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1. Arabic Numerals Ibrahim ibn sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra ( 908946) who introduced a method of integration in studying the work was a continuation of his grandfather's (Thabit ibn Qurra) research work http://www.arabicnumerals.cwc.net/ | |
2. Sinan Abu Said sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra. sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra wasthe son of Thabit ibn Qurra and the father of Ibrahim ibn Sinan. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Sinan.html | |
3. Ibrahim Biography of Ibrahim ibn Sinan (908946) Ibrahim ibn sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra. Born 908 in Baghdad, (now in Iraq) Ibrahim ibn Sinan was a grandson of Thabit ibn Qurra and studied geometry http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Ibrahim.html | |
4. Ibrahim Ibrahim ibn sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra. Ibrahim ibn Sinan was a grandson of Thabitibn Qurra and studied geometry and in particular tangents to circles. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Ibrahim.html | |
5. Thabit Biography of Thabit (836901) His son, sinan ibn thabit, and his grandson Ibrahim ibn sinan ibn thabit, both were eminent http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Thabit.html | |
6. Thabit Ibn Qurra -- Encyclopædia Britannica More results . 4 web sites, chosen by Britannica editors for our Internet Guide. , Ibrahim ibn sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra University of St.Andrews, Scotland http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=73767 |
7. The Time Of Al-razi IBRAHIM IBN SINAN. Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra. Born in 9089, died in Grandson of Thabit ibn Qurra (q. v. second half of ninth century http://www.levity.com/alchemy/islam15.html | |
8. Parabola -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article Includes lessons on Circles, Parabolas, and Ellipses. , Ibrahim ibn sinan ibn thabitibn Qurra University of St.Andrews, Scotland Biographical sketch of this http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=399835 |
9. The Time Of Al-razi That the first translation was revised by sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra (q der Araber (52, 224, 1900). Max Meyerhof NewLight on Hunain ibn Ishaq (Isis, VIII, 704, 1926). http://www.levity.com/alchemy/islam14.html | |
10. History Of Astronomy: Persons (I) Ibn Qurra see Ibrahim, ibn sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra (908946); Ibn Rushd Averroes;Abul Walid Mahommed Ibn Achmed, Ibn Mahommed Ibn Roschd (1128-1198) http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_i.html | |
11. History Of Islamic Science Araber (45, 1900); Nachtrage (164, 1902). THABIT IBN QURRA. Abu Hassan Thabit ibn Qurra Marawan alHarrani, that the first translation was revised by sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra (q http://www.omarfoundation.org/Culture/History Science.htm | |
12. History Of Astronomy: Persons (Q) Qurra see Ibrahim, ibn sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra (908946). WolfgangR. Dick. Created 16 Jan 1995. Latest update 19 June 2001. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_q.html | |
13. The Time Of Al-razi AlBalkhi and the physician sinan ibn thabit wrote various treatiseson mathematical, astronomical, and astrological subjects. Al http://www.alchemywebsite.com/islam15.html | |
14. Sinan Biography of sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra (880943) Abu Said sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra. Born about 880 sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra was the son of Thabit ibn Qurra and the father of Ibrahim ibn http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Sinan.html | |
15. The Time Of Al-razi lost work on the triangles and Galen s De simlicium temperamentis et facultatibus. That the first translation was revised by sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra (q. v http://www.alchemywebsite.com/islam14.html | |
16. The Math Forum Trig/Calc Problem Of The Week Archive To find out more about him, visit the MacTutor History of Mathematics archivesIbrahim ibn sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra. Highlighted solutions http://mathforum.org/calcpow/solutions/solution.ehtml?puzzle=45 |
17. The Math Forum Trig/Calc Problem Of The Week Archive area white area = (2/3)(ax^3) = (2/3) rectangle area Bonus This formula comesfrom the mathematical work of Ibrahim ibn sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra, a http://mathforum.org/calcpow/solutions/full_solution.ehtml?puzzle=45 |
18. The Origin Of Bimaristans In Islamic Medical History This is clear from a letter written by Isa ibn Ali AlJarrah, the minister ofAl-Muqtadir, to sinan ibn thabit, who was distinguished in Arab medicine and http://www.miraclenews.com/issue98/p4a.html | |
19. Ibrahim Translate this page Ibrahim ibn sinan ibn thabit ibn Qurra. Ibrahim ibn sinan ibn thabitibn Qurra(né en 908 à Bagdad, mort en 946 à Bagdad, (Iraq)). http://membres.tripod.fr/alkashi/ibrahim.htm | |
20. AL BANNA Translate this page AL TOUSI Sharaf AL OUMAWI. AL OUQLIDISSI CADI ZADA. MANSOUR THABIT IBN QUOURRAAL HARRANI. sinan ibn thabit IBN QUOURRA YOUNESS. page précédente. http://membres.tripod.fr/alkashi/liste1.htm | |
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