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81. Didaskalia - Journal treatises on music by Aristoxenus, as reflected in later works by Bacchius, Allypius,and Aristides Quintilianus; Euclid, theon of smyrna; Nicomachus of Gerasa http://didaskalia.open.ac.uk/issues/vol1no5/west.html | |
82. Aristarchus Of Samos 6, pp. 922F923A; cf. Heath, Aristarchus of Samos, p. 304. theon of smyrna(ed. Hiller) p. 200, 7-12. Cf. Heath, Aristarchus of Samos, p. 304. http://www.varchive.org/ce/orbit/arisam.htm | |
83. Who's Who Thales. Theaitetus. Themistius. Theodorus. Theodosios. theon of Alexandria. theonof smyrna. Theophrastos. Theopompos. Thessalus. Thucydides. Thumaridas. Timokharis. http://www.swan.ac.uk/classics/staff/ter/grst/Who's who.htm | |
84. Theon Von Smyrna Translate this page PhilSearch.de. Shops. PhiloShop. PhiloShirt. Service. Philosophie-Zitate fürIhre HomePage. Kontakt. Impressum. eMail. theon von smyrna (1. Hälfte des 2.Jh.). http://www.philosophenlexikon.de/theon1.htm | |
85. Philosophenlexikon.de theon von Alexandreia; theon von smyrna;Theophrastos von Eresos; Thierry, Augustin; Thierry von Chartres; http://www.philosophenlexikon.de/index-tt.htm | |
86. Bibliography theon, of smyrna, fl 250, Mathematics useful for understanding Plato by theon ofsmyrna / translated from the 1892 Greek/French edition of J. Dupuis by Robert http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=T& |
87. Grace F Knoche I Mindre Asien skriver theon av smyrna om fem grader i initiationscykeln (1) denförberedande reningen som företas därför att deltagande i mysterierna http://hem.fyristorg.com/teosofi/TeosofiskaBokforlaget/Mysterieskolorna/06_Initi | |
88. Källor Och Förkortningar Bookshelf, San Diego 1978. theon av smyrna Mathematics Useful for UnderstandingPlato, Wizards Bookshelf, San Diego 1979. The Vishnu Purana http://hem.fyristorg.com/teosofi/TeosofiskaBokforlaget/Mysterieskolorna/Kallor_o | |
89. A Cortina Da Noite - Astronomia Amadora Translate this page Este trabalho foi exaustivamente utilizado por theon de smyrna quando este escreveuExposito rerum mathematicarum e, apesar Platonicus se ter perdido theon de http://www.astrosurf.com/nc/biografias/eratostenes.html | |
90. História theon de smyrna;. Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss. theon ofsmyrna. Aproximadamente 70 - 135. Pouco se sabe da vida deste Matemático. http://www.educ.fc.ul.pt/semtem/semtem99/sem26/historia.htm | |
91. Astrologia En Sitio Hispano: Numerologia Translate this page Según theon de smyrna, los pitagóricos veían los números como la fuente dela forma y la energía del mundo dinámicos y activos incluso entre ellos http://www.sitiohispano.com/numerologia/quees.asp | |
92. Vivianus 1573 Translate this page theon von smyrna (um 117) kommt in seiner Auseinandersetzung von mathematischenDingen, die bei der Lektüre Platos nützlich sind, in bemerkenswerter Weise http://www.wilhelmkruecken.de/VIVIANUS/MetaSol.htm | |
93. Die Hellenistische Philosophie Translate this page theon von smyrna (2. Jh. n.Chr.). Mathematiker. Seine Schrift über dasMathematische bei Platon hat sich erhalten. Celsus Platoniker. http://www.gottwein.de/Eth/philos04.htm | |
94. Delta Mathematics Links Binomial coefficient calculator. 28. Surds. Transcendental numbers. theon ofSmyrna spreadsheet. 29. Quadratics. The Golden ratio 1. The Golden ratio 2.32. http://www.mathematics.co.nz/Links/delta_mathematics_links.htm | |
95. History Of Astronomy: What's New At This Site On March 25, 1999 T Tacquet, Andrea (16121660) Short biography and references. Theonof smyrna (c. 100 - c. 160) Short biography and references. V http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/new/new990325.html | |
96. Full Chronological Index Translate this page 10 AD - 75) Heron (10 AD - 70) Cleomedes (60 AD - 120) Nicomachus (70 AD - 135) Theonof smyrna (70 AD - 130) Menelaus (78 AD - 139) Heng (85 AD - 165) Ptolemy http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/chronlist.htm | |
97. Quellen Des Typus Universitatis schon als eine zulässige, die Erscheinungen rettende Hypothese ausgewiesen http://www.wilhelmkruecken.de/VIVIANUS/Quellen.htm | |
98. Claudius Ptolemy The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://episte.math.ntu.edu.tw/people/p_ptolemy/ | |
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