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         Steiner Jakob:     more books (37)
  1. Jakob Steiner (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift "Elemente der Mathematik") by L. Kollros, 1979-01-01
  2. Der Mathematiker Jakob Steiner Von Utzenstorf: Ein Lebensbild Und Zugleich Eine Würdigung Seiner Leistungen (German Edition) by Johann Heinrich Graf, 2010-04-02
  3. Kurze Mathematiker-Biographien / Jakob Steiner by Louis Kollros, 1947
  4. Jacob Steiner's Gesammelte Werke (German Edition) by Jakob Steiner, 2010-03-23
  5. Jacob Steiner's Gesammelte Werke, Herausg. Von K. Weierstrass (German Edition) by Jakob Steiner, 2010-02-04
  6. Jacob Steiner's Vorlesungen Über Synthetische Geometrie (German Edition) by Jakob Steiner, Heinrich Schröter, et all 2010-03-21
  7. Die Geometrischen Constructionen: Ausgeführt Mittelst Der Geraden Linie Und Eines Festen Kreises, Als Lehrgegenstand Auf Höheren Unterrichts-Anstalten Und Zur Praktischen Benutzung (German Edition) by Jakob Steiner, Arthur Oettingen, 2010-02-13
  8. Systematische Entwicklung Der Abhängigkeit Geometrischer Gestalten Von Einander: Mit Berücksichtigung Der Arbeiten Alter Und Neuer Geometer Über Porismen, ... Etc, Volume 2 (German Edition) by Jakob Steiner, Arthur Oettingen, 2010-01-10
  9. Systematische Entwicklung Der Abhängigkeit Geometrischer Gestalten Von Einander (German Edition) by Jakob Steiner, Arthur Oettingen, 2010-01-09
  10. Del Baricentro Di Curvatura (1844) (Italian Edition) by Jakob Steiner, 2010-09-10
  11. Systematische Entwicklung Der Abhängigkeit Geometrischer Gestalten Von Einander: Mit Berücksichtigung Der Arbeiten Alter Und Neuer Geometer Uber Porismen, ... Reciprocität, Etc, Volume (German Edition) by Jakob Steiner, 2010-02-23
  12. Jakob Steiner
  13. Jacob Steiner's Vorlesungen Über Synthetische Geometrie, Volumes 1-2 (German Edition) by Jakob Steiner, 2010-02-04
  14. Die Theorie der Kegelschnitte (German Edition) by Jakob Steiner, Heinrich Schröter, 2010-04-04

Jakob Steiner (17961863) geometer. Among the well known objects in triangle geometry are the Steiner point and Steiner ellipse, named in honor of Jakob Steiner.
Jakob Steiner (1796-1863) geometer
Among the well known objects in triangle geometry are the Steiner point and Steiner ellipse, named in honor of Jakob Steiner. The latter is the ellipse that passes through the three vertices of a triangle ABC and has the centroid of ABC as its center. This ellipse has not only the points A,B,C in common with the circumcircle of triangle ABC, but also a fourth point, namely, the Steiner point. The classical construction of the Steiner point (link below), however, does not depend on the Steiner ellipse. Steiner was one of the greatest of all geometers. Born to a farm family near Bern, Switzerland, at first his opportunities for education were meager. It is said that he first learned to write at the age of fourteen. However, within the next four years, his mathematical powers had been recognized, and he was permitted to attend the famous innovative school of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi in Yverdon, Switzerland. Before reaching the age of twenty, he was teaching mathematics at the school. In 1818, Steiner moved to Heidelberg, Germany, where he gave private instruction in mathematics. Three years later, he moved to Berlin and continued teaching. There he became acquainted with N. H. Abel (as in

2. Steiner
Jakob Steiner. Jakob Steiner did not learn to read and write until he was 14 andonly went to school at the age of 18, against the wishes of his parents.
Jakob Steiner
Born: 18 March 1796 in Utzenstorf, Switzerland
Died: 1 April 1863 in Bern, Switzerland
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Jakob Steiner did not learn to read and write until he was 14 and only went to school at the age of 18, against the wishes of his parents. He then studied at the Universities of Heidelberg and Berlin, supporting himself with a very modest income from tutoring. He was an early contributor to Crelle 's Journal, the first journal devoted entirely to mathematics founded in 1826. He was appointed to a chair at the University of Berlin in 1834, a post he held until his death. He was one of the greatest contributors to projective geometry He discovered the Steiner surface which has a double infinity of conic sections on it. The Steiner theorem states that the two pencils by which a conic is projected from two of its points are projectively related. Another famous result is the Poncelet -Steiner theorem which shows that only one given circle and a straight edge are required for Euclidean constructions.

