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         Turan Paul:     more detail
  1. Collected Papers of Paul Turan by Paul Erdos, 1990-12
  2. Number Theory and Analysis
  3. On a New Method of Analysis and Its Applications (Pure & Applied Mathematics) by Paul Turan, 1984-08-08
  4. Number Theory and Analysis : A Collection of Papers in Honor of Edmund Landau (1877 - 1938) by Paul (editor) Turan, 1969-01-01
  5. Turkish Former Muslims: Mehmet Ali Agca, Aziz Nesin, Tunch Ilkin, Ibrahim Ben Ali, Johannes Avetaranian, Hakan Tastan and Turan Topal, Paul Mulla
  6. Studies in pure mathematics: To the memory of Paul Turan
  7. Studies in Pure Mathematics to the Memory of Paul Turan
  8. Eine Neue Methode in der Analysis und deren Anwendungen by Paul Turan, 1953
  9. In Turan Und Armenien Auf Den Pfaden Russischer Weltpolitik (German Edition) by Paul Rohrbach, 2010-01-11
  10. Graph Theorists: W. T. Tutte, Julius Petersen, Tomaz Pisanski, Dragan Marusic, Arthur Cayley, Paul Erdos, András Hajnal, Pál Turán, János Pach
  11. Members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Paul Erdos, Norman Borlaug, György Lukács, Ágnes Heller, László Sólyom, András Hajnal, Pál Turán

41. 2004 Paul Erdos Lecture Series
paul Erdös Lecture Series. 2627 March 2004. Motivated by a theorem ofvan der Waerden, Erdos and turan formulated the following conjecture
Conference Speakers
Schedule ...
26-27 March 2004
University of Memphis
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Memphis, TN 38152
2004 Memorial Lecture
Arithmetic Progressions
Friday, March 26, 2004
Federal Express Technology Building, 1st Floor, Zone Room

Rutgers University
Motivated by a theorem of van der Waerden, Erdos and Turan
formulated the following conjecture:
Is it true that for any fixed $k$, if we consider an infinite
sequence $S$ of non-negative integers of positive lower density,
then $S$ contains an arithmetic progression of $k$ terms?
An even stronger (favourite) conjecture of Erdos is that

For any fixed $k$, if we consider an infinite sequence
then $S$ contains an arithmetic progression of $k$ terms?

This later one would imply that there are arbitrary long
arithmetic progressions of primes.
We are going to discuss the history of this problem, including very recent and powerful recent results of Gowers, Solymosi, Naigle, Rodl, Schacht.

42. Famous Erdos Coauthors
Gabor Szego (18951985); Alfred Tarski (1902-1983); paul turan (1910-1976);Stanislaw Marcin Ulam (1909-1984); Aurel Wintner (1903-1958).

43. Erdos1, Version 2004, February 2, 2004 This Is A List Of The 509
Translate this page Klara Suchower, Stephan J. Szep, Jeno Torok, Eva turan, PAL* Yff, Peter DESHOUILLERS,JEAN-MARC 1976 2 Allouche, Jean-paul Balasubramanian, Ramachandran BALOG
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44. Bank Turan Alem Selects Misys International Banking Systems For Trade Finance -
in external systems can easily be shared with Trade Innovation, said paul Sutcliff,Trade look to all applications, the product will enable Bank turan Alem to

45. Paul Erdös
Simonovitz, Vera Sos, Joel Spencer, Endre Szemeredi, Pal turan and Peter Winkler. Externallinks and references. JJ O Connor and EF Robertson. paul Erd? (at

Paul Erdös

March 26 September 20 ) was an immensely prolific mathematician who, with hundreds of collaborators, worked on problems in combinatorics graph theory , and number theory . Although he was famous and the recipient of many awards, he spent most of his life as a "vagabond", travelling between scientific conferences and the homes of colleagues. Worldly goods meant little to him, and he cared most about "the Book" in which, he stated, God kept the perfect proofs for mathematical statements. Table of contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Biography
2 Mathematical work

3 External links and references
He was born in Budapest Hungary as (pronounced "Air-dersh" , SAMPA /errd9:S/), into a non-practicing Jewish Eugene Wigner , the physicist and engineer; Edward Teller , the physicist and politician; Leo Szilard , the chemist, physicist and politician; and John von Neumann child prodigy , and soon became regarded as a mathematical genius by his peers.
Mathematical work
The Among his frequent collaborators were Yousef Alavi Bela Bollobas Fan Chung Ralph Faudree ... Andras Gyarfas , Andras Hajnal, Eric Milner, Janos Pach, Carl Pomerance, Richard Rado (one of the co-authors of the famous Alfred Renyi Pal Turan and Peter Winkler.

