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         Tarry Gaston:     more detail

21. Monster Cubes
That is because 32 4 = 1024 2 . I dedicate the tetramagic cubes togaston tarry and André Viricel. gaston tarry, inventor of the
M onster Cubes
Introduction The subject of this page is a Word document I received from Christian Boyer (France) on May 13, 2003.
Christian has a very informative site where he discusses multimagic cubes (and squares) but his material on these large cubes is not presented in quite this way.
On Nov. 26, 2003, I reviewed his document and decided I would like to include it on my site. Christian has kindly granted me permission to do so. He also suggested I edit it as I saw fit. However, the editing I did do has been kept to a minimum, and is mostly limited to formatting.
Harvey Heinz Nov. 27, 2003
Seven new multimagic « monsters »:
tetramagic cubes, bimagic and trimagic hypercubes (tesseracts)
Christian Boyer, France, May 13 rd I have the pleasure to announce 7 new important multimagic results: the first tetramagic cube , so better than my previous trimagic cubes the first perfect tetramagic cube , means all its diagonals and triagonals are tetramagic (and probably the biggest magic cube ever constructed !) the 3 first bimagic tesseracts , means four-dimensional bimagic hypercubes the 2 first trimagic tesseracts , one of them being also the first perfect bimagic tesseract (means all its diagonals, triagonals, and quadragonals are bimagic)

22. DIEPER - DIgitised European PERiodicals
Translate this page . . 10. tarry, gaston, Tablettes des Cotes ..13.tarry, gaston, Theorie des Tablettes des Cotes ..

23. Brocard-driehoeken
punt. Het punt T heet het tarrypunt van de driehoek (Kimberling2 X98). (naar gaston tarry, 1843-1913, Frankrijk). Klik hier
Brocard-driehoeken Overzicht Brocard-punten Brocard-cirkel Isogonale verwantschap ... Meetkunde Zie ook de pagina " Constructie van de Brocard-hoek "
Zie ook de pagina " Gelijkvormigheid (van drie figuren) " Overzicht
  • Definitie 1e Brocard-driehoek Het 3e Brocard-punt Zwaartepunt Definitie 2e Brocard-driehoek ... Download
  • 1. Definitie 1e Brocard-driehoek We gaan uit van een driehoek ABC met daarin de beide Brocard-punten W en W'
    De cirkel door W, W', K ( Lemoine-punt ) en O (omcentrum) is de zogenoemde Brocard-cirkel van driehoek ABC.
    Een middellijn van de Brocard-cirkel is KO.
    De lijn KO heet de Brocard-as van de driehoek (naar Henri Brocard , 1845-1922, Frankrijk). We bekijken nu de driehoek waarvan de hoekpunten P, Q, R de tweede snijpunten van opvolgend BW, CW, AW met de Brocard-cirkel zijn.
    PQR heet 1e Brocard-driehoek van ABC.
    (Zie eventueel ook de pagina " Constructie van de Brocard-hoek "). Opmerking
    We gebruiken dus het 1e Brocard-punt om driehoek PQR te genereren.
    Als we het 2e Brocard-punt gebruiken vinden we dezelfde driehoek.

    24. Dict Carré Trimagique
    Translate this page degré 8 606 720 000. Le Français gaston tarry a produit en 1905 uncarré trimagique d’ordre 128. Il fut d’ailleurs le premier

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    Dictionnaire de mathématiques récréatives Trimagique Carré trimagique. – Carré magique qui est également magique si on élève chacun de ses éléments successivement au carré et au cube. Le plus petit carré trimagique connu a été produit par l’Allemand Walter Trump en juin 2002. Il est d’ ordre 12 et contient les entiers de 1 à 144. Le voici : Au premier degré, la densité est 870, au deuxième degré 83 810, au troisième degré 9 082 800. Le deuxième plus petit carré trimagique connu a été produit par l’Américain William H. Benson en 1949. Il est d'ordre 32 et contient les entiers de 1 à 1024. Au premier degré, la densité est 16 400, au second degré 11 201 200, au troisième degré 8 606 720 000. Le Français Gaston Tarry a produit en 1905 un carré trimagique d’ordre 128. Il fut d’ailleurs le premier à donner un algorithme pour produire de tels carrés. En s’inspirant de l’algorithme de Tarry, Eutrope Cazalas a construit un carré trimagique d’ordre 64 et un autre d’ordre 81. Entre autres, Royal Vale Heath a aussi construit un carré trimagique d’ordre 64, différent de celui de Cazalas. Trois mosaïques apparaissent ci-après. Elles ont été créées à partir du carré trimagique de Trump en appliquant la méthode

