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         Segre Beniamino:     more books (15)
  1. Some Properties of Differentiable Varieties and Transforma- tions: With Special Reference to the Analytic and Algebraic Cases (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 2. Folge) by Beniamino Segre, 1971-04-22
  2. Memorie Scelte: Volume I: A Cura Di Beniamino Segre by Francesco Severi, 1950
  3. The geometries of Galois by Beniamino Segre, 1959
  4. Some Properties of Differentiable Varieties and Transformations with Special Reference to the Analytic and Algebraic Cases by Beniamino Segre, 1957
  5. Arithmetical questions on algebraic varieties by Beniamino Segre, 1951
  6. Algebraic geometry by Beniamino Segre, 1954
  7. Seminario Discipline umanistiche e informatica: Il problema dell'integrazione (Roma, 8 ottobre 1991) (Contributi del Centro linceo interdisciplinare " Beniamino Segre " ) by Seminario Discipline umanistiche e informatica, 1993
  8. Mathematics towards the Third Millennium: Convegno internazionale promosso del Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare " Beniamino Segre " (Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei)
  9. Lectures on modern geometry (Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Monografie matematiche 7) by Beniamino Segre, 1961
  10. The non-singular cubic surfaces;: A new method of investigation with special reference to questions of reality, by Beniamino Segre, 1942
  11. Lezioni Di Geometria Moderna, Volume 1: Fondamenti Di Geometria Sopra Un Corpo Qualsiasi by Beniamino Segre, 1948
  13. Istituzioni di geometria superiore Vol II: Spazzi proiettivi by Beniamino Segre, 1965
  14. Istituzioni di geometria superiore Vol III: Complessi, reti, disegni by Beniamino Segre, 1965

61. Ceccherini, P. V.
Combinatorics 81, in honour of beniamino segre Combinatorics 81, in honour ofbeniamino segre proceedings of the International Conference on Combinatorial
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Books by this Author Combinatorics '81, in honour of Beniamino Segre
Combinatorics '81, in honour of Beniamino Segre: proceedings of the International Conference on Combinatorial Geometrics and their Applications, Rome, June 7-12, 1981
edited by A. Barlotti P. V. Ceccherini G. Tallini
Publisher: Amsterdam ; North-Holland Pub. Co
ISBN: 0-44486-546-2
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62. Biografie
segre. Dotto ed esperto in. Morto 31gennaio 1800. 2. NORZI beniamino Isacco. Disgrazia e morte 13 ottobre 1809.
Comunità Ebraica di Casale Monferrato TORNA A GENEALOGIE Israeliti Casalesi che più si distinsero per chiarezza di personali virtù vastità di sapere - ricchezza di censo e disimpegno di pubbliche funzioni da 1740 a 1852 incluso. Tutti personaggi benemeriti per nome e famiglia enunciati e registrati in questo Volume dei Decessi per opera di quel Valentissimo Uffiziale di Stato Civile che fu Il Rabbino Maggiore Isac Jona Ghiron di v.m. e per breve tratto da suoi successori. Ivi compresi Particolari casi (seppur di lieve importanza) accaduto a diversi correligionari in vari tempi a Ricordo Rabbini e Vice Rabbini 1. GHIRON Vice Rabbino Giuseppe Vita Ezechia morto 15 Ottobre 1746. Nessun Necrologio. Forse a que'tempi per mancanza di scrittori d'ebraico. 2. BACHI Vice Rabbino Moise Jacob morto 17 Luglio 1754. Nessun Necrologio. 3. GHIRON Vice Rabbino Jacob Davide morto 22 Agosto 1769. Nessun Necrologio. 4. DELVECCHIO Rabbino Maggiore Sabato Graziadio morto 19 Marzo 1776. Nessun Necrologio. 5. GHIRON Vice Rabbino Leon Vita morto 14 Febbraio 1779. Nessun Necrologio. 6. BACHI Rabbino Maggiore Sanson Lazzaro

63. EDGE News
Announcements of nonEDGE meetings. segre meeting in Rome. International ConferenceTRENDS IN GEOMETRY - IN MEMORY OF beniamino segre Roma, 7-9 June 2004
information Welcome


