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         Torricelli Evangelista:     more books (19)
  1. Lettere Fin Qui Inedite Di Evangelista Torricelli Precedute Dalla Vita Di Lui Scritta Da Giovanni Ghinassi (Italian Edition) by Evangelista Torricelli, Giovanni Ghinassi, 2010-03-15
  2. Evangelista Torricelli: Written On The Occasion Of The Tercentenary Commemoration Of The Italian Philosopher, At Faenza, October 15 And 16, 1908 (1908) (Italian Edition) by Frederick John Jervis-Smith, 2010-05-23
  3. Opera Geometrica (Latin Edition) by Evangelista Torricelli, 2010-02-14
  4. Naissance à Faenza: Evangelista Torricelli, Raffaella Reggi, Laura Pausini, Andrea Gaudenzi, Giuseppe Sarti, Fabiano Fontanelli (French Edition)
  5. Mathématicien Italien: Evangelista Torricelli, Giuseppe Peano, Joseph-Louis Lagrange, Marin Ghetaldi, Leon Battista Alberti, Girolamo Cardano (French Edition)
  6. Evangelista Torricelli: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Stephen D. Norton, 2001
  7. Opere di Evangelista Torricelli (Italian Edition) by Evangelista Torricelli, 1919-01-01
  8. TORRICELLI, EVANGELISTA (1608-1647): An entry from Gale's <i>World of Earth Science</i>
  9. Physicien Du Xviie Siècle: Blaise Pascal, Evangelista Torricelli, Robert Hooke, Isaac Newton, Galilée, Christoph Scheiner, Denis Papin (French Edition)
  10. Météorologue: Evangelista Torricelli, Matthew Fontaine Maury, Lewis Fry Richardson, Alfred Wegener, Poul La Cour, Odon Godart, Francis Beaufort (French Edition)
  11. Personnalité Italienne Du Xviie Siècle: Clément Xii, Evangelista Torricelli, Innocent Xiii, Galilée, Jean-Baptiste Lully, Marin Ghetaldi (French Edition)
  12. Météorologue Italien: Evangelista Torricelli, Giovanni Poleni, Giuseppe Toaldo, Luigi Palmieri, Federico Craveri (French Edition)
  13. Balao Class Submarines of the Marina Militare: Uss Lizardfish, Uss Capitaine, Uss Besugo, Italian Submarine Evangelista Torricelli
  14. Evangelista Torricelli: Written On The Occasion Of The Tercentenary Commemoration Of The Italian Philosopher, At Faenza, October 15 And 16, 1908 (1908) (Italian Edition) by Frederick John Jervis-Smith, 2010-09-10

61. EVANGELISTA TORRICELLI, Materiale Pagina 2213
Translate this page, evangelista torricelli. Tesina numero 2213 Titoloevangelista torricelli Lo ripeto a cercar di assecondarla, evangelista torricelli
Tesina numero
Titolo: evangelista torricelli
Lo ripeto: a cercar di assecondarla,
noi non facciamo che dare alimento
alla malerba della ribellione,
dellinsolenza, della sedizione
contro il Senato; per la qual zizzania
noi stessi abbiamo arato, seminato
e consentito che si propagasse
mescolandosi a noi, gente donore,
cui non manca virtù né autorità, salvo quella ceduta a dei pezzenti. MENENIO - Bene, ora basta. UN SENATORE - Basta, ti preghiamo. CORIOLANO - Basta? E perché? Comio ho sparso sangue per la mia patria senza aver paura, così nessuna forza impedirà ai miei polmoni di coniar parole, fino a diventar marci, contro questi pestiferi miasmi di cui tutti temiamo dinfettarci avendo tuttavia fatto del tutto per buscarceli. BRUTO - Tu parli del popolo né più e né meno che se fossi un dio, che sia pronto a punirlo, e non un uomo affetto dalle stesse debolezze. SICINIO - Ed è bene che il popolo lo sappia. MENENIO - Sappia che cosa? Questa sua sfuriata? CORIOLANO - Sfuriata!. Fossio calmo, per Giove!, come il sonno a mezzanotte

