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61. Tartaglia By Tom Purvis This earned him the nickname tartaglia, or stammerer, a name he therefore usedinstead of the name niccolo fontana that had been given him at birth. http://mathforum.org/epigone/math-history-list/whildixspal/zwlbngse77f7@forum.sw | |
62. Ballistics And Gunnery In The Smoothbore Era of Nova Scientia by an Italian mathematician, niccolo fontana (1499 1559). withan impediment in his speech - plus the nickname tartaglia (stutterer) which http://riv.co.nz/rnza/hist/gun/smooth3.htm | |
63. Old Comrades History - The Gun By WL Ruffell publication of Nova Scientia by an Italian mathematician, niccolo fontana (1499 1559 impediment in his speech - plus the nickname tartaglia (stutterer) which http://riv.co.nz/rnza/hist/art90b.htm | |
64. Õãʦ´óÖصãѧ¿Æµ¼º½ Simpson, Thomas (17101761) - ? Stirling, James (1692-1770) - ? tartaglia- niccolo fontana known as tartaglia (1499-1557) - Taylor http://lib.zjnu.net.cn/xueke/jcsx/zjxz.htm | |
65. Grundoperationen Translate this page niccolo fontana tartaglia 1499 -1557. http://www-hm.ma.tum.de/ws0304/in1/links/Historie/Tartaglia.html | |
66. Tartaglia Frente A Cardano Translate this page no era el autor, sino niccolo tartaglia (1500-1557 tartaglia era conocido medianteese apodo (tartamudo) en vez de su apellido original fontana, al haber http://ific.uv.es/rei/Historia/anecdotas3.htm | |
67. List Of People By Name: T 1983), Pole; tartaglia, niccolo fontana, (15001557), Italian mathematician;tartaglia, Nicolo, (1499-1557), mathematician; Tartikoff http://www.fastload.org/li/List_of_people_by_name:_T.html | |
68. Italian Models - Online Italy Source Giuseppe Piazzi, (17461826), astronomer Gian-Carlo Rota, (1932-1999), Italian-bornAmerican mathematician and philosopher niccolo fontana tartaglia, (1500-1557 http://www.claudioxt.com/italy/italian models | |
69. Milestones: Section 2. Pre-1600 (tartaglia is better known for discovering a method to solve cubicequations) niccolo fontana tartaglia (1499-1557), Italy 212. http://www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/Gallery/milestone/sec2.html | |
70. EVENTS IN SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS circumnavigating expedition; 1535 niccolo fontana tartaglia has amethod for solving certain types of cubic equations; 1540 Michael http://www.physics.ohio-state.edu/~wilkins/science/sciehist.html | |
71. Kolmannen Asteen Yhtälöä Ratkaisemassa (Solmu 1/2000-2001) Noin vuonna 1535 matemaatikko niccolo fontana alias tartaglia löysi ilmeisestikinitsenäisesti ratkaisun yhtälölle, joka on muotoa x 3 +rx 2 +q=0. Fior http://solmu.math.helsinki.fi/2000/2/saksman/ | |
72. Math.space In Der PRESSE Translate this page provozierte die Herausgabe des Algebra-Lehrbuches von Geronimo Cardano die Todfeindschaftdes Autors mit niccolo fontana, genannt tartaglia Dieser hatte http://math.space.or.at/presse/presse20030310.html | |
73. Resolución De La Ecuación Algebraica Cúbica Translate this page niccolo tartaglia Geómetra italiano(1499-1557), cuyo verdadero nombre era niccoloFontana, en tanto que tartaglia era un apodo que significa el tartamudo. http://html.rincondelvago.com/resolucion-de-la-ecuacion-algebraica-cubica.html | |
74. Tartaglia Nicolo tartaglia. Born 1499 in Brescia Nicolo tartaglia was born in Bresciain 1499, the son of a humble mail rider. He was nearly killed http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Tartaglia.html | |
75. A Quotation By Tartaglia A quotation by Nicolo tartaglia. The poem in which he revealed http//wwwhistory.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Quotations/tartaglia.html. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Quotations/Tartaglia.html | |
76. Niccolo Dell' Abbate - Encyclopedia Article About Niccolo Dell' Abbate. Free Acc niccolo dell Abbate. Word Word. Abati , or niccolo Dell Abbato (1512 Centuries15th century 16th century - 17th century http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Niccolo dell' Abbate | |
77. Tartaglia Translate this page Son costume est noir ou vert. tartaglia est aussi le surnom de NiccoloFontana, un célèbre mathématicien de la Renaissance. Les http://www.cssh.qc.ca/projets/carnetsma/renaissance/tarta_comm.html | |
78. Tartaglia Et Cardan http://math93.free.fr/Tartaglia-Cardan.htm | |
79. Tartaglia toujours connu par son surnom. Lorsque les Français mirent http://www.bib.ulb.ac.be/coursmath/bio/tartagli.htm | |
80. Karl's Calculus Tutor - Box 5.3a The Cubic Formula Generations of mathematicians searched for a cubic solution before niccolo FontanaTartaglia and Girolamo Cardano hit on it in the 16th century (Cardano http://www.karlscalculus.org/cubic.html | |
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