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         Shen Kua:     more detail
  1. The Earth and Physical Sciences of Shen Kua: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by P. Andrew Karam, 2001
  2. Shen Xiaolong zi xuan ji (Kua shi ji xue ren wen cun) (Mandarin Chinese Edition) by Xiaolong Shen, 1999
  3. Fan xing er shang xue yu xian dai mei xue jing shen (Kua shi ji xue zhe cong shu) (Mandarin Chinese Edition) by Huimin Jin, 1997
  4. Dui hua "shi wu": Zhongguo zhong chang qi fa zhan zhan lue zai shen shi (Kua shi ji jing ji lun tan cong shu) (Mandarin Chinese Edition)
  5. Xin yue pai di shen shi feng qing (Kua shi ji wen lun cong shu) (Mandarin Chinese Edition) by Shoutong Zhu, 1995
  6. Malaixiya di zheng zhi shen hua (Mandarin Chinese Edition) by Kia Soong Kua, 1990
  7. Zhongguo xi nan yu dong nan Ya di kua jing min zu =: Border minorities of southwest China and southeast Asia (Mandarin Chinese Edition) by Xu Shen, 1988
  8. Liu Taiying qian zhuan: Kua zu zheng shang xue jie de hua shen bo shi (Mandarin Chinese Edition) by Guangyuan Chen, 1997
  9. Shi xian hong wei mu biao di jing shen dong li: Si xiang, dao de, wen hua (Kua yue shi ji di bao ding cong shu) (Mandarin Chinese Edition) by Huaipeng Chen, 1996
  10. Kua shi ji di tiao zhan: Guo ji shen ji shu ping (Accounting & auditing knowledge renewal books) (Mandarin Chinese Edition) by Xianzhong Zhang, 1992
  11. Kua shi ji di hong wei gang ling: Shen ru xue xi guan che dang di shi si jie wu zhong quan hui jing shen (Mandarin Chinese Edition)
  12. Kua shi ji xi wang gong cheng shi (Zhong shen xue xi xi lie) (Mandarin Chinese Edition)
  13. Shen sheng di tian zhi: Zhongguo xian dai ren shi guan li (Kua shi ji xian dai zheng fu guan li cong shu) (Mandarin Chinese Edition)

81. Pa-kua
Tung is regarded as the modern father of Pakua. By defeating the great Hsing-i masterKuo Yun-shen in a duel, he effected a merger of the two similar systems.
Pa-kua Chang
Pa -kua Chang arose out of the ancient Chinese philosophy surrounding the concept of the Eight Trigrams (from the I Ching ); together with T'ai-chi and Hsing-i, it completes the trinity of 'internal' martial arts.
Legend has it that near the end of the Ch'ing dynasty, Tung Hai-ch'uan met two Taoist sages deep in the mountains from whom he learned the secrets of the art.
It is known as an art that is practiced by the unique technique of "Walking the Circle," but its true martial applications are surrounded by a veil and cannot be discerned by those who are not students of the art.
Because it is an excellent system of such a high level, students at the AJSMAF are allowed to begin training in Pa-kua only after they have practiced both T'ai-chi and Hsing-i for a considerable period and have become quite proficient in both arts.
Pa-kua is based upon the theory of Yin-Yang and the Eight Trigrams, and its rudiments include "eight palms": 1) standing, 2) carrying, 3) supporting, 4) cutting, 5) piercing , 6) thrusting, 7) grasping, and 8) ox-tongue. In addition, these eight palms are combined in eight basic forms: 1) Single Change of Palm (

