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         Steinitz Ernst:     more detail
  1. Vorlesungen uber die Theorie der Polyeder: Unter Einschluss der Elemente der Topologie (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften ; 41) (German Edition) by Ernst Steinitz, 1976
  2. People From Siemianowice Slaskie: Wojciech Korfanty, Barbara Blida, Michael Jary, Ernst Steinitz, Daniel Podrzycki, Józef Skrzek
  3. Siemianowice Slaskie: People From Siemianowice Slaskie, Wojciech Korfanty, Barbara Blida, Michael Jary, Ernst Steinitz, Daniel Podrzycki
  4. Algebraische Theorie der Korper by Ernst Steinitz, 1930
  5. VORLESUNGEN UBER DIE THEORIE DER POLYEDER. by Ernst Steinitz & Hans Rademacher., 1934
  6. Algebraische Theorie Der Korper by Ernst Steinitz, 1950-01-01
  7. Algebraische Theorie Der Körper by Ernst Steinitz, 1950
  8. Joueur D'échecs Autrichien: Wilhelm Steinitz, Erich Eliskases, Ernst Grünfeld, Rudolf Spielmann, Johann Berger, Ignác Kolisch, Ernst Falkbeer (French Edition)
  9. Vorlesungen über die Theorie der Polyeder unter Einschluss der Elemente der Topologie (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) (German Edition) by Ernst Steinitz, 1977-02-01
  10. Volksliedsammler Und -forscher: Achim von Arnim, Clemens Brentano, Louis Pinck, Ernst Klusen, V. U. Hammershaimb, Wolfgang Steinitz (German Edition)
  11. Austrian Chess Players: Wilhelm Steinitz, Erich Eliskases, Carl Schlechter, Richard Réti, Ernst Grünfeld, Albert Salomon Von Rothschild

61. Review-Symposium: Versäumte Fragen - Beitrag Wolfgang Jacobeit
Translate this page Stern, Alfred Kantorowicz, ernst Bloch (bei dem dann in Tübingen gehört zu haben,Heinrich August Winkler hervorhebt, S. 371), Wolfgang steinitz, Hans Mayer
H -Soz- u -Kult Review-Symposium:
Mehr als ein Questionnaire
Diese knappe Darstellung meines wissenschaftlichen Werdegangs [ Anmerkungen ] Eine Metapher von Hans-Ulrich Wehler. ] Vgl. Anm. 5. ] Maus, Heinz, "Zur Situation der deutschen Volkskunde". In: Die Umschau, Internationale Revue 1/1946, S. 349ff. ] Vgl. Anm. 5. ] Ebd., S. 20. ] Vgl. Anm. 2. H -SOZ- U -KULT (H-NET) H-SOZ-U-KULT@H-NET.MSU.EDU Symposium

62. Insel Hiddensee Informationen Kunst Und Kultur
Translate this page 1880-1934), Schriftsteller, Drehbuchautor Schmidt, Hugo ernst (1863-1899 der AntroposophieSteinhoff, Hans (1882-1945), Filmregisseur steinitz, Wolfgang (1905
Henni Lehmann
zusammengestellt und bearbeitet von Kurt Dittman und Dr. Manfred Faust
B C D ... Z
Federzeichnung Henni Lehmann
Abendroth, Hermann (1883-1956), Prof., Dirigent
Abusch, Alexander (1902-1982), Schriftsteller, Journalist, DDR-Kulturminister
Andrae, Elisabeth (1876-1960), Malerin
Ansorge, Conrad (1862-1930), Prof., Pianist, Komponist
Arendt, Erich (1903-1984), Lyriker
Arnheim, Clara (1870-ca. 1942), Malerin, ins KZ Theresienstadt deportiert Arnim, Elisabeth von (1866-1941), Schriftstellerin B Baetke, Walter (1894-1978), Prof., Philologe und Religionswissenschaftler Bamberg, Katharina (1873-1966), Malerin Barlach, Ernst (1870-1938), Bildhauer, Schriftsteller Barthel, Kurt (1914-1967), Lyriker und Filmautor Bauch, Robert (1897-1957), Prof., Botaniker, Leiter der Biologischen Forschungsanstalt Hiddensee Becher, Johannes Robert (1891-1958), Schriftsteller, Kulturminister der DDR