    25. Dict Officiers D'Euler
    Translate this page arrangement est impossible. La vérification en a été faite parle mathématicien français gaston tarry en 1901. Il a compilé

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    Dictionnaire de mathématiques récréatives Euler Leonhard (1707-1783) Officiers d'Euler. Récréation imaginée par Euler en 1782 : Comment doit-on disposer 36 officiers de six grades distincts et faisant partie de six régiments différents en un carré de telle manière que chaque ligne et chaque colonne contiennent un officier de chaque régiment et de chaque grade ? Ce problème revient à la construction d'un carré gréco-latin d'ordre 6. Un tel arrangement est impossible. La vérification en a été faite par le mathématicien français Gaston Tarry en 1901. Il a compilé tous les carrés latins d'ordre 6 et, par la suite, a vérifié s'il existait des paires de carrés latins orthogonaux . On ne connaît pas d'autres démonstrations. Ce problème est à l'origine de la théorie des carrés gréco-latins. Il appartient à la classe des récréations combinatoires © Charles-É. Jean, 1996-2001. Tous droits réservés. Index : E

    26. I'LL SAY SHE IS - Napoleon's First Waterloo ("Groucho Phile"-version)
    I must be quarantined irritating - fills me with schmerkase. Footman gaston,Third Gentleman-in-Waiting. Napoleon But I must not tarry. I must be off.
    Napoleon's First Waterloo
    Script source "The Groucho Phile", Groucho Marx and Hector Arce, 1976
    Josephine Lotta Miles
    Napoleon Groucho
    François Chico
    Alphonse Zeppo
    Gaston Harpo
    A Footman enters.

    Footman The Empress!
    The Empress walks downstairs, followed by two pages. Everybody bows.
    The Emperor!
    Groucho bows. Napoleon As you were. Everybody bows again. Begone, peasants! Take French leave! Everybody exits. Groucho turns to footmen. As for you, take that bib off - we don't eat for an hour yet. Josephine Napoleon, did you hurt yourself? You told me you would be in Egypt tonight. You promised me the Pyramids and Sphinx. Napoleon That remains to be seen, but where are my faithful advisers, François, Alphonse and Gaston? Josephine, the whole thing Sphinx. Josephine Do you wish their advice? Napoleon Of course I do. They are always wrong. Let me think. Groucho poses with hand in coat and takes snuff. Ah! I love to sniff snuff. Josephine How often have I asked you not to use that horrible snuff? Napoleon Josephine, snuff.

    27. Full Alphabetical Index
    Translate this page Peter Guthrie (166*) Takagi, Teiji (165*) Talbot, William Fox (163*) Taniyama, Yutaka(345*) Tannery, Jules (67) Tannery, Paul (64*) tarry, gaston (33) Tarski

    28. Multimagic Squares
    1 81. S1 = 369 S2 = 20,049. 3. - Trimagic. 128. gaston tarry. 1905. 1 - 16384.S1 = 1,048,640 S2 = 11,454,294,720 S3 = 140,754,668,748,800. S3 = m * S1². 3. Trimagic.
    M ultimagic Squares
    Multimagic squares are regular magic squares i.e. they have the property that all rows, all columns, and the two main diagonals sum to the same value. However, a bimagic square has the additional property that if each number in the square is multiplied by itself (squared, or raised to the second power) the resulting row, column, and diagonal sums are also magic. In addition, a trimagic square has the additional property that if each number in the square is multiplied by itself twice (cubed, or raised to the third power) the square is still magic. And so on for tetra and penta magic squares. This page represents multimagic object facts as I know them. Please let me know if you disagree or are aware of other material that perhaps should be on this page. Notice that I have adopted the new convention of using 'm' to denote order of the magic object. With the rapid increase in work on higher dimensions, 'n' is reserved to indicate dimension.
    Table showing a chronological history of multimagic squares (and 1 cube).
    Order-12 Trimagic Square
    Walter Trump announced the successful completion of this square on June 9, 2002!

