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         Tsu Ch'ung Chi:     more detail

21. Manfred Boergens - Briefmarke Des Monats Maerz 2001
ung chi (Zu Chong Zhi) (ca. 429 - ca. 500). tsu Ch ung chi war fast ein Jahrtausendlang der Weltrekordhalter in der Präzision der Darstellung von Pi.
Briefmarke des Monats Liste aller Briefmarken
vorige Marke
zur Leitseite
China 1955
Scott 246
Tsu Ch'ung Chi (Zu Chong Zhi) (ca. 429 - ca. 500) St. Andrews und R. Williams in [2].
(den Mittelwert der beiden Grenzen sieht man auf der Briefmarke)
Hier ist der richtige Wert, gerundet auf 11 Nachkommastellen:
Der auf der Briefmarke abgedruckte Mittelwert ist also eine korrekte Rundung auf 8 Nachkommastellen. Wegen 355/113 = 3.14159292035... ist der von Tsu angegebene Bruch auf 6 Nachkommastellen korrekt. Und heute? Im September 1999 berechnete der Japaner Takahashi Kanada 206.158.430.000 Nachkommastellen mit einem Computer (klar!), und das Wettrennen wird sicherlich noch weitergehen.
= 805.306.368. Der Hildesheimer Mathematiker und Ingenieur Ludolph van Ceulen verbrachte die meiste Zeit seines Lebens mit n = 2 Wie hat es Tsu Ch'ung Chi gemacht? Wir wissen es nicht.
Literatur G. Bonte Yuan Zhou Shuai

R. Williams Tsu Ch'ung-Chih MSU J. Arndt, C. Haenel Pi - Algorithmen, Computer, Arithmetik Springer Pi through the ages A chronology of Pi Stand 9.2.2003 vorige Marke Liste aller Briefmarken Mathematische Philatelie zur Leitseite

22. New Page 1
tsu Ch ung chi, (430501 AD), 355/113. Al-Kashi lived still further east,in Samarkand, while tsu Ch ung chi, one need hardly add, lived in china.
A History of Pi
A little known verse of the Bible reads
And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it about. (I Kings 7, 23) The same verse can be found in II Chronicles 4, 2. It occurs in a list of specifications for the great temple of Solomon, built around 950 BC and its interest here is that it gives = 3. Not a very accurate value of course and not even very accurate in its day, for the Egyptian and Mesopotamian values of 25/8 = 3.125 and 10 = 3.162 have been traced to much earlier dates: though in defence of Solomon's craftsmen it should be noted that the item being described seems to have been a very large brass casting, where a high degree of geometrical precision is neither possible nor necessary. There are some interpretations of this which lead to a much better value. The fact that the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle is constant has been known for so long that it is quite untraceable. The earliest values of including the 'Biblical' value of 3, were almost certainly found by measurement. In the Egyptian

23. Pi Through The Ages
Ptolemy (c. 150 AD) 3.1416 tsu Ch ung chi (430501 AD) 355/113 al Khwarizmi (c.800 ) 3.1416 Al Kashi (c. 1430) 14 places Viète (1540-1603) 9 places Romanus
Pi through the ages
A little known verse of the Bible reads And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it about. (I Kings 7, 23) The same verse can be found in II Chronicles 4, 2. It occurs in a list of specifications for the great temple of Solomon, built around 950 BC and its interest here is that it gives pi = 3. Not a very accurate value of course and not even very accurate in its day, for the Egyptian and Mesopotamian values of 25/8 = 3.125 and sqrt10 = 3.162 have been traced to much earlier dates: though in defence of Solomon's craftsmen it should be noted that the item being described seems to have been a very large brass casting, where a high degree of geometrical precision is neither possible nor necessary. There are some interpretations of this which lead to a much better value. The fact that the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle is constant has been known for so long that it is quite untraceable. The earliest values of pi including the 'Biblical' value of 3, were almost certainly found by measurement. In the Egyptian Rhind Papyrus, which is dated about 1650 BC, there is good evidence for 4(8/9)^2 = 3.16 as a value for pi. The first theoretical calculation seems to have been carried out by Archimedes of Syracuse (287-212 BC). He obtained the approximation