63. Germany's Jewish Knights Of The Air - 2
Ltn. Otto Erich Bloch. Oberarzt dR Hermann Jaffé. Haupt. Neuberg. ernst steinitz.Hans Block. Ltn. Bertold Jessel. Uffz. Alfred Neufeld. Ltn.dR Max Strauss. Ltn.
WILHELM FRANKL W Frankl wearing the "Blue Max,"Germany's highest decoration postcard from World War I: "Our most successful flyer, Lieutenant Frankl." I n a short amount of time Frankl shot down several enemy planes, and soon afterwards his picture was featured on German postcards and he was hailed as a national hero. Frankl received the Pour-le-mérite (nicknamed the "Blue Max"), which was Germany's equivalent to America's Medal of Honor. He was made commander of his own squadron, Jasta F rankl was killed on April 8, 1917, when the Albatros D.III he was flying fell apart during combat over France. Just three days before he had shot down three enemy aircraft in one day, for a total of 19. He was buried in Berlin-Charlottenburg, but his grave has been lost to war and history. Frankl was excluded from Pour-le-mérite Flieger , Walter Zuerl's 1938 chronicle of German World War I fighter pilots who had received the Pour-le-mérite . In spite of his conversion, Frankl apparently was, in Nazi eyes, still a Jew.

64. Biographien
Translate this page großen Vorkämpfer - Die bedeutendsten Partien der Schachweltmeister Band 1 steinitz,Lasker und Ehn ernst Grünfeld - Der Variantenkoffer Band 1 1911-1920.
Bestellungen/Anfragen einfach per formloser: Biographien und Partiesammlungen Eine weitere Rubrik, die mir ganz besonders am Herzen liegt.
Wird ein Meister gefragt, wie man sich im Schach verbessern kann, lautet die Antwort häufig: "Studiere Partiesammlungen der größten Spieler der Schachgeschichte!" am besten, wenn die Partien von den Koryphäen selbst kommentiert worden sind, so wird meist hinzugefügt.
Letzterer Zusatz gilt freilich auch nur im Allgemeinen; ein Buch wie Agur: Fischer zeigt, welch tolle Ergebnisse auch bei einem Werk aus "dritter" Hand möglich sind.
So enthält diese Rubrik etliche der besten Schachbücher aller Zeiten. Manches fehlt vielleicht; in vielen Fällen weil das Buch zur Zeit nicht erhältlich ist (vergriffen oder "totgeramscht"), manches erschien mir für den deutschen Markt nicht bedeutsam genug (z. B. englischsprachige Partiensammlungen von Keene, Ivan Sokolov, Awerbach etc.). Wieder andere Bücher haben zwar einen gutklingenden Titel, werden aber ihrem Anspruch nicht im Geringsten gerecht. Manche Lücke ist indes schlichter "Zufall" und wird ggf. noch im Lauf der Zeit geschlossen. Spieler namen.

65. Samuel Fischer (1859-1934)
Translate this page steinitz begründete daraufhin einen eigenen Verlag. Fischer war von der politischenGefährdung des Verlags und dem ernst der antisemitischen Verlautbarungen
Sie sind hier: Wirtschaft Fischer Geschichte Wissenschaft ... Kunst
Samuel Fischer (1859-1934)

66. Hagener Schachverein - Seit 1975
Translate this page Ersnst zu viel Spiel und für das Spiel zu viel ernst (Gotthold Ephraim als BerufWährend einer Zugfahrt nach London kam der Weltmeister steinitz mit einem

