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         Sina Ibn:     more books (100)
  1. Die Augenheilkunde Des Ibn Sina (1902) (German Edition)
  2. Die Augenheilkund Des Ibn Sina (1902) (German Edition)
  3. Die Augenheilkunde Des Ibn Sina: Aus Dem Arabischen Ubersetzt Und Erlautert (1902) (German Edition)
  4. An Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines: Conceptions of Nature and Methods Used for Its Study by the Ikhwan al Safa, al-Biruni, and Ibn Sina by Seyyed Hossein Nasr, 1964
  5. The Metaphysica of Avicenna (IBN SINA): A critical translation-commentary and analysis of fundamental arguments in Avicenna¿s Metaphysica in the D2nish N2ma-i ¿al2¿4 (The Book of Scientific Knowlewdge) by Parviz Morewedge, 2001-10-23
  6. Lettre au vizir abu sa'd by Sina /Avicenne Ibn, 2001-05-01
  7. Knowing the Unknowable God: Ibn-Sina, Maimonides, Aquinas by David B. Burrell C.S.C., 1987-01
  8. Causality in Islamic philosophy: the arguments of Ibn Sina.(Report): An article from: Islam & Science by Syamsuddin Arif, 2009-06-22
  9. The achievements of IBN SINA in the field of science and his contributions to its philosophy.(Biography): An article from: Islam & Science by Seyyed Hossein Nasr, 2003-12-01
  10. Ibn Sina and Abu al-Barakat al-Baghdadi on the origination of the soul (Huduth al-nafs) and the invalidation of its transmigration (Ibtal al-tanasukh).: An article from: Islam & Science by Suhaimi Wan Abdullah Wan, 2007-12-22
  11. IBN Sina--Al-Biruni correspondence--VII.: An article from: Islam & Science by Rafik Berjak, Muzaffar Iqbal, 2006-12-22
  12. The universe as a system: Ibn Sina's cosmology revisited.(Critical essay): An article from: Islam & Science by Syamsuddin Arif, 2009-12-22
  13. IBN SINA: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of Religion</i> by William Gohlman, 2005
  14. IBN SINA (980-1037): An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World</i> by Shams C. Inati, 2004

61. Ibni Sina Und Arabische Medizin
Translate this page Wissenschaften im Islam - Über ibn sina und die arabische Medizin. Hakimibn sina legte sogar die übertragbare Natur der Tuberkulose nahe.
Wissenschaften im Islam
Über Ibn Sina und die arabische Medizin
Etwa im Jahre 1200 hatte al-Idrisi seine außerordentlich akkurate Weltkarte gezeichnet. Ibn al-Haytham hatte eine wissenschaftliche Erklärung des Sehprozesses vorgelegt, und er benutzte die camera obscura. Ibn Khaldun hatte sein großes Werk "Muqaddima" geschrieben. Ibn Sina hatte sein bekanntes Buch al-Qanun (der Kanon) geschrieben, das eine immense medizinische Enzyklopädie ist und über eine Million Worte enthält. Ibn Ruschd schrieb seine "Risalat al-I'tibar", die das europäische Denken stark beeinflußte, besonders hinsichtlich der Beziehung zwischen Religion und Philosophie.
Die Arabische Medizin
Basierend auf der Rolle des Islam, sind die arabischen Beiträge zur Medizin hauptsächlich als Erhaltung und Zusammenstellung charakterisiert worden. In einer Zeit der Unruhe waren sie die Erhalter der Tradition; sie pflegten die medizinische Kultur, sie gaben medizinischen Studien einen hohen Platz in ihrer Zivilisation, und sie waren Übermittler, von denen die westliche Welt ein wertvolles Erbe übernahm.
Die Muslime leisteten viel mehr, als nur die Traditionen der Vergangenheit in Sicherheit zu verwahren. Ihnen ist auch die Etablierung der Pharmazie und Chemie als Wissenschaften zuzuschreiben.

