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         Taniyama Yutaka:     more detail
  1. Yutaka Taniyama
  2. Mathématicien Japonais: Kunihiko Kodaira, Michio Morishima, Masahiko Fujiwara, Kenkichi Iwasawa, Kiyoshi Ito, Yutaka Taniyama, Mikio Sato (French Edition)
  3. The Contributions of Japanese Mathematicians since 1950: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by P. Andrew Karam, 2001

41. Nanobiographies
Translate this page 1923) russe Sylow, Peter Ludwig Mejdell (1832-1918) norvègien Takagi, Teiji (1875-1960)japonais taniyama, yutaka (1027-1958) japonais Tchebychev, Pafnuti
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On devrait trouver ci-dessous les noms des intervenants plus ou moins illustres de ce T.E.R.
Bernoulli, Jacques I er (1654-1705) suisse
Cassels, John William Scott (1922) anglais
Dedekind, Richard Julius Wihelm (1831-1916) allemand
Diophante d'Alexandrie (III e
Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune- (1805-1859) allemand
Eisenstein, Ferdinand Gotthold (1823-1852) allemand
Euclide (III e
Euler, Leonhard (1707-1783) allemand
Fields, John Charles (1863-1932) canadien
Gauss, Karl Friedrich (1777-1855) allemand Goldbach, Hermann (1690-1764) allemand Hardy, Godfrey Harold (1877-1947) anglais Hasse, Helmut (1898-1980) allemand Hecke, Erich (1887-1947) polonais Hensel, Kurt (1861-1941) allemand Hilbert, David (1862-1943) allemand Jacobi, Carl Gustav (1804-1851) allemand Jensen, Johannes Ludwig Wilhelm (1859-1925) allemand Kronecker, Leopold (1823-1891) allemand Kummer, Ernst Eduard (1810-1893) allemand Leibniz, Gottfried William (1646-1716) allemand Linnik, Iurii Vladimirovich (1915-1972) russe Ostrowski, Alexander Markus (1893)

42. Fractales
Translate this page En 1955 el matemático japonés yutaka taniyama planteó una pregunta que más tardese convirtió en la conjetura de taniyama-Shimura, la cual relaciona dos
Septiembre-Octubre de 1999
¿Y qué decir de los fabulosos fractales? Gracias a la computación los fractales han tenido un inusitado éxito por las bellas y sorprendentes imágenes que se pueden obtener a partir de estos conjuntos usando colores y sombras. Por ello, además, la geometría fractal nos ha brindado una nueva y original forma de arte. Indudablemente, el logro matemático del siglo XX que a mí más me ha conmovido es la demostración del último teorema de Fermat. El miércoles 23 de junio de 1993, un poco después de las 10:30 a.m. en el Instituto Isaac Newton en Cambridge, Inglaterra, el matemático británico radicado en Princeton Andrew Wiles anunció, al final de la tercera parte de su conferencia "Formas modulares, curvas elípticas y representaciones de Galois", que había probado el último teorema de Fermat. Tenía lugar un taller en teoría de Iwasawa, formas automorfas y representaciones p-ádicas. Este teorema afirma que si n es un número entero mayor que 2, entonces no existen enteros positivos x, y, z que satisfagan la ecuación La historia de este teorema puede remontarse hasta la antigua Grecia (siglo VI a. c.) con el bien conocido teorema de Pitágoras que nos dice que en un triángulo rectángulo (esto es, un triángulo que posee un ángulo recto) el cuadrado de la hipotenusa es igual a la suma de los cuadrados de los catetos, en notación matemática:

43. Taniyama-Shimura Teorém
. Toto teorém byl nejprve domýšlel se yutaka taniyama v zárí 1955. S GoroShimura on zlepšený jeho tvrdost until 1957. taniyama umrel v 1958.
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Taniyama-Shimura teor©m
Taniyama-Shimura teor©m vytvoř­ důležitou souvislost mezit­m elliptic křivky, kter½ b½t nam­t¡ od algebraick¡ geometrie , a modul¡rn­ formy , kter½ b½t jist½ periodick½ holomorphic funguje vyÅ¡etřoval v teorie č­sel Jestliže p je prvoč­slo a E je elliptic křivka přes Q , my můžeme se sn­Å¾it rovnice vymezit E modulo p ; pro vÅ¡echny ale finitely mnoho hodnot p my cht­t dostat elliptic křivka přes konečn© pole F p , s n p elementy, ř­kat. Jeden pak zvažuje sekvence p n p p , kter½ je důležit½ neměnn½ elliptic křivka E . Každ¡ modul¡rn­ forma tak© d¡ zvednout se k sledu č­sel, Fourier přev¡dět . An elliptic křivit jehož sekvenci se shoduje s t­m od modul¡rn­ formy se jmenuje modul¡rn­ . Taniyama-Shimura st¡ty teor©ma:
" VÅ¡ichni elliptic křivky přes Q b½t modul¡rn­. "
Toto teor©m byl nejprve dom½Å¡lel se Yutaka Taniyama v z¡Å™­ . S Goro Shimura on zlepÅ¡en½ jeho tvrdost until . Taniyama umřel v . V Å¡edes¡t¡ l©ta to sluÅ¡el přidružen½ s Langlands program dohadů slučov¡n­ v matematice, a byl kl­Äov¡ souč¡st thereof. Dohad byl chycen a podporoval

44. Seznam Osob Podle Jména: Ta-Tb
Cíny, (umrel 649); Tange, Kenzo, architekt; Tani, Daniel, astronaut;taniyama, yutaka, (19271958), matematik; Tanizaki, Junichiro
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Seznam osob podle jm©na: Ta-Tb
Seznam osob podle jm©na B C D ... S T U V W X ... Z Ta-Tb Tc-Td Te Tf-Th Ti ... Tz

45. ÐÏ à¡±?á þÿ - / þÿÿÿ
1950 upptäckte japanerna Goro Shimura och yutaka taniyama att det fannsett samband mellan Elliptiska funktioner och modulära former.

46. List Of People By Name: T
China, (died 649); Tange, Kenzo, architect; Tani, Daniel?, astronaut;taniyama, yutaka, (19271958), mathematician; Tanizaki, Junichiro
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47. Fermat's Last Theorem
yutaka taniyama (1927 1958) and Goro Shimura (1930-) met at the Universityof Tokyo, where they held similar positions in the mathematics department.
Attempts to solve Fermat's Last Theorem
Fermat's Last Theorem is the theorem with the greatest number of published incorrect proofs. Between 1908 and 1912, over one thousand proofs were declared, all found to be false. All someone had to do to disprove Fermat's Last Theorem was to find a counter example. I.e. find a set of three integers, x, y and z and a power, n, greater than two, where x n + y n = z n For 350 years Fermat's Last Theorem has puzzled many great mathematicians. In the process of trying to discover the proof, new branches of mathematics have been established. Leonhard Euler (1707 - 1783) was a Swiss algorist (person who devises rules for calculation). He disproved one of Fermat's corollaries (a proposition that follows one proved). He initiated the study of geometrical properties of figures that remain unchanged under particular types of transformations, called topology. This proved to be of great importance in later attempts to solve Fermat's Last Theorem. Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777 - 1855) was a German genius, undoubtedly one of the best mathematicians of the time. Gauss knew of Fermat's Last Theorem, but decided not to attempt to prove it. He is one of the few mathematicians who understood how deceptively simple it looks, and how difficult it really is. Gauss' results in number theory and his contribution to Euler's work on complex numbers have proved incredibly valuable in all attempts by mathematicians to solve the Fermat mystery. Complex numbers, or imaginary numbers as they are otherwise known, are numbers involving

