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1. Untitled 2 LCN 99896207 Ibn Ashur, Muhammad al-Tahir, Usul al-nizam al-ijtimai fi al-Islam / talif Muhammad al-tahir ibn Ashur ; qaraahu wa-kharraja ahadithahu http://www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/MiddleEast/Cairo/2001/l2001-091 | |
2. Al-Baghdadi Abu Mansur ibn Tahir AlBaghdadi. His full name is Abu Mansur Abr al-Qahiribn tahir ibn Muhammad ibn Abdallah al-Tamini al-Shaffi al-Baghdadi. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Al-Baghdadi.html | |
3. I900.html Tengku MOHAMMED tahir ibn Badar Shah Tengku Mariam binti Mohammed Tahir 30 JUN 1954 Tengku KHAIRUDDIN ibn Mohammed Tahir 25 MAR 1960 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~royalty/malaysia/i900.html | |
4. Tahir Ibn Husayn - Encyclopedia Article About Tahir Ibn Husayn. Free Access, No encyclopedia article about tahir ibn Husayn. tahir ibn Husayn in Free onlineEnglish dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. tahir ibn Husayn. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Tahir ibn Husayn | |
5. LIST OF PERSONS 4 SEP 1880 8 MAR 1926 ABBAS IBN ABDULDJALIL, Tun - Aft 1736 MOHAMMED SHAH IBN ABDUL RAHMAN, Tengku 1972 - MOHAMMED tahir ibn BADAR SHAH, Tengku http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~royalty/malaysia/persons.html | |
6. Tahir Ibn Al-Husayn - Encyclopedia Article About Tahir Ibn Al-Husayn. Free Acces encyclopedia article about tahir ibn alHusayn. tahir ibn al-Husayn in Free onlineEnglish dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. tahir ibn al-Husayn. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Tahir ibn al-Husayn | |
7. Tahir Ibn Husayn Encyclopedia. Main Page See live article, tahir ibn Husayn. tahir ibn Husayn(d. 822) was a Persian general and governor during the Abbasid caliphate. http://www.sciencedaily.com/encyclopedia/tahir_ibn_husayn | |
8. Fourth To Seventh Century 200. Abu Tahir Muhammad ibn `Abd alRahman al-Mukhallis alDhahabi (d Abu al-Fadl Muhammad ibn tahir ibn `Ali alShaybani alMaqdisi, known as Ibn alQaysarani (d http://www.al-islam.org/thaqalayn/nontl/Nar4-7.htm | |
9. Iran & Iranian Web Site History & Persian Culture The Tahirids In 205/820 al Mamun, the Abbasid caliph, appointed tahir ibnHusayn ibn Masab to rule over a large portion of the Abbasid caliphate. http://www.iranian.ws/7000-4.htm | |
10. Our Belief In Ahl Al-Bayt [as] Historical Aspect of the Imam's Biography. Imam's Role in Eliminating alFadl ibn Sahl he was able through his cunning to depose tahir ibn al-Husayn from the post of leadership after Fadl regarding Harthama, and that tahir ibn al-Husayn had done an http://www.al-islam.org/al-rida/1-5.htm | |
11. Iranian & Iran Web Site History & Persian Culture Tabarestan was finally conquered completely in 141/7589 and Gilan and Deylamestanin 201/816-7. When the caliph al - Mamun appointed tahir ibn Husayn to rule http://www.iranian.ws/7000-3.htm | |
12. I31.html Sidi MUHAMMED altahir ibn Husain. BORN 1828 DIED 1879 FATHER Bey HUSAIN II ibn Mahmud 16 MAR 1784 - 20 MAY 1835 PARTNER http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~royalty/tunis/i31.html | |
13. Salasilah Tun Mutahir Tun Ali Tun Mutahir ibn Bendahara Tun Ali ibn Bendahara Tun Quraish ibn Tun Isap ibn Tun Mahmud ibn Tun tahir ibn Bendahara Seri Nara diRaja Tun Ali ibn Raja Mani http://www.geocities.com/mzfr/tmta/Salasilah.htm | |
14. I904.html Tengku KHAIRUDDIN ibn Mohammed Tahir. BORN 25 MAR 1960 FATHER TengkuMOHAMMED tahir ibn Badar Shah MOTHER Puan Fauziah binti Abdullah http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~royalty/malaysia/i904.html | |
15. Ibn Tahir Translate this page Abu Mansur Abr al-Qahir ibn tahir ibn Muhammad ibn Abdallah al-Tamini al-Shaffi al-Baghdadi. IbnTahir fue más que un gran matemático, un excelente maestro. http://redescolar.ilce.edu.mx/redescolar/act_permanentes/mate/mate4h/mate4h.htm | |
16. Taha Definition Of Taha. What Is Taha? Meaning Of Taha. What Does Taha Mean? Tah enc.) tahir ibn alHusayn ( enc.) tahir ibn Husayn ( enc.) Tahir Yoldoshev http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Taha | |
17. Online Encyclopedia - Tahir Ibn Husayn Salaam Knowledge Diary. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. BiographicalData Name tahir ibn Al Husayn. Period 822. Biographical http://www.yourencyclopedia.net/Tahir_ibn_Husayn | |
18. FAIRUZABADI but-tahir ibn Ibrahim Majd ud-Din niFairzabgdI (1329-1414), Arabian lexicographer, was born at KArazin 100 volumes uniting the dictionaries of Ibn Sida, a Spanish philologist (d http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/F/FA/FAIRUZABADI.htm | |
19. Salaam Knowledge .. tahir ibn Al Husayn, 822, The founder of the Tahirid dynasty. Tahir Tahmasp I, 1514 - 1576, Saffavid Shah of Iran. Tahmasp I enthrone http://www.salaam.co.uk/knowledge/biography/bio_letter.php?letter=t |
20. Saudi Aramco World : The Potter's Of Al-Qarah on the north side of the jebel is neither a hideout nor the site of buried treasure. It is, less romantically, the workshop of Sayied tahir ibn Ali Al http://www.saudiaramcoworld.com/issue/196108/the.potter.s.of.al-qarah.htm | |
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