62. Ibn Sina
Translate this page Abu Ali Al Hussain ibn Abdallah ibn sina. ibn sina (Avicena). Abu Ali Al Hussainibn Abdallah ibn sina nasceu em 980, em Afshana perto da cidade de Bukhara.
Em Nome de Deus, O Clemente, O Misericordioso!
Abu Ali Al Hussain Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina
IBN SINA (Avicena)
Abu Ali Al Hussain Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina nasceu em 980, em Afshana perto da cidade de Bukhara. O jovem Ibn Sina recebeu estudou em Bukhara, e com a idade de dez tinha se tronado bem versado no estudo do Alcorão e das várias ciências. Começou estudar a filosofia lendo o livros dos gregos, dos muçulmanos e outros livros neste assunto e aprendeu a lógica e alguns outros assuntos de Abu Abdallah Natili, um filósofo famoso de sua época. Quando ainda era jovem, ele alcançou tal grau de perícia na medicina que seu nome havia se espalhado por todas as partes. Com a idade de 17, curou Nooh Ibn Mansoor, o rei de Bukhara, de uma doença a qual todos os médicos tinham dado como sem cura. Em sua recuperação, o rei desejou recompensá-lo, mas o jovem médico Ibn Sina desejou somente a permissão do rei em usar a sua biblioteca que era muito rica em livros de diversos ramos da ciência e outros assuntos. Com morte de seu pai, Ibn Sina deixou Bukhara e viajou a Jurjan onde Khawarizm Shah lhe deu as boas vindas. Lá, encontrou-se com seu famoso contemporâneo, Abu Raihan Al biruni.

63. Ibn Sina
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64. Ibn Sina From
ibn sina. ibn sina was the most famous of the philosopher scientists of Islam.ibn sina, or Avicenna, was born in Bukhara then a leading city in Persia.

65. Abu Ali Al-Husain Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
1000tallet. Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn sina (Avicenna) (980-1037). ibnsina skrev omkring 450 arbeid, hvor 240 har overlevd til i dag.
Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina (Avicenna) (980-1037)
Side fra ei arabisk urtebok, "Skapelsens under".
Ibn Sinas to viktigste verk er " Boka om helbredelse " og " Canon medicinae
Oppkalt etter ibn Sina: Mangrovebusken Avicennia germinans Kilder Asimov, I. 1966. Biologiens utvikling. Oversatt av Brynjulf Valum. - Cappelens realbker, J.W. Cappelens Forlag A/S, Oslo. Bergmark, M. 1968. Lægekunst, tro og overtro. Dansk bearbejdelse: Harald Nielsen. - Politikens Forlag A/S, København. Høeg, O.A. red. 1984. Våre medisinske planter. Trollskap, tradisjon og legekunst. - Det Beste A/S, Oslo.

66. [Islam Medecine] Ibn-Sina (Avicenne)



Ibn-Sina (Avicenne) vendredi 29 mars 2002
DANS LA MEME RUBRIQUE : Savants musulmans, pionniers non reconnus
Al-Razi (Razès)

Ibn-Roshd (Averroes)

(Canon de la Médecine). C'était une encyclopédie contenant plus d'un million de mots et composée de 5 volumes :
Volume I
Volume II
Volume III
- description des maladies localisées du corps, de la tête aux orteils. Volume IV Volume V - explication des drogues composées. Canon a contenu toute la connaissance médicale jusqu'au 10è siècle. Il a été traduit en plusieurs langues et a éte la référence pour les écoles médicales en Europe jusqu'au 17è siècle. Bien que Canon fut un grand livre, il a éclipsé les travaux importants menés avant lui par Al-Razi et Al-Zahrawi, et suivant aux travaux réalisés par Ibn-Al-Nafis et Ali Ibn-Abbas, Halle Abbas (Haddad 1942). Avicenne est considéré comme un grand philosophe, et ses écritures ont affecté les penseurs et ont influencé beaucoup de ceux qui sont apparus après lui. Il était un phénomène unique, non seulement en raison de ses accomplissements encyclopédiques en médecine, mais également en raison de ses talents variés. Il a été comparé à cet égard à Aristote, Léonard de Vinci, et Goethe. (clés 1971). Contributions Of Islam To Medicine