48. Info Humaniora Onze-Lieve-Vrouwecollege Assebroek Keuze1
JAPAN. In 1960 bestudeert de wiskundige yutaka taniyama (19271958) elliptischekrommen, die gedefinieerd worden door vergelijkingen van de volgende (of een
De laatste stelling van FERMAT
Op een kleitafeltje (rond 1950 voor Christus) vinden we in spijkerschrift de eerste strikt positieve gehele oplossingen van de vergelijking x² + y² = z². Eén van de drietallen uit die tijd was: x=120, y=119 en z=169 zodat (120)² + (119)² = (169)². Het populairste drietal was vermoedelijk toen reeds (3,4,5): (3)²+(4)²=(5)². Ook het drietal (12,5,13) was reeds bekend: (12)²+(5)²=(13)². De formule x² + y² = z² is voor de Babyloniërs in de eerste plaats een betrekking tussen drie getallen. Vermoedelijk waren de Babyloniërs in staat oplossingen (x,y,z) te genereren met de volgende methode:
Beschouw twee natuurlijke getallen, die relatief priem zijn (en dus geen gemeenschappelijke deler hebben, behalve het getal 1). Neem u als grootste en v als kleinste getal.
Stel nu: x = 2 u v en y = u² - v² en z = u² + v².
Het drietal (x,y,z) is een oplossing van de vergelijking x² + y² = z². Op het kleitafeltje "PLIMPTON 322' vinden we het drietal (13500,12709,18541). Het wordt gevonden via de waarden u=125 en v=54. Controleer dat (13500)² + (12709)² = (18541)².
De vergelijking x² + y² = z² heeft vele strikt positieve gehele oplossingen. Deze oplossingen worden pythagorische drietallen genoemd naar de Griekse filosoof en wiskundige Pythagoras (580-500 voor Christus). Voor de Grieken heeft de formule x² + y² = z² een meetkundige betekenis en de getallen x, y en z verwijzen naar de zijden van een rechthoekige driehoek.

49. Science News: Curving Beyond Fermat's Last Theorem - Mathematicians Offer Proof
In the 1950s, Japanese mathematician yutaka taniyama proposed that every rationalelliptic curve is a disguised version of a complicated, impossibleto
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Science News
Oct 2, 1999
When Andrew Wiles of Princeton University proved Fermat's last theorem several years ago, he relied on recently discovered links between Pierre de Fermat's centuries-old conjecture concerning whole numbers and the theory of so-called elliptic curves (SN: 11/5/94, p. 295). Establishing the validity of Fermat's last theorem involved proving aspects of the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture, which focuses on properties of elliptic equations. Now, four mathematicians have extended this aspect of Wiles' work, offering a proof of the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture for all elliptic curves rather than just particular types. The Taniyama-Shimura theorem "is one of the major results of 20th-century mathematics," says Joe P. Buhler of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, Calif. "It verifies a truly surprising connection between disparate objects and, along the way, has all sorts of consequences in number theory."

50. Here Are Some Articles Related To Fermat S Last Theorem. Be Aware
yutaka taniyama and his time very personal recollections , by Goro Shimura; Bulletinof the London Mathematical Society, Volume 21 (1989), pages 186196.

51. : Reference : Fermat's Last Theorem
on an area of mathematics unrelated to Fermat s Last Theorem, but whose work willbecome inexorably linked to that problem Goto Shimura and yutaka taniyama.