46. Paul Carus - The History Of The Devil - V, Persian Dualism
sacred altar was quenched in the blood of the priests when turan stormed Balkh Paulstill believed that the second advent of Christ would take place during his
Persian Dualism The transition from Devil-worship to God-worship marks the origin of civilisation; and among the nations of antiquity the Persians seem to have been the first who took this step with conscious deliberation, for they most earnestly insisted upon the contrast that obtains between good and evil, so much so that their religion is even to-day regarded as the most consistent form of dualism. Zoroaster, the great prophet of Mazdaism (the belief in Mazda, the Omniscient One), it is rightly assumed, was not so much the founder of a new era as the concluding link in a long chain of aspiring prophets before him. The field was ripe for the harvest when he appeared, and others must have prepared the way for his movement. Zoroaster is in all later writings represented as a demigod, a fact which suggested to Professor Darmesteter the idea that he was a mythical figure. Nevertheless, and although we know little of Zoroaster's life, we have the documentary evidence in the "Gathas" that he was a real historical personality. Prof. A. V. Williams Jackson in an essay "On the Date of Zoroaster"

Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO) Norwegian Institute of International AffairsNUPI Centre for Russian Studies Photos Seppo Lallukka, paul Fryer,
MARIS (Cheremisses)
Mari El is an autonomous republic in the Russian Federation. It borders on the Chuvash Republic, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Republic of Udmurtia. Area: 26,500 km2. The capital is Yoshkar-Ola. It is located at the middle course of the Volga river in the basins of the rivers Vyatka and Vetluga. Population
They call themselves mari. They live in three ethnic units: Hill Maris, Meadow Maris and Eastern Maris. The first two of them have also literary languages, Meadow Mari being also used by the Eastern Maris. Their earlier official name is Cheremis(s). The population of Mari El is approximately 750,000; 43% of the ethnic Maris living in the former Soviet Union reside in their own republic. Most Maris live in neighbouring areas. In the Mari Republic, Russian immigrants are the second largest population group, representing 48% of the total, Tatars 6% and Chuvash 1%. 52% of the Maris live outside the Mari Republic: in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, and in the provinces of Kirov and Yekaterinburg. Year Population In the Mari Republic Percentage in the Mari Republic Knowledge of the native language Knowledge of the native language in the Mari Republic The Maris are the only Finno-Ugric nation in Russia whose population has increased steadily, in spite of the slight decrease in the use of their native language. The Maris have retained their language better than any other Finno-Ugric nation. The percentage of Maris living in the Mari administrative territory and the proportion of the Maris in the population of the Mari Republic have remained relatively unchanged.

48. Operations Research Authors
Translate this page Torczon, Linda Trojanowski, Anthony E. Trotter(Jr.), LE Trotter, William T. Tsouros,Konstantinos-Klaudius (C.) Tucker, Alan turan, paul Turner, Jonathan S
A few links:


Graph Theory White Pages

Abello, James
Zubieta, Luis

49. Paul Cox Boycott Mel Gibson S We Were Soldiers
By paul Cox. Kenneth turan s review of We Were Soldiers on March 1, had thecourage to pan the film as simpleminded and devoid of historical context.

50. Team17 Forum - Still Got Worms 2 ?
Location Churchill Col., Cambridge. Posts 4,147. Send a message via MSN to paul.Power.Damn! 25 Jul 2002, 1941, 17. turan. Newbie. Join Date February 2002.

51. Team17 Forum - Still Got Worms 2 ?
Location Churchill Col., Cambridge. Posts 4,125. Send a message via MSN to paul.Power.Damn! 25 Jul 2002, 1941, 17. turan. Newbie. Join Date February 2002.

