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61. Tukey % John Tukey Coinvented FFT % Here, We Compute FFT Of John tukey % john tukey Coinvented FFT % Here, we compute FFT of john tukey!% September 2, 2000 % By Thomas Yu % Prepared for Math 6890 http://www.rpi.edu/~yut/Math6890/Matlab/Sept07/tukey.diary | |
62. Statisticians In History Shortly after my arrival at Princeton University as a graduate student in the fallof 1975, the chairman told me to see john tukey because he has some project http://www.amstat.org/about/statisticians/index.cfm?fuseaction=biosinfo&BioID=14 |
63. American Statistical Association ASA CELEBRATES THE LIFE AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF john WILDER tukey. john tukey, knownfor coining the term bit, was a Bell Labs employee for forty years. http://www.amstat.org/pressroom/index.cfm?fuseaction=tukey |
64. FoRK Archive: [Obit] John Wilder Tukey Obit john Wilder tukey. Excerpted From http//www.princeton.edu/pr/news/00/q3/0727tukey.htm.July 26, 2000. Statistician john W. tukey dies. http://www.xent.com/aug00/0171.html | |
65. John Wilder Tukey [Pictures And Photos Of] For more information visit our home page. Hans Albrecht Bethe, James BrownFisk, Wolfgang Panofsky, Frank Press, john Wilder tukey, Anthony Tu. http://www.aip.org/history/esva/catalog/esva/Tukey_Wilder.html | |
66. Obituary: John W. Tukey Obituary john Wilder tukey. john Wilder tukey, one of the most influentialstatisticians of the last 50 years, died on July 26. He was 85. http://www.smb.org/newsletter/13.3/tukey.shtml | |
67. Cadeira 9920 Análise E Apresentação De Dados Complexos tukey, john W., 1915- Análise exploratóriade dados técnicas robustas um guia / David C. Hoaglin, Frederick http://www.uc.pt/historia/ch/cad117.html | |
68. IP: Obit John Tukey, 85, Statistician Who Coined 2 Crucial Words (Softwa Subject IP Obit john tukey, 85, Statistician Who Coined 2 CrucialWords (Software amp; Bit). From Dave Farber farber@cis.upenn http://www.interesting-people.org/archives/interesting-people/200007/msg00077.ht | |
69. IDblog: Ode To John Tukey March 04, 2003. Ode to john tukey Peter brings us this link to Michael sGallery of Data Visualization, which he dedicates to john W. tukey. http://www.idblog.org/archives/000130.html | |
70. [S] Obituary For John Tukey S obituary for john tukey. Subject S obituary for john tukey. From Pikounis Thread .S obituary for john tukey, Pikounis, V. Bill =. Previous http://www.biostat.wustl.edu/archives/html/s-news/2000-07/msg00229.html | |
71. [S] John Tukey S john tukey. Subject S john tukey. He left us with his mind intact; despitethe physical problems that plagued him, in the end he was still john tukey. http://www.biostat.wustl.edu/archives/html/s-news/2000-07/msg00189.html | |
72. QuicklyFind : John W. Tukey QUICKLY FIND Information on just about anything! Current topic johnW. tukey View Index. redirect john tukey. Cached 2004-04 http://www.quicklyfind.com/info/John_W._Tukey.htm | |
73. John Tukey : Leading Luminary Of The Mathematical And Physical Sciences. A Name john tukey Leading luminary of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences. YourBook Search Results john tukey . 19 items are shown below. http://www.omega23.com/mathematics_physics_papers/John_Tukey.html | |
74. John Tukey john tukey. They were afraid that if he went to school, he d get lazy, said Howard Wainer, a friend and former student of john tukey s. http://www.csc.fi/math_topics/Mail/NANET00-3/msg00094.html | |
75. Tukey,John Wilder(1915-2000),?Brown The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.ntpu.edu.tw/stat/learning/people/tukey.htm | |
76. Sentences By John Tukey Sentences by john tukey. ~The purpose of asymptotic theory in statistics issimple to provide usable approximations before passage to the limit. http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~luyf/tukey.htm | |
77. R-help Archive July 2000 - January 2001: [R] John Tukey R john tukey. Subject R john tukey From Michael M. Meyer (mikem@salterpoint.com)Date Thu 27 Jul 2000 - 000316 EST. Next http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/00b/0232.html | |
78. R-help Archive January - June 2000: Re: [R] Tukey Multiple Comp Subject Re R tukey multiple comparisons john.maindonald@anu.edu.auDate Fri 24 Mar 2000 172402 EST. Next message Ursula http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/00a/0870.html | |
79. John Tukey And "Troubled" Time Series Data David Brillinger. University of California, Berkeley. john tukey and Troubled Time Series Data. 900940, Monday, May 13, 2002 LSK 201, UBC. Watch lecture now. http://www.pims.math.ca/science/2002/icors/videos/brillinger/ | |
80. Citations Exploratory Data Analysis - Tukey (ResearchIndex) tukey, john (1977), Exploratory Data Analysis. New York Wiley. MotionPicture Restoration Kokaram (1993) (8 citations) (Correct). http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/cs?q=dbnum=1,GID=5273,DID=0,start=50,cluster=none,qt |
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