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         Sinan Ibn Thabit:     more detail
  1. Siyasat al-nufus (Arabic Edition) by Sinan ibn Thabit, 1992

41. Muslim American Society
Al Muqtadir built a new hospital in Baghdad in 303/915, which became famousbecause of the medical expertise of its director, sinan ibn thabit.

42. WhoWasThere Reply
a further 40 years. sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra was about 20 this yearand would die in about a further 43 years. alKhazin was born

43. Thabit Ibn Kurrah (Thebit)
836 901 e.r.) thabit ibn Kurrah, i njohur ne perendim me emrin Thebit, njihet per certifikata prej shume doktoresh. sinan gjithashtu themeloi spitale levizese dhe hetoi neper
Thabit Ibn Kurrah (Thebit)
(836 - 901 e.r.)

Thabit Ibn Kurrah, i njohur ne perendim me emrin Thebit, njihet per kontributin e tij ne mekanike, astronomi, metametike dhe gjeometri. Thabit Ibn Kurrah Maruan al-Harrani lindi ne Harran (Turqia e sotme ) ne vitin 836 e.r. dhe vdiq ne Bagdat ne vitin 901 e.r. Ai u bashkua me matematicienin e madh musliman Muhamed Ibn Musa Ibn Shakir ne Bagdat i cili ishte vendosur aty me urdher te kalifit abasid.
Thabit ishte nje pionier ne zgjerimin e konceptit te gjeometrise tradicionale ne algjebren gjeometrike dhe propozoi teori te cilat cuan ne zhvillimin e gjeometrise jo-Euklidiane, trigonometrise sferike, llogaritmit integral dhe numrave reale. Ai perdori terminologjine aritmetike per te studiuar aspekte te ndryshme te paraboles dhe eklipsit. Teoria e tij rreth llogaritjes se siperfaqes the volumit te trupave te ngurte eshte ne fakt ajo qe me vone u njoh si llogaritmi i integralit.
Veprat origjinale te Thabit mbi mekaniken dhe fiziken pershijne ekzaminimin e gjendjes se ekulibrit te trupave, rrezeve dhe leves. Disa historiane e kane njohur ate themeluesi i statistikes. Ai ishte nje nga kritiket e pare te pikepamjeve te Ptolemeut mbi astronomine. Ai kritikoi gjithashtu disa teorema te Euklidit rreth elementeve dhe propozoi permiresime te rendesishme. Thabit shtoi sferen e nente astronomise se Ptolemeut. Disa hetime te hershme e kane kritikuar vepren e tij "Shqetesimi i Ekuinoksit"dhe disa shekuj me vone Tycho Brahe ( 1546-1601 ) e permiresoi kete veper.

44. 908 A.D.
He was the grandson of thabit ibn Qurra who translated many Greek astronomical andmathematical works into Arabic. Ibrahim ibn sinan studied geometry including
908 AD Ibrahim ibn Sinan was born in Bagdad (now located in Iraq) in 908 AD. He was the grandson of Thabit ibn Qurra who translated many Greek astronomical and mathematical works into Arabic. Ibrahim ibn Sinan studied geometry including tangents to circles, and the geometry of shadows, and the motion of the Sun. He is considered the first Arab mathematician to think about mathematical philosophy. He constructed an ellipse, parabola and hyperbola in On drawing the three conic sections . Later in the manuscript he proves that the area of a segment of a parabola is four-thirds the area of the inscribed triangle. Another work On the motions of the sun deals with the motion of the solar apogee, and has an analysis of the observations underlying Ptolemy's solar theory. Author: Charles DeBoer References:

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45. Thabit Ibn Qurra - Encyclopedia Article About Thabit Ibn Qurra. Free Access, No
After him the greatest Sabean name was AlBatani. thabit and his grandson Ibrahimibn sinan have studied the curves which are needed for making of sundials. ibn Qurra
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Thabit ibn Qurra
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Thabit ibn Qurra abu' l'Hasan ibn Marwan al-Sabi al'Harrani Centuries: 8th century - 9th century - 10th century Decades: 770s 780s 790s 800s 810s - Years: 821 822 823 824 825 - Events
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Click the link for more information. February 18 February 18 is the 49th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. There are 316 days remaining (317 in leap years).
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Click the link for more information. Centuries: 9th century - 10th century - 11th century Decades: 850s 860s 870s 880s 890s - Years: 896 897 898 899 900 - Events
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46. Islamic History And Culture - The History Of Islam And Personalities In Islamic
Abu Abdullah alBattani, Abu Abdallah Muhammad ibn Jabir ibn sinan al-Battani al-Harraniwas a famous astronomer Hanifa, Abu Hanifa Nu’man ibn thabit. Dr. Ir.
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Common Name Full Name (if different) and Description Last Posting 24 September 2000 We are looking for more biographies and material to add to this section. If you have material to share please forward it to us so we may post it for everyone to read and enjoy, insha Allah. Thank You.. Previous Posting ‘Abdu’l-Qadir al-Jilani Great 'ulama and charismatic leader of Islam. Abu Abdullah al-Battani Abu Abdallah Muhammad Ibn Jabir Ibn Sinan al-Battani al-Harrani was a famous astronomer, mathematician and astrologer. Abu al-Hasan al-Mawardi Abu al-Hasan Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Habib al-Mawardi was a great jurist, mohaddith, sociologist and an expert in Political Science. Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi Abul Qasim Khalaf ibn al-Abbas al-Zahrawi was a great surgeon. Abu Ali Hasan Ibn al-Haitham Abu Ali Hasan Ibn al-Haitham was one of the most eminent physicists, whose contributions to optics and the scientific methods are outstanding. Abu'l-Hasan al-Ash'ari Famous 'ulama Abul Hasan Ali Al-Masu'di Abul Hasan Ali Ibn Husain Ibn Ali Al-Masu'di expert an geographer, a physicist and historian.

47. Thabit Ibn Qurra Definition Meaning Information Explanation
thabit and his grandson Ibrahim ibn sinan have studied the curves which are neededfor making of sundials. Abu lWafa has also written a book about the
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Thabit ibn Qurra
Thabit ibn Qurra abu' l'Hasan ibn Marwan al-Sabi al'Harrani February 18 ) was an Arab astronomer and mathematician . In Latin he was known as Thebit Thabit was born in Harran (antique Carrhae), Mesopotamia (now Turkey ). Upon the proposal of Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakir Thabit went to study in Baghdad to Shakir's brothers the Bani Mussa. He led a group of translators, who came from the pagan pseudo Sabeans from Harran. Arabic writters confound the Babylonian Sabeans from the Harrarian Sabeans. Harrarian Sabeans respected stars and for this reason they have very soon showed a great interests for astronomy and mathematics . In the times of Muslim supremacy they have accepted the name Sabean to get benefits from privileges that were allowed by the Ko'ran. This name later ramained and this strange sect have lived in vicinity of the main center of the Caliphate till the half of the 13th century , when the Mongols have destroyed their last shrine. Their merits in the spiritual and scientifical fields have with no doubt helped them to get a protection from the Muslim s. In the times of al - Mutawakkil reign their city became a center of the philosophical and medical school, which was transferred from

48. Thabit Ibn Qurrah (Thebit), 836-901 C.E.
scientific team of the great Muslim mathematician Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakir at thabitleft his legacy with sons (Ibrahim and sinan), grandsons (thabit
THABIT IBN QURRAH (THEBIT) (836 - 901 C.E.) by
Dr. A. Zahoor