52. Turan Encyclopedia : Maps - Weather - Travel - History - Economy - Government -
turan was also the Hungarian tank of the WWII a total of 424 made in two variantsturan I with 40 mm gun and turan II with 75 mm gun. paul Tur? was also a

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In Geography, Turan refers the bulk of the Eurasian landmass including the Russian steppes , Central Asian Turkestan Mongolia , the Caucasus and other regions where historical Hunnish Avar Turkic and Mongol powers held sway, such as Iran and Anatolia . This name was established in the Persian Turkish literary tradition by Shahnameh , designating the Turkic hordes north of Iran , used in a sense contradictive from the latter. However, the constructed historical name was revived by European ( German Hungarian and Slovak ethnologists linguists and Romantics to designate the vast Eurasian area belonging to populations speaking Uralic or Altaic languages. This area is often broadened into including Korea and Japan , whose languages are thought to share fundamental common featuers with Ural-Altaic languages. An idyllic image of the historical nomad Eurasian hordes and Shamanist /Tengri worship have been, and still are, exploited by ultra-right elements from Hungary, Turkey to Japan to galvanize a "Pan-Turanic" sentiment, to a rather mediocre effect. Sometimes Pan-Turanism is used synonymously with the more popular Pan-Turkist movements, which exemplify in many ways, the symbolisms and dynamics of the Pan-Turanist culture.

53. The Hindu : Ramanujan's Mentor
The true significance of the HardyRamanujan observation on round numbers was notrealised until a few decades later, when paul turan, paul Erdos, and Mark Kac
Online edition of India's National Newspaper
Sunday, Dec 22, 2002 Group Publications Business Line The Sportstar Frontline The Hindu
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Magazine Published on Sundays Features: Magazine Literary Review Life Metro Plus ... Magazine
Ramanujan's mentor Today is Ramanujan's 115th birth anniversary. To mark the occasion, KRISHNASWAMI ALLADI describes the life and contributions of the British mathematician Hardy, and discusses his collaboration with Ramanujan.
Ramanujan... Ranked 100 on a scale of 1-100 by Hardy. G. H. HARDY, a towering figure in analysis and number theory, had written several important research papers and influential textbooks on these subjects. When Ramanujan wanted to get the opinion of British mathematicians to evaluate his discoveries which lay at the interface between analysis and number theory, it was only natural that he close to write to Hardy. Actually Ramanujan communicated his remarkable findings to several British mathematicians, but it was only Hardy who responded. Realising that Ramanujan was a genius of the first magnitude who would profit immensely by contact with professional research mathematicians, Hardy invited Ramanujan to Cambridge University, England. The rest is history. The collaboration between Hardy and Ramanujan, the influence they had on each other, and the impact their work had over mathematicians of their generation and those succeeding them, was immense.

54. Back To Zentralblatt MATH Pages
Reviewer W.Schwarz , 11N37 Zbl 518.05044 • Erdös, paul; Sos, VT , On ageneralization of turan s graphtheorem. , Studies in pure mathematics, Mem.
Back to Zentralblatt MATH Pages
CD-ROM published
on the occasion of the
ICM 1998 in Berlin
Zentralblatt MATH
Publications in 1983 Zbl 469.10034 On sums of Rudin-Shapiro coefficients. II.
Pac. J. Math. 107, 39-69 (1983). , 11B83 11K65 11K16 11A63 Zbl 511.05047 On a quasi-Ramsey problem.
J. Graph Theory 7, 137-147 (1983). [Reviewer: C.Thomassen Zbl 512.00007
Zbl 513.05040
Generalizations of a Ramsey-theoretic result of Chvatal.
J. Graph Theory 7, 39-51 (1983). [Reviewer: S.Stahl Zbl 513.10043 On a problem of Oppenheim concerning "Factorisatio Numerorum".
J. Number Theory 17, 1-28 (1983). [Reviewer: E.J.Scourfield Zbl 515.01012 Preface. Personal reminiscences.
Studies in pure mathematics, Mem. of P. Turan, 11-12 (1983). , 01A70 Zbl 517.10048 Some asymptotic formulas on generalized divisor functions. I.
Studies in pure mathematics, Mem. of P. Turan, 165-179 (1983). [Reviewer: W.Schwarz Zbl 518.05044 On a generalization of Turan's graph-theorem.
Studies in pure mathematics, Mem. of P. Turan, 181-185 (1983). [Reviewer: Caen

