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         Sommerfeld Arnold:     more books (100)
  1. Albert Einstein / Arnold Sommerfeld. Briefwechsel. Sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik.
  2. Arnold Sommerfeld
  3. Albert Einstein / Arnold Sommerfeld. Briefwechsel. Sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik. by Armin, editor. [EINSTEIN] HERMANN, 1968
  4. Albert Einstein Arnold Sommerfeld: Briefwechsel by Armin Hermann, 1968
  5. Suman Seth'sCrafting the Quantum: Arnold Sommerfeld and the Practice of Theory, 1890-1926 (Transformations: Studies in the History of Science and Technology) [Hardcover](2010) by S.,(Author) Seth, 2010
  6. Hochschullehrer (Clausthal-Zellerfeld): Arnold Sommerfeld, Friedrich Fürstenberg, Paul Ramdohr, Friedrich Adolph Roemer, Wilhelm Biltz (German Edition)
  7. Neurodynamics: Proceedings of the 9th Summer Workshop on Mathematical Physics, Arnold Sommerfeld Institute for Mathematical Physics Clausthal, 17-20 (Neural Networks) by F. Pasemann, 1991-11
  8. Mechanics (Lectures on Theoretical Physics, Volume I) by Arnold Sommerfeld, 1952
  9. Vorlesungen Uber Theoretische Physik, Band I: Mechanik by Arnold Sommerfeld, 1964-01-01
  10. Partial Differential Equations In Physics by Arnold Sommerfeld, 1953-01-01
  11. Group of 2 papers. Includes: SOMMERFELD. Zur Theorie der Feinstruktur des Wasserstoffs. Offprint from: Zeitschrift für Physik, Band 118, Heft 5 & 6. by Arnold (1868-1951). SOMMERFELD, 1941-01-01
  12. Zur elektronentheorie der metalle auf grund der Fermischen Statistik. I. Teil: allgemeines, stromungs- und austrittsvorgange. with: SOMMERFELD, A. Zur elektronentheorie der metalle auf grund der Fermischen Statistik. II. Teil: thermo-elektrische, galvano-mahnetische und thermo-magnetische vorgange. by Arnold, (1868-1951). SOMMERFELD, 1928-01-01
  13. Atomic Structure and Spectral Lines by Arnold; Brose, Henry L. Sommerfeld, 1923
  14. Lectures on Theoretical Physics: Optics (Lectures on Theoretical Physics volume iv) by Arnold Sommerfeld, 1964-06-01

41. LBS Der UB Tübingen - Physik - Theoretische Physik
Translate this page sommerfeld, arnold Mechanik Bearb. v. Erwin Fues / arnold sommerfeld. sommerfeld,arnold Mechanik der deformierbaren Medien / arnold sommerfeld.
Physik Theoretische Physik (phys F ff. (phys F 1500 ff.
  • Lindner, Albrecht
  • Signatur: phys F 1501 ; Lehrbuchsammlung
  • Signatur: 34 A 9078 ; Allgemeiner Lesesaal (nat B 243)
    Nachweis in OPAC / Ausleihsystem

  • Longair, Malcolm S.
  • Signatur: 31 A 21829
  • Signatur: phys F 1502 ; Lehrbuchsammlung
    Nachweis in OPAC / Ausleihsystem

  • Stauffer, Dietrich : Theoretische Physik : ein Kurzlehrbuch und Repetitorium ; mit 126 Fragen und Rechenaufgaben / Dietrich Stauffer. - 2., verb. und erw. Aufl.. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 1993. - XI, 166 S. : graph. Darst.; (dt.) ; (Springer-Lehrbuch) ; ISBN 3-540-56604-X
    Signatur: phys F 1503 Auflage 2 ; Lehrbuchsammlung
    Nachweis in OPAC / Ausleihsystem