Thabit ibn Qurrah, known in the West as Thebit , is known for his work on mechanics, astronomy, pure mathematics and geometry. Thabit ibn Qurrah ibn Marwan al-Harrani was born in 836 C.E. at Harran (present Turkey) and died in Baghdad in 901 C.E. He joined the scientific team of the great Muslim mathematician Muhammad Ibn Musa Ibn Shakir at Baghdad, which was established by the Abbasid Caliphs. Thabit was a pioneer in extending the concept of traditional geometry to geometrical algebra and proposed theories that led to the development of non-Euclidean geometry, spherical trigonometry, integral calculus and real numbers. He used arithmetic terminology to study several aspects of conic sections (parabola and ellipse). His algorithm for computing the surface area and volume of solids is in fact what we came to know later as the integral calculus. Thabit's original work on Mechanics and Physics involves examining conditions of equilibrium of bodies, beams and levers. Some historians have recognized him as the Founder of Statics. He was among the early critics of Ptolemaic views on astronomy. He also criticized several theorems of Euclid's elements and proposed important improvements. Thabit added the ninth sphere to Ptolemic astronomy. Some early investigators criticized his work on 'Trepidation of Equinoxes' and several centuries later Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) improved upon his work. Thabit analyzed several problems on the movements of sun and moon and wrote treatises on sundials. Beer and Madler in their famous work Der Mond (1837) mention a surface feature of the moon after Thabit (Thebit). It is a prominent circular plain thirty miles in diameter in Section No. 8. The intrusion of a small circular plain has disfigured its circular wall. A small crater has thrust itself in on the eastern side of this plain.

49. [Islam Medecine] Caractéristiques Des Hôpitaux
Translate this page En 931 AD le Calife Al-Mugtadir, de la dynastie Abbasid, ordonna au médecin enchef de la Cour sinan ibn-thabit de tester les 860 médecins de Bagdad et



Caractéristiques des hôpitaux samedi 30 mars 2002
DANS LA MEME RUBRIQUE : Raisons de la prestigieuse qualité des hôpitaux
Profane Des salles séparées : les patients de sexes différents occupaient des salles séparées. De plus, différentes maladies, spécialement les contagieuses, étaient réparties dans des pièces différentes. Un personnel soignant adéquat Médecins diplômés Ecoles Médicales Dossiers véritables pour les patients Pharmacie Contributions Of Islam To Medicine
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50. Uczony Heretyk - Nowinki Matematyczne - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat
Dokladna data urodzin Tabita ibn Qurry (thabit ibn Qurra) nie jest znana; miesci Whistorii matematyki zapisali sie jeszcze jego syn sinan ibn Tabit oraz
W Na bie¿±co: I nformacje C o nowego Matematyka i przyroda: A stronomia B iologia ... odelowanie rzeczywisto¶ci Humanistyka: F ilozofia H istoria ... ztuka Czytaj: B iblioteka D elta ... ielcy i wiêksi Przydatne: S ³owniki C o i gdzie studiowaæ ... szech¶wiat w obrazkach Jeste¶ tutaj: Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat Informacje Nowinki 2000-2002 Matematyka Jeste¶ tutaj nowinka:
Uczony heretyk
Jaros³aw W³odarczyk
z dnia:
Szukacz Przeszukaj Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat: Jak zadawaæ pytania?
Uczony heretyk Tysi±c sto lat temu zmar³ w Bagdadzie wszechstronny uczony islamu, Tabit Ibn Qurra. Pozostawi³ blisko 100 (choæ nie wszystkie siê zachowa³y) traktatów naukowych, z których za najwa¿niejsze uwa¿a siê prace po¶wiêcone matematyce i astronomii.
Tabit Ibn Qurra (ok. 826-901) Dok³adna data urodzin Tabita Ibn Qurry (Thabit ibn Qurra) nie jest znana; mie¶ci siê w przedziale lat 824-836. Wiadomo natomiast, ¿e Tabit pochodzi³ z Harranu w Górnej Mezopotamii (obecnie Turcja), gdzie podobno w m³odo¶ci para³ siê wymian± pieniêdzy. Miasto to by³o o¶rodkiem kultu astralnego: cz³onkowie tamtejszej sekty sabijczyków utrzymywali, ¿e jako pierwsi uprawiali ziemiê, budowali miasta i... rozwinêli naukê. Dzieje Harranu tak siê potoczy³y, ¿e jego mieszkañcy przyswoili sobie jêzyk grecki w epoce hellenistycznej, a po podboju przez Arabów - arabski, zachowuj±c jednak ojczysty aramejski wraz z religi± przodków.
Niemniej wolnomy¶licielskie pogl±dy Tabita sprawi³y, ¿e popad³ w konflikt z sabijczykami i opu¶ci³ Harran. Wêdruj±c spotka³ na swej drodze matematyka Muhammada Ibn Musê Ibn Shakira (jednego ze s³ynnych trzech braci Banu Musa), na którym g³êbia wiedzy matematycznej i filozoficznej Ibn Qurry, jak równie¿ jego bieg³o¶æ w jêzykach wywar³y olbrzymie wra¿enie. Muhhamad zaprosi³ go do Bagdadu, gdzie pod rz±dami dynastii Abbasydów rozkwita³a nauka. Najwybitniejszym jej patronem by³ kalif Al-Mamun, który za³o¿y³ Dom M±dro¶ci (