55. Back To Zentralblatt MATH Pages
Mat. Lapok 22(1971), 12 (1972). , 05A10 05A05 Zbl 247.20008 • Erdös, paul;turan, P. , On some problems of a statistical group theory. VII. , Period.
Back to Zentralblatt MATH Pages
CD-ROM published
on the occasion of the
ICM 1998 in Berlin
Zentralblatt MATH
Publications in 1972 Zbl 228.10033 On the iterates of some arithmetic functions.
Theory arithmetic Functions, Proc. Conf. Western Michigan Univ. 1971, Lecture Notes Math. 251, 119-125 (1972). , 11N37 11A25 Zbl 231.00006 On the fundamental problem of mathematics.
Am. Math. Mon. 79, 149-150 (1972). [Reviewer: H.Dalkowski Zbl 232.05003 On some applications of graph theory. III.
Can. Math. Bull. 15, 27-32 (1972). , 05C90 05C99 Zbl 233.05017
Can. Math. Bull. 15, 23-25 (1972). , 11B83 00A07 Zbl 233.05123 A note on Hamiltonian circuits.
Discrete Math. 2, 111-113 (1972). , 05C45 05C38 05C40 Zbl 234.05118 An extremal graph problem.
Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 22, 275-282 (1972). , 05C35 Zbl 234.33014 On the distribution of the roots of orthogonal polynomials.
Proc. Conf. construct. Theory Functions (Approximation Theory) 1969, 145- 150 (1972). , 33C25 Zbl 235.10006 On sums of Fibonacci numbers.
Fibonacci Q. 10, 249-254 (1972). , 11B39

56. NPR : Movies
March 12, 2004 » Kenneth turan Reviews Spartan » David Edelstein Reviews Spartan featurescameos by David Soul (the original Hutch) and paul Michael Glaser
@import "/include/css/mainstyles.css"; Skip Navigation Programs and Schedules All Programs A-Z All Schedules MOST VISITED PROGRAMS All Songs Considered All Things Considered Car Talk Day to Day The Diane Rehm Show Fresh Air with Terry Gross Morning Edition The Motley Fool Radio Show Performance Today Talk of the Nation The Tavis Smiley Show Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! Weekend Edition Saturday Weekend Edition Sunday SCHEDULES NPR Stations' Schedules Program Stream NPR Worldwide NPR on Sirius Satellite Radio var SA_ID="nprpix;npr";

57. The Turan Sector
Nurgle). New York, Caughadenoy, paul Leonard, Luap Dranoel, Imperium(Adeptus Astartes). Caughadenoy, Chris Leonard, Tarlysis, turan (Eldar).
Being a web-based campaign, players inevitably come from all over the place (the place being the... um... world). Consequently, players are grouped first by country, then by area, and then by club, so for each club is a list of players with their real names and their commander names. Given that we are still in the early stages of the campaign, there are very few players listed at the moment. This will, of course, expand in time. The last campaign involved around 60 gamers and we hope to increase the numbers involved dramatically this time around. Country Region Club Name Character Name Side UK South-West Undermind Charlie Brassley Farseer Athandril Turan (Thaalax) Undermind Tom Saunders Inquisitor Michael Imperium (Ordo Malleus) Undermind Mike de Sélincourt Shas'o Umbar'nwalme Turan (Tau) Undermind James Fishwick Inquisitor Piscia Mergulus Imperium (Ordo Xenos) Undermind Barney Goodhall General Goodhall Chaos (Rebel Guard) South-East GW Reigate Ross Speer Brigadier Gen. Speer Imperium (Guard) GW Reigate Robert Sayers Farseer Maosop Turan (Biel-Tan) GW Reigate Laurence Bates Shas'O Mont'yr Turan (Tau) US Arizona Pinetop Dan Driss Grand Master Gabriel Imperium (Dark Angels) Pinetop Ben Driss Chosen Fulke Chaos (Nurgle) New York Caughadenoy Paul Leonard Luap Dranoel Imperium (Adeptus Astartes) Caughadenoy Chris Leonard Tarlysis Turan (Eldar) North Carolina Concord Josh Gross Colonel Kraegus Imperium (Guard) Concord Steven Rothwell Rear Admiral Ekhardt Turan (Navy) Concord Raoul Gross Brightsword (trans. from Tau)