67. Ýbni-Sina
Gerçek adi Ebu lAli el-Hüseyin b. Abdullah ibn sina dir. Babasi ibnsina ya göre varlik, tasarlamakla baglantilidir. Bütün
Ýbn-i Sina (980-1037) Ýslam filozofu. Aristotelesçi felsefe anlayýþýný Ýslam düþüncesine göre yorumlayarak, yaymaya çalýþmýþ, görgücü-usçu bir yöntemin geliþmesine katkýda bulunmuþtur. Buhara yakýnlarýnda Hormisen'de doðdu, 21 Haziran 1037'de Hemedan'da öldü. Gerçek adý Ebu'l-Ali el-Hüseyin b. Abdullah Ýbn Sina'dýr. Babasý, Belh'ten göçerek Buhara'ya yerleþmiþ, Samanoðullarý hükümdarlarýndan II. Nuh döneminde sarayla iliþki kurmuþ, yüksek görevler almýþ olan Abdullah adlý birisidir. Ýbn Sina, önce babasýndan, sonra çaðýn önde gelen bilginlerinden Natilî ve Ýsmail Zahid'den mantýk, matematik, gökbilim öðrenimi gördü. Bir süre týpla ilgilendi, özellikle, hastalýklarýn ortaya çýkýþ ve yayýlýþ nedenlerini araþtýrdý, saðýltýmla uðraþtý. Bu alandaki baþarýsý nedeniyle, II. Nuh'un özel hekimi olarak görevlendirildi, onu saðlýða kavuþturunca, dönemin önde gelen týp bilginlerinden biri olarak önem kazandý. Ýbn Sina'nýn felsefeye karþý ilgisi deney bilimleriyle baþlamýþ, Aristoteles ve Yeni-Platoncu görüþleri incelemekle geliþmiþtir. Ýslam ve Yunan filozoflarýnýn görüþlerini yorumlayan ve eleþtiren Ýbn Sina'nýn ele aldýðý sorunlar genellikle, Aristoteles ve Farabi'nin düþünceleriyle baðýmlýdýr. Bunlar da, bilgi, mantýk, evren (fizik), ruhbilim, metafizik, ahlak, tanrýbilim ve bilimlerin sýnýflandýrýlmasýdýr. Belli bir düþünce dizgesine göre yapýlan bu düzenlemede her sorun baðýmsýz olarak ele alýnýp çözümüne çalýþýlýr.

68. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
sina, ibn Rushd, al Farabi, and Kalam have now been 11. it were. Philosopherssuch as al- Farabi and ibn sina, ibn al-Qayyim continues 20.

69. Tomb Of Ibn Sina
Tomb of ibn sina,

70. SABAH - Ibn-i Sina Dan Günümüze Tip
ibni sina dan günümüze tip, Dünya sürdürüyor. ibn-i sina tipönderligi ile sadece Islam alemini degil, dünyayi etkilemisti.

71. Ibn Sina, Stifel, And Zarlino
harmoniche (1573), Zarlino acknowledges a theoretical contribution by the Arabianphysician, scientist, and music theorist Avicenna, or ibn sina (980–1037
Musical Mathematics
a practice in the mathematics of tuning instruments and analyzing scales © 2004 Cristiano M.L. Forster WESTERN TUNING THEORY AND PRACTICE Part VI: Just Intonation For background information on the Greek prefix epi -, on Equations 3.37 A and 3.38 A , and on the arithmetic and harmonic divisions of musical intervals, see Origins of Length Ratios. Chapter 10: Section 39 Although Ramis managed to integrate 5-limit ratios into the 12-tone scale, he did not develop a theory of consonance. In 1558, seventy-six years after the publication of Ramis’ monochord, Gioseffo Zarlino (1517–1590) published a work entitled Istitutioni harmoniche in which he proposed (1) that the numero Senario (fig. ‘the number Series 1 from the Latin: senarius , lit. ‘composed of six in a group’ ) constitutes the source of all possible musical consonances, and (2) that the harmonic division of strings expresses the ‘ nature of Harmony ’ and produces ‘the consonances which the composers call perfect .’ (See Section 45, Quote V.) However, at the end of his life, in the