24. Z Historie Matematiky A Fyziky (2)
Ptolemaios (asi 150 nl) odhadl císlo pí hodnotou 3.1416, tsu Ch ung chi(430 501) hodnotou 355/113, al Khwarizmi (asi 800) hodnotou 3.1416.
Z historie matematiky a fyziky (2)
zpracovali: Jiøí Svršek, Roman Bartoš Typografické poznámky k matematickým vztahùm jsou uvedeny na konci tohoto textu. 4. Historie èísla p Ve Starém zákonì v Bibli lze nalézt zmínky, napøíklad pøi popisu velkého chrámu krále Šalamouna postaveného kolem roku 850 pø.n.l, z nichž vyplývá, že èíslo p bylo odhadováno èíslem 3. Egypané a obyvatelé Mezopotámie odhadovali èíslo p hodnotou 25/8 a (10). Na obranu Šalamounových øemeslníkù je tøeba uvést, že pøi stavbì chrámu byly používány velké kvádry kamene, pøi jejichž usazování na místo nebyla nutná velká pøesnost. Skuteènost, že pomìr délky kružnice k jejímu polomìru je konstantní, byla známa velmi dlouho. První odhady èísla p byly získány mìøením, jako v pøípadì "biblické" hodnoty 3. V egyptském papyru, který objevil A. Henry Rhind je odhad èísla p dán èíslem 4.(8/9) První teoretický výpoèet èísla pí pochází od Archiméda ze Syrakus (287 - 212 pø.n.l.). Archimédes získal odhad p Archimédes vìdìl, že èíslo pí není rovno 22/7 a netvrdil, že objevil pøesnou hodnotu. Jeho nejlepším odhadem je 3.1418, jehož chyba je asi 0.0002. Archimédes pro odhad èísla p použil metodu vepsaných a opsaných mnohoúhelníkù kružnici s jednotkovým polomìrem. Nalezl vztahy pro odhad èísla pí pomocí obvodù tìchto mnohoúhelníkù a nalezl iteraèní vztahy mezi obvody n-úhelníkù a (n+1)-úhelníkù.

25. Chinese Astronomers
Cui Zhongji tsu Ch ungchi Cui Zhongji tsu Ch ung chi (430-501)was a chinese mathematician and astronomer. In astronomy, he
Chinese Astronomers
Zhang Heng (78-139) was a Chinese astronomer, geographer, and mathematician. He constructed a celestial globe, believing that the world was round, "The sky is like a hen's egg, and is as round as a crossbow pellet; the Earth is like the yolk of the egg, lying alone at the centre. The sky is large and the Earth small." He also created a primitive, but very fanciful seismograph . His approximation of pi was the square root of 10.




Zhang Sui
A Chinese astronomer and Buddhist monk of the Tang dynasty, Zhang Sui (683-727), was the first to describe proper stellar motion, or the apparent motion of stars across the plane of the sky relative to more distant stars. In Western astronomy, Edmond Halley is credited with this discovery in 1718 for some stars from Ptolemy's catalogue.
Cui Zhongji [Tsu Ch'ung-Chi]
Cui Zhongji [Tsu Ch'ung Chi] (430-501) was a Chinese mathematician and astronomer. In astronomy, he arrived at the precise time of the solstice by measuring the sun's shadow at noon on days around the solstice. He gave the rational approximation 355/113 to p which is correct to 6 decimal places.

26. Asian Links - China, Japan, Korea, & India
Ancient Mathematicians china s tsu Ch ung chi. India Caves of Ajanta and Ellora- They constitute one of the most beautiful expressions of the art of the
(in cludes China Japan Korea and Southeast Asia ( Thailand Vietnam , and India back to social studies link index