58. Lehrveranstaltungen Der Abteilung Für Geschichte Und Kultur Des Vorderen Orient
Translate this page Do 16.00-17.30, R 122, Tevfik turan, Türkisch IV - Lektüre. 10.260, 2st. um 12.30Uhr Vorbesprechung für die Veranstaltungen von Herrn paul Donnerstag, den 8
Sommersemester 2004
Hinweis auf zwei Ringvorlesungen:
Musik in asiatischen und afrikanischen Kulturen
Nr. Termin Ort Name Thema 2st Di 11.00-12.30 R 121 Lawrence I. Conrad The Religion of Islam
Proseminar - Kommentar 2st Mi 12.00-13.30 R 121 Lawrence I. Conrad Magic in the Medieval Middle East
Proseminar - Kommentar 2st Di 14.30-16.00 R 209 Lawrence I. Conrad al-Ghazali: al-Munqidh min ad-dalal
Hauptseminar - Kommentar 2st Mi 14.00-15.30 R 209 Lawrence I. Conrad Ibn Tufayl: Hayy ibn Yaqzan
Hauptseminar - Kommentar 6st. Mo, Di, Mi, Do 17-18.30/
2st. Mi 17.00-18.30 R 121 Abdulghafur Sabuni/
Mohammed Khalifa 4st. Mo, Mi 15.15-16.45 R 121 Abdulghafur Sabuni 2st. Mi 17.00-18.30 R 209 Abdulghafur Sabuni 2st. Do 14.30-16.00 R 122 Mohammed Khalifa 4st. Di, Do 16.30-18.00 R 122 Mohammed Khalifa 2st. Mi 14.30-16.00 R 122 Mohammed Khalifa
Proseminar 2st. Di 14.30-16.00 R 122 Mohammed Khalifa Basiskommunikation Hocharabisch Blockseminar
Sa 5.6.: 10-14 R 209 Mo 7.6.: 17.45-21 R 108 Di 8.6.: 17.45-21 R 222

59. Turan
turan byl také Madarština tank WWII úhrn 424 vyrobený ve dvou variantáchturan já s 40 mm zbran a turan II s 75 mm zbran. paul Tur ? n byl také
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
V geografii, Turan doporuč­ velikost Euroasijsk½ zemsk¡ masa obsahovat Rus steppes , Centr¡ln­ Asijec Turkestan Mongolsko Kavkaz a jin© oblasti kde historick½ Hunnish Avar Turkic a Mongolsk½ nap¡jen­ myslela si zahoupat, takov½ jak r¡n a Anatolia . Toto jm©no byl ustaven½ v PerÅ¡an Turečtina liter¡rn­ tradice Shahnameh , jmenovat Turkic hordy na sever r¡n , použit½ v jist©m smyslu contradictive od latter. Nicm©ně, postaven© historick© jm©no bylo obnoveno Evropanem ( Němec MaďarÅ¡tina a Slovak ethnologists lingvist© a romantismy označit obrovskou euroasijskou oblast patřit k mluven­ populac­ Uralic nebo Altaic jazyky. Tato oblast je často rozÅ¡­Å™ena do obsahovat Korea a Japonsko , jehož jazyky jsou myÅ¡lenka na akcii z¡kladn­ obyčejn½ featuers s Ural-Altaic jazyky. Idylick¡ představa o historick©m kočovn­kovi euroasijsk© hordy a Shamanist / Tengri uct­v¡n­ byli, a st¡le b½t, využil krajn­-prav© konstrukčn­ prvky z Maďarska, Turecko do Japonska galvanizovat " p¡nev-Turanic " cit, k poněkud průměrn©mu ºÄinku. Někdy sn­mat-Turanism je použit½ synonymously s popul¡rnějÅ¡­ p¡nv­-Turkist činnosti, kter½ ilustrovat v mnoh½ch směrech, symbolisms a dynamika p¡nve-Turanist kultura. vidět: seznam Turanism př­buzn¡ t©mata V Etruscan b¡jeslov­ Turan byl bohyně zlata a vitality a sponzorka Vulci (psisko: Volci). V uměn­, ona byla obvykle l­Äena jako mlad¡ okř­dlen¡ d­vka. Kavky a saze

60. Re: Selberg's Paper On A Trace Formula By Patrick D. F. Ion
Soc. (NS) 20 (1956), 1115. (Reviewer P. Roquette) 10.1X 18,792e turan,paul On the zeros of the zetafunction of Riemann. J. Indian Math. Soc.
Re: Selberg's paper on a trace formula by Patrick D. F. Ion
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Subject: Re: Selberg's paper on a trace formula Author: ion@MATH.AMS.ORG Date: The Math Forum

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