  • Sommerfeld, Arnold
  • Signatur: phys F 1504-1 Auflage 7 ; Lehrbuchsammlung
  • Signatur: 4 A 1954-1 ; Allgemeiner Lesesaal (nat B 250) Nachweis in OPAC / Ausleihsystem
  • Sommerfeld, Arnold
  • Signatur: phys F 1504-2 Auflage 5 ; Lehrbuchsammlung
  • Signatur: Be 1167 ed-2 ; Allgemeiner Lesesaal (nat B 250) Nachweis in OPAC / Ausleihsystem
  • Sommerfeld, Arnold
  • Signatur: phys F 1504-3 Auflage 4 ; Lehrbuchsammlung
    Translate this page 1.- Electrodynamics Volumen 3 Tema Electricidad y Electronica QC25Sommerfeld, arnold 1ª edicion. 2.- Mechanics Tema Mecanica

    Translate this page 1ª edicion. 4.- Electrodynamics Volumen 3 Tema Electricidad yElectronica QC25 sommerfeld, arnold 1ª edicion. 5.- Equations

    44. Arnold Sommerfeld
    Translate this page arnold sommerfeld Königsberg 5.12.1868 - Monaco 26.4.1951. Fisico ematematico, è stato uno dei principali protagonisti dello sviluppo
    Arnold Sommerfeld
    Königsberg 5.12.1868 - Monaco 26.4.1951 Fisico e matematico, è stato uno dei principali protagonisti dello sviluppo della fisica teorica del XX secolo. Laureatosi nel 1893 a Königsberg, conseguì la libera docenza nel 1896, nel 1897 fu nominato professore di matematica all'Accademia di Klausthal-Zellerfeld e nel 1906 gli fu affidata la cattedra di fisica teorica all'Università di Monaco. A Monaco fece parte di un limitato gruppo di studiosi comprendente Einstein Planck , Lorentz e Bohr
    Il suo merito principale fu di avere portato, nel tumultuoso sviluppo della fisica di quegli anni, l'esigenza del rigore teorico a cui gli studi matematici lo avevano abituato. Perfezionò il modello atomico di Bohr introducendovi la relatività e raggiungendo una conclusione sicura nello svolgimento matematico del modello atomico secondo la teoria quantistica e fra i giovani fisici orientati verso le nuove teorie e gli studenti di fisica di tutto il mondo il suo nome conquistò fama leggendaria. Si oppose all'allontanamento dalla Germania dei colleghi israeliti e nel 1934 scrisse a Einstein: "

    45. Arnold Sommerfeld Fritz Sauter Vorlesungen über Theoretische Physik Bd 6 Partie
    Translate this page arnold sommerfeld Fritz Sauter Vorlesungen über Theoretische PhysikBd 6 Partielle Differentialgleichungen in der Physik. arnold
    Arnold Sommerfeld Fritz Sauter Vorlesungen über Theoretische Physik Bd 6 Partielle Differentialgleichungen in der Physik
    Autor / Künstler / Gruppe / Hersteller: Arnold Sommerfeld Fritz Sauter
    Titel: Vorlesungen über Theoretische Physik Bd.6 Partielle Differentialgleichungen in der Physik
    Sommerfeld Arnold Sauter Fritz
    Arnold Sommerfeld
    Fritz Sauter
    Kategorie: Partielle Differenzialgleichung
    Rubrik: Kategorien Fachbücher Mathematik Analysis Differential Integralgleichungen Allgemein
    Medium: Broschiert
    Norbert Sieber Hans-J rgen Sebastian-Spezielle Funktionen....

    Karl-Heinz Elster-Nichtlineare Optimierung....

    Otfried Beyer Horst Hackel Volkmar Pieper-Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und mathematische Statistik....

    Otfried Beyer Hans J. Girlich Hans-U. Zschiesche-Stochastische Prozesse und Modelle....
    ... Rudolf Vierhaus-Was war Aufklärung?...