3. Poster Of Steiner
Jakob Steiner. lived from 1796 to 1863. Steiner was one of the greatestcontributors to projective geometry. Find out more at http
Jakob Steiner lived from 1796 to 1863 Steiner was one of the greatest contributors to projective geometry. Find out more at

4. Bedeutende Mathematiker
Translate this page Lipschitz Rudolf (1832 - 1903, Bonn), steiner jakob (1796 - 1863, Bern). SteinerJakob (1796 - 1863, Bern), Noether Emmy (1882 - 1935, USA).
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Bedeutende Mathematiker
alphabetisch nach Geburtsdatum Abel Niels (1802 -1829, Froland, Norwegen) Thales von Milet (um 625 - 546 v. Chr.) Appolonios von Perge (262 - 190 v.Chr., Pergamon?) Pythagoras von Samos (um 580 - 496 v. Chr., Kroton) Archimedes (287 - 212 v. Chr., Syrakus) Zenon von Elea (um 490 - um 430 v.Chr.) Aristoteles (384 - 322 v. Chr., Chalkis) Aristoteles (384 - 322 v. Chr., Chalkis) Banach Stefan (1892 - 1945, Lwów) Euklid von Alexandria (um 360 - um 300 v. Chr. ?) Bernoulli Jakob (1654 - 1705, Basel) Archimedes (287 - 212 v. Chr., Syrakus) Bernoulli Johann (Bruder von Jakob) (1667 - 1748, Basel) Appolonios von Perge (262 - 190 v.Chr., Pergamon?) Bernoulli Daniel (Sohn von Johann) (1700 - 1782, Basel) Ries Adam (1492 - 1559, Annaberg) Bessel Friedrich Wilhelm (1784 - 1846, Königsberg) Cardano Geronimo (1501 - 1576, Rom) Cantor Georg (1845-1918, Halle) Viète (Vieta) François (1540 - 1603, Paris) Cauchy Augustin Louis (1789 - 1857, Paris) Neper (Napier) John (1550 - 1617, Edinburgh) Cardano Geronimo (1501 - 1576, Rom)

5. Steiner
Translate this page steiner jakob (1796 - 1863, Bern), zurück.
Steiner Jakob (1796 - 1863, Bern) zurück

6. Jakob Steiner - Wikipedija
Jakob Steiner. Iz Wikipedije, proste enciklopedije.
Jakob Steiner
Iz Wikipedije, proste enciklopedije.
Jakob Steiner švicarski matematik 18. marec Utzenstorf ... Bern Steiner je predaval na univerzi v Berlinu . Bil je eden od ustanoviteljev projektivne geometrije . Osnovna misel v njegovih delih je graditev sestavljenih geometrijskih tvorb iz enostavnih s pomočjo operacije projiciranja. Najpomembnejše je njegovo delo iz leta Systematische Entwicklung der Ahaengigkeit geometrischer Gestalten voneinander . Velja za največjega geometrista po Apoloniju in je eden od začetnikov sodobne, sintetične geometrije. Ukvarjal se je tudi s kombinatoričnimi problemi, kjer so znane njegove Steinerjeve trojice (tripleti), ki jih je prvi raziskoval Kirkman leta . Leto velja za začetek teorije shem (modelov). spremeni
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7. Steiner
Translate this page steiner jakob, suisse, 1796-1863. Autodidacte, Steiner réussit à suivredes études supérieures à Berlin et à Heidelberg. Professeur
STEINER Jakob, suisse, 1796-1863 Heidelberg Crelle . Ses travaux portent exclusivement sur une construction rigoureuse et abstraite de la Von Staudt Poncelet , en France. Droite de Steiner : Simson Ce beau résultat peut être prétexte à une belle construction géométrique en classe 6ème/5ème en utilisant le vocabulaire de la symétrie axiale et la notion de hauteur dans un triangle. Les 4 points rouges alignés apportant la preuve non seulement d'une construction précise mais (surtout) d'un bon apprentissage des connaissances mises en cause. et, plus subtil : reine Didon Jakob Bernoulli calcul des variations . Steiner prouva que : Mohr Mascheroni Surface de Steiner : x y + y z + z x + xyz = Duhamel