62. MSN Encarta - Torricelli, Evangelista
Translate this page torricelli, evangelista. torricelli, evangelista (1608-1647), italienischer Mathematikerund Physiker, Erfinder des Barometers. Multimedia. Quellentexte.
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63. Evangelista Torricelli
Translate this page evangelista torricelli. (1608 - 1647). evangelista torricelli nasceua 15 de Outubro de 1608 em Faenza, Itália. Para que pudesse
Evangelista Torricelli Evangelista Torricelli nasceu a 15 de Outubro de 1608 em Faenza, Itália. Para que pudesse estudar, o seu pai confiou-o a um tio, superior de uma ordem eclesiástica. Este foi o seu mestre, até atingir a idade necessária para ser aceite numa escola de jesuítas. Em 1627, com dezanove anos, inscreveu-se na Universidade de Roma. Aqui, estudou matemática sob a orientação de Benedetto Castelli. Tinha como colegas alguns futuros matemáticos de fama, como Cavalieri e Ricci. Entre o professor e o aluno estabeleceu-se profunda identidade, a ponto de Castelli propô-lo a Galileu como secretário. Nessa altura, Torricelli já tinha ganho sólida fama científica. Não era, portanto, um simples desconhecido o homem que, em 1641, se dirigiu a Florença, onde Galileu passava os últimos anos da sua vida em prisão domiciliária. (Casa onde nasceu) (Torricelli com Galileu) Galileu já exercia bastante influência sobre o seu jovem secretário muito antes de conhecê-lo pessoalmente, desde a época em que Torricelli estudara o

64. Evangelista Torricelli --  Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, torricelli , evangelista Britannica Concise. 15,1608, Faenza, Romagna died Oct. 25, 1647, Florence evangelista torricelli.

65. Evangelista Torricelli Definition Meaning Information Explanation
evangelista torricelli definition, meaning and explanation and more aboutevangelista torricelli. Free evangelista torricelli. definition
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Evangelista Torricelli
Evangelista Torricelli October 15 ) was an Italian physicist and mathematician Born in Faenza, he was left fatherless at an early age. He was educated under the care of his uncle, a Camaldolese monk, who in sent him to Rome to study science under the Benedictine Benedetto Castelli ( ), professor of mathematics at the Collegio di Sapienza. The perusal of Galileo 's Two New Sciences ) inspired him with many developments of the mechanical principles there set forth, which he embodied in a treatise De motu (printed amongst his Opera geometrica ). Its communication by Castelli to Galileo in , with a proposal that Torricelli should reside with him, led to Torricelli repairing to Florence , where he met Galileo, and acted as his amanuensis during the three remaining months of his life. After Galileo's death Torricelli was nominated grand-ducal mathematician and professor of mathematics in the Florentine academy. The discovery of the principle of the barometer which has perpetuated his fame ("Torricellian tube", "Torricellian vacuum") was made in

66. Imago Mundi - Evangelista Torricelli.
Translate this page torricelli - (evangelista), physicien né en 1608 à Fænza, m. en 1647, se fitde bonne heure remarquer par son goût pour les sciences, se lia avec Castelli
Dictionnaire biographique Les gens Torricelli Castelli Roberval Opera geometrica , Florence 1644, et une A B C D ... Z

67. Evangelista Torricelli :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
evangelista torricelli. Online Encyclopedia
Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles Evangelista Torricelli
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Evangelista Torricelli October 15 ) was an Italian physicist and mathematician Born in Faenza, he was left fatherless at an early age. He was educated under the care of his uncle, a Camaldolese monk, who in sent him to Rome to study science under the Benedictine Benedetto Castelli ( ), professor of mathematics at the Collegio di Sapienza. The perusal of Galileo 's Dialoghi delle nuove scienze ) inspired him with many developments of the mechanical principles there set forth, which he embodied in a treatise De motu (printed amongst his Opera geometrica ). Its communication by Castelli to Galileo in , with a proposal that Torricelli should reside with him, led to Torricelli repairing to Florence , where he met Galileo, and acted as his amanuensis during the three remaining months of his life. After Galileo's death Torricelli was nominated grand-ducal mathematician and professor of mathematics in the Florentine academy. The discovery of the principle of the barometer which has perpetuated his fame ("Torricellian tube", "Torricellian vacuum") was made in

68. Evangelista Torricelli
: Evangelista Torricelli
L'Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze ha in linea un ipertesto realizzato da Egidio Festa, su Evangelista Toricelli. È interessante sia dal punto di vista della storia della scienza, perché oltre alle notizie biografiche contiene molti testi dell'ampio epistolario conservatosi fino a oggi, sia dal punto di vista scientifico, grazie alle sezioni che approfondiscono l'attività di ricerca portata avanti da Torricelli: dagli esperimenti barometrici, per fare un esempio di fisica, fino agli studi matematici, come quelli sulla cicloide.