    46. Vorlesungen über Theoretische Physik Bd 3 Elektrodynamik Arnold Sommerfeld Frit
    Translate this page Vorlesungen über Theoretische Physik Bd 3 Elektrodynamik arnold SommerfeldFritz Bopp Josef Meixner. Vorlesungen über Theoretische
    Vorlesungen über Theoretische Physik Bd 3 Elektrodynamik Arnold Sommerfeld Fritz Bopp Josef Meixner
    Autor / Künstler / Gruppe / Hersteller: Arnold Sommerfeld Fritz Bopp Josef Meixner
    Titel: Vorlesungen über Theoretische Physik Bd.3 Elektrodynamik
    Sommerfeld Arnold Bopp Fritz Meixner Josef
    Arnold Sommerfeld
    Fritz Bopp
    Josef Meixner
    Kategorie: Elektrodynamik
    Rubrik: Kategorien Fachbücher Physik Astronomie Theoretische Physik Quantentheorie
    Medium: Broschiert
    Friedmar Stopp-Operatorenrechnung....

    Wolfgang Schultz-Piszachich-Tensoralgebra und -analysis....

    Norbert Sieber Hans-J rgen Sebastian-Spezielle Funktionen....
    Karl-Heinz Elster-Nichtlineare Optimierung.... ... Thorsten Posselt-Die Gestaltung von Distributionssystemen....

    47. Arnold Sommerfield (1868 - 1951)
    Translate this page arnold sommerfeld (1868 - 1951). Physicien théoricien allemand, néà Königsberg, qui était alors rattachée à la Prusse (aujourd
    Arnold Sommerfeld (1868 - 1951) P I Niels Bohr Fermi Structure atomique et lignes spectrales Peter Debye Wolfgang Pauli et Werner Heisenberg LISTE HOME

    48. Sommerfeld, Arnold Johannes Wilhelm - Gedächtnis Berlin
    Translate this page sommerfeld, arnold Johannes Wilhelm. * 05.12.1868 Königsberg (Provinz Preußen).† 26.04.1951 München (Freistaat Bayern). Physiker. Straße
    Sommerfeld Arnold Johannes Wilhelm Physiker

    49. USP/SIBi - IF
    Translate this page lo. Base, 01. Índice, Autor, sommerfeld, arnold, 1868-1951. Série Ad,sommerfeld, arnold 1868-1951 Lectures on theoretical physics v.1. Série
    Formato completo do registro - IF
    Este link esta em fase de implantação para melhor servi-lo
    Base Autor Sommerfeld, Arnold, 1868-1951
    Título Mechanics / Translated from the 4th German ed. by Martin O. Stern
    Imprenta New York : Academic Press, 1952
    Descr Fís xiv, 289 p : port., diagrs ; 24 cm
    Série His Lectures on theoretical physics ; v.1
    Nota Anos de publicacao : 1966 Assunto MECANICA, ELASTICIDADE E REOLOGIA
    Série Ad Sommerfeld, Arnold 1868-1951 Lectures on theoretical physics v.1
    Série Ad Sommerfeld, Arnold 1868-1951 Lectures on theoretical physics v. 1
    Tipo Mat LIVRO Exemplar

    50. AIM25: Thesaurus-assisted Personal Name Search
    1 Match(es). Your search was sommerfeld arnold 18681951 physicist.Your search matched 1 record(s). Numbers 1 to 1 are listed here. | Arnold

    51. Mathematische Physik (ASI) - TU Clausthal
    Translate this page Willkommen am WWW-Server des. arnold sommerfeld Instituts für Mathematische Physik.der Technischen Universität Clausthal. (english version). Aktuelles LieIII.
    Willkommen am WWW-Server des