    29. Encyclopedia: Gaston Tarry
    Encyclopedia List of mathematicians Japanese American, 1925 ); Yutaka Taniyama (Japan, 1927 - 1958);gaston tarry (France, Algeria, 1843 - 1913); Michael Tarsi (Israel

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    30. Hildebrand
    Lincoln County, North Carolina d November 03, 1855 in Lincoln County, North CarolinaBurial Carpenter Cemetary, gaston County, North Fredrick Buthune tarry.
    OAS_AD('Top'); Hildebrand - Hildebrandt - Hilderbrand - Heltibrand - Hildabrand Family 1 Hildebrandt or Hilderbrand b: Abt. 1645 in Melsungen, Hessen, Germany .... 2 Hans Conradt Hildebrandt b: 1671 in Melsungen, Hessen, Germany d: 1746 in Weiler, Germany .......... +Anna Elizabeth Barther b: July 11, 1660 in Weiler, Germany m: 1698 in Germany d: September 09, 1701 in Weiler, Germany ........... 3 Hans Conrad Hildebrand b: February 12, 1698/99 in Weiler am Steinsberg, Palatinate, Germany ................. +Elizabeth Kundig/Kindig/Kendig b: 1705 in Grombech, Germany d: 1759 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania ................. 4 Michael Hildebrand ................. 4 Henry Hildebrand b: 1740 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania d: May 1817 in Lincoln County, North Carolina ....................... +Barbara Elizabeth Warlick b: Abt. 1754 in Macedonia, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania d: June 17, 1806 in Lincoln County, North Carolina Burial: Lincolnton, Lincoln County, North Carolina ................. *2nd Wife of Henry Hildebrand: ....................... +Maria Margaretha Magdalena Warlick b: 1746 in Macedonia, Lancaster, Pennsylvania m: July 27, 1769 in Lincoln County, North Carolina d: October 19, 1818 in Lincolnton, Lincoln County, North Carolina Burial: Ramsour Cemetary, Lincolnton, Lincoln County, North Carolina

    31. Blessed Hope Ministries - International
    an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie though it tarry, waitfor it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. . Leslie C. gaston.
    Visitors Book
    List of
    U Music.......
    "Be Hopeful" Keys to the Kingdom; an Introduction
    (Discerning), the Signs of the Times

    Judgment - The Great Tribulation

    Except the Lord Build the House
    The End...World Without End!
    M E N U "C ommunicating H ope to E very N ation To navigate this site follow Chen, "the ministry cat" ...for a brief review of BHMI start here... "And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry." Habbakuk 2: 2-3 Salvation... Beware the "Mark of the Beast" instead to the Cross of Jesus Christ! Free DHTML scripts provided by Dynamic Drive N ever before in recorded history has mankind been confronted with so many issues that inevitably prompt serious and searching questions regarding the future destiny of the human race... Questions related to: P hilosophy, R eligion, E thics

    32. Except The Lord Build The House...
    it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Page Updated26 th July 2003 Author/Webmaster Leslie C.gaston Copyright © Blessed
    Visitors Book
    of Terms
    Who will watch the Watchman?
    Does the watchman sleep?
    Never taking time to peep,
    caring for the sheep!
    Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. Psalms 127:1
    Various questions could well be asked...
    Considering that scripturally all have sinned and fall short of God's glory...
    Who establishes the ground rules?
    Who administers these rules?
    4...By what criteria does one rate trustworthiness?
    5...IS trustworthiness questioned IF a senior figure blatantly/publicly tells a lie? (Exodus 20:16)
    Particularly when that lie is intended to cover some other sin! (Exodus 20:14)
    6...If we can't trust those in authority, where is this obsession with security leading?
    7...If the watchman himself is, at the very least unreliable or dishonest, or even worse, a crook, or a psychopath... What happens to security?
    "Who will watch the Watchman?"
    All ye beasts of the field, come to devour, yea all ye beasts in the forest. His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. Come ye, say they, I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and to morrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant. Isaiah 56:9-12

    33. I'll Say She Is! -- Program Cover
    I must be quarantined irritating fills me with schmerkase. Footman gaston,Third Gentlemanin-Waiting. Napoleon But I must not tarry. I must be off.

