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         Takakazu:     more books (36)
  1. Zenjinteki ningenzo no kagakuron (Japanese Edition) by Takakazu Maeda, 1983
  2. Nichi-Bei domei: Hyoryu kara no dakkyaku = The Japan-U.S. alliance : from drift to revitalization (Japanese Edition) by Takakazu Kuriyama, 1997
  3. Hawai no jinjashi (Japanese Edition) by Takakazu Maeda,
  4. Nippon seiji no kaitaigaku (Japanese Edition) by Takakazu Takimura, 1996
  5. Genji monogatari no seishinshi kenkyu (Japanese Edition) by Takakazu Hayashida,
  6. Letters from Massachusetts Avenue: The correspondence of Ambassador Takakazu Kuriyama, Japan's Ambassador to the United States, March 1992-December 1995 by Takakazu Kuriyama, 1995
  7. Tsutae Satoshi Operation - Takakazu Seki Life Japanese Language Book by wind Narumi, 2000
  8. Saying Foreign (proverbial School) Japanese Language Book by Takakazu Kitamura, 2002
  9. The Magic Of Shaved Ice - The World's Success Story Short (paperback) Japanese Language Book by Takakazu Huzii, 2006
  10. The Loser Japanese Language Book by Takakazu Maeda, 2001
  11. Was My Mother Who Killed Japanese Language Book by Takakazu Maeda, 2003
  12. Coefficients of zonal polynomials of order two (Computer science monographs) by Takakazu Sugiyama, 1979
  13. 'Prepared' Dismantling Of New Titles - Introduction To Psychology Invitation Japanese Language Book by Takakazu Shimono, 2006
  14. Kole Is The Ultimate Healing - It's A Wonderful Contemporary Paranormal Phenomena Who Japanese Language Book by Takakazu Ooishi, 2003

21. Introduction For Takakazu Kojima
Click here to Japanese page. Professor takakazu Kojima Go to Kojima Lab. Date of Birth, 1944/04/27. Academic Career, 1968; Yokohama Univ.
Click here to Japanese page
Takakazu Kojima
Go to Kojima Lab.
E-mail: Date of Birth Academic Career 1968; Yokohama Univ. B. Eng.
1973; The Univ. of Tokyo, Ms. Sci.
1976; The Univ. of Tokyo Doctoral thesis Dec. 1980; Ph. D. (D. Sci.) "Solution Properties of a Polybenzimidazole" Professional Career April 1968; Kamakura Rubber Company
May 1976; Research Associate of NDA
April 1985; Lecturer
October 1988; Associate Professor
October 1993; Professor Selected Publications
  • Dilute Solution Properties of a PBI (J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Phys. Ed., 18, 1980)
  • Thermal Decomposition of PMLG (Macromolecules, 19, 1986)
  • Solution Properties of Xanthan (Polymer, 29, 1988)
  • Swelling of Poly(MMA-co-POTMDM) (Macromolecules, 23, 1990)
  • Pyrolysis GC/MS Studies on Plasma-Polymerized Pyrrole (J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 48, 1993)
  • Preparation of PPy/PTh Double Layers by Electrochemical Polymerization on Py in the Presence of Th (J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 55, 1995)
  • Thermal Analysis of Polymer Networks consisting of Different Homopolymers (J. Thermal Analysis, 49, 1997)
  • Thermal Decomposition of Poly(oxytetramethylene) Glycol (J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 77, 2000)

22. Kojima Takakazu
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Click here to English page
¬“‡ Œh˜a iKojima Takakazuj
E-mail: ¶”NŒŽ“ú Šw—ð 1968”N ‰¡•l‘—§‘åŠwHŠw•”‰ž‰ž—p‰»Šw‰È‘²‹Æ
1973”N “Œ‹ž‘åŠw‘åŠw‰@—ŠwŒ¤‹†‰ÈCŽm‰Û’ö‰»ŠwêUC—¹
1976”N “¯ ”ŽŽm‰Û’ö‰»ŠwêU–žŠú‘ÞŠw ŠwˆÊ —Šw”ŽŽm 1980”N12ŒŽ "Solution Properties of a Polybenzimidazole" E—ð 1968”N 4ŒŽ Š™‘qƒSƒ€H‹ÆŠ”Ž®‰ïŽÐ‹Zp‰Ûˆõ
1976”N 5ŒŽ –h‰q‘åŠwZ•Žè
1985”N 4ŒŽ “¯ uŽt
1988”N 10ŒŽ “¯ •‹³Žö
1993”N 10ŒŽ “¯ ‹³Žö
‚•ªŽq‰»ŠwC‰ž—p—L‹@‰»ŠwC‚•ªŽq•¨—‰»Šw ƒL[ƒ[ƒh ’˜‘E˜_•¶“™
  • Dilute Solution Properties of a PBIiJDPolymDSciDPolymDPhysDEd.,l8,1980j
  • Thermal Decomposition of PMLGiMacromoleculesC19C1986j
  • Solution Properties of XanthaniPolymerC29Cl988j
  • Swelling of PolyiMMA-co-POTMDMjiMacromoleculesC23Cl990j
  • Pyrolysis GC^MS Studies on Plasma-Polymerized PyrroleiJDApplDPolymDSciDC48C1993)
  • Preparation of PPy/PTh Double Layers by Electrochemical Polymerization on Py in the Presence of Th (J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 55, 1995)
  • Thermal Analysis of Polymer Networks consisting of Different Homopolymers (J. Thermal Analysis, 49, 1997)
  • Thermal Decomposition of Poly(oxytetramethylene) Glycol (J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 77, 2000)