27. ZUR ZAHL Pi - Altertum
Translate this page tsu Ch’ung chi (Zu Chong Zhi) wurde als Mathematiker und Astronom bekannt und waretwa 800 Jahre lang der Weltrekordhalter in der Präzision der Darstellung
Zur Geschichte der Zahl Pi ( p Altertum 1850/1650 v.Chr. Babylonien 1900 - 1600 v.Chr. Die Griechen 400 - 300 v.Chr. Archimedes 287 - 212 v.Chr. Heron von Alexandria 10-75 n.Chr. 85-165 n.Chr. China 250/430-501 n.Chr. Indien v.Chr. /500 n.Chr Verzeichnis Home weiter Einleitung - p p p des Kreisumfangs zum Kreisdurchmesser soll sich ableiten aus dem griechischen Wort perijeria (periphereia) = Kreis(umfang), Umkreis, Umfangslinie oder auch von perimetros = Umfang. p p p,
p Etwa um 1850 v.Chr. enstand das Moskauer Papyrus Das Papyrus Rhind Dieses Dokument befindet sich heute im Britischen Museum in London. POSAMENTIER (The Mathematics Teacher v. 77(1); S.52,47) führt das Buch "La Science Mystérieuse des Pharaons" von Babylonien Babylonien p . Der Wert p diesen Wert an: Die Griechen und die Quadratur des Kreises Antiphon p
Seine Idee ging davon aus, dem Kreis Vielecke mit immer größerer Seitenzahl einzuschreiben, so das diese schließlich nicht mehr vom Kreis zu unterscheiden sind und damit der Kreis völlig "erschöpft" ist. Auf Grund dieser Vorgehensweise nennt man diese Technik Exhaustions-Methode.

28. Mark Humphries : History Of Chinese Mathematics
3.1427. During the 5th Century, tsu Ch’ungchi and his son did evenbetter, finding that. 3.1415926 3.1415927. tsu Ch’ung chi. The
Chinese Counting Computation
of Pi
Magic Squares ... Index
Computation of Pi
The Chinese put a lot of emphasis on computing , the ratio a circle's circumference to its diameter. The computation of was an area of mathematics where the Chinese were far ahead of the Western world. From the Arithmetic in Nine Sections , the area of a circle is approximated as the square of the diameter, or one-twelfth of the square of the circumference, which is consistent with a value of 3 for Much progress was made in computing during the Post-Han period, which lasted from 220AD to around 600AD. In the third Century, a general named Wang Fu established the rational approximation for and arriving at the rational approximation , which yields correct to 6 decimal places. This level of precision was not surpassed until 1420, when

The approximation of was done by calucating the perimeter of a polygon of certain number of sides, inscribed inside a circle of a known diameter. As the number of sides in the polygon is increased, the closer the polygon approximates the circle, and so the closer the approximation for will be.

29. Tavola Della Romanizzazione In Pinyin
Langchou. Laotse (Lao-tseu). Lei-an Cheng-shou. Lieng Tuan. Lin-chi I-hsüan.Liu-tsu t an-ching. Lichou. Lofu Shan. Lung-t an Ch ung-hsin. Lo-han Kuei-ch en.
Aggiornamento di questa versione italiana : 1 ottobre 2002
Ringrazio il Sig. Mitchell per la sua cortese autorizzazione a fare questa versione del suo lavoro. Per la pronuncia della traslitterazione Pinyin, pregasi riportare alla Tavola delle traslitterazioni dal Pinyin al Wade-Giles ed al Giapponese TAVOLA DELLE ROMANIZZAZIONI IN PINYIN ED IN WADE-GILES. Dunque, per l'essenziale,
C si deve sempre pronunciare ts
si pronuncia come una tedesca o la eu francese
(vagamente diftongato
CH tsc
si pronuncia sc
a meta tra z et gi
OU au W
risulta sempre una doppia-u (Wa = Ua) X come una s Z dz ( e non tz) ZH come una gi Meglio saperlo, specie per la C e la R. Grazie della vostra attenzione Pinyin b c d e ... n o p q r s ... t uv w x y z Wade-Giles e f h i ... n o p s t uv w y Nippon b c d e ... z B azhiao Huiqing Bailetian (772-846) Baiyun Shouduan Baizhang Huaihai Baofeng Kewen Baojing sanmei ke Bojian Jujian P'a-chiao Hui-ch'ing Pai-yun Shou-tuan Po-ch'ang Huai-hai Pao-feng K'o-wen P'ao-ching san-mei ko Po-chien Chu-chien segue segue Hakurakuten Hakuun Shutan Hokkan Kokan segue C an tong qi Cao an ge Cao-Dong zong Caoshan Benji Caoxi Chan Changsha Jingcen Chuji Changsha Changzi Kuang Chen Ts'an t'ung ch'i Ts-ao-an ko Ts'ao-Tung tsung Ts'ao-shan Pen-chi Ts'ao-hsi segue Ch'an Ch'ang-sha Ching-ts'en Ch'u-chi Ch'ang-sha Ch'ang-tsu K'uang Ch'en segue segue Zen segue segue Shojaku segue D adian Baotong Dahong Zuzheng Dahui Zonggao Damei Fachang Danlin Danxia Tianran Danxia Zichun Danyuan Yingzhen Daofu Daoxin Daowu Yuanzhi Daoyu Deng Yinfeng

