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61. Alibris - Click Here To Find Books By This Author! Translate this page Steinhart, Peter Steinhauer, Harry ~ Steinhauer, Lauren ~ Steinhauer, Olen ~ Steinhauer,Paul D. steinhaus, Edward Arthur ~ steinhaus, hugo steinhausen, Jörg http://www.alibris.com/authors/authors0393.html | |
62. TÓPICOS DE MATEMÁTICA CONTEMPORÂNEA steinhaus,hugo; One hundred problems in elementary mathematics;Basic Books, NY http://www.terravista.pt/IlhadoMel/1129/ofic202.html | |
63. Hugo Gamboa - ResearchIndex Document Query Jurlewicz, steinhaus (1996) (Correct) exponential decay property 1 A. JurlewiczHugo steinhaus Center for Stochastic Methods, Technical of Wroc/law, 50370 http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/cis?q=Hugo Gamboa |
64. JÁTÉKKÖNYVEK Sperling, Walter, Ha okos vagy, törd a fejed, 1945. steinhaus, hugo, Matematikaikaleidoszkóp, 1951. steinhaus, hugo, Matematikai kaleidoszkóp, 1984. http://www.jatekhaz.skicc.hu/htmlm/1370bibm.htm | |
65. LITTLE RUSSIAN BOOKS By David Singmaster MIR, (1975), 2nd ptg, 1983. steinhaus, hugo. One Hundred Problems in ElementaryMathematics. (PWN, 1963); PLM 7, Pergamon, 1963; Basic, 1964. http://anduin.eldar.org/~problemi/singmast/russian.html | |
66. My Favorite Books By Shyam Sunder Gupta San Diego, CA Academic Press, 1995. 57steinhaus, hugo. MathematicalSnapshots, 3rd ed. New York Dover, 1999. 58 Sticker, Henry. http://www.shyamsundergupta.com/referencebooks.htm | |
67. Ken's Math 126 Reading Page all about. Mathematical Snapshots, steinhaus, hugo, Oxford UniversityPress, 1969 A nice collection of essays. Number Theory in http://www.math.washington.edu/~plochin/126/biblio.html | |
68. Pirnot's Mathematics All Around Web Site Chapter 1 -- Bibliography 1982), pp. 317318. steinhaus, hugo, Mathematical Snapshots, OxfordUniversity Press, 1969. top. Chapter 5 Voting. Arrow, Kenneth http://occawlonline.pearsoned.com/bookbind/pubbooks/pirnot_awl/chapter1/custom4/ | |
69. GENERAL Translate this page 1992. Smullyan, Raymond M. What is the name of this book ? 1978. steinhaus, hugo,Cent problèmes élémentaires de mathématiques résolus, 1965. Stewart, Ian, Ah! http://www.iecn.u-nancy.fr/~eguether/bibliotheque/GENERAL/ | |
70. IPac2.0 1. steinhaus, H. (hugo), 18871972, 0. See steinhaus, hugo, 1887-1972. 1. steinhaus,hugo, 1887-1972, 1. steinhaus, hugo, 1887-1972. Kalejdoskop matematyczny. 1. O |
71. Literaturliste Translate this page 1996. 16. steinhaus, hugo Studentenfutter, 100 Aufgaben für Mathe-Feinschmecker,Urania-Verlag, Leipzig/Jena/Berlin, 1991. 17. Grude http://home.t-online.de/home/jantke/liste.htm | |
72. SUGERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS Translate this page Rodríguez, Vidal R. Diversiones matemáticas. Reverté, Barcelona, 1996. steinhaus,hugo. Instantáneas matemáticas. Salvat, Barcelona, s/f. Tahan, Malba. http://snee.sep.gob.mx/Documentos/Ensayos/EnsayoIdanis1/IDANIS_sugerencias.htm | |
73. IPac2.0 2. steinhaus, hugo, 18871972. 2. steinhaus, hugo, 1887-1972. English, 2.steinhauser, Peggy, 1957-, 1. Steinheil, Marguerite, 1869-1954. 1. = der&index=PAUTHOR& |
74. Basic Library List-General steinhaus, hugo. Mathematical Snapshots, New York, NY Oxford UniversityPress, 1969, 1983. Third Edition. ** Stewart, Ian. Does God Play Dice? http://www.maa.org/BLL/general.htm | |
75. Hugo Boss At Search Shops Online cantata. Crotchet Partner Program. MATHEMATICAL SNAPSHOTS steinhaus,hugo. £12.70. MATHEMATICAL SNAPSHOTS - steinhaus, hugo. Numerous http://www.searchshopsonline.co.uk/search/page/pos-530-o-searchPrice/actionprod/ | |
76. Agora SA hugo steinhaus Award from scientists at Polish Foundation for ScienceAdvancement (PFUN). 0702-2003 Slawek Zagorski, head of Gazeta http://www.agora.pl/agora_eng/1,38446,1411166.html | |
77. RjBase 0.30 Sygnatura, III19902. 2, 3214. Haslo, steinhaus, hugo. Tytul, Orzel czyreszka? Adres wyd. Warszawa, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1961. Opis fiz. http://www.jezuici.krakow.pl/cgi-bin/rjbo?b=wftj&f=50&q=II 13 f |
78. Ksi±¿ka Szkocka hugo steinhaus, Stefan Banach (18921945). Chcac z niej wyjsc zabral sie dopisania podreczników napisal we wspomnieniu o Banachu hugo steinhaus. http://www.forumakad.pl/archiwum/99/11/artykuly/21-gwiazdy.htm | |
79. Encyclopedia4U - Hugo Steinhaus - Encyclopedia Article hugo steinhaushugo steinhaus. http://www.encyclopedia4u.com/h/hugo-steinhaus.html | |
80. Przegl±d Geograficzny Europe). pp. 103106. hugo steinhaus, O wskazniku stromosci przecietnej(Lindice de la declivité). pp. 107108. hugo steinhaus, http://www.igipz.pan.pl/wydaw/pg1f.htm | |
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