23. User Profile: takakazu
SETI@home. User Profile takakazu, what is recommend? what is voteto reject? Country Japan Number of Results 0 CPU Time Per Result

24. Seki, Kowa (Takakazu)
Seki, Kowa (takakazu) (c. 16421708). Japanese mathematician who createda new mathematical notation system and used it to discover

25. Girls’ Horror Comics:  Takakazu Nagakubo
Writer/artist takakazu Nagakubo combines intricate storylines and interestingcharacters with subject matter researched with a thoroughness that would put
Karura Mau!
Other Works
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Karura Mau!
Other Works
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26. Takakazu Seki - Wikipedia
takakazu Seki (1642-1708)fu un matematico giapponese, noto come inventore dei determinanti.
Takakazu Seki
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Takakazu Seki ) fu un matematico giapponese, noto come inventore dei determinanti Seki fu un illustre esponente della scuola wasan , che considerava la matematica pi¹ vicina all' arte che alla scienza o alla tecnologia
Nonostante ci² (o, forse, proprio per questo), i matematici wasan spesso precedettero quelli occidentali nella scoperta di importanti teoremi e algoritmi (soprattutto nell' algebra lineare e multilineare, e nella soluzione approssimata delle equazioni algebriche nonlineari Views Personal tools Navigazione Cerca casella degli strumenti

27. Takakazu Seki Kowa
Translate this page takakazu Seki Kowa nasceu em Março de 1642 em Fujioka (Japão), e morreuno dia 24 de outubro de 1708 em Edo (agora Tóquio), Japão.
Takakazu Seki Kowa S E m 1674 Seki publicou Hatsubi Sampo, Leibniz S E

28. Takakazu Seki
Translate this page takakazu Seki takakazu Seki (1642-1708) fu un matematico giapponese, notocome inventore dei determinanti. Seki fu un illustre esponente
Takakazu Seki
Takakazu Seki ) fu un matematico giapponese, noto come inventore dei determinanti. Seki fu un illustre esponente della scuola wasan , che considerava la matematica arte che alla scienza o alla tecnologia
wasan spesso precedettero quelli occidentali nella scoperta di importanti teoremi e algoritmi (soprattutto nell'algebra lineare e multilineare, e nella soluzione approssimata delle equazioni algebriche nonlineari).
Websites: Tagoror Guajara Tacoronte Guia Todo Gomera ... Mi Buscador
Enciclopedia On Line: Questa pagina e disponibile con licenza GNU FDL

29. Seki Takakazu
Seki takakazu. Lived 1640 to 1708. (check these).

Seki Takakazu
Lived 1640 to 1708. (check these)

30. MSN Encarta - Takakazu Seki
Already a subscriber? Sign in above. takakazu Seki. Find more about takakazuSeki from, Other Features from Encarta. Search Encarta for takakazu Seki.
MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: logoImg(''); Encarta Subscriber Sign In Help Home ... Upgrade to Encarta Premium Search Encarta
Subscription Article MSN Encarta Premium: Get this article, plus 60,000 other articles, an interactive atlas, dictionaries, thesaurus, articles from 100 leading magazines, homework tools, daily math help and more for $4.95/month or $29.95/year (plus applicable taxes.) Learn more. This article is exclusively available for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers. Already a subscriber? Sign in above. Takakazu Seki Takakazu Seki (1640?-1708), Japanese government official and pioneering mathematician of the Edo period (1603-1867), when Japan was ruled by shoguns,... Want more Encarta? Become a subscriber today and gain access to:
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31. Atarashi Takakazu ‚ ‚½‚炵‚½‚©‚©‚¸
Atarashi takakazu . born ? ; bloodtype ?.Emi no jikan ryokou ?serialized on Margaret
Atarashi Takakazu ‚ ‚½‚炵‚½‚©‚©‚¸
[born: ? ; bloodtype: ?]
Emi no jikan ryokou
serialized on Margaret Rainbow Comics,
1 volume @ Y?
No Synopsis.
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Maintained by Peter Van Huffel, 1/17/2004