67. Schach-Club Raguhn - Anekdoten Und Weisheiten Aus Der Geschichte Zum Königliche
steinitz Sie müssen verwendeteLiteratur Rolf Voland Schach - ernst und heiter (1980); Nikolai
Weltmeister 1972
Die Formel dazu lautet 20
Weltmeister 1985
Startseite SC Raguhn Weil das Schach das edelste Spiel ist
und im Vergleich zu anderen Spielen
Aus dem "Buch der Spiele" von König Alfons dem Weisen,
Sevilla anno 1283 Viele Vertreter der Wissenschaft haben dem Schach Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Auch der geniale Chemiker Dimitri I. Mendelejew erholte sich gern am Schachbrett.
In ihren Erinnerungen erzählt Olga Osarewskaja, die Mitarbeiterin des großen Gelehrten: "D. I. Mendelejew spielt Schach stunden- und nächtelang. Er gewährt sich und seinem Partner so lange das Vergnügen, bis er sich wieder erholt hat. Dann aber setzt er sich erneut hin und schreibt."
Auf jede Reise nahm der Gelehrte ein Schachspiel mit. "D. I. Mendelejew hatte sich selbst ein zusammenlegbares Schachbrett angefertigt, auf dem er mit Pappfiguren spielte", erinnerte sich eine andere Person aus dem Bekanntenkreis des Wissenschaftlers.
Am Ende des vergangenen Jahrhunderts traf sich Mendelejew einige Male mit Michael Tschigorin am Schachbrett.

68. Ernst Strouhal - Acht X Acht - 463 Pages, Hardback, 1996.: 20,43 Euro - Chess Hi
100 36. Von Morphy (1858) zu steinitz (1873) Zeitgeist
out of stock Ernst Strouhal acht x acht Zur Kunst des Schachspiels
Catalogue It's a great huge game of chess that's being played - all over the world - if this is the world at all, you know. Lewis Carroll
List of Content In Rubinsteins Welt - Ein Tag, ein Leben, ein Spiel 001 1. Auf einer Zugfahrt nach Rotterdam 001 2. Ein tragbares Vaterland 003 3. Karlsbad 1929 004 4. An der Zeitmauer: Die Legende vom Weizenkorn - Ein Elefantenreiter 007 5. Rubinstein 1882: Eine alte Synagoge - Talmudische Spiele 009 6. Transfer Persien: Das Spiel von Afrasiab - Leitmotiv Krieg - Die kostbare Zahl Zero 010 7. Rubinstein 1882 - 1896: Stawiski - Jugend im Stetl 012 8. Transfer Arabien: Das Spiel von Nischapur - Die abstrakte Form - Polyvalenz der Metapher 013 9. Rubinstein 1898: 014 10. Das abbasidische Spiel: Tabiyas - Die profane Kunst der Mansube 018 11. Transfer Europa: Ziriabs Reise von Bagdad nach Cordoba im Jahr 822 - Das Gedicht Ibn Ezras - Ein Testament in Urgel 020 12. Rubinstein 1900 - 1902: Flucht aus dem Elend - Von Stawiski nach Bialystok 021 13. Circumstatio und furor ludi:

69. 1707 Leonhard Euler
orthogonal series. 1869 Elie Joseph Cartan (MT) (1869 Dolomieu 1951Paris); 1871 ernst steinitz (MT) (1871 Laurahütte - 1928 Kiel); 1873
This concerns the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras. The following links and remarks focus the attention to the biographies of the most active mathematicians in the field, covering the development say until 1960, and some scattered later data. Also included are names which are used as labels in common notions.
The final aim will be to present a list which is on the one hand quite complete, taking into account all the major developments, but, on the other hand, also as condensed as possible. Most links lead to MT - the The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive . Some of the links provide in addition a selection of papers: these are supposed to be the really relevant ones, and are suggested for reading.

70. May 9, 2004
a courtroom awaiting her testimony at Holocaust denier ernst Zundel s deportation ofthe Hamas leader, Abdel Aziz alRantissi, Yuval steinitz was interviewed
May 9, 2004 Writer Fights Zundel Subpoena
Author, judge object to taking stand at Holocaust denier's deportation hearing
UPDATED AT 10:49 PM EDT Thursday, May. 6, 2004
A Federal Court of Canada judge showed no sympathy yesterday for an author fighting to stay off the witness stand at Holocaust-denier Ernst Zundel's deportation hearing.

