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61. UBC Library - MARION (1 title) End of matches for Thudichum, John Louis William, 18291901.. Thudipara,Jacob Z. (1 title); Thudium, Vern F. (1 title); thue, axel, 1863-1922. http://dra.library.ubc.ca/MARION/auth?fmt_limit=&lng_limit=&index=A&key=Thudichu |
62. Repetition Free Words And Computer Algebra The systematic study of word structures (combinatorics on words) was started bya Norwegian mathematician axel thue 7 (18631922) at the beginning of this http://algebra.rotol.ramk.fi/keranen/research/RepetitionFreeStrings.html | |
63. NewAbelianSquare-FreeDT0L-LanguagesOver4Letters.nb Abstract In 1906 axel thue 34 started the systematic study of structuresin words. Consequently, he studied basic objects of theoretical http://algebra.rotol.ramk.fi/keranen/ias2002/NewAbelianSquare-FreeDT0L-Languages | |
64. Robert McNaughton For example, they have looked at ways to improve the efficiency of thue systems,a linguistic method developed by Norwegian logician axel thue in 1914. http://www.cs.rpi.edu/people/mcnaughton.html | |
65. Rødding Motion & Triathlonklub Spændende Bededage .. axel Crenzien blev igen Dansk Mester i Duathlon,efter flot kørsel på de Århuseske landeveje. thue d. 10/504. http://www.rtk-tri.dk/arkiv.asp | |
66. Juristforeningen.no 1928, Knut Glad, Øivind Rye Florentz, Hans Kristian Skou, Franz Beyer Jersen,axel thue, Arvid Frithjof Rasmussen, 1927, Knut Tvedt, 1926, Birger Motzfeld, JohnLyng, http://www.juristforeningen.no/jf/ordenskollegiet_dekorandi.html | |
67. Elementary Number Theory - Kenneth H. Rosen Page 504 Biographical information about axel thue can be found at the MacTutor Historyof Mathematics Archive at http//wwwgroups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history http://www.aw-bc.com/rosen/resourcesc_13.html | |
68. 12th Workshop '3in1' Graphs 2003 Krynica repetition. About 100 years ago axel thue discovered that there arearbitrarily long nonrepetitive sequences over the set . This http://galaxy.uci.agh.edu.pl/~3in1/grytczuk/ | |
69. Sikrer Immaterielle Verdier - Teknisk Ukeblad rundt Ultima Thule. Vi fant to av griffene i lavlandet på Campus Kjeller;Haakon thue Lie og axel Moulin, partnere i Leogriff AS. http://www.tu.no/utskriftsvennlig.jhtml?articleID=16475 |
70. References thue,1914 axel thue. Probleme über Veränderungen von Zeichenreihen nach gegebenenRegeln. Skrifter utgit av Videnskapsselskapet i Kristiana I, 10, 1915. http://www.dfki.de/~heckmann/diplom/Diplomarbeit/node66.html | |
71. Read This: How The Other Half Thinks Finally, Chapter 8 solves a problem posed by axel thue in 1912 can we constructarbitrarily long strings in a s, b s and c s which contain no pairs of http://www.maa.org/reviews/otherhalf.html | |
72. Formal Numbers This site is dedicated to the memory of the norwegian mathematician axel thue(18661922), who proved one of the most remarkable result of the twentieth http://www.math.u-bordeaux.fr/~lasjauni/ | |
73. Formal Numbers Translate this page Ce site est dédié à la mémoire du mathématicien norvégien axel thue (1866-1922),qui a démontré un des résultats les plus remarquables du vingtième http://www.math.u-bordeaux.fr/~lasjauni/page_fr_0.htm | |
74. Literatur Thu06 axel thue. Über unendliche zeichenreihen. Kra. Vidensk. Thu12 axelthue. Über die gegenseitige lage gleicher teile gewisser zeichenreihen. Kra. http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/~joe/edu/ss01/l/l-bib.html | |
75. Names Sylvester Tate Tauber Taylor Teichmuller thue Toeplitz Torelli Turan Turing Ulm Uryson Sylow Sylvester Tauber Taylor Teichmuller thue Toeplitz Turan Turing Uryson Veronese Volterra http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/98/MSC.names |
76. Thue http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono2/Thue.html | |
77. Thue-Morse Sequence - InformationBlast However, Prouhet did not mention the sequence explicitly; this was left to AxelThue in 1906, who used it to found the study of combinatorics on words. http://www.informationblast.com/Thue-Morse_sequence.html | |
78. Schlumberger Fellowship Awarded To Student Studying Morse Theory This sequence was introduced in 1906 by the Norwegian mathematician axel Thueas an example of an aperiodic recursively computable string of symbols. http://www.uri.edu/personal2/imarcus/mth381.html | |
79. BIT WS 03/04 Sitzung 13 thue-Systemekönnen als einfache und allgemeine Form von Algorithmen betrachtet werden http://www.hki.uni-koeln.de/people/schassan/teach/ws0304/BIT-WS0304_13.htm | |
80. Entrez PubMed No abstract, Energy spectra and level statistics of Fibonacci and thueMorse chains. Noabstract, Generalized thue-Morse chains and their physical properties. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Link&db=PubMed&dbFrom=PubMed&f |
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