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21. Avicenna - Iran's Great Mathematician And Philosopher, Ibn Sina Wrote Abu Ali alHusain ibn Abdallah ibn sina (Avicenna) ibn sina is often known by his Latin name of Avicenna, although most references to him today have http://www.farsinet.com/hamadan/avicenna.html | |
22. Ibn Sina (Avicenna): Website ibn sina (AVICENNA). (link). Works ON ibn sina In Arabic The inquiry ofAvicenna concerning the corporal form by L. Khayrallah. Arabic word file. http://www.muslimphilosophy.com/sina/default.htm | |
23. Avicenna Abu Ali alHusain ibn Abdallah ibn sina (Avicenna). ibn sina s fatherwas the governor of a village in one of Nuh ibn Mansur s estates. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Avicenna.html | |
24. Ibn-e-Sina-e-Balkhi (Avicenna Of Balkh) ibne-sina-e-Balkhi (Avicenna of Balkh). His full name was Abu Ali Al-Husseinibn Abdullah ibn sina. Avicenna. The Life of ibn sina A Critical Edition. http://members.tripod.com/~khorasan/TajikPersonalities/AvicennaofBalkh.htm | |
25. Persiandoctors.org Avicenna Iran's Great mathematician and Philosopher, ibn sina wrote on on medicine as well as geometry, astronomy, arithmetic and music Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn sina (Avicenna) http://www.persiandoctors.org/ |
26. Ibn Sina (Avicenna), 981-1037 C.E. ibn sina was the most famous physician, philosopher, encyclopedist, mathematician and astronomer of his time. The Qanun (canon) remained a medical bible for a longer period than any other work. http://www.cyberistan.org/islamic/sina.html | |
27. Philosophical Dictionary: I Proposition-Implication of the neoplatonist doctrines of ibn sina and Maimonides. ibn Rushd's exposition of the logical Burrell, Knowing the Unknowable God ibnsina, Maimonides, Aquinas ( Notre Dame, 1987 http://www.philosophypages.com/dy/i.htm | |
28. Ibn Sina The summary for this English page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.maghrebmed.com.tn/ibnsina/medecine/ibnsina.htm | |
29. Ibn Sina - Sarajevo, Bosna I Hercegovina Institut ibn sina Bosna i Hercegovina zemlja je s razlicitimnarodima i religijama. Institut ibn sina osnovan je 1996. http://www.ibn-sina.net/onama.asp | |
30. Biographies Info Science : Avicenne (Ibn Sina) Translate this page nouvelle recherche, Avicenne (ibn sina) Médecin et philosophe persan(Afshéna, 980 - Hamadan, 1037). Médecin, philosophe et alchimiste http://www.infoscience.fr/histoire/biograph/biograph.php3?Ref=94 |
31. Avicenna - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Avicenna. (Redirected from ibn sina). When Ray was besieged, ibn sina fled to Hamadanwhere he cured Amir ShamsudDawala of colic and was made Prime Minister. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibn_Sina | |
32. Abu Ali Al-Hussain Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina (980-1037 Ap.jc) Translate this page fermer. Abu Ali al-Hussain ibn Abdallah ibn sina (980-1037 ap.jc). INTRODUCTION Dèsle milieu du XlIe siècle, en occident on traduisit, avec quelques uvres d http://www.ifrance.com/Farabi/Ibn-sina.html | |
33. An Annotated Bibliographie On Ibn Sina AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON ibn sina (19701989). Sources (greek); ibnsina and other Arabic Thinkers; Influences ibn sina and the Latin West; http://www.kuleuven.ac.be/upers/ibnsina.htm | |
34. Philosophers : Ibn Sina Jabir ibn Haiyan (Geber). Iranian Muslim Philosopher. Jabir ibn Haiyan, the alchemistGeber of the Middie Ages, is generally known as the father of chemistry. http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/phil/philo/phils/muslim/haiyan.html | |
35. IBN-I SINA TIP DERGÝSÝ Sahibi Trabzon ibni sina Tip Merkezi adina Uzm. Dr. Adnan Parlak , Tel0 (462) 326 54 00 (5 hat) Fax 0 (462) 321 02 23 Adres Kunduracilar Cad. http://www.ibnisina.com/dergi/ | |
36. Kim Kimdir? - FORSNET ibn sina (980 1037). Felsefe, matematik, astronomi, fizik, kimya,tip ve müzik gibi bilgi ve becerinin muhtelif alanlarinda http://www.kimkimdir.gen.tr/kimkimdir.php?id=287 |
37. Abu'Ali Al-Husayn Ibn Sina ibn sina Seite aus einem deutschsprachigen Online-Philosophenlexikon.philosophenlexikon.de, Abù Alì al-Husayn ibn sina (980 - 1037). http://www.philosophenlexikon.de/ibnsina.htm | |
38. Avicenna (Ibn Sina) : Philosopher And Physician An article about Avicenna (ibn sina) a famous physician and philosopherof his era. Avicenna (ibn sina) philosopher and physician. http://allsands.com/History/People/avicennaibnsin_sjm_gn.htm | |
39. Ibn Sina (Avicenna), 981-1037 C.E. ibn sina was the most famous physician, philosopher, encyclopedist, mathematicianand astronomer of his time. The Qanun (canon) remained http://salam.muslimsonline.com/~azahoor/sina.html | |
40. IAMMS ibn sina Academy A Place of Research Studies on Medieval Medicine Sciences. sitting world wide for IAMMS. More Abu Ali ibn sina. http://www.geocities.com/ibnsinaacademy/ | |
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