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Sinan Ibn Thabit: more detail | ||||
21. 7. Derniers Publications p.898 ; sinan ibn thabit, p.902. GUERGOUR, Y. Ibn Qunfudh, p.428. http://www.ashm.ass.dz/cahier8f/derpub8f.htm | |
22. History 935 B.C. philosophy. . Author References Ibrahim, ibn sinan ibn thabitibn Qurra http//www.cwi.nl/~keesh/Iran/Maths/qurra.htm. Mac http://faculty.oxy.edu/jquinn/home/Math490/Timeline/935BC.html | |
23. Ibrahim ibn sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra Ibrahim. Ibrahim ibn Sinan was a grandson of Thabitibn Qurra and studied geometry and in particular tangents to circles. http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/~DZ5460.htm | |
24. References For Ibrahim References for ibn sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra Ibrahim. Biography inDictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 19701990). Books http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/~DZ712.htm | |
25. Islam Online- Health & Science Section ibn `Ali AlJarrah11, the minister of Al-Muqtadir, to sinan ibn thabit, who wasdistinguished in Arab medicine and embraced Islam at the hands of Al-Qahir. http://www.islamonline.net/English/Science/2004/04/article02.shtml | |
26. Islam Online - Services (Fatwa) So the caliph sent the famous doctor Thabit ibn sinan ibn thabit ibnQurrah to treat him in jail, and he urged him to treat him well. http://www.islamonline.net/fatwaapplication/english/display.asp?hFatwaID=104698 |
27. Publications: 19701980) the contributions on alJayyani (in coll. with H. Hermelink),al-Khazin, al-Mahani, sinan ibn thabit, al-Quhi, al-Sijzi. http://www.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/~Yvonne.Dold-Samplonius/YDoldPublications.html | |
28. The Sabians Of Harran mode of dress was wearing of short gowns and who had long hair with side bands (ringlets)like the long hair of Qurrah, the grandfather of sinan ibn thabit. http://www.geocities.com/mandaeans/Sabians6.html | |
29. Al-Mahani: References George Saliba, Risala Ibrahim ibn sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra fi alma`ani allatiistakhrajaha fi al-handasa wa-l-nujum, in Wadad al-Qadi ed., Studia Arabica et http://www.math.ruu.nl/people/hogend/mahani-ref.html | |
30. Efficient Hospitals Medina. sinan ibn thabit, a Christian succeeded him as the superintendentof these hospitals. He himself set up a new hospital in 914. http://irfi.org/Islamic Articles Folder/Islamic Hospital.htm | |
31. MEDICINE AND MEDICAL EDUCATION IN ISLAMIC HISTORY Thereupon he ordered his chief physician, sinan ibn thabit bin Qurrahto examine all those who practiced the art of healing. In http://irfi.org/Islamic Articles Folder/medicine_and_medical_education_i.htm | |
32. Mathem_abbrev Severi, Francesco Siacci, Francesco Sierpinski, Waclaw Siguenza, Carlos Sijzi,Abu al Simplicius, Simplicius Simson, Robert sinan ibn thabit Smale, Stephen http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm | |
33. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï Ibrahim, ibn sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra Ibrahim Born 908 in Baghdad, (now in Iraq)Died 946 in Baghdad, (now in Iraq) Ingham, Albert Edward Ingham Born 3 http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=I |
34. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians c. 897, dc 922) *SB 900. Sridhara (c. 900); Ahmad ibn Yusuf (fl. c. 900905)*SB; Ibrahim ibn sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra (909-946) *SB; Manjula (c. 930); http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html | |
35. Islam Set - Responsibility Of Doctors As Viewed By Jurists AlUlama bi Akhbar AlHukama , 130, by Imam al Qifti, it was stated that Al-Muqtadirthe Abbasid Caliph, ordered his physician sinan ibn thabit Ibn Qurra Al http://www.islamset.com/bioethics/vision/dr_mstantawi1.html | |
36. HOSPITALS IN MEDIAEVAL ISLAMThe Muslims public welfare activities. sinan ibn thabit Ibn Qurra an eminentphysician was the InspectorGeneral of Health. The outbreak of http://members.tripod.com/~salems2/hospitals_in_mediaeval_islam.htm | |
37. Islamic Medicine: 1000 Years Ahead Of Its Times and 24 consultants attending its professional activities, An Abbasid minister,Ali ibn Isa, requested the court physician, sinan ibn thabit, to organize http://www.islamfortoday.com/athar04.htm | |
38. The Time Of Al-razi lost work on the triangles and Galen s De simlicium temperamentis et facultatibus. That the first translation was revised by sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra (qv http://www.islamtomorrow.com/science/Arabic (or Islamic) Influence On the Histor | |
39. The Jew In The Medieval Islamic City Isa (d. 946) to his chief medical officer sinan ibn thabit to admit dhimmis as wellas Muslims to the great Bimaristan (hospital) of Baghdad was exceptional. http://www.inform.umd.edu/hist/Faculty/BCooperman/City/Stillman.html | |
40. Saudi Aramco World : Science:The Islamic Legacy: Science In The Golden Age His son, Ibrahim ibn sinan ibn thabit, was also a prominent scientist,perhaps better known as, an instrument maker. When Ibrahim http://www.saudiaramcoworld.com/issue/198203/science.the.islamic.legacy-science. | |
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