson 927AM PDT. Stunning result clears way for Sonia Gandhi to restore dynasty.

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91. Content Frame For The Finding Aid To The Papers Of Norbert Wiener, 1898-1966
1972.Lettvin, Jerome Ysrael.Levinson, Norman, 1912Levy, paul, 1886-Lichtenstein, Leon, b.1878.Littauer, Sebastian B
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Finding Aid to the Papers of Norbert Wiener, 1898-1966
Location of collection:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Institute Archives and Special Collections. Cambridge, MA 02139
This finding aid has been encoded by the Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics as part of a collaborative project supported by a grant from the National Endowment of the Humanities, an independent federal agency. Collaboration members in 1999 consisted of: American Institute of Physics, California Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Northwestern University, Rice University, University of Alaska, University of Illinois, and University of Texas.
American Institute of Physics. Center for History of Physics. One Physics Ellipse College Park, MD 20740
Published in 2000
Machine-readable finding aid encoded in EAD v.1.0 by Clay Redding on March 16, 2000 from an existing finding aid using NoteTab Pro and C++ scripts created by James P. Tranowski (provided by Elizabeth Dow, Special Collections, University of Vermont). Any revisions made to this finding aid occurred as part of the editing and encoding process. Finding aid written in English.

92. Los Angeles Times - Registration
By KENNETH turan, Times Staff Writer CANNES, France — It s so simple, PaulThomas Anderson says, looking out at the rain from the marblefloored living

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93. - New Columnists
May 18, 2004 When Richard turan took the job as president of the financially strappedNassau University Medical Center in February 2001, he said his goal was,0

94. Mme Turan S Hotlist On French Impressionism
Mme turan s Hotlist on French Impressionism An Internet Hotlist on French Impressionistscreated by Librarians Sachem North Sachem North High School Library.

95. Paul Erdös - Uma Vida De Matemática
Translate this page Alguns amigos influentes convenceram o governo húngaro de que paul era muito ComTuran (1910-1976) estudou a interpolação e inventou a Statistical Group
Uma criança prodígio, um adulto prodígio, um idoso prodígio Paul Erdös nasceu a 26 de Março de 1913, em Budapeste, na altura ainda parte do Império Austro-Húngaro. Filho de professores de matemática do liceu, Lagos e Anna, ambos de origem judaica embora não praticantes. O dia do seu nascimento foi marcado por uma tragédia: as suas duas irmãs, de cinco e três anos, contraíram uma fulminante escarlatina e morreram alguns dias depois enquanto sua mãe estava ainda na maternidade. Budapeste Com ano e meio, Erdös foi violentamente afastado do pai que foi capturado numa ofensiva russa e enviado para a Sibéria onde esteve preso durante seis anos. Com o pai na prisão e a mãe a ensinar durante todo o dia, Paul foi criado por uma governanta alemã. Paul Erdös O seu interesse por números começou cedo. O pequeno Erdös entretinha-se a estudar um calendário contando os dias que faltavam para que a sua mãe viesse para casa. Aos três anos conseguia multiplicar, de cabeça, números de três algarismos, e aos quatro descobriu os números negativos: "Disse à minha mãe que, se subtraíssemos 250 a 100 ficávamos com -150"