    Send Above Image as a
    Why A Duck? Postcard By 1923, after close to twenty years separately and in various groupings in small-time show business and in vaudeville, it looked as if the Marxes' career as a team was over. As it turns out, they were about to enter the most exciting phase of their lives so far. Joseph P. Beury had just purchased the Walnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia and was eager to get a show going. Joseph M. Gaites had two sets of scenery which he desperately wanted to build a show around. Chico ran into Tom Johnstone to whom he explained the Marxes' sad state of affairs: that their decision to quit the Albee circuit in favor of the Shuberts had ended in disaster with the Shuberts quitting vaudeville entirely. Now Albee wouldn't have them back and they were at liberty. Johnstone grabbed Chico and dragged him to Gaites' office. Chico and Gaites were both in a bind. Chico, because the money was running out; Gaites, because he had three weeks before a theater opening with two shows worth of scenery and no show. After brief negotiations it was decided to build a show around the Marx Brothers. The brothers hastily put together a show using material from old vaudeville routines, as well as some new stuff by Will Johnstone. The music was contributed by Tom Johnstone and the Marxes had a show. After some dismal tryouts in Canarsie and Allentown, the boys brought the show to Philadelphia late in June of 1923. They were an instant success, and less than a year later they opened "I'll Say She Is!" on Broadway.

    34. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern
    Translate this page William Fox (1800 - 1877) Taniyama, Yukata (1927 - 1958) Tannery, Jules (1848 -1910) Tannery, Paul (1843 - 1904) tarry, gaston (1843 - 1913) Tarski, Alfred
    Diese Seite ist dem Andenken meines Vaters Otto Hebisch (1917 - 1998) gewidmet. By our fathers and their fathers
    in some old and distant town
    from places no one here remembers
    come the things we've handed down.
    Marc Cohn Dies ist eine Sammlung, die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammt, u. a. aus Jean Dieudonne, Geschichte der Mathematik, 1700 - 1900, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1985. Helmut Gericke, Mathematik in Antike und Orient - Mathematik im Abendland, Fourier Verlag, Wiesbaden 1992. Otto Toeplitz, Die Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung, Springer, Berlin 1949. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive A B C ... Z Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909)
    Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829)
    Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130)
    Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922)
    Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930)
    Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998)
    Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843)

    35. Universal Book Of Mathematics: List Of Entries
    tafl game Tait, Peter Guthrie (18311901) Tait s conjecture tally tangent tangletangled graph tangloids tangrams tarry, gaston (1843-1913) Tarski, Alfred (1902
    From Abracadabra to Zeno's Paradoxes
    More details on the book
    Alphabetical List of Entries
    Abbott, Edwin Abbott (1838-1926)
    ABC conjecture
    Abel, Niels Henrik (1802-1829)
    Abelian group
    absolute value
    absolute zero abstract algebra Abu’l Wafa (A.D. 940-998) abundant number Achilles and the Tortoise paradox. See Zeno's paradoxes Ackermann function acre acute adjacent affine geometry age puzzles and tricks Agnesi, Maria Gaetana (1718-1799) Ahmes papyrus. See Rhind papyrus Ahrens, Wilhelm Ernst Martin Georg (1872-1927) Alcuin (735-804) aleph Alexander’s horned sphere algebra algebraic curve algebraic fallacies algebraic geometry algebraic number algebraic number theory algebraic topology algorithm algorithmic complexity Alhambra aliquot part al-Khowarizmi (c.780-850) Allais paradox almost perfect number alphamagic square alphametic Altekruse puzzle alternate altitude ambiguous figure ambiguous connectivity.

    36. Neue Seite 1
    Translate this page Tannery, Paul (1843 - 1904). tarry, gaston (1843 - 1913). Tarski, Alfred(14.1.1901 - 26.10.1983). Tartaglia, Nicolo (1499/1500 - 17.12.1557).
    Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909) Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829) Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130) Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922) Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930) Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998) Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843) Aepinus, Franz Ulrich Theodosius (13.12.1724 - 10.8.1802) Agnesi, Maria (1718 - 1799) Ahlfors, Lars (1907 - 1996) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (835 - 912) Ahmes (um 1680 - um 1620 v. Chr.) Aida Yasuaki (1747 - 1817) Aiken, Howard Hathaway (1900 - 1973) Airy, George Biddell (27.7.1801 - 2.1.1892) Aithoff, David (1854 - 1934) Aitken, Alexander (1895 - 1967) Ajima, Chokuyen (1732 - 1798) Akhiezer, Naum Il'ich (1901 - 1980) al'Battani, Abu Allah (um 850 - 929) al'Biruni, Abu Arrayhan (973 - 1048) al'Chaijami (? - 1123) al'Haitam, Abu Ali (965 - 1039) al'Kashi, Ghiyath (1390 - 1450) al'Khwarizmi, Abu Abd-Allah ibn Musa (um 790 - um 850) Albanese, Giacomo (1890 - 1948) Albert von Sachsen (1316 - 8.7.1390)