Zundel Lawyers Debate Subpoena of Top Judge
Canadian Press
TORONTO ­ Lawyers in the Ernst Zundel deportation case wrangled Wednesday over whether a top Ontario judge who once represented the infamous Holocaust-denier should have to testify at his federal court hearing.
'The Only Reason Everybody Has Their Tail Feathers in a Knot is Because I'm a Judge' By KIRK MAKIN JUSTICE REPORTER Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - Page A5 An Ontario judge stunned a courtroom awaiting her testimony at Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel's deportation hearing yesterday by instead launching a bid to avoid testifying.

71. "Breuer Stefan" At ZVAB - Register Of Antiquarian Books (order Antiquarian Books
Translate this page Includes the work of Manfred George, Thomas Mann, Hans steinitz, Kurt Lubinski FritzHallendall, Max Tau, Ludwig Marcuse, Stefan Zweig, ernst Lothar, Herman
Breuer Stefan
Welcome to the 'Main Register of Used Books' at
This is just the place to discover over 9 million of rare, used and out-of-print books, sheets of music, graphic art, postcards and more from antiquarian bookshops in 20 countries. ZVAB Homepage
Deutsche Version
Search our books database for it's current content on ' Breuer Stefan
Breuer Stefan
' an. entries on ' Breuer Stefan ' were recently found. (26.05.2004)
These are just 2 occasional examples ...
Schaber, Will, Ed.
pages starting to brown, still Very Good Condition in chipped DJ Lacks Jacket A collection of writings from the pages of AUFBAU, the voice of European exiles in America Includes the work of: Manfred George, Thomas Mann, Hans Steinitz, Kurt Lubinski, Ruediger von Wechmar, Joachim Trenkner, Hans Natonek, Josef Thon, Willy O. Somin, Carl Milsch, Kurt Grossmann, Alfred Polgar, Leo Lania, Wilfred Hulse, Walter Hellendall, Fritz Bauer, Emil Ludwig, Gerold Frank, George Wronkow, Peter Fabrizius, Arno Reinfrank, Nelly Sachs, Victoria Wolff, Oskar Maria Graf, Lion Feuchtwanger, Fritz von Unruh, Joseph Wechsberg, Otto Leichter, Hans Kuehner, Edwin Landau, Franz Werfel, Johannes Urzidil, Herman Broch, Carl Zukermeyer, Julius Bab, Kurt Pinthus, Vera Craener, Paul Nettl, Karl Jaspers, Kurt Pinthus, Hugo Mann, Francois Bondy, Heinz Paechter, Richard Plant, Robert Breuer , Claus-Henning bachmann, Will Schaber, Fritz Hallendall, Max Tau, Ludwig Marcuse, Stefan Details Schaber, Will, Ed.

72. Bibliografie.partiesammlungen
Translate this page 8°, 88. Hooper, David, steinitz, W. - Wilhelm steinitz. 8°, 160. Hübner, Robert,Hübner, R. - Fünfundfünzig feiste Fehler, Stamsried, 1991, ernst Vögel, Lwd.Gr.
1979. Jahrbuch der Schachereignisse 1979 Weltwoche brosch. Adorjan, Andras/Dory Jeno Black is OK! Hollfeld C. Bange Verlag brosch. Aljechin, A. Aljechin, A. - Auf dem Wege zur Weltmeisterschaft (1923-27) Berlin/Leipzig brosch./
Lwd. Aljechin, A. Aljechin, A. - Meine besten Partien. 1908-1923 1. dt. Ausg. Berlin brosch./
Lwd. Anton, Reinhold Schach. 35 Meisterpartien Hildesheim Gebr. Gerstenberg brosch. Assiac (= H. Fraenkel) Lwd./SU Bachmann, Ludwig Aus vergangenen Zeiten 1. Ausg. Berlin
Kagan br./HLwd./
Lwd. Bachmann, Ludwig Pillsbury, H. N. - Schachmeister H. N. Pillsbury 1. Aufl. Ansbach Lwd. Bachmann, Ludwig Pillsbury, H. N. - Schachmeister H. N. Pillsbury 3. Aufl. Repr. Ansbach Pp. Bachmann, Ludwig 1. Aufl. Ansbach
2 Lw./2 Pp. Verschiedene. - Die Weltmeister des Schachspiels Hamburg Rattmann brosch. Baturinski, Viktor Karpow, A. - Das Schachgenie Karpow Berlin Sportverlag kart. Beheim-Schwarzbach, Martin Das Buch vom Schach Hamburg Hans Dulk kart. Beheim-Schwarzbach, Martin Das grosse Schachbuch (s. a.) Droemer kart.