30. Premier Millénaire - Chronologie Des Mathématiques
Les Confessions. 470. § tsu Ch ung chi. Calcule p jusqu à la 9e décimale. 600.
Accueil Dictionnaire Rubriques Index ... M'écrire Édition du: Jouer à raisonner: DATES Av. J.-C. Voir aussi Liste alphabétique Dates des inventions du siècle Lien Date Nom Événement Nicomachus Nombres parfaits, abondants et déficients Ptolémée Diophante Équations Diophantiennes Saint Augustin Il a écrit Les Confessions Tsu Ch'ung Chi Calcule p jusqu'à la 9e décimale Vers cette époque, le système de numération indien ressemble au système décimal actuel Al Khwarizmi i Surnom du mathématicien arabe (Ouzbekistan) Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Mûsâ al-Khowârizmi Son nom a donné le mot Algorithme Auteur du premier traité important d'algèbre Kitab al jabr w'al-muqabala Son ouvrage a donné le mot Algèbre (al jabr veut dire "accomplissement") Les Arabes adoptent les chiffres indiens, y compris le zéro Serment de Strasbourg Le roman devient le français Gerbert d'Aurillac Gerbert En Espagne, il s'initie à la culture arabe et aux chiffres arabes (qui viennent en réalité d'Inde) Ce sont nos chiffres dont l'usage est très pratique: ils simplifient les opérations Il introduit ces chiffres et les abaques pour compter et multiplier Il écrit des ouvrages d'arithmétique Il perfectionne l'astrolabe Gerbert Devient Pape sous le nom de Sylvestre II PTOLÉMÉE Claude vers 100 - vers 170 70 ans Grec Alexandrie Auteur de « Almageste » (le plus grand) constitué de 13 livres: ouvrage de référence d’astronomie jusqu’à Copernic et Kepler Univers géocentrique: Terre centre de l’Univers. Les planètes tournent autour de la Terre et décrivent des petits cercles (épicycle)

31. Blintz! Tsu
Previews by Thumbshots, Zu_Chongzhi Open in new window Zu Chongzhi s nameis sometimes written as tsu Ch ung chi. He came from a this way).
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32. The Imperial Dynasties Of China
T aikeng, Hsiao-chia, Yung-chi, T ai-wu, Chung-ting, Wai-jen, Qin/Han War. 207 -202BC. Kao tsu, 202 - 195 BC. Liu Bang, Shun Ti, 145 - 146. Ch ung Ti, 146 - 147. chihTi,
Far East Kingdoms
CHINA The Legendary Period, Age of the Five Rulers - 647 years HSIA / XIA DYNASTY
2205 - 1766 BC (1962 - 1523 BC) 2205 BC Yu the Great Upper China; Longhan Period. Founder of Xia Dynasty. First historical Dynasty of China. Capital probably at Erlitou. 16 succeeding emperors in this line. SHANG DYNASTY
1766 - 1122 BC (1523 - 1028 BC) BC Ch'eng-tang T'ai-chia Wu-ling T'ai-keng Hsiao-chia Yung-chi T'ai-wu Chung-ting Wai-jen Tsien-chia Tsu-yi Tsu-hsin Ch'iang-chia Tsu-ting Nan-keng Hu-chia P'an-keng Hsiao-hsin Hsiao-yi Wu-ting Tsu-kêng Tsu-chia Lin-hsin K'ang-tin Wu-yi Wên-wu-ting Ti-yi - 1122 BC Ti-hsin CHOU / ZHOU DYNASTY
1122 - 255 BC (1027 - 256 BC) EARLY ZHOU PERIOD
1122 - 722 BC 1122 - 722 BC
Capital: Hao. Capital: Luoyang. 1100 BC Wu Wang Western Zhou. Chêng Wang K'ang Wang ar.950 BC Chao Wang Western Zhou. Mu Wang Kung Wang I Wang Hsiao Wang I Wang 878 BC Li Wang 841 BC First solid date in Chinese chronology. 827 BC Hsüan Wang 781 - 771 BC Yu Wang Western Zhou.