Positions available

About this homepage
Newsletter #14
Reports From Meetings
EDGE conference at Granada
An EDGE Conference took place at Universidad de Granada on Variational Problems on Surfaces, February 2 to February 6, 2004 Main Speakers: Christian Bär (University of Potsdam), Fran Burstall (University of Bath), Frederic Helein (ENS Cachan), Williams Meeks III (University of Massachusetts at Amherst), Nikolai Nadirashvili (University of Chicago) Organizing Committee: Francisco Urbano (Universidad deGranada, chairman), Oscar García-Prada (CSIC Madrid), Sebastián Montiel (Universidad de Granada), Antonio Ros (Universidad de Granada) The conference web page is here Reports From Meetings
Miraflores meeting
First meeting RTGF (Red Temática de Geometría y Física). This isa Spanish research network on Geometry and Physics. The meeting took place at Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, 24-28 November 2003 Organizing committee: Oscar García-Prada (CSIC), César Gómez (CSIC-UAM), Tomás L. Gómez (UCM), Angel Uranga (CSIC-UAM).

64. Mathematics Towards The Third Millennium
beniamino segre . Trends of current research.


Roma, May 27-28-29, 1999
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare "Beniamino Segre"
Trends of current research
The aim of the conference is to present a wide spectrum of trends of current research that might serve as guideline for future developments
List of speakers
  • Vladimir Arnold (Paris, Steklov)
  • Enrico Bombieri (I.A.S.)
  • Charles Fefferman (Princeton)
  • Phillip Griffiths (I.A.S.)
  • Mikhael Gromov (I.H.E.S.)
  • Maxim Kontsevich (I.H.E.S.)
  • Elliott Lieb (Princeton)
  • Yves Meyer (Paris)
  • David Mumford (Brown)
  • Michel Talagrand (Paris)
  • Karen Uhlenbeck (Austin)
  • David Vogan (M.I.T.)
    Villa Farnesina -Sala Galatea
    Raffaello: Trionfo di Galatea
    Organizing and Scientific Committee:
    Silvana Abeasis, Velleda Baldoni, Giulia Maria Piacentini Cattaneo, Elena Prestini, Carla Rossi, Elisabetta Strickland, Gabriella Tarantello Dept. of Math. University of Roma "Tor Vergata")
  • Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
  • 65. 16 Février - Wikipédia
    beniamino segre, mathématicien italien; 1942 Kim Jong Il, chef du gouvernement nord-coréen; 1959 Johnévrier
    Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre. Le 16 f©vrier est le 47 e jour de l'ann©e du calendrier gr©gorien Sommaire 1 ‰v©nements 2 Naissances 3 D©c¨s 4 Saint du jour ... modifier

    66. SPT2004 Homepage
    2004); Trends in Geometry in memory of beniamino segre (Rome, 7-9June 2004); Poisson Geometry (Luxembourg, 7-11 June 2004); Free
    SPT 2004
    Symmetry and Perturbation Theory 30 May - 6 June 2004, Cala Gonone (Sardinia, Italy)
    tentative program conference poster (AVDB) [5.8 Mb]
    another conference poster [1.3 Mb]
    The conference receives the financial support of:
    Universita' di Milano Dipartimento di Matematica, Milano Dipartimento di Fisica, Lecce The SPT2004 conference will be held, like SPT2001 and SPT2002, in the
    Hotel Villaggio Palmassera in Cala Gonone near Dorgali (Nuoro, Sardinia, Italy).
    SPT conferences homepage

    tentative program
    registration form list of pre-registered participants transfer arrangements accommodation rates
    and conference fees practical informations are at the SPT2004 info page abstracts booklet transfer form
    Read carefully the instructions !
    scientific and organization committees links and related conferences proceedings
    download stylefiles
    for ferries, public transportation etc, see the SPT2004 info page For previous SPT's, see the SPT homepage a map of the area and of northeastern Sardinia Proceedings will be published by World Scientific; here you can download the stylefiles.