73. Einstein Archives Online - Contents Of Folder 45-2
Translate this page full record from archival database, 45-56.00, 04/05/1926, steinitz, W, BARON recordfrom archival database, 45-129.00, 02/07/1918, Troeltsch, ernst, Einstein, Albert,

74. Lehrstuhl Für Germanistische Linguistik
Translate this page Herbert ernst Wiegand zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet. Hrsg. Andrea Lehr (Zs.-Abstract)Renate steinitz, Die Kopula werden und die Situationstypen.
Startseite A. LehrLehrveranstaltungenForschungBeruflicher Werdegang ... Private Homepage Publikationsliste in Vorbereitungim Druck

- in Vorbereitung - zurück
Andrea Lehr:
Veränderungen im öffentlichen Sprachgebrauch nach dem 11. September: Sprachwandel oder ein kurzlebiges Phänomen? (Aufsatz)
Andrea Lehr:
Politischer Sprachkampf zu Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts - am Beispiel von Leitkultur (Aufsatz)
Andrea Lehr:
Die hypertextuelle Gestaltung des GWDS. Erscheint in: Untersuchungen zur kommerziellen Lexikographie I: Duden. Das große Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache in zehn Bänden. Print- und CD-ROM-Version. Hrsg. von Herbert Ernst Wiegand. Bd. 2. Tübingen 2003 (Lexicographica. Series Maior). (Aufsatz)
Andrea Lehr:
Neuartige Rezeptionsstrategien im Umgang mit Hypertexten? Nichtlinearität und Multimedialität als Eigenschaften von Hypertexten und Texten. Erscheint im Tagungsband des Themenbereichs 'Neue Medien, neue Kompetenzen' der GAL-Jahrestagung 2002. (Aufsatz)
Andrea Lehr:
Lemmatisierte Wortbildungselemente im Duden Großes Fremdwörterbuch.
Infothek PD Dr. Andrea Lehr (Publikationen)

75. Jungle World 36/2002
Translate this page Der österreichische Schachautor ernst Strouhal schreibt über Gutmayer, er habe»Einfluss auf eine breite Anzahl von Sie beginnt mit Wilhelm steinitz.
Nr. 36/2002 - 28. August 2002 Im Archiv suchen:
Interview Disko Inland ... Junk Word Rubriken Nachrichten
... Alternative Lebensformen Sonstiges Archiv Jungle Abos Impressum Neu: Kleinanzeigen
E-Mail Redaktion Webmaster
A. Aljechin. Alexander Aljechin wurde vor 110 Jahren, am 1. November 1892, in Moskau geboren. Er war von 1927 bis 1935 sowie von 1937 bis zu seinem Tod im Jahre 1946 Weltmeister.
Fax ++ 49-30-61 8 20 55