52. Encyclopedia4U - Yutaka Taniyama - Encyclopedia Article
Encyclopedia4U List of mathematical topics (SU) - Encyclopedia symbols Table of prime factors Tait s conjecture Tally mark Tangent Tangent space Tangloids taniyama, yutaka taniyama-Shimura theorem
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Yutaka Taniyama
Yutaka Taniyama November 12 November 17 ) was a Japanese mathematician . He is known for his Taniyama-Shimura conjecture Taniyama was born in Kisai, Saitama (north of Tokyo Japan . His first name was actually Toyo, but many people misinterpreted his name as Yutaka, and he came to accept that name. In high school, he became interested in mathematics inspired by Teiji Takagi 's modern history of mathematics. Taniyama studied mathematics at the University of Tokyo after the end of World War II , and here he developed a friendship with another student named Goro Shimura . He graduated in . He remained there as a 'special research student', then as an associate professor. His interests were in algebraic number theory . He wrote Modern number theory ) in Japanese , jointly with Goro Shimura. Although they planned an English language version, they lost enthusiasm and never found the time to write it before Taniyama's death. But before all, they were fascinated with the study of modular forms , which are objects that exist in complex space that are peculiar because of their inordinate level of symmetry Taniyama's fame is mainly due to two problems posed by him at the symposium on Algebraic Number Theory held in Tokyo in (His meeting with Weil at this symposium was to have a major influence on Taniyama's work). There he presented some problems that dealt with the relationship between modular forms and elliptic curves. He had noticed some extremely peculiar similarities between the two types of entities. Taniyama's observations led him to believe that every modular form is somehow matched up with some elliptic curve. Shimura later worked with Taniyama on this idea that modular forms and elliptic curves are linked and this form the basis of the

53. Sito Web Italiano Per La Filosofia-Il Corriere Della Sera-17 NOVEMBRE 1999
yutaka taniyama, un esperto delle cosiddette curve ellittiche.


17 NOVEMBRE 1999 KEITH DEVLIN Teorema di Fermat
Colossali bluff e colpi di scena. Con una postilla giapponese
Nel 1994 il matematico inglese Andrew Wiles , dimostrando il cosiddetto ultimo teorema di Fermat, pose il sigillo finale ad una saga iniziata nella seconda metà del Seicento. Come fa ogni esperto narratore, tuttavia, Wiles aveva lasciato in sospeso un inquietante enigma. Solo nel corso dell'estate appena trascorsa una équipe di quattro matematici ha trovato la risposta giusta a questo enigma. Mi stupisce che questo importante risultato, al contrario di quanto è successo con quello di Wiles, sia passato in sordina, perfino in molti ambienti di matematici di professione.
Basandosi sui lavori dello stesso Wiles, Brian Conrad e Richard Taylor , di Harvard, Christophe Breuil dell'Università di Parigi-Sud, e Fred Diamond dell'Università Rutgers (nel New Jersey) hanno sobriamente annunciato di essere finalmente riusciti a dimostrare la correttezza della cosiddetta "congettura di Shimura Taniyama ". Questa congettura, che adesso diventa verità matematica incontestabile, era stata centralissima nella dimostrazione data da Wiles del teorema di Fermat. Per chiarezza, conviene tornare alle origini della saga, riassumendo una storia oramai ben nota.

54. Retiro Cultural - O Último Teorema De Fermat
in 1832. yutaka taniyama, whose insights would ultimately lead tothe solution, tragically killed himself in 1958. On the other
var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
Retiro Cultural - O Último Teorema de Fermat
Matematicoterapia 1
Matematicoterapia 2

A história da demonstração da conjectura mais famosa da Matemática Um problema que desafiou os matemáticos por mais de 300 anos Baseado nos livros "O Último Teorema de Fermat" de Simon Singh, edição brasileira pela Editora Record, 1998, e no livro "Fermat’s Last Theorem:Unlocking the Secret of an Ancient Mathematical Problem" By Amir D. Aczel Delta - Trade Paperbacks "This is a captivating volume ... The brilliant backdoor method used by Mr. Wiles as he reached his solution, along with the debt he owed to many other contemporary mathematicians, is graspable in Mr. Aczel’s lucid prose. Equally important is the sense of awe that Mr. Aczel imparts for the hidden, mystical harmonies of numbers, and for that sense of awe alone, his slender volume is well worth the effort." —The New York Times "For more than three centuries, Fermat’s Last Theorem was the most famous unsolved problem in mathematics; here’s the story of how it was solved ... An excellent short history of mathematics, viewed through the lens of one of its great problems — and achievements." — Kirkus Reviews "This exciting recreation of a landmark discovery reveals the great extent to which modern mathematics is a collaborative enterprise ... While avoiding technical details, Aczel maps the strange, beautiful byways of modern mathematical thought in ways the layperson can grasp."