33. PI Calculator
value of PI. The default values 3 are those used by chinese math major,tsu Ch ungchi in his 500AD calculations. Please see our
PI Calculator
This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. PI is approximately 3.14, by definition, the number of times that a circle's diameter will fit around the circle. PI goes on forever, and can't be calculated to perfect precision, although you can do better than 2 decimal places. On our site and in all of our calculators, 3.14159 is the value we use, unless otherwise specified. To use this calculator, begin by entering the circumference of a given circle and the diameter of the SAME circle. Click on the "Calculate" button for the returned calculated value of PI. The default values 3 are those used by Chinese math major, Tsu Ch'ung-Chi in his 500AD calculations. Please see our Piece Of PI information, and our Historical Computation Of PI Table . Dividing the PI(e) has always been a problem but sometimes multiplying with it is also. You can do either here PI power is also available. (Please don't leave crumbs on the table.)
PI Calculation Enter The Circumference Enter The Diameter Calculated PI Rounded PI Version 2.2.1

34. Database: Chinese Zen Masters (IRIZ)
Linji Yixuan, Linchi I-hsüan, , Rinzai Gigen. Longtan Chongxin, Lung-t anCh ung-hsin, , Ryôtan Mazu Daoyi, Ma-tsu Tao-i, , Baso
Home Database > Chinese Zen Masters
Pinyin Wade-Giles Kanji Romaji Baiyun Shouduan Hakuun Shutan Baizhang Huaihai Pai-chang Huai-hai Bajiao Huiqing Pa-chiao Hui-ch'ing Baofeng Kewen Pao-feng K'o-wen Bojian Jujian Hokkan Kokan Caoshan Benji Ts'ao-shan Pen-chi Changsha Jingcen Ch'ang-sha Ching-ts'en Chuji Ch'u-chi Shojaku Dahong Zuzheng Ta-hung Tsu-cheng Dahui Zonggao Ta-hui Tsung-kao Damei Fachang Ta-mei Fa-ch'ang Danxia Zichun Tan-hsia Tzu-ch'un Tanka Shijun Danyuan Yingzhen Tangen Oshin Daowu Yuanzhi Tao-wu Yuan-chih Daoxin Tao-hsin Daoxuan Deshan Xuanjian Tokusan Senkan Deshan Yuanmi Tokusan Enmitsu Dongshan Liangjie Tung-shan Liang-chieh Dongshan Shouchu Tung-shan Shou-ch'u Doushuai Congyue Fachi Fa-ch'ih Farong Fa-jung Fayan Wenyi Fa-yen Wen-i Fengxue Yanzhao Fenyang Shanzhao Fen-yang Shan-chao Fozhao Deguang Fo-chao Te-kuang Gaofeng Yuanmiao Guifeng Zongmi Kuei-feng Tsung-mi Guishan Lingyou Kuei-shan Ling-yu Hangzhou Tianlong Hang-chou T'ien-lung Heze Shenhui Ho-tse Shen-hui Kataku Jinne Hongran Hung-jen Gunin Huangbo Xiyuan Obaku Kiun Huanglong Huinan Huang-lung Hui-nan Huguo Jingyuan Gokoku Keigen Huifang Hui-fang Huike Hui-k'o Eka Huineng Hui-neng Huitang Zuxin Hui-t'ang Tsu-hsin Huiyan Zhizhao Hui-yen Chih-chao Huizhong Hui-chung Huoan Shiti Huo-an Shih-t'i Wakuan Shitai Huqiu Shaolong Hu-ch'iu Shao-lung Jingshan Daoqin Ching-shan Tao-ch'in Jingshan Ruyan Ching-shan Ju-yen Kinzan Nyoen Juzhi Gutei Kaifu Daoning K'ai-fu Tao-ning Lanxi Daolong Lan-shi Tao-lung Leian Zhengshou Lei-an Cheng-shou Linji Yixuan Rinzai Gigen Longtan Chongxin Lung-t'an Ch'ung-hsin Luohan Guichen

