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Tsu Ch'ung Chi: more detail |
61. Acad. Ch uT ungtsu, Han Social Structure, Washington, 1972. Liu, Wu-chi, and Lo, Irving,K uei-hua chi, Indiana, 1976 Liu Wei-ch ung, Ts ao chih P ing-chuan, Li-ming http://www.johnjemerson.com/acad.shihbib.htm | |
62. IslamicFinder Finding Islamic Places And Prayer Times 19. Huch ung-p u. 20. Hu-ch ung-pu. 21. Hu-cha. 34. Hu-chia-chi. 35. Hu-chia-hsia.36. 68. Hu-chu_T u_Autonomous_Hsien. 69. Hu-chu-hsien-t u-tsu-tzu-chih-ch u. 70. http://www.islamicfinder.org/addwiz.php?country=China&city=Hu&start=0&state=3 |
63. Wade-Giles Romanization, A Reading Guide qiu chou chou chu - chu chuang - chuang chung - chong ch the i in jiand the one in chi youll ssu - si tso - zuo tsu - zu tzu - zi tzu - ci. http://www.kongming.net/novel/wade-giles/ | |
64. Acupuncture Books 1920-1969 (1959). Chung i ching yen chi chin. Chen chiu hsèueh chiao yen tsu. (1969). Ch°ungting T°ung yãen yèu hsèuch chãen chiu t°u ching. Wang, Yf (1955). http://www.medlina.com/acupuncture_books_1920-1969.htm | |
65. Pinyin To Wade-Giles Conversion k ung nao nao ri jih tuan t uan zhen chen chi ch ih ne ne rong jung tui t ui zhengcheng chong ch ung gao kao kuo le le nü nü sen sen xia hsia zu tsu cui ts http://www.library.utoronto.ca/east/ptow.htm | |
66. Special Numbers Ptolemy, (ca.150 AD), 3.1416. tsu Ch ung chi, (430501 AD), 355/113. Al Khwarizmi,(c. 800 AD), 3.1416. Al Kashi, (c. 1430), 14 places. Viete, ( 1540-1603), 9places. http://www.math.wichita.edu/history/topics/snumbers.html | |
67. Born 29 June 1893 In Stracov, Bohemia (now Czech Republic) Died Ch ung chi tsu. Born 430 in Fanyang (now Hopeh), china Died 501in china. Biography. Ch ung was a mathematician and astronomer. http://www.mlahanas.de/Stamps/Data/Mathematician/C.htm | |
68. Pi Is The Most Famous Number Inn The History Of Mathematics moved to the Arabian countries (About 150 AD Ptolemy of Alexandria in Egypt gavevalue as 377/120 and about 500 AD the chinese tsu Chungchi gave the value http://www.mikkeli.fi/opetus/myk/pv/comenius/pi.html | |
69. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï 1651 in Kieslingswalde (near Görlitz), Germany Died 11 Oct 1708 in Dresden, Germanytsu, tsu Ch ung chi Born 430 in Fanyang (now Hopeh), china Died 501 in http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=T |
70. Traveljournals.net - China Location Index - T'a Ting To Ta-ch'ing-wa chi-k o-tsu Tzu-chih-hsien - T ai-an-pa-chiao-t ao. T eng-ch ung-hsien - T ieh-ch ang-chen. T ien-p eng-chi - T ien-shui-chen. http://www.traveljournals.net/explore/china/locations/t/index/1.html | |
71. Nazwisko Wang Fan, 250, 1, 3.155555 (142/45). Liu Hui, 263, 5, 3.14159. tsu Ch ung chi, 480,7, 3.141592920 (355/113). Aryabhata, 499, 4, 3.1416 (62832/2000). Brahmagupta, 640,1, 3.1622. http://www.u.lodz.pl/~wibig/hieronim/hie08pok.htm | |
72. Page 2 Translate this page Mais cest en chine, quapparut ensuite une meilleure approximationpuisque tsu Chung-chi proposa 355/113 soit 3,14592 . http://www.ac-orleans-tours.fr/maths-1/rallye/dossiers99/fla/pi2.htm | |
73. Wade-Giles To Pinyin Conversion ch a, cha, ch ung, chong, juan, ruan, lü, lü, p ei, pei, tan, ch ih, chi, hsi,xi, k ua, kua, nan, nan, se, se, ts ch ua, chua, huang, huang, lan, lan, nuan, nuan,shuang, shuang, tsu, zu. http://tse.dyndns.org/~sktse/wgpinyin.htm | |
74. PALACE MUSEUM PHOTOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION Ch ing Shihtsu Chung K uei; Hanging scroll; CV 1 Ta Ch ung-kuang, Wang Hui, YünShou-p ing, and Yang chin Tao-chi and Wang Yüan-ch i Bamboo and Orchid; Hanging http://www.umich.edu/~hartspc/aapd/PMPDcat4.html | |
75. Pinyin Yale - Wade-Giles che che chen chen chen cheng cheng cheng chi chr chih chong chung chungchou chou ch tzu cong tsung tsung cou tsou tsou cu tsu tsu http://www.wfu.edu/~sinclair/pinyinwg.htm | |
76. B TITLE ! ! ! ! Truth Talk Forum ! ! ! ! /B 250 AD 3.16227 = squareroot of 10 Wang Fau 250 AD 3.15555 = 142/45 Liu *** 263 AD3.14159 Siddhanta 380 AD 3.1416 tsu Ch ung chi 480 AD 3.1415926 Aryabhata 499 http://pub31.bravenet.com/forum/2579584272/fetch/295430/ | |
77. Chan-Meister / Zen-Meister Translate this page Ma-tsu Tao-i (chiang-hsi Ma-tsu), Baso Dôitsu Sung-shan P´u-chi (P´u-chi), SûzanFujaku Songyuan Chongyue, Sung-yüan Ch´ung-yüeh, Shôgen Sôgaku, 1139-1209 http://www.haustao.ch/n1/meister.htm | |
78. As For Calculating Pi My Favourite Rational Approximation Is My favourite rational approximation is 355/113 by tsu Ch ungchi has a nice patternof digits and is accurate to 6 decimal places (better than the 2 of 22/7 http://www.jjj.de/hfloat/calc-pi2.txt | |
79. Sci-Philately - A History Of Science On Stamps tsu Ch ung chi (430501) was a chinese mathematician and astronomer. His approximationof pi was 355/113, which is correct to six decimal places. http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/asl/exhibits/stamps/math1a.html | |
80. Making Light: Pythagoras In Babylon by the Egyptians, 3.0 by the builders of King Solomons Temple (must try harder),3.1418 by Archimedes of Syracuse, 355/113 by tsu Chung chi, and (sigh of http://nielsenhayden.com/makinglight/archives/002820.html | |
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