8. Steiner
Jakob Steiner. Born 18 March 1796 Jakob Steiner was one of the greatestcontributors to projective geometry. Steiner did not learn
Jakob Steiner
Born: 18 March 1796 in Utzenstorf, Switzerland
Died: 1 April 1863 in Bern, Switzerland
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(Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Jakob Steiner was one of the greatest contributors to projective geometry. Steiner did not learn to read and write until he was 14 and only went to school at the age of 18, against the wishes of his parents. He then studied at the Universities of Heidelberg and Berlin, supporting himself with a very modest income from tutoring. He was an early contributor to Crelle 's Journal, the first journal devoted entirely to mathematics founded in 1826. He was appointed to a chair at the University of Berlin in 1834, a post he held until his death. He was one of the greatest contributors to projective geometry. He discovered the Steiner surface which has a double infinity of conic sections on it. The Steiner theorem states that the two pencils by which a conic is projected from two of its points are projectively related. Another famous result is the Poncelet -Steiner theorem which shows that only one given circle and a straight edge are required for Euclidean constructions.

Genealogie der Familie RüeggBigler - Personenangaben 16 - Jakob Fischer * 1. Januar 1763, + 4. Juni 1763; Barbara Fischer * 27. Jakob

10. Files '38: Sr...
Translate this page 358.736 / A 259.433 F. Steiner Isidor, 1892, Wien 2 17905, ÖVAG ÖVAG, 10.032.33510.032.719. steiner jakob recte Josef, 1890, Wien 20 12610, Phönix, 105 133 61.
Born Location
File Nr. Insurance Company Contract
Number Sroka Estera, 1903 Wien 2
ÖVAG früher Phönix
Gemeinde Wien, städtische Versicherung Sruh Siegfried, 1889 Wien 13
ÖVAG Srulowitz Stefanie, 1884 Wien 20
Janus Stadler Erich, 1902 Wien 9
ÖVAG früher Phönix 10.037.169 R.P. Stadler Eugen, 1898 Wien 2
Der Anker Allg. Vers. Ges.Wien Stadler Franz, 1900 Wien 2
Der Anker Allg. Vers. Ges.Wien ÖVAG 10.505.964 / I Stadler Viktor, 1898 Wien 1 Riunione Adriatica Stampfer Otto, 1886 Wien 9 ÖVAG 10.003.821 / II Stander Josef, 1887 Wien 2 Gemeinde Wien Gemeinde Wien Phönix Stappler Julius, 1890 Wien 7 Union Allg. Versicherung Phönix Stappler Max, 1906 Wien 9 ÖVAG früher Phönix Gemeinde Wien 10.043.095 / I Starer Baruch, 1892 Wien 3 Phönix Starer Nison, 1884 Wien 5 Der Anker Allg. Vers. Ges.Wien Starkmann Berta, 1879 Wien 1 ÖVAG 362.516 / I Stauber Klara, 1875 Wien 3 ÖVAG Staude Mathilde, 1881 Wien 8 ÖVAG Staudinger Leopold, 1906 Wien 4 keine Angaben Stecher Siegfried, 1897 Wien 8 Viktoria zu Berlin ÖVAG ÖVAG ÖVAG ÖVAG Steckler Anna, 1888

11. Astrologos Books, NY
Author steiner jakob. Title Die Theorie Der Kegelschnitte. Volume 1. Authorsteiner jakob. Title Die Theorie Der Kegelschnitte. Volume 2.
Astrologos Books 1st Page Previous Page Back to Top Next Page ... Last Page Print-to-order black and white reprints of rare, hard-to-find and out of print books Author: Dress Walter. Title: Die Theologie Gersons. Description: Item No: M-72240A598665218 Price: Order now! Author: Steiner Jakob. Title: Die Theorie Der Kegelschnitte. Volume 1 Description: Item No: M-77905A608377422 Price: Order now! Author: Steiner Jakob. Title: Die Theorie Der Kegelschnitte. Volume 2 Description: Item No: M-77914A608377430 Price: Order now! Author: Bense Max. Title: Die Theorie Kafkas. Description: Item No: M-73054A598491236 Price: Order now! Author: Mergen Armand. Title: Die Tiroler Karrner. Description: Item No: M-21470A598937285 Price: Order now! Author: al-Biruni. Title: Die Trigonometrischen Lechren Des Persischen Astronomen Abu'l-Raihan Muh. Ibn Ahmad Albiruni. Edited By Carl Schoy. Description: Item No: M-23485A598904603 Price: Order now! Author: Rentrop Ernst. Title: Die Unehelichen Kinder. Description: Item No: M-33672A598737898 Price: Order now! Author: Baecklund Astrid.