72. Ibn Sina
Abu Ali Al Hussain ibn Abdullah ibn sina (Avicenna) (981 1037 CE). No deliberationon the science of medicine can be complete without a reference to ibn sina.
Abu Ali Al Hussain Ibn Abdullah Ibn Sina
(981 - 1037 C.E.)
By: Dr. A. Zahoor
Ibn Sina traveled to Jurjan after his father's death where he met his famous contemporary Abu Raihan al-Biruni. Later he moved to Rayy and then to Hamadan, where he wrote his famous book Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb. Here, he treated Shams al-Daulah, the King of Hamadan, for severe colic. From Hamadan he moved to Isphahan (present Iran), where he completed many of his monumental writings. Nevertheless, he continued travelling and the excessive mental exertion as well as political turmoil spoilt his health. Finally, he returned to Hamadan where he died in 1037 C.E. His major contribution to medical science was his famous book al-Qanun, known as the "Canon" in the West. The Qanun fi al-Tibb (the Canons of Medicine) is an immense encyclopedia of medicine extending over a million words. It reviewed the medical knowledge available from ancient and Muslim sources. Due to its systematic approach, formal perfection as well as its intrinsic value, the Qanun superceded Razi's (Rhazes') Hawi, Ali ibn Abbas's Maliki, and even the works of Galen, and remained supreme for six centuries. Ibn Sina not only synthesized the available knowledge, but he also made many original contributions. The Qanun (pronounced Qanoon) deals with general medicines, drugs (seven hundred sixty), diseases affecting all parts of the body from head to foot, specially pathology and pharmacopoia. It was recognized as the most authentic materia medica.

73. Ibn Sina. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. ibn sina. see Avicenna. The ColumbiaEncyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Copyright © 2003 Columbia University Press.
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74. | Khazanah - Pionir - Ibn Sina ,Avicenna
ibn sina (Avicenna) Sang Tabib Pengelana. Abu Ali AlHussain ibn Abdullah ibnsina lahir di Afshana, dekat kota Bukhara, Uzbeskiztan pada tahun 981 masehi.
CARI DATA home berita haji/umroh info halal ... SITUS ISLAM Tahukah Anda

Tahukah Anda, bahwa 8 bayi berumur kurang dari 1 bulan di seluruh dunia meninggal setiap menit karena tidak menerima perawatan yang tepat? Juga fakta 53 juta perempuan di dunia setiap tahun melahirkan tanpa mendapat pertolongan dari tenaga profesional? Itulah hasil penelitian yang dilakukan organisasi internasional Save The Children pada September 2001. PIONIR Ibn Sina (Avicenna): Sang 'Tabib' Pengelana Di kalangan Barat, Ibnu Sina (981-1037) dikenal dengan nama Avicenna . Dialah dokter, seorang filsuf, ensiklopedis, ahli matematika dan astronom terkemuka di zamannya. Kontribusi terbesar Ibnu Sina dalam bidang kedokteran terutama bisa dilihat dari bukunya yang terkenal, Al-Qanun fi Al-Tibb . Di Barat lebih dikenal sebagai The Canon
Dan tidak ada satu rujukan pun dalam ilmu kedokteran yang tidak mengambil rujukan dari Ibnu Sina.

75. Abu Ali Al-Hussain Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Sina
Abu Ali alHussain ibn Abd Allah ibn sina. Avicenna. The Healing, Metaphysics.Overview of selected passages from The Healing, Metaphysics.
Abu Ali al-Hussain ibn Abd Allah ibn Sina Avicenna The Healing, Metaphysics Overview of selected passages from The Healing, Metaphysics Avicenna begins chapter six of the First Treatise with a statement: "Whose existence is necessary does not have a cause, while that whose existence is possible is caused; that that whose existence is necessary is not co-equal with something else in respect to existence, and is not dependent on something else for [its existence]." This point is then examined from every angle that exists in a logical world. The possibility of existence through necessity or through something other than necessity is discussed. The conclusion reached is that "It is evident that everything which does not exist at first and then exists, is determined by something other than itself." It is also concluded that it is not possible for two things whose existence is necessary to exist with each other. If something's existence is not necessary through itself, its existence is possible. However, if its existence is necessary through itself, its existence is necessary. Back to Tom's Page Back to Project Tapestry Home Page Questions or Comments? Contact me