51. Kapitel3
Translate this page Geduld.“ (Al-Bukhari und Muslim) Hadith 27 Abu Yahya Suhaib ibn sinan (r) überliefert Mu’adhibn Dschabal, Ubai ibn Ka’b, Zaid ibn thabit und anderen
Buradasýnýz-Sie sind hier: Hadith HADITH
Geduld (Sabr)
Auszug aus dem ber hmten Werk
zusammengestellt von Imam Abu Zakariya Yahya ibn Scharaf an-Nawawi
Ihr, die den Iman Taqwa
Ihr, die den Iman verinnerlicht habt! Helft euch mit Geduld und mit dem rituellen Gebet. Gewiss, Allah ist mit den Duldsamen. [2:153]
im Quran.
Hadith 25: Alhamdu lillah Subhan Allah Alhamdu lillah Hadith 26: Ansar Hadith 27: Hadith 28: Hadith 29: Hadith 30:

52. Al-Mahani: Medieval References
4b. Ibrahim ibn sinan, Treatise on the measurement of the parabola (kitAb Mygrandfather thabit ibn Qurra and alMahani also have solutions of this.
Medieval references to al-Mahani
1a. Ibn al-Nadim, Fihrist (List) (ed. Tehran, 1971, p. 337): u.hammad bn `Is_A abU `abd al-lah al-mAhAnI min `ulamA' a.s.hAb al-a`dAd w-al-muhandisIn wa-lahu min al-kutub kitAb risAlaT fI `urU.d al-kawAkib kitAb risAlatihi fI al-nisbaT kitAb fI sitaT wa-`i^srIn ^sakl"aN min al-maqAlaT al-Ul_A min uqlIdis alatI lA yu.htA^gu fI ^say' minhA il_A al-_hulf Muhammad ibn Isa Abu Abdallah al-Mahani, one of the scholars among the arithmeticians and geometers. He has the following books: Treatise on the latitudes of the stars, his treatise on ratio, a book on twenty-six propositions from the first Book of Euclid in which reductio ad absurdum is not necessary. 1b. Ibn al-Nadim, Fihrist (List) (ed. Tehran, 1971, p. 325, on Euclid's Elements wa-li-al-mAhAnI ^sar.h al-maqAlaT al-_hAmisaT min al-kitAb and al-Mahani composed a commentary on the fifth book of the work (i.e. the Elements). 2. Ibn al-Qifti, Ta'rikh al-Hukama (History of the Scholars) (p. 284): mu.hammad ibn `Is_A abU `abd al-lah al-mAhAnI min `ulamA' a.s.hAb al-a`dAd w-al-muhandisIn wa-lahu qadr ma`rUf bayna `ulamA' ha_dA al-^sa'n wa-kAna bi-ba.gdAd wa-lahu ta.sAnIf fI ha_dA al-naw` minhA ... Muhammad ibn Isa Abu Abdallah al-Mahani, one of the scholars among the arithmeticians and geometers. He was well-known among the scholars in these things, and he was in Bagdad. He wrote treatises in this discipline, among which are the following ....