69. Evangelista Torricelli Und Andere Italienische Physiker Seiner Zeit
Translate this page evangelista torricelli und andere italienische Physiker seiner Zeit. von PhillipMelchiors. 1. evangelista torricelli. evangelista torricelli wurde am 15.
Evangelista Torricelli und andere italienische Physiker seiner Zeit
von Phillip Melchiors 1. EvangelistaTorricelli 2. Vincentino Viviani 3. GalileoGalilei
1. Evangelista Torricelli
Evangelista Torricelli wurde am 15. Oktober 1608 in Faenza/Romagne geboren und starb am 25. Oktober 1647 in Florenz/Toskana. Torricelli selbst hatte verschiedene bedeutende Errungenschaften vorzuweisen. Er war der erste,dem es gelang ein Vakuum aufrechtzuerhalten, ebenso wie er das Barometer entwickelte.
2. Vincentino Viviani
3. Galileo Galilei
mit den damaligen geistlichen Institutionen und dem Papst heraufbeschwor.Denn er setzte ich

70. Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647)
Translate this page evangelista torricelli (1608-1647). Italienischer Mathematiker undPhysiker, Erfinder des Barometers. torricelli wurde in Faenza
Evangelista Torricelli Opera geometrica De motu gravium

71. - Great Books -
evangelista torricelli (16081647), For rare and hard to find works werecommend our Alibris list of titles about evangelista torricelli.
Evangelista Torricelli
Italian mathematician and physicist, born at Faenza, 15 October, 1608; died at Florence, 25 October, 1647. Modigliana, in Tuscan Romagna, and Piancaldoli, in the Diocese of Imola, are named as the birthplace by different biographers.
Torricelli was educated at the Jesuit college of Faenza, where he showed such great aptitude for the sciences that his uncle, a religious of the order of the Camaldolesi, sent him to Rome in 1626 for the purpose of study. There he fell in with Castelli, the favorite pupil of Galileo , who instructed him in the work of the master on the laws of motion. Torricelli showed his thorough understanding by writing a thesis on the path of projectiles. Castelli sent this essay in manuscript to Galileo with strong recommendations of his young friend. Galileo invited Torricelli to his house but for personal reasons he was unable to accept until three months before the death of the blind scientist (1641). The grand duke prevailed upon him to remain at Florence and to succeed Galileo at the Academy. He solved some of the great mathematical problems of the day, such as the finding of the area and the centre of gravity of the cycloid. This problem gave rise to disagreeable discussion on the part of Roberval as to priority and originality. Torricelli's honesty, manliness, and modesty are distinctly shown in his reply.

72. IMSS - Catalogo Multimediale - Biografie - Evangelista Torricelli

73. IMSS - Multimedia Catalogue - Biographies - Evangelista Torricelli

evangelista torricelli,


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Enlace: Fecha Alta: Descripción: Institute and Museum of History of Science. Edited by Egidio Festa. «There are four different lines of research evident in the works of Torricelli, which cover almost all the subjects treated by Galileo, with the exception of astronomy. In the first - Geometry - Torricelli obtained remarkable results, in particular the quadrature of the cycloid curve and the cubature of the hyperboloid of revolution (acute hyperbolic solid). He was the first to use "curved indivisibles", contributing in this way to the "method of indivisibles" introduced into geometry by Bonaventura Cavalieri. The close scientific collaboration between the two outstanding mathematicians, also extremely close friends, is documented by a rich scientific correspondence. The second direction of research, to maintain this system of classification, consists of the application of geometry to the study of motion.

JAN evangelista torricelli. 15. 10. 1608 25. 10. 1647. Pokoušel se o konstrukcirtutového teplomeru. evangelista torricelli zemrel ve Florencii. ZPET.
italský fyzik Torricelli se narodil ve Feanze. Byl sirotek, kterého vychovával jeho strýc, uèený mnich. Byl nejnadanìjším žákem G. Galileiho (pozdìji se stal jeho nástupcem v úøadu dvorního matematika na dvoøe velkovévody toskánského). Zkoumal úèinky zemské tíže na kapaliny. Pro rychlost výtoku otvorem ve stìnì nádoby v hloubce h pod hladinou nalezl vztah, podobný jako platí pro rychlost volného pádu po uražení dráhy h. Roku 1641 vydal dílo Trattato del moto, kde lze nalézt první ucelené základy hydrodynamiky. Jako druhou etapu jeho vìdeckého zájmu mùžeme oznaèit pokusy s atmosférickým tlakem vzduchu. Torricelli zavrhl aristotelovský pojem horror vacui a zavedl oznaèení atmosférický tlak vzduchu. Proslulý pokus s trubicí naplnìnou rtutí a pak pøevrácenou vyvolal øadu otázek a zdaleka ne všichni byli o vzduchoprázdnu nad rtuovým sloupcem pøesvìdèeni. Aristoteliky, ale i pøíznivce Descarta , pokus nepøesvìdèil a ti stále tvrdili, že v uzavøeném prostoru nad rtutí cosi je, "nebo sklo má velmi jemné póry, jimiž mohou pronikat paprsky svìtla, magnetu a jiné velmi drobounké èásteèky hmoty". V této dobì definitivnì padl názor na vzduch jako bezhmotnou a beztížnou substanci ve smyslu antického uèení o ètyøech živlech. Roku 1644 vynalezl rtuový barometr. Nepreferoval pouze jednoduchou empirii. Velice dobøe ovládal také matematiku. Ve své knize Quadratura parabolae et Solido hyperbolico acuto podrobnì popisuje vlastnosti kuželoseèek a uvádí analytické øešení i takových pøípadù, jakými je vedení teèny v bodì paraboly. Pokoušel se o konstrukci rtuového teplomìru.

76. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article
torricelli, evangelista (16081647). The Hutchinson Dictionary ofScientific Biography; 1/1/1998. Read the Full Article, Get a FREE

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Evangelista Torricelli
Evangelista Torricelli October 15 ) was an Italian physicist and mathematician Born in Faenza, he was left fatherless at an early age. He was educated under the care of his uncle, a Camaldolese monk, who in sent him to Rome to study science under the Benedictine Benedetto Castelli ( ), professor of mathematics at the Collegio di Sapienza. The perusal of Galileo 's Dialoghi delle nuove scienze ) inspired him with many developments of the mechanical principles there set forth, which he embodied in a treatise De motu (printed amongst his Opera geometrica ). Its communication by Castelli to Galileo in , with a proposal that Torricelli should reside with him, led to Torricelli repairing to Florence , where he met Galileo, and acted as his amanuensis during the three remaining months of his life.

78. Energy And Matter Aim 1
biography home. torricelli, evangelista (16081647) was an Italian physicistand mathematician who is best known for his invention of the barometer.
b iography... home Torricelli, Evangelista (1608-1647) was an Italian physicist and mathematician who is best known for his invention of the barometer. Torricelli was born on 15 October 1608 in Faenza and was educated, mainly in mathematics, at the Sapienza College, Rome. He was impressed by the works of Galileo and the respect became mutual when Galileo read Torricelli's De motu(1641), which dealt with movement. In that same year Galileo invited him to Florence, and after Galileo's death the following year became Professor of Mathematics at Florence, where he remained for the rest of his life. He died there on 25 October 1647. Galileo had been puzzled why a lift pump could not lift a column of water more than about 9 m/29.5 ft - current explanations were based on Nature's supposed abhorrence of a vacuum. Torricelli realized that the atmosphere must have weight, and the height of the water column is limited by atmospheric pressure. In 1643 he filled a long glass tube, closed at one end, with mercury and inverted it in a dish of mercury. Atmospheric pressure supported a column of mercury about 76 cm/30 in long; the space above the mercury was a vacuum. Mercury is nearly 14 times as dense as water, and the mercury column was only about one-fourteenth the height of the maximum water column.

79. THE TORRICELLI PAGE- (Evangelista Torricelli - 1608-1647) - Biography - Bibliogr
evangelista torricelli (16081647) torricelli - Biography - RA Hatch.torricelli Bibliography - torricelli Bibliography - RA Hatch.
The Torricelli Page - Torricelli Galilei - Biography - Bibliography - Information - Links - Dr Robert A. Hatch T H E T O R R I C E L L I P A G E
Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647) Torricelli - Biography - R.A. Hatch Torricelli Bibliography - Torricelli Bibliography - R.A. Hatch Torricelli Chronology - Torricelli's Life - Chronology - R.A. Hatch
The Scientific Revolution - Table of Contents


80. Evangelista Torricelli
Podivejte se na aktualizovanou stranku Jan evangelista torricelli. Omlouvam seza pripadne potize. Italsky fyzik evangelista torricelli se narodil 15.
Prevody OnLine Fyzici Vzkazy ... Autor Jan Evangelista Torricelli Zpet
Torr byl jednotkou tlaku Existence tlaku vzduchu.
Presun webu
Cely web conVERTER jsem v srpnu 2002 presunul. Dokument, ktery mate prave zobrazen, neni aktualizovan. Podivejte se na aktualizovanou stranku Jan Evangelista Torricelli Omlouvam se za pripadne potize. Jiri Bures Italsky fyzik Evangelista Torricelli se narodil 15. rijna 1608 ve Feanze. Byl sirotek, ktereho vychovaval jeho stryc, uceny mnich. Byl nejnadanejsim zakem G. Galileiho (pozdeji se stal jeho nastupcem v uradu dvorniho matematika na dvore velkovevody toskanskeho). Torricelli zkoumal ucinky zemske tize na kapaliny. Pro rychlost vytoku otvorem ve stene nadoby v hloubce h pod hladinou nalezl vztah, podobny jako plati pro rychlost volneho padu po urazeni drahy h. 1641 - prvni ucelene zaklady hydrodynamiky lze nalezt v Torricelliho dile Trattato del moto Jako druhou etapu Torricelliho vedeckeho zajmu muzeme oznacit pokusy s atmosferickym tlakem vzduchu. Torricelli zavrhl aristotelovsky pojem horror vacui a zavedl oznaceni atmosfericky tlak vzduchu.

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