82. Kua Numbers Calculator How To Calculate Your Kua Number
Search for Feng Shui Cures Abacus Animal Cures Bagwa/Pa kua Mirrors Bamboo Heart sScroll s Pictures Temple Lions Three Star Gods Tsai shen Turtle s Wall
Home Affiliate Program Affiliate Login Contact Us ... View Cart Search for Feng Shui Cures Abacus Animal Cures Bagwa/Pa Kua Mirrors Bamboo Windchimes Bell's in Feng Shui Book Store Brass Buddha's Buddha's Calligraphy Scroll's Calligraphy Set's Carp Fish of Wealth Chinese Art Scroll's Chinese Calligraphy Chinese Horoscope Symbol's Chinese Symbols Chinese Zodiac Animal's Coin Cures Crystal Globe's Crystal Lotus Crystals of Good Fortune Crystals Dolls Chinese Double Carp Fish Dragon-Headed Turtles Dragons Elephants Feng Shui World Magazine Flutes Fu Dogs Gem Stones Globes Golden Ingots Golden Wealth Carp Good Fortune Plaque Guan Yin Hand Mirror's Hand Painted Plaques Hanging Crystal I Ching Coins Incense Burner's Jade Charm's Jade Zodiac Animal Key-Chain Ki Lin's Kuan Kung Lord Guan Laser Etched Key-Chains Magnifying Glasses Mandarin Ducks Mayan Ball's Metal Windchimes Money Cat's Money Toads Money Turtle's Music Store Mystic Eternal Knot Pendant's Pi Yau Power Bracelets Precious Gourd's Prosperity Coin Ball Red Envelopes Rose Quartz Heart's Scroll's Pictures Temple Lions Three Star Gods Tsai Shen Turtle's Wall Wealth Plaques Water Features Wishing Boxes Wishing Turtles Windchimes Zodiac Animals All the Feng Shui Cures you will ever need!

83. History And Lineage Of Kai Sai
curricu lum comes from Master Wang.Wang ’s long Pa-kua form, known as the Ce-lestial Circling Dragon, is taught in our Pa-kua Chang curriculum. shen ’s Pa
History and Lineage of Kai Sai (Christopher G. Casey) Excerpts taken from Chinese Boxing Synthesis by James Cravens with John Shea My teacher, the late Christopher G.Casey (also known as Sifu Kai Sai),
believed that all of Chinese boxing rests on the foundation of ten fundamental
principles, just as the vast edifice of classical geometry rested on ten principles.
studies with numerous Chinese boxing grandmasters. While pursuing a
diverse assortment of boxing arts, he came to realize that they shared a
abstract their common essence in the form of ten core principles. Casey was
thus like Euclid, the ancient Greek mathematician who discovered that all the
geometry known in his day rested on five axioms and five postulates. Although we owe our highly formalized understanding of the principles
to Mr.Casey, he did not discover them on the practical level; they were
discovered centuries ago and were handed down from generation to genera-
tion, always to a privileged few. But Casey, should be recognized as one of the

84. Xin Qi Shen Dojo
The Xin Qi shen Dojo teaches a complete curriculum in the arts of Aikido, Qi Gong, Yang Taiji Quan, Chen Taiji Quan, and Bagua Zhang. Chief Instructor is Andrew T. Dale The purpose of Xin Qi shen
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85. Biography-center - Letter S
Shellen, Stephen; shenKua,;
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86. Ba Gua
Ba Gua Zhang. AN INTRODUCTION TO BA GUA ZHANG. Ba Gua Zhang is recognized as one of the three orthodox "internal" styles of Chinese martial art (the other two being Xing Yi Quan and Tai Ji Quan). Ba
Ba Gua Zhang AN INTRODUCTION TO BA GUA ZHANG B a Gua Zhang is recognized as one of the three orthodox "internal" styles of Chinese martial art (the other two being Xing Yi Quan and Tai Ji Quan). Ba Gua literally translates to Eight trigrams. These trigrams are symbols which are used to represent all natural phenomena as described in the ancient Chinese text of divination, the Book of Changes (Yi Jing). Zhang means palm and designates Ba Gua Zhang as a style of martial art, which emphasizes the use of the open hand in preference to the closed fist. Ba Gua Zhang, as a martial art, is based on the theory of continuously changing in response to the situation at hand in order to overcome an opponent with skill rather than brute force. A lthough there are several theories as to the Origins of Ba Gua Zhang, recent and exhaustive research by martial scholars in Mainland China conclude without reasonable doubt that the Art is the creation of a single individual, Dong Hai Chuan. Dong was born in Wen An County, Hebei Province about 1813. Dong practiced local martial arts (which reportedly relied heavily upon the use of open hand palm techniques) from his youth and gained some notoriety as a skilled fighter. At about 40 years of age, Dong left home and traveled southward.