53. : Islam : Biographies
the start of the Prophet s mission, that is about the middle of the sixth centuryCE, an Arab named sinan ibn Malik gover Talhah ibn Ubaydullah. thabit ibn Qays.
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  • Islam Business Computers Girls ... Islam Biographies Sub categories Show Sort by Article ID Article Title Author Name Category ID Last Modified Poster ID Poster Name Featured Article? Category Name Rank: Overall KeywordART Asc Desc Article Listings Browse with/without thumbnails BIOGRAPHY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (pbuh)
    Prophet Muhammad (s) was born in 570 CE in Makkah (Bakka, Baca, Mecca). His father, Abdullah, died several weeks before his birth in Yathrib (Medin... RATE BAR
    Abbad ibn Bishr
    It was the fourth year after the Hijrah. The city of the Prophet was still under threat from within and without. From within, the influential Jewis... RATE BAR
    Abdullah ibn Hudhafah as-Sahmi
    History would have by-passed this man as it had bypassed thousands of Arabs before him... RATE BAR
    Abdullah ibn Jahsh
    Abdullah ibn Jahsh was a cousin of the Prophet and his sister, Zaynab bint Jahsh, was a wife of the Prophet. He was the first to head a group of Mu... RATE BAR
    Abdullah ibn Masud
    When he was still a youth, not yet past the age of puberty, he used to roam the mountain trails of Makkah far away from people, tending the flocks ...

54. History Of Mathematics: Arabic Mathematics
thabit ibn Qurra (836 901); al-Fadl al-Nayrizi (c. 880); Abu Kamil ibn Aslam (c AbuNasr al-Farabi (Alpharabius) (c. 878-c. 950); Ibrahim ibn sinan (909-946); Abu
Arabic Mathematics This page is under development.
  • Banu Musa (sons of Musa ibn Shakir) (ninth century)
  • al-Hajjaj ibn Matar (c. 800)
  • Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi (c. 780-c. 850)
  • Hunayn ibn Ishaq (Johannitius) (808-873)
  • `Abd al-Hamid ibn Turk (c. 850)
  • Ahmad ibn `Abdullah al-Marwazi Habas al-Hasib (c. 850)
  • Thabit ibn Qurra (836 -901)
  • al-Fadl al-Nayrizi (c. 880)
  • Abu Kamil ibn Aslam (c. 850-930)
  • Qusta ibn Luka (d. 912)
  • Abu `Abdallah Mohammad ibn Jabir al-Battani (Albatenius) (c. 858-929)
  • Abu Nasr al-Farabi (Alpharabius) (c. 878-c. 950)
  • Ibrahim ibn Sinan (909-946)
  • Abu Sahl al-Kuhi (c. 950)
  • Abu l'Hasan al-Uqlidisi (c. 952)
  • `Abd al-`Aziz al-Qabisi (c. 950)
  • Muhammad Abu l'Wafa (Albuzjani) (940-998)
  • Abd al-Jalil al-Sijzi (c. 970)
  • Abu `Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) (c. 965-1039)
  • Abu l-Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni (973-1055)
  • Abu Bakr al-Karaji (al Karkhi) (c. 1000)
  • Abu `Abdallah al-Hasan ibn al-Baghdadi (c. 1000)
  • Kushyar ibn Labban (c. 1000)
  • Maslama al-Majriti (c. 1000)
  • Abu Nasr Mansur ibn Iraq (d. 1030)
  • Abu Mansur al-Baghdadi (c. 1025)