    52. Mathematical Physics (ASI) - TU Clausthal
    Welcome to the WWWServer of the. arnold sommerfeld Institute for MathematicalPhysics. Technical University Clausthal. (german version). News LieIII. III.
    Welcome to the WWW-Server of the
    Arnold Sommerfeld Institute for Mathematical Physics
    Technical University Clausthal
    • LieIII
    • III. International Workshop on Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics 11-14 July 1999, Clausthal, Germany
    • QTS
    • International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries 18-22 July 1999, Goslar, Germany
    • RHS
    • II. International Workshop on Rigged Hilbert Spaces and Time
      Asymmetric Quantum Mechanics 23-28 July 1999, Clausthal, Germany
    General Information
    Address of the Institute
    Guide to the Institute
    Staff of the Institute
    Proceedings and Preprints
    Habilitations and dissertations
    Research and activities
    Forschung und Entwickung 1996 (in German)
    Forschungsbericht 1994/95 (in German)
    Virtueller Campus zur Studieninformation (in German)
    Homepage Institute for Theoretical Physics
    Homepage of the Physics Department
    Homepage Institute of Physics
    Homepage Institute for Applied Physics
    Homepage TU Clausthal
    Studying Physics at the Technical University Clausthal
    WWW-pages " Fachschaft Mathematik/Informatik/Physik
    Last changes: 6.4.1999 by Vladimir Dobrev

    53. IBZ - Internationales Begegnungszentrum Der Wissenschaft - Arnold Sommerfeld
    Translate this page arnold sommerfeld. Namenspatron des Internationalen Begegnungszentrumsder Quantentheorie Prof. Dr. arnold sommerfeld. Er wirkte von


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    ... Impressum
    © 2000 IBZ München
    Arnold Sommerfeld
    Namenspatron des Internationalen Begegnungszentrums der Wissenschaft in München ist der theoretische Physiker und Mitbegründer der Quantentheorie Prof. Dr. Arnold Sommerfeld. Er wirkte von 1906 bis zu seinem Tode 1951 an der Universität München, wo er einen Lehrstuhl für theoretische Physik innehatte. Sommerfeld war eine herausragende Forscherpersönlichkeit mit einer genuinen Lehrbegabung, An seinem Institut sammelten sich junge Wissenschaftler aus der ganzen Welt und entwickelten im Dialog eine neue Physik. Zu seinen Schülern zählen die Nobelpreisträger Peter Debye, Max von Laue, Wolfgang Pauli, Werner Heisenberg, Isidor I. Rabi, Linus Pauling, und Hans Bethe. Wissenschaftlich Diskussionen pflegt Sommerfeld im Münchner Café am Hofgarten fortzusetzen. Hier traf er sich aber auch gerne zu einem Gespräch "unter vier Augen". Anliegen des IBZ ist es, die unkonventionelle Art der Sommerfeldschen Diskussionsrunden im "Arnold-Sommerfeld-Haus" neu zu beleben.

    54. IBZ - International Center For Science And The Humanities - Arnold Sommerfeld
    arnold sommerfeld. The friend. This unconventional way of holding discussionscomes to life again at the IBZ the arnold sommerfeld House.
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    Arnold Sommerfeld
    The Munich theoretical physicist and co-inventor of Qunatum Theory, who held the theoretical physics chair at the University of Munich from 1906 until his death 1951, gives his name to the International Center for Science and the Humanities in Munich. Sommerfeld was famous for his teaching ability and his outstanding research. Young scientists from all over the world flocked to his institute to develop - through dialogue - a new world of physics. His students an co-workers included a long list of Nobel Prize winners: Peter Debye, Max von Laue, Wolfgang Pauli, Werner Heisenberg, Isidor I Rabi, Linus Pauling and Hans Bethe. It was the Sommerfeld tradition to sit comfortably at the Cafe am Hofgarten , not too far from today`s IBZ bearing his name, and the explore scientific questions with a group of research associates or one to one with a scientific friend. This unconventional way of holding discussions comes to life again at the IBZ - the Arnold Sommerfeld House.