87. Wundersames, Magnetisches, Natürliche Dauermagnete
Buch Meng ch i pi t an das Reiben einer Eisennadel an Magnetstein, die
Magnetstein, Magneteisen, Magneteisenstein, Magneteisensand, Magneterz, Magnetit Lodestone, Loadstone, Magnetite In diesem Abschnitt wird vor allem die Geschichte des Magnetsteins und dessen seltsames Verhalten beschrieben. Mythen, Sagen und Erzählungen der "alten" Völker beinhalten eine Fülle von Mitteilungen zum Magnetismus. In altägyptischen Hieroglyphen, Tempelschriften und Keilschrifturkunden von Euphrat und Tigris finden sich Hinweise; Legenden der Mayas berichten darüber. Hier wird nur ein wenig über die wichtigsten "magnetischen Ereignisse" aufgelistet, die in China und Europa stattfanden. China
Der erste Kompass Wahrscheinlich sind Magnetsteine mindestens seit 800 v. Chr. in China bekannt. Bis sie zu einer praktisch-technischen Anwendung genutzt wurden, vergingen etliche Jahrhunderte.
  • Der usprünglich wichtige Magnetstein wurde immer unwichtiger, oder sogar überflüssig. Der "Schwimmende Fisch" (Thermo) wurde erfunden, dann die "Schwimmende Nadel". Außerdem gab es spitzengelagerte Südzeiger mit einem Kern aus Magnetstein sowie fadengehängte Eisennadeln. 1044 erschien das Buch "Wu Ching Tsung Yao", eine Sammlung mit militärischen Schriften, die sich u. a. mit dem "Finden des Richtigen Weges" beschäftigen. Truppen in finsterer Nacht oder bei schlechtem Wetter nahmen den schwimmenden Fisch zu Hilfe. Es handelt sich um einen kleinen eisernen Fisch, der dank seiner Bootsform auf der Wasseroberfläche in einer Schale schwimmen konnte und die Himmelsrichtungen anzeigte.
  • 88. AKM - Regenbogen
    Translate this page Diese Bemerkung wurde von dem bedeutenden Gelehrten und Verwaltungsexperten ShenKua (1031-1095) überliefert, der zB bei einer diplomatischen Mission in Kensu
    Regenbogen / Geschichte
    von Claudia Hetze In der Bibel wird berichtet, daß der Regenbogen erst nach der Sintflut am Himmel sichtbar geworden sei (Matth. 16,2 u. 3). In der griechischen Mythologie war der Regenbogen Kennzeichen der Götterbotin Iris. Auf ihm stieg sie zur Erde nieder. Zugleich wurde der Regenbogen als Teil ihres farbigen Gewandes angesehen. Poseidonios (135-51 v.u.Z.), ein Philosoph der stoischen Schule in Athen und anderen griechischen Orten betrachtete den Regenbogen als Teilbild von Sonne und Mond, das durch Hohlspiegelwirkung an Wasserwolken erzeugt wird. Bei den Inkas (13.-16. Jh) waren die Sonne und der Mond (als Schwester der Sonne) die Hauptgottheiten. Der König selbst, der Inka, galt als Gott und verkörperte die Sonne. Die Erhabenheit der Sonne und ihre Ausstrahlung äußerte sich im Regenbogen, den man als eine Gottheit betrachtete. In der chinesischen Literatur findet man ebenfalls eine Erklärung des Regenbogens oder des "Regendrachens" vor. So sagte Sun Ssu-kung, Astronom des Astronomischen Büros, im 11. Jh: "Der Regenbogen ist ein Bild (literarisch "Schatten") der Sonne im Regen und erfolgt, wenn die Sonne darauf scheint. (nach N. Sivin). Diese Bemerkung wurde von dem bedeutenden Gelehrten und Verwaltungsexperten Shen Kua (1031-1095) überliefert, der z.B. bei einer diplomatischen Mission in Kensu 1070 einen doppelten Regenbogen beobachtete. Der chinesische Philosoph Chu Hsi (1130-1200) erweiterte diese Feststellung von Sun Ssu-kung und schrieb: "Das ch'i des Regens [d.h. der atmosphärische Wasserdampf bzw. die Wassertröpfchen] ist ausgedünnt worden, das wiederum erfolgt, weil das Sonnenlicht darauf scheint und das ch'i des Regens schwächt.