76. The First Official World Championship Match Took Place In 1886
Martin, Toledo; Charles Intrepidie, Manhattan Chess Club of New York; ernst Hoelke,Leadville Prior to that event Herr steinitz had borne off the honors alike
continued...]The first official World Championship match took place in 1886 between Wilhelm Steinitz and J.H. Zukertort. Split playing sites are not unique to the modern era. The rules for the 1886 match provided that the match would be played in New York, St. Louis and New Orleans. The match arrived in St. Louis with Zukertort holding an apparently commanding 4-1 lead. The two main newspapers, The "St. Louis Globe Democrat" and the "St. Louis Post-Dispatch" both covered the St. Louis leg. Robert Sutter has been kind enough to go through the archives and dig up all thirteen articles which both papers published and send them to us. When combined, they represent a fascinating chronicle of championship play a century ago. We have arranged the articles chronologically and, due to their length, divided the full presentation into six parts. We have also converted all game notation to English Algebraic and inserted diagrams where appropriate. We are pleased to present Part 1 of... Steinitz vs. Zukertort 1886 Match for the World Chess Championship The St. Louis Games "St. Louis Globe Democrat" Wednesday, February 3, 1886, Page 5 THE CHESS MATCH Everything is now ready for the second section of the match between J. H. Zukertort and Wilhelm Steinitz, the greatest chess players of the day. The number of games to be played here will be at least three, and probably more. The stakes are $2,000 a side, and the time limit is fifteen moves per hour. The umpires will be Ben R. Foster for Steinitz and William Duncan for Zukertort. The contest will open at Harmonie Club, Olive and Eighteenth Streets, at 2 o'clock this afternoon. No tickets will be disposed of at the door, and they can be secured only from the members of the Committee on Arrangements. The New York Chess Club has made preparations for exhibiting each move as it is telegraphed on, as well as any interesting events of the match. The New York Evening Telegram will have a reporter for its paper. Henry Turner, President of the Brooklyn chess club, is in the city, and will witness the contest. "The first five games," says a gentleman writing from the East, "were very unsatisfactory. Both players played badly and did themselves no credit. The games will not bear analysis, and only prove that earlier the players are entirely out of practice or are not possessed of sufficient nerve to play for such high stakes, or that they have deteriorated in their play." Spectators will be permitted to use pocket chess boards only for following the games, but no analysis of them is allowed and loud conversation can not be indulged in. The Secretary of the Chess, Checker, and Whist Club, S. M. Joseph, 103 North Broadway, will furnish tickets on application to him. A large attendance at the match is expected. "St. Louis Post-Dispatch" Wednesday, February 3, 1886, Page 3 THEIR FIRST GAME STEINITZ AND ZUKERTORT, CHESS CHAMPIONS, BEGIN THEIR ST. LOUIS SERIES A Light Attendance at the Harmonie Club - The Ruy Lopez Gambit Used in Opening Contest - Status of the Tourney Quite a number of gentlemen interested in the scientific game of chess gathered in the director's room of the Harmonie Club this afternoon to witness the continuation of the match between J. H. Zukertort and Wilhelm Steinitz. Amongst the strangers present were W.H. Ripley, secretary of the Indianapolis Chess Club; Major Henry Turner, president of the Brooklyn club; D. McAffee of the Quincy club; Dr. E. Hoelke of Leadville, Colo.; Mr. Intrepidie of the Manhattan club, New York; and Mr. Foster of the Baltimore club. Arrangements had been made for the seconding of players so that Dr. Zukertort had for his best man Mr. William Duncan, and Steinitz, Mr. Ben R. Foster. The terms of the match are $2,000 a side and the championship of the world, a limit of fifteen moves an hour. The match will be continued in St. Louis until one of the players wins three games. Five games were played in New York, of which Dr. Zukertort won four and Steinitz one. The match will be finished in New Orleans and will be continued until either of the chess men shall have won ten games. At the Hall It was not until 1:30 that many of the chessplayers of the city began to gather at the Harmonie club. They immediately sought the dining room on the first floor, where six rows of eleven chairs each had been placed for the spectators. The chairs faced the west and the spectators followed the game from a large board with a