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Tsu Ch'ung Chi: more detail |
21. Manfred Boergens - Briefmarke Des Monats Maerz 2001 ung chi (Zu Chong Zhi) (ca. 429 - ca. 500). tsu Ch ung chi war fast ein Jahrtausendlang der Weltrekordhalter in der Präzision der Darstellung von Pi. http://www.fh-friedberg.de/users/boergens/marken/briefmarke_01_03.htm | |
22. New Page 1 tsu Ch ung chi, (430501 AD), 355/113. Al-Kashi lived still further east,in Samarkand, while tsu Ch ung chi, one need hardly add, lived in china. http://www.lawrence.org/edlinks/pi/pi_history.htm | |
23. Pi Through The Ages Ptolemy (c. 150 AD) 3.1416 tsu Ch ung chi (430501 AD) 355/113 al Khwarizmi (c.800 ) 3.1416 Al Kashi (c. 1430) 14 places Viète (1540-1603) 9 places Romanus http://www.veling.nl/anne/templars/Pi_through_the_ages.html | |
24. Z Historie Matematiky A Fyziky (2) Ptolemaios (asi 150 nl) odhadl císlo pí hodnotou 3.1416, tsu Ch ung chi(430 501) hodnotou 355/113, al Khwarizmi (asi 800) hodnotou 3.1416. http://www.gymtc.cz/natura/2001/7/20010705.html | |
25. Chinese Astronomers Cui Zhongji tsu Ch ungchi Cui Zhongji tsu Ch ung chi (430-501)was a chinese mathematician and astronomer. In astronomy, he http://www.chinapage.org/astronomy/astronomer.html | |
26. Asian Links - China, Japan, Korea, & India Ancient Mathematicians china s tsu Ch ung chi. India Caves of Ajanta and Ellora- They constitute one of the most beautiful expressions of the art of the http://killeenroos.com/link/asia.htm | |
27. ZUR ZAHL Pi - Altertum Translate this page tsu Chung chi (Zu Chong Zhi) wurde als Mathematiker und Astronom bekannt und waretwa 800 Jahre lang der Weltrekordhalter in der Präzision der Darstellung http://www.pimath.de/quadratur/pi_geschichte1.html | |
28. Mark Humphries : History Of Chinese Mathematics 3.1427. During the 5th Century, tsu Chungchi and his son did evenbetter, finding that. 3.1415926 3.1415927. tsu Chung chi. The http://www.maths.adelaide.edu.au/people/pscott/history/mark/mhpi.html | |
29. Tavola Della Romanizzazione In Pinyin Langchou. Laotse (Lao-tseu). Lei-an Cheng-shou. Lieng Tuan. Lin-chi I-hsüan.Liu-tsu t an-ching. Lichou. Lofu Shan. Lung-t an Ch ung-hsin. Lo-han Kuei-ch en. http://membres.lycos.fr/zenmontpellier/Pinyinit.html | |
30. Premier Millénaire - Chronologie Des Mathématiques Les Confessions. 470. § tsu Ch ung chi. Calcule p jusqu à la 9e décimale. 600. http://villemin.gerard.free.fr/Esprit/Date0.htm | |
31. Blintz! Tsu Previews by Thumbshots, Zu_Chongzhi Open in new window Zu Chongzhi s nameis sometimes written as tsu Ch ung chi. He came from a this way). http://www.blintz.com/directory/Tsu/ | |
32. The Imperial Dynasties Of China T aikeng, Hsiao-chia, Yung-chi, T ai-wu, Chung-ting, Wai-jen, Qin/Han War. 207 -202BC. Kao tsu, 202 - 195 BC. Liu Bang, Shun Ti, 145 - 146. Ch ung Ti, 146 - 147. chihTi, http://www.kessler-web.co.uk/History/KingListsFarEast/ChinaDynasties.htm | |
33. PI Calculator value of PI. The default values 3 are those used by chinese math major,tsu Ch ungchi in his 500AD calculations. Please see our http://www.csgnetwork.com/picalc.html | |
34. Database: Chinese Zen Masters (IRIZ) Linji Yixuan, Linchi I-hsüan, , Rinzai Gigen. Longtan Chongxin, Lung-t anCh ung-hsin, , Ryôtan Mazu Daoyi, Ma-tsu Tao-i, , Baso http://iriz.hanazono.ac.jp/data/master00.en.html | |
35. Taihi3-1 , ?, sui. ?, jui. , ?, ch ung. ?, shu. ?, , ?, ching. ?, chi. ?, chi. ?, chi. , ?, ch ieh. ?, che. ?, ?, ?, chu. ?, tsu. ?, tsu. ?, tsu. http://www.inr.co.jp/zakkaya/taihi/taihi3-1.htm | |
36. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results based on, and so correspond 34; Ch u T ungtsu, Han hah chieh-chi ch ung-t u (Firing Union Officials Labor Relations Law and Class Conflict http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
37. Showcase Quoted in D MacHale, Comic Sections (Dublin 1993). tsu Ch ung chi. livedfrom 430 to 501. tsu was a chinese mathematician and astronomer. http://home.ec.rr.com/amybeecher/showcase.htm | |
38. Wang Ch'ung -- Encyclopædia Britannica born AD 27, , K ueichi, china died 100?, K uei-chi , Wang Ch ung one of the most ,Early T ang (618626) from china When Kao-tsu became emperor (reigned 618 http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=78051 |
39. Al-Khwarizmi -- Encyclopædia Britannica this mathematical constant. Includes links to articles on Archimedes,Gregory, Ptolemy, tsu Ch ung chi, alKhwarizmi, and Leibniz. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=46427 |
40. Full Alphabetical Index Ch ung chi tsu (127*) Chandrasekhar http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
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