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81. Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society: American Scientist Summary A summary of the most current edition of American Scientist. The Shadow Effect and the Case of Félix tisserand. In 1968 the sociologist Robert K of the 19thcentury French astronomer Félix tisserand, who has been eclipsed by his countryman http://www.sigmaxi.org/about/news/amsci.shtml | |
82. LISTE STATISTIQUES SUR LES METIERS ISSART JEAN PIERRE felix a été FORGERON entre 1831 et 1856. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/philippe.picard/Pro_Aurin.htm | |
83. Fiches Familiales tisserand, Godparent. http://mapage.noos.fr/famille.LAVE/ff085.htm |
84. Art Edition Translate this page Noël, Martin Don´t forget felix / 1999 Holzschnitt Deutsche AIDS-Stiftung http://www.artedition.de/de/editionensuche.hhtml?SEITE=kuenstlersuche&AKTION=tre |
85. Meyers Konversationslexikon, Band 15, Seite 0727, Von Tischri Bis Tissierographi felix, Astronom, geb. 15. Jan. 1845 http://susi.e-technik.uni-ulm.de:8080/meyers/servlet/view/showSeite/ID/101619980 | |
86. Felix Mendelssohn Definition Of Felix Mendelssohn. What Is Felix Mendelssohn? Me felix Mendelssohn. Word Noun, 1. felix Mendelssohn German musician and Romantic composer of orchestral and choral works (1809-1847) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Felix Mendelssohn | |
87. William Dailey Rare Books, Ltd. - French Literature & Criticism Of The 20th Cent FRENCH LITERATURE CRITICISM. OF THE 20th CENTURY. ADAM, Paul. LE TEMPS ET LA VIE. LENFANT DAUSTERLITZ. Paris Société dEditions Littéraires et Artistiques, Librairie Paul Ollendorff, 1902. 8vo, 542pp. Orig. printed wrappers. http://www.daileyrarebooks.com/0902frenchlit20C.htm | |
88. Gen-f http://perso.club-internet.fr/cossurel/gen-f.htm | |
89. Cassiopea - Un http://www.cassiopeaonline.it/16-feb-2002/comete_periodiche.html | |
90. Nuits Saint Georges http://www.juergen-koerner.de/nuits3.htm | |
91. Fiches Familiales http://membres.lycos.fr/vancraeynest/gene/ff005.htm | |
92. Les Personnages Célèbres Dans Les Stations Vertes http://www.stationsvertes.com/F/l_culturels/personnage.html | |
93. Exposition Guillaume Bigourdan (Commission Du Patrimoine) http://webast.ast.obs-mip.fr/patrimoine/expogb.html | |
95. JANNET Asteroid Page (3600s) The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.aerith.net/JANNET/asteroid.per100/03600.html | |
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