12. Sänger
Translate this page Staehelin Rui Steiner Caspar Steiner Luzian (disp) steiner jakob Sunier Joël TuccilloAndrea Tuccillo Livio Vest-Long Luc Wicky Tobias Widmer Benjamin Winzap
Sänger Die Chorsänger in alphabetischer Reihenfolge (momentan 89 Sänger, Stand: 9.10.03):
Albrecht Simon
Aliesch Balz

Amacher Beat

Annasohn Jonas

Areki Joshua
van Baarsen Tobias
Ballarino Gioele

Barth Abraham (disp)
Barth Emanuel

Beermann Gregor (disp) Beermann Samuel Boutry Anton Burckhardt Thierry Cathomas Flurin ... Cathomas Linus (disp) Ceramella Joël Cheetham Mark Cortinovis Andrea Derendinger Gabriel Egger Martin Egger Raphael Eichenberger Ramon Eicke Julian Everwijn Aurel Feuerstein David Fix Sebastian Freiermuth René Früh Mario Gerber Mario Gerber Simon Gysler Thomas Hämisegger Cyrill Heer Christophe Heer Emanuel Heer Philippe Heri Cyrill (disp) Ilg Raphael Jegge Lukas Kaeser Florian (disp) Kappler Benjamin Kehrli Pascal Kossmann Johannes Küng Matthias Küng Sebastian Lorenz Sebastian Loss Julian Maakdhoomi Isaac Mangold Florian Masar Ruben Mattmüller Nicolas Meier Andreas ... Meyer Matthieu (disp) Moritz Felix Moritz Sebastian Müller Benjamin Müller Josias Müller Raphael Parodi Lysander Papazoglou Dimitri Raaflaub Daniel Raaflaub Lukas Raaflaub Stefan ... Schickler Max Schmidli Jonathan Schmidt Andreas Schmidt Martin Schneider Kevin Schulenburg Raphael Seewer Tiziano

13. Jakob Steiner - Wikipedia
Translate this page Jakob Steiner. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. Jakob Steiner (* 18. März1796 in Utzenstorf, † 1. April 1863 in Bern) war ein Schweizer Mathematiker.
Jakob Steiner
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Jakob Steiner 18. März in Utzenstorf 1. April in Bern ) war ein Schweizer Mathematiker. siehe auch: Steinerscher Satz
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14. Steiner, Jakob
yä'kôp shtI'nur Pronunciation Key. steiner, jakob , 17961863, Swiss mathematician Rocky Mountain News (Denver, CO))steiner, jakob (17961863)
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15. Steiner, Jakob. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. steiner, jakob.
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Steiner, Jakob

16. Steiner, Jakob (1796-1863) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biograph
steiner, jakob (17961863), German mathematician who was the greatestgeometer of modern times. He investigated the steiner points
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality German
Steiner, Jakob (1796-1863)

German mathematician who was the greatest geometer of modern times. He investigated the Steiner points and proved the Poncelet-Steiner theorem which states that all Euclidean constructions can be performed with a straightedge alone, provided one is given a single fixed circle He proved that a surface of third order contains only 27 lines, and discovered inversive geometry. His treatment of projective geometry was published in Systematische Entwicklungen (1832). He was a prolific writer on geometry who established and discussed the skew projection.
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews)

17. Steiner
Was one of the greatest contributors to projective geometry.
Jakob Steiner
Born: 18 March 1796 in Utzenstorf, Switzerland
Died: 1 April 1863 in Bern, Switzerland
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Jakob Steiner did not learn to read and write until he was 14 and only went to school at the age of 18, against the wishes of his parents. He then studied at the Universities of Heidelberg and Berlin, supporting himself with a very modest income from tutoring. He was an early contributor to Crelle 's Journal, the first journal devoted entirely to mathematics founded in 1826. He was appointed to a chair at the University of Berlin in 1834, a post he held until his death. He was one of the greatest contributors to projective geometry He discovered the Steiner surface which has a double infinity of conic sections on it. The Steiner theorem states that the two pencils by which a conic is projected from two of its points are projectively related. Another famous result is the Poncelet -Steiner theorem which shows that only one given circle and a straight edge are required for Euclidean constructions.