76. Abu Ali Al-Hussain Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Sina
Abu Ali alHussain ibn Abd Allah ibn sina. Avicenna. ibn sina began hislife in Bukhara, a city on the banks of the river Zarafshan, in 980.
Abu Ali al-Hussain ibn Abd Allah ibn Sina Avicenna Philosophical Background Ibn Sina began his life in Bukhara, a city on the banks of the river Zarafshan, in 980. Bukhara at the time is a city of religious unrest and turmoil. The Muslims were in a constant struggle with Non-Muslims in the area; Manichaeans, Buddhists, Christians, and Zoroastrians. The Zoroastrians were presenting a strong opposition against Islam’s sweeping advances. It was often the case that Zoroastrian temples would be destroyed and Mosques would be built on their ruins. The Muslims also had internal strife to contend with. There were revolutions in which Muslim fought against Muslim. The disorder affected other aspects of life beyond religious choice. A tax was placed on all those who were non-Muslim, causing many to convert in the eyes of the government only, keeping their original religion alive behind closed doors. No doubt this religious strife contributed to Avicenna’s questioning of some Islamic beliefs. Abu Abdallah Natili, a renowned philosopher of the time, was Ibn Sina’s teacher. He quickly saw Avicenna’s aptitude for philosophy and started him on Aristotelian philosophy and logic. Ibn Sina very quickly became familiar with the works of Plato and Aristotle, as well as the Qu’ran and other Muslim books. Avicenna was constantly travelling, throughout his life. Perhaps because of this his intellectual interests had a range as wide as that of his philosophies. Astronomy, politics, medicine, law, any subject he could get his hands on. Twice in his life he cured kings, and both times all that he asked for was the use of their extensive libraries. This diversity of knowledge led Ibn Sina to be the subject of much public scrutiny. He was often branded a heretic because he question certain Islamic beliefs. This could not stop his works from becoming some of the most influential of the time however.

77. Geschichtsforum - Abu Ali Ibn Sina
Translate this page Backup. vom Alten Forum. Registriert seit 03.2004. Beiträge 177. Abu Ali ibnsina. Hallo zusammen! Weis jemand etwas über Abu Ali ibn sina, der im 11.

78. Découvrez Le Monde Turc - Ibn Sina
ibn-iSina étudia la médecine et la philosophie à Boukhara. À l
Page principale Informations Voyages Liens pratiques ... Edition pour mobile Inb-i Sina - philosophe et Médecin Turc Connu sous le nom d' Avicenne en Europe (980-1037), philosophe et médecin turc, né près de Boukhara (à présent en Ouzbékistan). Fils d'un fonctionnaire de l'Administration, Ibn-i Sina étudia la médecine et la philosophie à Boukhara. À l'âge de dix-huit ans, il fut nommé médecin de la cour auprès du prince de Boukhara. Il demeura à ce poste jusqu'à la chute de l'empire des Samanides en 999, et, durant les quatorze dernières années de sa vie, fut conseiller scientifique et médecin du prince d'Ispahan. Considéré par les musulmans comme un des plus grands philosophes du monde, Ibn-i Sina est une figure importante de la médecine et de la philosophie. Son ouvrage, "Tip kanunu" (le Canon de la médecine), qui fut pendant longtemps le manuel de référence au Moyen-Orient et en Europe, constitue un classement systématique et un résumé de la connaissance médicale et pharmaceutique de son temps et des époques antérieures. La première traduction latine de cet ouvrage date du XII e siècle!; une version hébraïque parut en 1491, et une version arabe —

79. ATRIUM Philosophie Avicenne (Ibn Sina) (980-1037)
Translate this page Avicenne (ibn sina) (980-1037). Présentation Présentation. AbouAli al Hussein ibn Abdallah ibn sina, dont le nom latinisé devint

80. PhilTalk Philosophieforen - Ist Ibn Sina (Avicenna) Ein Tadshike?
Translate this page PhilTalk Philosophieforen - Ist ibn sina (Avicenna) ein Tadshike?. Autor,Thema Ist ibn sina (Avicenna) ein Tadshike? (Gelesen 1330 mal).
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Ist Ibn Sina (Avicenna) ein Tadshike?
Heute erreichte mich eine ziemlich erboste eMail. Darin heißt es: "Ich bin richtig fassunglos, da ich soeben auf ihrer Seite gelesen habe, dass Avicenna angeblich aus Tadshikistan stammen solle!!!

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