32. DBLP: Takakazu Kurokawa takakazu Kurokawa. 2003. 4, Hirotsuga Kajisaki, takakazu KurokawaSEBSW-2 SEcret-Key Block Cipher SWitcher. VLSI 2003 317-323. 2001.
Takakazu Kurokawa
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server FAQ Coauthor Index - Ask others: ACM DL ACM Guide CiteSeer CSB ... Hirotsuga Kajisaki , Takakazu Kurokawa: SEBSW-2: SEcret-Key Block Cipher SWitcher. VLSI 2003 EE Keniti Gonoi , Takakazu Kurokawa: Neural network approach to the ECM problem. Systems and Computers in Japan 32 Hiroshi Ito Takashi Matsubara , Takakazu Kurokawa, Yoshiaki Koga : A Proposal of Fault-Checking Fuzzy Control. ISMVL 1992 Yoshiyasu Takefuji , Takakazu Kurokawa, Masato Ishizaki Hideo Aiso : New Matrix Equation Solvers in GF(2) Employing Cramer with Chio Method. ICPP 1983
Coauthor Index
Hideo Aiso Keniti Gonoi Masato Ishizaki Hiroshi Ito ... Yoshiyasu Takefuji DBLP: [ Home Author Title Conferences ... Michael Ley ( Fri May 28 13:12:35 2004

33. DBLP: Takakazu Mori takakazu Mori. 2002. 5, EE, Mariko Yasugi, Yoshiki Tsujii, takakazuMori Metrization of the Uniform Space and Effective Convergence. Math. Log.
Takakazu Mori
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server FAQ Coauthor Index - Ask others: ACM DL ACM Guide CiteSeer CSB ... Yoshiki Tsujii , Takakazu Mori: Metrization of the Uniform Space and Effective Convergence. Math. Log. Q. 48 EE Takakazu Mori: On the computability of Walsh functions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 284 EE Takakazu Mori: Computabilities of Fine-Continuous Functions. CCA 2000 EE Yoshiki Tsujii Mariko Yasugi , Takakazu Mori: Some Properties of the Effective Uniform Topological Space. CCA 2000 EE Mariko Yasugi , Takakazu Mori, Yoshiki Tsujii : Effective Properties of Sets and Functions in Metric Spaces with Computability Structure. Theor. Comput. Sci. 219
Coauthor Index
Yoshiki Tsujii Mariko Yasugi DBLP: [ Home Author Title Conferences ... Michael Ley ( Fri May 28 13:12:35 2004

34. Lawrence University Scarff Visiting Professors
The Stephen Edward Scarff Memorial Visiting Professorship. takakazuKuriyama. takakazu Kuriyama, LL.D. 93, who attended Lawrence
The Stephen Edward Scarff Memorial Visiting Professorship
Takakazu Kuriyama
Takakazu Kuriyama, LL.D. '93, who attended Lawrence University in the mid-1950s and went on to become Japan's ambassador to the United States, served as Stephen Edward Scarff Memorial Visiting Professor during the first five weeks of the Fall Term in 2000, team-teaching, with Franklin M. Doeringer, the Nathan M. Pusey Professor of East Asian Studies and professor of history, a course titled The Postwar Japanese-American Relationship. Ambassador Kuriyama attended Lawrence during the 1954-55 academic year as a special student in an overseas study program sponsored by the Japanese Foreign Ministry. In addition to his year at Lawrence, during which he was elected to the honorary society Mace, Kuriyama also attended Amherst College under the same program. He is a graduate of the University of Tokyo. Son of a former justice of Japan's Supreme Court, Kuriyama began a distinguished diplomatic career in 1954. Prior to his 1992 appointment as ambassador to the United States, a position he held until 1996, Kuriyama served as vice-minister for foreign affairs, ambassador to Malaysia, director general of the North American Affairs Bureau, and counselor to the Embassy of Japan in Washington, D.C. Since leaving public service, he has taught courses on international relations at Tokyo's Waseda University. In 1993, he returned to Lawrence to receive the honorary degree Doctor of Laws at a special convocation, in which he spoke about the importance of removing "barriers of ignorance" to improve U.S.-Japan relations.