55. Ciencia Al Día - Artículo 1 Matemáticas
Translate this page (10). Para esta época, Goro Shimura (1926-1958) y yutaka taniyama (1927- ) estudiaronlas simetrías de las formas modulares que cubren un espacio -por ejemplo
Pablo Kittl

Universidad de Chile RESUMEN [ ABSTRACT cuadrados 1, 4, 9, …; en la tercera la diferencia entre los cuadrados vecinos 3, 5, 7, …; en la cuarta las diferencias de las diferencias 2, 2, … Esquema 1. vemos que se tiene:
= 25, tenemos: Esquema 2 Solamente se obtiene el caso (3) x, y , o z u y v son x, y, z La (275-194 A.C.). x = 3 y = 4 z = 5 x = 5 y = 12 z = 13 x = 15 y = 8 z = 17 x = 7 y = 24 z = 25 x = 21 y = 20 z = 29 x = 9 y = 40 z = 41 descenso infinito p, q, (1,2,3,…) m m (m=1, 2, 3,…) del tipo Por ejemplo, tiene por soluciones , etc. p p P p es, por ejemplo: p = 3 , se tiene: E p=1 = 1, E p=2 = 4, E p=3 = 4, E p=4 = 8, E p=5 = 4, E p=6 = 16, E p=7 = 9, E p=8 que cubren un i = 1, M = 2, M M = E , M = E A N + B N = C N Y = X + (A N - B N ) X - A N B N n se tiene: y como tienen valores mayores que cero y menores que uno, es decir: de acuerdo con el Teorema de Fermat. Cuando n=1, corresponde una con el intervalo . Esta recta pasa por los puntos y , como es el caso para todo n. queda <=e valores racionales los y Cuando es muy grande (n ), las curvas tienden a acercarse al segmento superior isomorfismo Referencias [1] Rademacher, H. y Toeplitz, O., "Números y Figuras", Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1970.

56. The Master's Course
Special Studies in Sociology II (Visual Sociology) (4), Professor, Kitazawa,yutaka. Media Communication ?T(4), Professor, Hayashi,Toshitaka. taniyama,Koki.

Japanese ...
Educational Sciences Major
Educational Sciences Major of this course provides students with a curriculum well-structured as a master's course. This major is established on the basis of the three undergraduate majors (Education major, Social education major and Educational psychology major) of Department of Educational Sciences in School of Education, Waseda University. The significance of this major is to contribute to the high-skill training and orientation of educational professionals working in secondary education, or professionals of life-time education. Therefore, this major has the following three objectives: training of human resources who will meet the demands in educational fields of schools or society, orientation for teachers at work, and researches by them on theoretical issues. The curriculum of this major is considerately constructed to connect practices of education and educational theories, and each seminar and research instruction are planned with care so that students can be prepared to and have perspective for the problems at issue in educational fields. The characteristic of this major is that practical and theoretical subjects are allocated on its priority.