18. Steiner
Biography of jakob steiner (17961863) jakob steiner. Born 18 March 1796 in Utzenstorf, Switzerland jakob steiner did not learn to read and write until he was 14 and only went to school at
Jakob Steiner
Born: 18 March 1796 in Utzenstorf, Switzerland
Died: 1 April 1863 in Bern, Switzerland
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Jakob Steiner did not learn to read and write until he was 14 and only went to school at the age of 18, against the wishes of his parents. He then studied at the Universities of Heidelberg and Berlin, supporting himself with a very modest income from tutoring. He was an early contributor to Crelle 's Journal, the first journal devoted entirely to mathematics founded in 1826. He was appointed to a chair at the University of Berlin in 1834, a post he held until his death. He was one of the greatest contributors to projective geometry He discovered the Steiner surface which has a double infinity of conic sections on it. The Steiner theorem states that the two pencils by which a conic is projected from two of its points are projectively related. Another famous result is the Poncelet -Steiner theorem which shows that only one given circle and a straight edge are required for Euclidean constructions.

steiner, jakob (17961863), Swiss mathematician, was born on the 18th of March 1796 at the village of Utzendorf (canton Bern). At eighteen he became a Starting from simple elementary propositions, steiner advances to the solution of problems
STEINER, JAKOB (1796-1863), Swiss mathematician, was born on the 18th of March 1796 at the village of Utzendorf (canton Bern). At eighteen he became a pupil of Heinrich Pestalozzi, and afterwards studied at Heidelberg. Thence he went to Berlin, earning a livelihood there, as in Heidelberg, by giving private lessons. Here he became acquainted with A. L. Crelle, who, encouraged by his ability and by that of N. H. Abel, then also staying at Berlin, founded his famous Journal (1326), After Steiners publication (1832) of his Systematische Entwickelungen he received, through Jacobis exertions, who was then professor at Konigsberg, an honorary degree of that university; and through the influence of G. J. Jacobi and of the brothers Alexander and Wilhelm von Humboldt a new chair of geometry was founded for him at Berlin (1834). This he occupied till his death, which took place in Bern on the 1st of April 1863, Steiners mathematical work was confined to geometry. This he treated synthetically, to the total exclusion of analysis, which he hated, and he is said to have considered it a disgrace to synthetical geometry if equal or higher results were obtained by analytical methods. In his own field he surpassed all hi~ contemporaries. His investigations are distinguished by their great generality, by the fertility of his resources, and by such a rigour in his proofs that he has been considered the greatest geometrical genius since the time of Apollonius. In a second little volume, Die geometrischen Consiructionen ausgefzilirt mittels! der geraden Linie und eines festen Kresses (1833), republished in 1895 by Ottingen, he shows, what had been already suggested by J. V. Poncelet, how all problems of the second order can be solved by aid of the straight-ed,ge alone without the use of compasses, as soon as one circle is given on the drawing-paper. He also wrote Vorlesungen ber synthetische Geometric, published posthumously at Leipzig by C. F. Geiser and H. Schroeter in 1867; a third edition by R. Sturm was published in 1887-1898.

20. Steiner, Jakob
steiner, jakob (17961863). Swiss mathematician, the founder of modernsynthetic, or projective, geometry. He discovered the steiner
Steiner, Jakob Swiss mathematician, the founder of modern synthetic, or projective, geometry. He discovered the Steiner surface (also called the Roman surface), which has a double infinity of conic sections on it, and the Steiner theorem.
Steiner was born at Utzenstorf, near Bern, and did not learn to read and write until the age of 14. After training as a teacher in Germany, he was admitted to the University of Berlin 1822. By 1825 he was teaching at the university and in 1834 a professorship of geometry was created for him, which he held for the rest of his life.
His first published paper, which appeared in 1826, contained his discovery of the geometrical transformation known as inversion geometry.
The Steiner theorem states that two pencils (collections of geometric objects) by which a conic is projected from two of its points are projectively related.
In the Steiner-Poncelet theorem, an extension of work done by French mathematician Jean Poncelet in 1822, Steiner proved that any Euclidean figure could be generated using only a straight rule if the plane of construction had a circle with its centre marked drawn on it already.

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