35. NAKABAYASHI, Takakazu
English/Japanese. NAKABAYASHI, takakazu; Research Associate. ExcitedState Chemistry, Department of Electronic Structure. Curriculum
[English/ Japanese
NAKABAYASHI, Takakazu; Research Associate
Excited State Chemistry, Department of Electronic Structure
Curriculum Vitae
Born in Fukuoka
Graduated from Kumamoto Prefectural Seiseiko Senior High School
B. S. from Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo
M. S. from School of Science, The University of Tokyo
JSPS Fellow
Research Associate at Institute for Molecular Science
Dr. of Science from The University of Tokyo
Major field
Molecular Spectroscopy, Solution Chemistry, Photochemistry
Current subjects
  • Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Study on the Ultlafast Photodissociation and Reassociation Dynamics of Cluster Species in the Liquid State
  • Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Study on the Photochemical Dynamics in the Liquid State
  • Theoretical Study on the Local Structure in the Liquid State
    Main publications
  • N. Nishi, T. Nakabayashi, and K. Kosugi, "Raman Spectroscopic Study on Acetic Acid Clusters in Aqueous Solutions: Dominance of Acid-Acid Association Producing Micro-Phases," J. Phys. Chem. A
  • T. Nakabayashi, K. Kosugi, and N. Nishi, "Liquid Structure of Acetic Acid Studied by Raman Spectroscopy and ab Initio Molecular Orbital Calculations," J. Phys. Chem. A
  • 36. Takakazu SUZUKI, Dr.
    takakazu SUZUKI, Dr. Born Place Tokyo, Japan. Education Tohoku University/ Ph. TL.Starr (Right) at GTRI. takakazu SUZUKI s Publications.
    Last Modified : Oct 13, 2002. (C) Eco-Materials Design Group Unit. All right reserved)
    Takakazu SUZUKI, Dr.
    Born Place : Tokyo, Japan
    Education Tohoku University / Ph. D. in Materials Science
    Hobby : Tennis, Music, Square Dance (Caller)
    Research Fields : Interface Properties in Metallic/Organic/Inorganic Systems, Computational Science
    Overseas Experience
    France- Universite de Technologie de Compiegne (lived in Paris
    U.S.A. Georgia Institute of Technology Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (lived in Saratoga N.Y.
    Prof. R. Naslain(Center left)
    at NIMC
    at Stamford Research Labo of American Cyanamid Company (C.T., USA)
    Prof. W.J. Lackey (left) and Prof. T.L.Starr (Right)
    at GTRI
    Takakazu SUZUKI's Publications
  • Publications in recent years T. Suzuki, H. Umehara, and X.L. Guo, Interface Design and Characterization of SiC/TiAl , Proc. of ICCE/7 , (Denver, Colorado, July 2-8 2000), 837-838. T. Suzuki, H. Umehara, and X.L. Guo, Interface Modification of Polymer-Derived SiC Single Fiber and Ti Aluminide Composites, Proc. of ICCM-12
  • 37. $BJ*
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    $B!VJ* $B$3$A$i(J $B$K$"$j$^$9!#$4$f$k$j$H!#(J

    38. Give It A Go Takakazu Live Better Shop
    . . ?. 0904166-4791. 055-989-3183. Give it a go takakazu Live Bettershop.

    39. Ãö§µ©M¡]Seki, Takakazu, 1642-1708¡^
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    ö§µ©M¡]Seki, Takakazu, 1642-1708¡^ ¡@¡@¤é¥»¼Æ¾Ç®a¡C1642¦~¥Í©ó¸s°¨¿¤©£¡A1708¦~10¤ë24 ¤é¨ò©ó¦¿¤á¡]¤µªF¨Ê¡^¡C¥X¨­©óªZ¤h®a®x¡A¾Ú¸ü´¿ÀH¼Æ¾Ç ¦W®a°ª­ì¦NºØ¾Ç¼Æ¾Ç¡A¤HºÙ¼Æ¾Ç¯«µ£¡C«áªø´Á¦b¦¿¤á¥ô¶Q ±Ú®a©²®a¦Ú¡A´xºÞ°]½á¡Aª½¨ì1706¦~°h¾¡C¥L¬O¤é¥»¶Ç²Î ¼Æ¾Ç¡Ð©Mºâªº³þ°ò¤H¡A¤]¬Oö¤ó¾Ç¬£¡]©ÎºÙö¬y¡^ªº³Ð©l ¤H¡A¦b¤é¥»³Q´LºÙ¬°ºâ¸t¡C

    40. Artothek: 04.03. - 07.04.2004 Takakazu Takeuchi
    Translate this page 04.03. - 07.04.2004. takakazu Takeuchi. Blinder Schlaf. takakazuTakeuchi, 1961 in Nabari, Mie-Präfektur/Japan geboren, studierte
    german galleries index cities index galleries index artists ... index Cologne
    Am Hof 50
    Tel. 0221 - 221 23 32; Fax 221 32 65
    Mo - Do 13 - 19 Uhr, Fr 10 - 17 Uhr

    aktuelle Ausstellung / current exhibition

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    Takakazu Takeuchi
    Blinder Schlaf

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