forty-eight inch field, elevated on an easel. Mr. Lewis Haller manipulated the pieces on the board. The champions themselves were to sit in the center of the reading room facing east and west upon a platform eight feet by six, and one foot high. This platform was placed directly in the center of the space afforded by folding the doors which were thrown open, giving the audience a side view of the great players who sat in such a position that they could throw side glances out on Olive Street. The board and pieces were loaned by Judge Chester H. Krum, the board being of morocco with red and cream squares. The pieces were club-size Staunton. The rules of the match required 30 moves in the first two hours. The time was measured by a unique arrangement of two small clocks, one for each player, hung on a balance, like a seesaw, and so adjusted that neither would run unless it was depressed. Each second looked after the clock of his champion, and as soon as the play was made pressed down his clock, and the time of the move began to be ticked off. At 2 o'clock the distinguished players had not arrived, but the following gentlemen were among the fifty persons present: Wallace Delafield, Maj. Humphreys, Max Judd, Isador Judd, L. Hellman, Judge Woerner, D.V. Haydel, Fred Cochran, Ed Martin, A.H. Robbins, William E. Ware, W.F. Woerner, Col. Rowley, S.M. Joseph. Mr. Steinitz had chosen the white, and Mr. Zukertort the black men. The two players arrived at the hall about 2:15 pm and the game was started about fifteen minutes after. It will seem that Steinitz, who opened first, used the well known Ruy Lopez gambit. After sixteen moves, Steinitz was acknowledged to have a shade of an advantage. "St. Louis Globe Democrat" Thursday, February 4, 1886, Page 8 STEINITZ WINS DR. ZUKERTORT YIELDS A GAME TO HIS OPPONENT The Most Skillful Game of the Chess Tournament Played in St. Louis - A Remarkable Exhibition of Science in the Royal Game The opening of the series of be played in St. Louis between the chess giants Dr. J. H. Zukertort and Herr Wilhelm Steinitz for the championship of the world and $2,000 stakes was played yesterday afternoon before an audience composed of well-known local chess amateurs and visiting members of other chess clubs. The first part of the game occurred in the Director's Room of the Harmonie Club, where play was continued until 7 o'clock, when an adjournment was made until 8:30 to the chess club's quarters on Olive Street, it being impossible to have the Director's parlors for a later hour. There were present among the spectators several prominent local players as well as a number from other cities. Among these were W.H. Ripley, Indianapolis, Ind.; C.M. Tucker, Pittsfield, Ill.; Henry Twiner, Brooklyn Chess Club; D. Martin, Toledo; Charles Intrepidie, Manhattan Chess Club of New York; Ernst Hoelke, Leadville, Colorado Chess Club; Max Judd, Isidor Judd, Wallace Delaney, A.H. Robbins, A. Judd, Col. Rowley, Albert Blair, Maj. M.C. Humphrey, F.E. Haydel, B.G. Woodward, Prof C.M. Woodward, Rev. Passart, B. Leobner, Dr. C.D.N. Campbell, S.M. Joseph, A. Hellnian, Judge Warner, Grant Tilden, William E. Ware, Lewis Haller, E.S. Rowse, and Judge Krum. Cause of the Challenge The match, a portion of which will be witnessed by the St. Louis chess world, is the outgrowth of the success which Dr. Zukertort achieved in 1883 at the great London chess tourney. Prior to that event Herr Steinitz had borne off the honors alike at the tourneys and single matches in which both had taken part. Herr Steinitz won the tournament in 1872 in which Zukertort was an adversary, the outcome of which was a private match between them in which Herr Steinitz won seven games to Dr. Zukertort's one. In the Vienna Congress of Chess Players in 1882, the first prize was awarded to Steinitz, the second prize winner on that occasion being Mason, an American player also, while Dr. Zukertort was fourth. In the tourney of 1883, Steinitz and Zukertort each won one game while playing together, and it was after this last meeting between them that the desire was expressed to see them face to face in a grand match to decide the championship. But difficulties interposed, and over-zealous adherents prevented the commencement of such a contest until agreeing to joint sponsorship by chess clubs, among them the local organization. A tempting fund was raised and everything at last satisfactorily settled. A meeting of the principals was held in New York, at which the agreement under which the present games are being played was made, and a knowledge of the main features of the contract will materially aid a thorough understanding of the game. [To be