    55. Arnold Sommerfeld
    Translate this page arnold sommerfeld. arnold sommerfeld foi uma das figuras centrais na transformaçãopela qual a física passou nas duas décadas de 1910 a 1930.
    Arnold Sommerfeld
    Arnold Sommerfeld foi um grande homem.
    Arnold Sommerfeld foi uma das figuras centrais na transformação pela qual a física passou nas duas décadas de 1910 a 1930. Sem os seus esforços inpirados e incansáveis nem o avanço tumultuado nem a ampla disseminação da teoria quântica do átomo teriam sido o que são. O Instituto de Física Teórica de Munich, que dirigia, tornou-se a escola da qual fluíam os artigos científicos mais importantes, de autoria de alemães e estrangeiros, jovens ou maduros estudiosos da teoria atômica. Seu famoso livro Atombau und Spektrallinien foi, por um longo tempo, a única fonte completa e a única autoridade neste tópico fundamental.....
    Paul P. Ewald
    Foi aluno do grande matemático Felix Klein , que o dirigiu para a matemática aplicada. Suas primeiras pesquisas foram a solução de problemas de transmissão de ondas eletromagnéticas em linhas de grande extensão. Dedicou-se também à ótica, tendo obtido a primeira solução exata de um problema de difração da luz. Com Felix Klein publicou um famoso tratado sobre a rotação de corpos rígidos, Theorie des Kreisels (Teoria do pião). Dedicou-se posteriormente à teoria quântica do átomo, obtendo aperfeiçoamentos da fórmula de Bohr para o espectro do átomo de Hidrogênio. Cunhou o termo "constante de estrutura fina" para o parâmetro fundamental na descrição das interações eletromagnéticas.

    56. Arnold Sommerfeld :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
    arnold sommerfeld. Online Encyclopedia arnold sommerfeld was born inKönigsberg, where he also studied mathematics. After receiving
    Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles Arnold Sommerfeld
    Online Encyclopedia

    Arnold Sommerfeld December 5 April 26 ) was a German physicist who introduced the fine-structure constant in Arnold Sommerfeld was born in Königsberg , where he also studied mathematics. After receiving doctorate in he changed to the University of Göttingen , where he received professorship in he became professor of mathematics at the University of Clausthal-Zellerfeld , in for technical engineering at the University of Aachen In he finally became professor of physics at the University of Munich . There he came in contact with the special theory of relativity by Albert Einstein , which was not yet widely accepted at that time. His mathematical contributions to the theory helped its accepting among the sceptic physicists. Later he became one of the founders of the quantum mechanics , many of his students became famous of their own - most notably Werner Heisenberg and Wolfgang Pauli Sommerfeld died in in Munich from injuries after a traffic accident.

    57. Ava Helen And Linus Pauling Papers - 01. Correspondence, 359 - 371
    361, sommerfeld, arnold Reprints, Correspondence, 19181951. 361.1,sommerfeld, arnold Correspondence, 1926-1949. 361.2, sommerfeld
    Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Papers Collections Pauling Papers Home 01. Correspondence, 1919-2000 (385 boxes) Boxes 359 - 371 Box Folder Sidgwick, N.V., 1935-1951. Sidgwick, N.V.: Correspondence, 1935-1951. S: Individual Correspondence. (Silvetti - Soldate) , No Date Silvetti, Anthony, 1976-1985. Simon, F.E., 1948-1954. Simons, Howard, [ Washington Post Assistant Editor] 1970. Sinatra, Frank, 1972. Sinnott, Edmond W., 1940. Slater, John C., 1953, 1959. Smith, R. Arnold, 1978-1989. Snow, C.P., 1961. Snow, Edgar, 1958. Sobel, Albert, 1957, 1962. Soddy, Frederick, 1947. Soldate, Albert M., 1950-1951, 1957-1958. Sommerfeld, Arnold: Reprints, Correspondence, 1918-1951. Sommerfeld, Arnold: Correspondence, 1926-1949. Sommerfeld, Arnold: Biographical Information, 1951. Sommerfeld, Arnold: Reprints of Memorial by L.P., 1951. Sommerfeld, Arnold: Reprints, 1918-1938. S: Individual Correspondence. (Sosman - Steinhardt) , No Date Sosman, Robert B., 1947, 1962. Spanel, A.N. and Margaret, 1974-1976, 1978-1980, 1982-1986, 1988, 1991-1993. Spedding, F.H. 1940-1941, 1946-1947, 1952.