55. [Alb-Islam] Fwd: Thabit Ibn Qurrah (Thebit)
e madh musliman Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakir ne thabit analizoi disa probleme mbilevizjen e Diellit dhe Djali I tij sinan perfundoi certifikata te rregullta
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Tue Sep 5 22:39:11 EDT 2000 - In alb-muslimnews at olsi at r... More information about the Alb-Islam mailing list

56. Tabit Ibn Kora - Wikipedija
V njegovem velikem delu ga je nasledil njegov sin sinan, njegova dvavnuka thabit in Ibrahim ibn sinan in njegov pravnuk abual-Faraj.
Tabit ibn Kora
Iz Wikipedije, proste enciklopedije.
Tabit ibn Kora abu' l'Hasan ibn Marvan al-Sabi al'Harani , arabski astronom in matematik Haran (antično Carrhae), Mezopotamija (sedaj Turčija 18. februar Bagdad , (sedaj Irak ). V latinščini je bil znan pod imenom Tebit Tabit je na predlog Mohameda ibn Muse ibn Šakira odšel študirat v Bagdad k Šakirovim bratom Bani Musa. Bil je na čelu skupine prevajalcev, ki je izhajala od poganskih psevdo-Sabejcev iz Harana. Arabski pisci zamenjujejo babilonske Sabejce od haranskih Sabejcev. Haranski Sabejci so spoštovali zvezde in so zaradi tega že zelo zgodaj pokazali veliko zanimanje za astronomijo in matematiko . V času muslimanske nadvlade so sprejeli ime Sabejcev, da bi se koristili s privilegiji, ki jih je dopuščal Ko'ran . To ime jim je pozneje tudi ostalo in ta čudna sekta je naprej živela v sami bližini glavnega središča Kalifata vse do polovice 13. stoletja , ko so Mongoli uničili njihovo zadnje svetišče. Brez dvoma so jim njihove zasluge na duhovnem in znanstvenem področju pomagale, da so dobili zaščito od muslimanov. Za časa al-Mutavakilovega vladanja je njihovo mesto postalo središče filozofske in medicinske šole, ki so jo prej prenesli iz

57. Chapter 85
ibn Yahya has narrated from Muhammad ibn alHassan from Muhammad ibn sinan fromTalha ibn ‘Isa from al-Hassan ibn Mahbub from ‘Umar ibn thabit from Jabir
Chapter 85
The case of those who would claim to be the Imam but is not qualified, the case of those who would reject all or some of the Imams and the case of those who argue in support of one who is not a qualified Imam H 958, Ch. 85, h 1 Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from Muhammad ibn Sinan from abu Salam from Sawra ibn kulayb who has said the following. "I asked abu Ja‘far (a.s.) about the words of Allah, the Most Majestic, the Most gracious, ‘On the Day of Judgment you will see the faces of those who had invented falsehood against God blackened. . . ." (39:60). The Imam (a.s.) said, "It refers to whose who claim to be the Imam but in fact, is not the Imam." I then asked, "Even if he would of the descendants of Ali (a.s.)?" He said, "Even if he would of the descendants of Ali (a.s.),." I then asked, "Even if he would of the sons of Ali ibn abu Talib (a.s.) ?" He said, "even if he would be." H 959, Ch. 85, h 2

58. < < A R á B I A S > > O Portal Da Comunidade Árabe Do Brasil Na Internet
Translate this page científico do grande matemático muçulmano Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakir em thabitdeixou o legado dele com filhos (o Ibrahim e sinan), neto (thabit e