    37. Graeco-Latin Squares
    much experimentation, he conjectured that GraecoLatin squares did not exist fororders of the form 4k + 2, k = 0, 1, 2, In 1901, gaston tarry proved (by
    Graeco-Latin Squares
    A Latin square of order n is a square array of size n that contains symbols from a set of size n. The symbols are arranged so that every row of the array has each symbol of the set occuring exactly once, and so that every column of the array has each symbol of the set also occuring exactly once. Two Latin squares of order n are said to be orthogonal if one can be superimposed on the other, and each of the n^2 combinations of the symbols (taking the order of the superimposition into account) occurs exactly once in the n^2 cells of the array. Such pairs of orthogonal squares are often called Graeco-Latin squares since it is customary to use Latin letters for the symbols of one square and Greek letters for the symbols of the second square. In the example of a Graeco-Latin square of order 4 formed from playing cards, the two sets of symbols are the ranks (ace, king, queen and jack) and the suits (hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades). Here is an example of a Graeco-Latin square of order 10.
    An Order 10 Graeco-Latin Square (10K) The two sets of "symbols" are identical - they are the 10 colors: red, purple, dark blue, light blue, light green, dark green, yellow, gray, black and brownish-orange. The larger squares constitute the Latin Square, while the inner squares constitute the Greek square. Every one of the 100 combination of colors (taking into account the distinction between the inner and outer squares) occurs exactly once. Note that for some elemnts of the array (principally, but not exclusively, along the diagonal) the inner and outer squares have the same color, rendering the distinction between them invisible.

    38. Magic Squares
    In 1905, a 128 by 128 magic square was devised by gaston tarry where the numbers,their squares, and their cubes were all magic; this is called a trimagic
    Home Other Mathematics
    Magic Squares
    Magic Squares may be perhaps the only area of recreational mathematics to which many of us have been exposed. The classic form of a magic square is a square containing consecutive numbers starting with 1, in which the rows and columns and the diagonals all total to the same number. I'll have to admit that I was never very much interested by magic squares, as opposed to other mathematical amusements, but a Mathematical Games column in Scientific American by Martin Gardner disclosed some new discoveries in magic squares that are of interest. The only magic square of order 3, except for trivial translations such as reflection and rotation, is: Some magic squares are very simple to construct. Magic squares of any odd order can be constructed following a pattern very similar to that of the 3 by 3 magic square: One can also construct a magic square by making a square array of copies of a magic square, and then adding a displacement to the elements of each copy based on a plan given by another magic square: thus, making nine copies of

    39. Historical Notes
    moves round the circumcircle. gaston tarry (?1913) investigated apoint associated with the Steiner point. Robert Tucker (1832-1905
    Apollonius (c262-190 BC): Alexandrian geometer author of various books including the lost book on plane loci which is known from various commentators to have given the theorem about circles associated with the angle bisectors of a triangle. Bodenmiller (19th century re-discovered the theorem about the midpoints of diagonals of a quadrilateral now also ascribed to Gauss. Henri Brocard (1845-1922): discovered a number of properties associated with the points, triangles and circles now named after him. Giovanni Ceva (?1647-?1736): discovered theorems about points on the sides of a triangle (see glossary); the one for collinear points is now ascribed to the first century Alexandrian geometer, Menelaus. Leopold Crelle (1780-1855): engineer and editor of famous mathematical journal; he discovered various properties of triangles including the points now named after Brocard. He claimed that "it is wonderful that so simple a figure as the triangle is so inexhaustible". Euclid (c300 BC): author of the Elements the influential systematic account of geometry including many theorems about triangles. Leonhard Euler (1707-1783): prolific Swiss mathematician who established that certain special points of a triangle lay on a line - now named after him.

    40. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ
    Seki) (411*) Talbot, Henry Fox (163*) Taniyama, Yutaka (345*) Tannery, Jules (828*)Tannery, Paul (1420*) Tapia, Richard (1383*) tarry, gaston (93*) Tarski

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