    58. Arnold Sommerfeld
    Translate this page arnold sommerfeld. * 5. Dezember 1868 in Königsberg. † 26. April1951 in München. .Nachdem er in Königsberg Mathematik studiert
    Arnold Sommerfeld
    promoviert worden war, ging er wurde er bei Felix Klein habilitiert , den er stets als seinen "eigentlichen Lehrer" angesehen hat - "nicht nur in mathematischen, sondern auch in mathematisch-physikalischen Dingen und in der Auffassung der Mechanik". die von Albert Einstein Max Planck als richtig akzeptiert worden war. Seitdem wurde auch Sommerfeld zu einem Vorkämpfer dieser Theorie. Als hochqualifiziertem Mathematiker gelangen ihm bald fruchtbare Anwendungen auf verschiedene physikalische Phänomene, z.B. auf die Theorie der Röntgenbremsstrahlung mit der relativistischen "Voreilung" des Intensitätsmaximums. Die Sommerfeldschen Rechnungen trugen mit zur schnellen Anerkennung der Einsteinschen Relativitätstheorie bei. wurde er durch seinen Assistenten Peter Debye Walther Nernsts fand dann Ende Oktober Arthur Erich Haas in Wien eineinhalb Jahre zuvor aus dem Aufbau der Atome die Plancksche Konstante h "daß h nicht aus den Moleküldimensionen zu erklären, sondern die Existenz der Moleküle als eine Funktion und Folge der Existenz eines elementaren Wirkungsqunatums anzusehen"

    59. Sommerfeld, Arnold (Johannes Wilhelm)
    sommerfeld, arnold (Johannes Wilhelm). (b. Dec. 5, 1868, Königsberg,Prussia now Kaliningrad, Russiad. April 26, 1951, Munich
    Sommerfeld, Arnold (Johannes Wilhelm) As professor of theoretical physics at Munich (1906-31), he did his most important work. His investigations of atomic spectra led him to suggest that, in the Bohr model of the atom, the electrons move in elliptical orbits as well as circular ones. From this idea he postulated the azimuthal quantum number. He later introduced the magnetic quantum number as well. Sommerfeld also did detailed work on wave mechanics, and his theory of electrons in metals proved valuable in the study of thermoelectricity and metallic conduction.

    60. Arnold Sommerfeld
    Translate this page arnold sommerfeld. arnold sommerfeld was born on 5 December 1868 in Königsberg/EastPrussia, the son of a physician. arnold sommerfeld received many honours.
    Arnold Sommerfeld
    later transferring to the mathematical institute where he worked under Felix Klein and obtained his approval to lecture at the university in 1895 with a paper on the mathematical theory of the diffraction of light. In 1897 Arnold Sommerfeld was appointed professor of mathematics at the Mining Academy in Clausthal and Im Jahre 1897 wurde Arnold Sommerfeld Professor der Mathematik an der Bergakademie in Clausthal in 1900 professor of mechanics at the Technical University, Aachen. Professor der Mechanik an der Technischen Hochschule Aachen In Munich he worked as a successful researcher and an esteemed and popular lecturer. He inspired a constantly growing circle of students, which as well as Wolfgang Pauli, included Walther Kossel, Werner Heisenberg, Peter Debye, Hans Bethe and Gregor Wentzel. Arnold Sommerfeld received many honours. He enjoyed cordial friendships with Al-bert Einstein and Max Planck and subsequently with many of his students, in particu-lar Wolfgang Pauli. In the twenties he was invited to give guest lectures at many European universities, and also to California, Japan and India. He died on 24. April 1951 as the result of a traffic accident.

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