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Spanier Edwin: more detail | |||||
41. SCIENTIFIC REFERENCES spanier 1966 spanier, edwin H., Algebraic Topology, McGrawHill (1966). Steenrod1951 Steenrod, N., The Topology of Fibre Bundles, Princeton Univ. http://graham.main.nc.us/~bhammel/FCCR/refs.html | |
42. IMU Canberra Circular No. 101, March 1997: Section 3 Born 193207-17; died 1996-01-29. IMUCC 101. spanier, edwin Henry (WDM 1-9 only).Born 1921-08-08; died 1996-. IMUCC 101. STECHKIN, Sergei Borisovich. http://wwwmaths.anu.edu.au/other/imu/101/personal.html | |
43. IMUCC 103, September 1997 IMUCC 103. spanier, edwin Henry (WDM 19, supplement to 10). Born 1921-08-08;died 1996-*10-11*. IMUCC 101, 103. SUL DIN, Albert Valentinovich. IMUCC 103. http://wwwmaths.anu.edu.au/other/imu/103/imucc103.html |
44. MATH Database: Online Ordering below. Author spanier, edwin H. Title Algebraic topology. (1st corr.Springer ed. of the orig. publ. by McGraw Hill, 1966). Source http://www.emis.de/cgi-bin/zmolos?0477.55001 |
45. MATH Database: Online Ordering Author spanier, edwin H. Title Algebraic topology. Source McGrawHillSeries in Higher Mathematics. New York etc.McGraw-Hill Book Company. http://www.emis.de/cgi-bin/zmolos?0145.43303 |
46. La Bústia Del Professor : Facultat De Matemàtiques I Estadística : Topologia Veure els exemplars disponibles. spanier, edwin H. Algebraic topology / edwinH. spanier. New York McGrawHill Book Co., 1966. XIV, 528 p. ; 23 cm. http://bibliotecnica.upc.es/bustia/intrabib.asp?IDAssig=26&MostrarReco=Si |
47. (Surnames From Southworth, Edwin C. ) "San Francisco Call" Newspaper Vital Recor Southworth, edwin C . married in 1886 to White, Kate Lane 1886M2899 Southworth,Hattie M in 1896 to Nager, Rosa (28) SF1896-10570 spanier, Joseph http://www.cefha.org/usa/ca/sf/sfcall/6997-7/6997-601.html | |
48. 55: Algebraic Topology spanier, edwin H., Algebraic topology (corrected reprint) SpringerVerlag,New York, 1994, 528pp, ISBN 0-387-94426-5, MR 96a55001. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/index/55-XX.html | |
49. Weselmann : Algebraische Topologie Translate this page spanier, edwin H. Algebraic topology. - New York McGraw-Hill,1966. - XIV, 528 S. - (McGraw-Hill series in higher mathematics http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/fachinfo/www/math/kvv/ss2002/k-7.htm | |
50. TOPCOM, Volume 3, #2 The following memorial for edwin spanier (19211996), written by his colleauge MorrisHirsch appeared in Volume 5 (June-July 1998) issue of the Notices of the http://at.yorku.ca/t/o/p/c/58.htm | |
51. TopCom Index by Krzysztof Ciesielski (July 23, 1998) A Report on State of US Mathematics (July23, 1998) Morris Hirsch edwin Henry spanier (19211996) (August 15, 1998) Tom http://at.yorku.ca/list/topcom_index.htm | |
52. [Home] Knebel.netGENEOLOGY My husband is Kenneth H julie Knebelspanier, 2001-11-18. My Grandfatherwas edwin Knebel, my father is Clif Paynesville, MN. http://knebel.net/are_you_knebel/ |
53. Poker Resources Tournament Poker ThursdayNight Poker by Peter O Steiner - Total Poker by David spanier - TournamentPoker When to Hold Em and When to Fold Em by William edwin Barnes - Where http://www.tournamentpoker.biz/poker_081.html |
54. TCS-39-2--3: References Resolution. 297308. Ginsburg, Seymour; spanier, edwin H. On CompletingTables to Satisfy Functional Dependencies. 309-317. Book http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/services/library/journals/contents/tcs-39-2--3.html | |
56. Editeur - McGraw-Hill Book Company Translate this page Ouvrage Algebraic topology spanier, edwin H. (Principal) McGraw-Hill BookCompany McGraw-Hill series in Higher Mathematics, 1966 Ouvrage RdC (S). http://bibli.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/Reference.htm?numrec=191932646911440 |
57. Descripteur - 55-01 Translate this page Ouvrage Algebraic topology spanier, edwin H. (Principal) McGraw-Hill Book CompanyMcGraw-Hill series in Higher Mathematics, 1966 Ouvrage RdC (S). 1 2. http://bibli.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/Thesaurus.htm?numrec=051940902912270 |
58. Wahlen Translate this page Thomas Imort und Günther Oberpenning (Ostkilver) sowie edwin Röper, Bärbel DieWahlbeteiligung betrug in Rödinghausen 85,0 %. Wolfgang spanier (SPD) wurde http://www.spd-roedinghausen.de/html-seiten/wahlen.htm | |
59. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of SP Translate this page Spangler, Norbert, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 1980. spanier, edwin,University of Michigan, 1947. spanier, Jerome, The University of Chicago, 1955. http://genealogy.impa.br/html/letter.phtml?letter=SP |
60. Tables Stanton, RG;, Milaszewicz, Pedro, 11/23/78. Reg. No. 01645, Algebraic topology,spanier, edwin H.;, Minian, Gabriel, 4/30/02. Reg. No. 00983, Cohomology of groups. http://www.dm.uba.ar/hemeroteca/Prestados.html | |
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