Event 15 Men 500 Free 458.56YF Diggs, Keith SO 1 505.63YF Kayagil, TuranSR 2 544.34YF Campanella, paul FR 4 604.67YF Sullivan, Brendan SO 7.
- Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Pitler - [Results below are for TJHSST Swim and and Dive Team members only.
OAKTON: 141 Event # 1 Men 200 Medley Relay 1:42.15 Y F A Relay Thomas Jefferson 1
Keith Diggs (SO) Joey Kapurch (JR) Turan Kayagil (SR) Michael Balint (SR) 1:48.22 Y F B Relay Thomas Jefferson 3
Paul Koshetar (JR) Brian Brett (JR) Kyle Barrett (SO) Tom Holman (SR) 1:54.76 Y F C Relay Thomas Jefferson 5
Matt Brooks (SO) Joe Hess (SR) Matt Aviles (SR) Hieu Nguyen (SO) 2:00.90 Y F D Relay Thomas Jefferson 7
Casey Barrett (SO) Mark Hopke (SR) Connor Ahearn (FR) Brad Tonnesen (SR) Event # 2 Women 200 Medley Relay 1:53.25 Y F A Relay Thomas Jefferson 1 Emily Verdin (JR) Rebecca Brofft (SO) Christine Yurechko (JR) EB Kuhn (FR) 2:00.57 Y F B Relay Thomas Jefferson 3 Jessica Kim (FR) Catherine Gray (JR) Megan Marsilii (SR) Madeline Kelly (SO) 2:06.65 Y F C Relay Thomas Jefferson 5

97. Kenneth Turan: Worst Reviewed Films
KENNETH turan OVERVIEW, 0/5, All torture, all the time, all photographed (by PaulLaufer) and production designed (by Tom Foden) as if it were a TV spot for
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Total Reviews: 914 CRITICS GROUP(S) Los Angeles Film Critics Association National Society of Film Critics SECTIONS Home Movie Reviews Best Reviewed Films Worst Reviewed Films ... BUY HOT POSTERS Get $5 off $24.99 purchases Use coupon code: NEW! Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban NEW! Catwoman ... OTHER WORST REVIEWED FILMS Genre: All Genres Action/Adventure Childrens Comedies Dramas Horror/Suspense Science-Fiction/Fantasy Westerns Foreign Films a b c d ... z Results for All Genres of 39) Sort by RATING Sort by ADD DATE (default) Sort by TITLE YEAR Sort by T-METER Watching Stolen Summer makes one question the entire Project Greenlight process, starting with the notion that anyone off the street is fit to write and direct a motion picture if only they want it badly enough. ... Los Angeles Times Posted Mar 22, 2002 Stolen Summer All torture, all the time, all photographed (by Paul Laufer) and production designed (by Tom Foden) as if it were a TV spot for Chanel.

98. Innocence (2001): Julia Blake, Charles Tingwell, Terry Norris, Paul Cox
love. CAST CREW Julia Blake, Charles Tingwell, Terry Norris Directedby paul Cox more SYNOPSIS Director paul Cox ponders the
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Not only does it break ground in presenting a rarely examined age group, Innocence is a well-acted, powerful story about love.
Julia Blake
Charles Tingwell Terry Norris
Directed by Paul Cox

99. - Free Online Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Books.
paul Erdös. paul peers. Mathematical work. paul Erdos who was one ofthe most prolific publishers of papers in mathematical history.ös
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Paul Erdös
Categories Mathematicians
March 26
September 20 )was an immensely prolific mathematician who, with hundreds ofcollaborators, worked on problems in combinatorics graph theory , and numbertheory . Although he was famous and the recipient of many awards, he spent most of his life as a "vagabond", travellingbetween scientific conferences and the homes of colleagues. Worldly goods meant little to him, and he cared most about "the Book"in which, he stated, God kept the perfect proofs for mathematical statements.
He was born in Budapest Hungary as (pronounced "Air-dersh" , SAMPA /errd9:S/), into a non-practicing Jewish Eugene Wigner , the physicist and engineer; Edward Teller , the physicist and politician; Leo Szilard , the chemist, physicist and politician; and John von Neumann child prodigy , and soon became regarded as a mathematical genius by his peers.
Mathematical work
The Among his frequent collaborators were Yousef Alavi Bela Bollobas Fan Chung Ralph Faudree ... Richard Rado (one of the co-authors of the famous Alfréd Rényi C.C. Rousseau

100. - Registration Intercepts
By Kenneth turan, Times Staff Writer. Read My Lips is a battle of wills and PaulAngeli (Cassel), the man an agency sends over as Carla s assistant, is in
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