77. Einführende Literatur Zur Volkslied- & Volksmusikforschung
Translate this page steinitz, Wolfgang 1979 Deutsche Volkslieder demokratischen Charakters aus sechsJahrhunderten. Bd. Klusen, ernst 1980 Deutsche Lieder. Texte und Melodien.
Volkslied- und Volksmusikforschung
(chronologische Ordnung)

Herder, Johann Gottfried
Herder, Johann Gottfried
, hrsg. von Bernhard Suphan, Bd. 5. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1891, 159-207.—ibid. In: Herders Werke Herder Johann Gottfried
[1774] „Alte Volkslieder. Erster Theil. Englisch und Deutsch. Altenburg, 1774 [=korrigiert aus 1773]." In: Herders Poetische Werke, [1774] „Alte Volkslieder. Zweiter Theil. Englisch-Nordisch und Deutsch." In: Herders Poetische Werke, Herder, Johann Gottfried
[1778] „Volkslieder. Erster Theil. Leipzig: in der Weygandschen Buchhandlung, 1778." In: Herders Poetische Werke, Herder, Johann Gottfried
Herders Poetische Werke, Herder, Johann Gottfried
Deutscher Liederhort. 3 Bde. Leipzig (2. Aufl. Leipzig 1925; Neudruck: Hildesheim 1963; Reprint 1972). Pommer, Josef
(Graz), 89-131. Meier, John Kunstlieder im Volksmund. Materialien und Untersuchungen . Halle a. S. (Neudruck: Hildesheim 1976). Pommer, Josef 1912 „Meine Definition des Begriffes ‘Volkslied’." Das deutsche Volkslied Mersmann, Hans

78. Buecherdatenbank .:. Comenius-Antiquariat .:.
Translate this page Marti ernst Helvetica Schweiz Switzerland Sozialismus Sozialism GewerkschaftenBestellnummer 72482 CHF steinitz, Benno, Helden der Menschlichkeit.

79. Do Not Adjust Your Chess Set...
He didn t feel van Wely. Then he added, steinitz Benko. She let himKling to her, Anand they started Bad Kissingen 1928 in ernst.
Guest Article
My thanks to both Stuart Conquest and Jon Manley, editor of Kingpin, for permission to host this witty and very creative article. Kingpin is a humorous chess magazine which I strongly recommend.
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Do Not Adjust Your Chess GM Stuart Conquest
Once upon a Taimanov, when men were men Anand Gellers were Gellers, there lived a Hansen chess fanatic called Anon. Tal Anand Slim Bouaziz, he Wade Novotny much Tartakower ten Stonewall, Anand even though his Alburt, Lev Romanishin, Oleg was slightly Blackstock, Les Nigel Short than his right, still he was very Keene on Tseitlin. He had Sozin little Nimzowitsch, Aron his chin that he only had to Scheveningen once a weak d-pawn, and many people thought he might be a Ponziani. Anon did like Gellers, but he could never Fine the Taimanov. Chess Anand Tseitlin Oll Réti rook up ten hours a Lawrence Day, Anand he was Planinc even Morphy of the Sämisch. He liked to Colin Crouch in the Sadler, Larsen, Bent Double Muzio in Malcolm Pein, his Nigel Short Alburt, Lev Romanishin, Oleg Chernin like it had Cambridge Springs; at such Times World Championship he would Simagin chess positions - in this way he could go on for hundreds of Tony Miles. It was Shirov masochism, but Anon was that kind of Ljubojevic. He was, in fact, a bit of a Pollock.

80. Food For Thought: Biographies
Biographical dictionary Schleiermacher, Friedrich ernst Daniel (German theol., philos Schmidt, Otto ernst (pseud. Otto ernst) (German writer Schulze, Gottlob ernst (SchulzeAenesidemus)
Sa, Mem de (Portuguese colonial official) Saada, Antun (Brazilian-born Syrian political agitator) Sa'adia ben Joseph (Jewish commentator, scholar) Saarinen, Eero (Finnish-born American architect; son of Eliel) Saarinen, (Gottlieb) Eliel (Finnish-born American architect) Saavedra, Juan Bautista (Bolivian jurist; president 1921-25) Saavedra Fajardo, Diego (Spanish diplomat, writer) Saavedra Lamas, Carlos (Argentine jurist, diplomat) Saavedra Ramirez de Baquendano, Angel de (Span. polit., writer) Saba (or Sabas), Saint (Turkish Christian monk) Sabatier, (Louis-) Auguste (French Protestant theologian) Sabatier, Paul (French chemist) Sabatini, Rafael (Italian novelist in English) Sabbatini, Nicola (Italian architect) Sabellius (Roman Christian prelate, theologian) fl. c.220 Sabin, Albert Bruce (American physician) Sabine, Sir Edward (British soldier, astronomer) Sabine, Wallace Clement Ware (American physicist) Sabinian (Sabinianus) (Pope 604-606) d.606 Sable, Jean Baptist Point (Haitian-born Am. pioneer trader) Sabutai (or Subotai) (Mongol general) c.1172-1245

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