35. Taihi3-1
, ?, sui. ?, jui. , ?, ch ung. ?, shu. ?, , ?, ching. ?, chi. ?, chi. ?, chi. , ?, ch ieh. ?, che. ?, ?, ?, chu. ?, tsu. ?, tsu. ?, tsu.
‘O•Å‚Ö–ß‚é ƒKƒCƒh‚Ö–ß‚é
shui ch'ui ch'ui shuai shuai t'ui shuai sui ’N shui sui jui ch'ung shu ching shih cheng sheng ch'eng hsi sheng chih hsing cheng hsing ch'i ch'ing cheng hsing ch'ing sheng ch'ing shih sheng ch'eng ching chih ching cheng shui hsi ch'ih hsi ch'ih hsi hsi chih chi hsi tse chi chi chi ch'ieh che chieh she hsueh shuo chieh she chueh ch'ien ch'uan hsien chan hsien ‘O ch'ien hsuan jan ch'uan hsi chuan ch'ien ‘D ch'uan ‘F ch'uan chan ‘K ch'ien ch'ien hsien ‘I hsuan ‘N hsien ‘S ch'uan ‘P shan ‘R jan ‘T ch'an chu ‘c tsu ‘j tsu ‘d tsu ‘f su ‘e ts'u ‘g tsu ‘i su ch'u ‘h su chao tsao ‘s chuang cheng ‘v sung tsou tsung ‘t tsou hsiang ts'ao sung ‘q ts'ang sou ŒK sang ts'ao ch'ao sao ‘u shuang ‘n ch'uang ts'eng sao tsang chuang ‘m seng tsung ‘w ts'eng ts'ao shuang sao tsao tseng ts'ang tse chi shu tsu tse hsi su su tsu shu su tsei hsu tsu shuai ts'un ts'un sun tsun sun

36. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
based on, and so correspond 34; Ch u T ungtsu, Han hah chieh-chi ch ung-t u (Firing Union Officials Labor Relations Law and Class Conflict

37. Showcase
Quoted in D MacHale, Comic Sections (Dublin 1993). tsu Ch ung chi. livedfrom 430 to 501. tsu was a chinese mathematician and astronomer.
Showcase " Math Quotes " Knowledge is power. -Francis Bacon Life is too short for long division. -Unknown Number rules the universe. -Pythagoras Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics, I assure you that mine are greater. -Einstein I do not believe in mathematics. -Einstein Math class is tough. -Barbie Doll I write rhymes with addition and algebra, mental geometry. -Ice-T Honey, you're sweeter than 3.14. -Unknown I'm not being obtuse, but you're a cute girl. -Unknown I would not dare to say that there is a direct relation between mathematics and madness, but there is no doubt that great mathematicians suffer from maniacal characteristics, delirium and symptoms of schizophrenia. -John Nash ``Apu: In fact I can recite pi to 40000 places. The last digit is one!
Homer: Mmmm, pie.'' -Matt Groening Lisa and Homer enjoying pi.

38. Wang Ch'ung --  Encyclopædia Britannica
born AD 27, , K ueichi, china died 100?, K uei-chi , Wang Ch ung one of the most ,Early T ang (618–626) from china When Kao-tsu became emperor (reigned 618

39. Al-Khwarizmi --  Encyclopædia Britannica
this mathematical constant. Includes links to articles on Archimedes,Gregory, Ptolemy, tsu Ch ung chi, alKhwarizmi, and Leibniz.

40. Full Alphabetical Index
Ch ung chi tsu (127*) Chandrasekhar
Full Alphabetical Index
The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait.
Abbe , Ernst (602*)
, Niels Henrik (2899*)
bar Hiyya (641)
Abraham, Max

Abu Kamil
Shuja (1012)
Abu Jafar

al-Buzjani (1115)
, Wilhelm (205)
Adams, John Couch

Adams, J Frank

of Bath (1008) Adler , August (114) Adrain , Robert (79*) Adrianus , Romanus (419) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (2018*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (660) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (696) Aiken , Howard (665*) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alec (825*) Ajima , Naonobu (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al-Baghdadi , Abu (947) al-Banna , al-Marrakushi (861) al-Battani , Abu Allah (1333*) al-Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (3002*) al-Farisi , Kamal (1102) al-Haitam , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012) al-Haytham , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Jawhari , al-Abbas (627) al-Jayyani , Abu (892) al-Karaji , Abu (1789) al-Karkhi al-Kashi , Ghiyath (1725*) al-Khazin , Abu (1148) al-Khalili , Shams (677) al-Khayyami , Omar (2140*) al-Khwarizmi , Abu (2847*) al-Khujandi , Abu (713) al-Kindi , Abu (1151) al-Kuhi , Abu (1146) al-Maghribi , Muhyi (602) al-Mahani , Abu (507) al-Marrakushi , ibn al-Banna (12)

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