57. The Doctoral Course
Sociology(4), Professor, Kitazawa,yutaka. Mathematics Education I(4), ProfessorD.Edu, Sugiyama, Yoshishige. Geometry(4), Professor D.Sci. taniyama, Koki.
Fundamental Studies of Educational Sciences major Curriculum Area Sciences
Fundamental Studies of Educational Sciences Major
This major consists not only of "research instruction" in each research area but of "seminars" corresponding to them. Students of this course must attend at a one-year seminar of other research areas than theirs (multiple course-registration). This system enables students to advance interdisciplinary researches via the synthesis of theory and practice, along with deepening and expanding students' range of researches. Professional researchers educated and trained in this major are expected to acquire much expertise on practical methodology along with theoretical judgments, and to develop their competence for interdisciplinary researches. COURSES AND SEMINARS Research Faculty Educational Studies I Professor Fujii, Chiharu Educational Studies II Professor D.Ed. Yukawa, Tsugiyoshi

58. The New York Times June 28, 1994, Tuesday, Late Edition SECTION
He tried to prove a much more sweeping theorem, called the taniyamaconjecture after the Japanese mathematician yutaka taniyama.
The New York Times
June 28, 1994, Tuesday, Late Edition
SECTION: Section C; Page 1; Column 5; Science Desk
BYLINE: GINA KOLATA ONE year ago, a shy and somewhat secretivemathematician stunned the world by announcing that he had proved Fermat's last theorem, the most famous unsolved problem in mathematics. Yet a year later, he still has not published his proof. Was the claim premature? In short, it is probably too early to say. A subtle gap has been found in the manuscript of the proof. Its author, Dr. Andrew Wiles of Princeton University, is working in seclusion to close the gap. A tense quietus has settled over the community of mathematicians, a few predicting failure, others expressing confidence based on the fact that Dr. Wiles's proof is already agreed to have conquered part of another major mathematical peak known as the Taniyama conjecture. It is routine for long mathematical works to circulate before publication and for reviewers to find flaws that the author can often fix. The ground broken by Dr. Wiles's work is so novel that it is hard to gauge the seriousness of the gap that has come to light. Was the claim to have solved Fermat's last theorem premature, or will Dr. Wiles make good on his claim to have scaled a pinnacle of intellectual achievement? Dr. Wiles himself will not talk about his work on the proof. He did not answer telephone messages left at his office or a letter hand-delivered to his home in Princeton. His friends and colleagues at Princeton University say he seems to be in good spirits, but he does not offer progress reports nor, out of courtesy, do they ask how his work is going.

59. NSF - OLPA - News Tip - November 19, 1999
For more than 30 years, the conjecture by yutaka taniyama and Goro Shimura that every elliptic curve over the rational numbers is modular has
Congressional Affairs Newsroom Speeches Priority Areas ... About Us You are in: NSF Home OLPA Home Newsroom Archives ... News Tips: Previous Years News Tip
November 19, 1999
For more information on these science news and feature story tips, please contact the public information officer at the end of each item at (703) 292-8070. Editor: Cheryl Dybas Contents of this News Tip:
New Data Base On Reactive Chlorine Emissions In The Atmosphere
An international team of atmospheric chemists has produced the first gridded global inventory of reactive chlorine emissions to the atmosphere. "This work provides an objective benchmark for assessing our understanding of the global chlorine cycle, and for investigating the potential environmental implications of future changes in chlorine emissions," says scientist William Keene of the University of Virginia at Charlottesville, one of 18 investigators working on the project. Individual investigators received support from various sources, including the National Science Foundation. The project is similar to the global inventory of carbon emissions conducted several years ago to investigate natural and human influences on atmospheric carbon concentrations. That study was central to the discussions leading to the recent Kyoto protocols, a set of international guidelines for regulating future carbon emissions.

60. Encyclopedia: Yutaka Taniyama
Lindsay Russell In 1984, Ken Ribet, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, connecteda conjecture produced by yutaka taniyama and Goro Shimura to Fermat’s

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    Encyclopedia : Yutaka Taniyama
    Yutaka Taniyama November 12 November 17 ) was a Japan ese mathematician. He is known for his Taniyama-Shimura conjecture
    Taniyama was born in Kisai, Saitama (north of Tokyo Japan . His first name was actually Toyo, but many people misinterpreted his name as Yutaka, and he came to accept that name.

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