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- Sites Árabes - Jornais e Revistas ... Personalidade THABIT IBN QURRAH (THEBIT) 836 - 901 DC
Ibn de Thabit Qurrah, conhecido no Oriente como Thabit, é conhecido pelo trabalho dele em mecânicas, astronomia, pura matemática e geometria. Thabit ibn Qurrah nasceu em 836 DC em Harran (a Turquia atual) e morreu em Bagdá em 901 DC. Ele se uniu ao time científico do grande matemático muçulmano Muhammad Ibn Musa Ibn Shakir em Bagdá que foi estabelecido pelos Califas de Abbasid. Thabit era um pioneiro estendendo o conceito de geometria tradicional a álgebra geométrica e teorias propostas que conduziram ao desenvolvimento de geometria de Não-Euclidean, trigonometria esférica, cálculos integrantes e números de realidade. Ele usou terminologia de aritmética para estudar vários aspectos de seções cônicas (parábola e elipse). O algoritmo dele usado para calcular a área de superfície e volume de sólidos é na realidade o que nós viemos conhecer depois como Cálculus. O trabalho original de Thabit em Mecânicas e Físicas envolvem condições examinadoras de equilíbrio de corpos, vigas e alavancas. Alguns historiadores o reconheceram como o Fundador de Estáticas.

59. Islamset - Islamic Medicine: Medicine Before Islam, Manpower Before Islam, Secul
For example, in 931 AD, the Caliph AlMugtadir from the Abbasid dynasty, orderedthe Chief Court-Physician sinan ibn-thabit to screen the 860 physicians-of
Home Islamic Heritage
Islamic Medicine - Cultural Academy Medicine, as we know it today, did not develop overnight. It took the aggregate effort of countless m men and women over thousands of years. Islamic physicians, in particular, contributed much to the world's knowledge of medicine. Medicine Before Islam To truly understand Islam's contributions to medicine, we must have an accurate picture of the state of medicine before Islam. We will consider the two most general necessities for providing reasonable health care, manpower and hospitals. Manpower before Islam: Before Islam, good centers of physicians were spread out from one another. For example, centers where physicians practiced and discussed medicine existed only in such places as Alexandria, Egypt, and Jundi Sfhapur, Persia. While these centers were quite advanced, the lack of a unified Government or empire in the area curtailed communications between the physicians, thereby making medical advancements all the more difficult. Hospitals before Islam: Hospitals as we know them now probably were not present. While there were places for the sick to stay, these places were mainly temples or annexes to temples that were run by priests. Gods were supposed to paly a major role in the art of healing. In those days, sanctuary, prayers, inactation, and hypnosis were integral parts of the therapy. Unfortunately, many of these rituals were not based in fact and did not result in the healing of the sick. Furthermore, some of these places did not care for certain patients due to race or religion.

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Jabir ibn Haiyan,; alKindi,; al-Khwarizmi,; al-Fargani,; al-Razi,; thabit ibnQurra,; al-Battani,; Hunain ibn Ishaq,; al-Farabi,; Ibrahim ibn sinan,; al-Masudi,;al
web hosting domain names email addresses SARTON SAYS SO (ABOUT VALUE OF PRE-RENAISSANCE ISLAMIC SCIENCE) George Leon Arthor Sarton (1884-1956) has been praised as "the father of the history of science" ( In 1912, Sarton founded the distinguished journal, Isis , and in 1936 another, Osiris . His History of Science , and ancillary works, are essential tools of the scholar. In 1936, Sarton wrote The Study of the History of Science , a varsion of his inaugural lectures at Harvard University. Among other comments: "... we shall not be able to understand our science of to-day (I do not say to use it, but to understand it) if we do not succeed in penetrating its genesis and its evolution. Knowledge is not something dead and static, but something fluid, alive, and moving. The latest results are like the fruits of a tree; the fruits serve our immediate practical purposes, but for all that it is the tree that matters. The scientist of philosophic mind is not interested so much in the latest results of science as he is in its eternal tendencies, In the living and exhuberant and immortal tree. The fruits of to-day may be tempting enough, but they are not more precious to his way of thinking than those of yesterday or to-morrow." Here is George Sarton's Tribute to Muslim Scientists in his book

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