    89. PSIgate Timeline - Physics
    1086, First description of a magnetic compass by Chinese scientist ShenKua. 1088, First European university established at Bologna, Italy.

    90. WriteDesign - Historical And Cultural Context - The High Middle Ages
    The idea of the magnetic compass is born when Chinese waterworks director, ShenKua, notes that direction can be found by rubbing a needle on a lodestone and
    Historical and Cultural Context
    Historical and Cultural Context
    Site Map On-Line Resources Rules of Thumb ... Doug and Melissa Gallery
    E-Mail Doug at or Melissa at
    The High Middle Ages "The Age of Faith" in Europe - As a product of improved farming techniques - the iron plow pulled by horses replacing its wooden cousin pulled by oxen and the three-field system replacing the two-field system, scholars estimate that the population of western Europe rose by 40 percent, from around 30 million to about 42 million (WH, p. 224). - Olaf I Tryggvesson of Norway, who with the assistance of English monks Christianized Norway, Iceland, and Greenland, dies fighting the forces of the Danish and Swedish Kings. With his death, the Danes conquer and rule Norway. The Viking King, Sweyn Forkbeard, attacks the English and exacts tribute from them in retaliation for Ethelred II's massacre of Danish settlers the previous year. The Fatimid caliph of Egypt, al-Hakim, destroys the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, encouraging Europeans to recover the Holy Land. However, Europeans don't mobilize until 1095 (

    91. Time
    Natya 1500. Code of Hammarabi. Ebers papyrus. 4000 Years of women in Science. ShenKua 10311095 BCE. early form of Soccer first played in Japan 1004. Jerusalem. Rome.
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    92. Je Sais Tout... : La Science : B (2/2)
    suspendit à une ficelle un petit barreau de fer préalablement AIMANTÉ
    B (2/2) de BIOLOGIE à BOUSSOLE

    Terme adopté par le savant français Lamarck en 1802, pour désigner l'ensemble des sciences qui s'intéressent aux fonctions des organes des êrtes vivants. A Florence, vers 1485, il arrive que LÉONARD DE VINCI , abandonnant ses pinceaux, ses ciseaux et ses planches à dessin, quitte discrètement son domicile certains soirs. En grand secret, il gagne les combles de l'hôpital. Seul dans une pièce, il se livre à l'étude détaillée du corps humain sur un cadavre. A l'époque, on connaît à peu près tous les organes qui composent un être vivant, mais leurs fonctions demeurent encore mystérieuses. Par exemple, on croit que l' AIR que nous respirons passe des poumons dans le coeur et qu'ensuite les ARTÈRES conduisent cet air dans toutes les parties du corps. Petit à petit, cependant, grâce à des esprits curieux comme Léonard de Vinci, les fonctions d'organes comme le coeur, les REINS , les intestins feront l'objet d'études de plus en plus approfondies. Ces recherches donnent le JOUR à une nouvelle science à laquelle le savant français LAMARCK donnera définitivement le nom de biologie : du grec "bios" ( VIE ) et "logos" (science).

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