    67. LDRA Ltd : Distributors Of The LDRA Tool Suite
    Essellesse SpA (Italy) Contact Sergio Rossi Via beniamino segre 91 00143 ROMAItaly Email
    Vision Microsystems Co Ltd (China)
    Contact: Zhang Zhiqiang
    Room 1206
    Longzhu Plaza
    2123, Pudong Dadao Road
    P R China
    Email: Web: Tel: + 86 21 6853 4562 Fax: + 86 21 6853 4561
    Ashling Microsystems Inc
    Contact: Mary Hynes
    1270 Oakmead Parkway Suite 208 Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Email: Ashling is an authorised distributor of the LDRA products worldwide. For details of the Ashling locations please visit their web site at Tel: (408) 732 6490 Fax: (408) 732 6497 Essellesse S.p.A. (Italy) Contact: Sergio Rossi Via Beniamino Segre 91 00143 ROMA Italy Email: Web: Tel: + 39 06 506 853.24 Fax: + 39 06 506 853.70 Asic S.r.l. (Italy) Contact: Gianni Faccia Via Torino 30 IVREA (TO) Italy Email: Tel: + 39 01 254 5981 Fax: + 39 01 254 6164 Negev Software Industries (Israel) Contact: Shlomo Feldman 1c Yoni Netanyahu Street Or Yehuda 60376 Israel Email:

    68. Anna Magnani - Foto Anna Magnani
    Translate this page Anita Kiss, Ascoli Nello, Barbara Brighetti, Becky Herbst, beniamino Maggio, Bonacchi CatherineBell, Claudio Cassinelli, Conti Tom, Daniele segre, De Vita
    headFun(10,'Anna Magnani');
    Anna Magnani
    Stupende Foto di Anna Magnani
    Anna Magnani è tra i personaggi VIP più ammirati, blasonati ed amati
    Tanti successi in tutti i campi fanno di questa celebrità una tra le più richieste!
    foto Anna Magnani
    Posizione attuale: Vip - A Anna Magnani
    Hai cercato:
    Anna Magnani showLinkToNextPage(10,'Anna Magnani')
    showOtherText(10,'Anna Magnani')
    Seguendo questi collegamenti trovi pagine relative a:
    Queste sono solo alcune pagine scelte casualmente:
    Vip - K
    Aglani Gino Alba Arnova Alessia Marcuzzi ... Anna Magnani
    showLinks(10,'Anna Magnani');
    Ecco alcuni spezzoni di contenuti inerenti Anna Magnani ...a debutta nel cinema con la pellicola del 1967 "Alle dame del castello piace fare solo quello", film ispirato alle novelle decamerotiche. Il suo debutto nel genere comico avviene due anni più tardi con la partecipazione in due film della coppia Franchi e Ingrassia. Il primo film realizzato ... ...ce dell'anno. Seguono: Sabato italiano di Luciano Manuzzi, La corsa dell'innocente, diretto da Carlo Carlei, evento speciale al 49o Festival di Venezia. A Natale 1992 appare sugli schermi nel film di Carlo Verdone Al lupo, al lupo, nel quale interpreta il ruolo della sorella di Verdone e ... Le ultime Ricerche: Vip - A Vip - B Vip - C Vip - D ... Pagina 1

    69. Jennifer Garner - Foto Jennifer Garner
    Translate this page Ashley Anne, Barbara Moore, beniamino Maggio, Beppe Grillo, Bonetti Paolo, BrigitteLahaie, Brooke Berry, Catherine Zeta Jones, Daniele segre, De Santis Dina
    headFun(10,'Jennifer Garner');
    Jennifer Garner
    Stupende Foto di Jennifer Garner
    Jennifer Garner è tra i personaggi VIP più ammirati, blasonati ed amati
    Tanti successi in tutti i campi fanno di questa celebrità una tra le più richieste!
    foto Jennifer Garner
    Posizione attuale: Vip - H-I-J Jennifer Garner
    Hai cercato:
    Jennifer Garner showLinkToNextPage(10,'Jennifer Garner')
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    Seguendo questi collegamenti trovi pagine relative a:
    Queste sono solo alcune pagine scelte casualmente:
    Vip - K
    Alessia Mancini Alicia Rickter Alison Eastwood ... Jennifer Garner
    showLinks(10,'Jennifer Garner');
    Ecco alcuni spezzoni di contenuti inerenti Jennifer Garner ...le per scatenare la sua incontenibile energia che sul piano puramente della dizione del testo sfiora il delirante. Un'interpretazione che non può passare inosservata e che infatti gli procura una nomination agli Oscar. L'anno dopo, altra nomination, altro Oscar sfiorato, in un film diventat... ... sul piano puramente della dizione del testo sfiora il delirante. Un'interpretazione che non può passare inosservata e che infatti gli procura una nomination agli Oscar. L'anno dopo, altra nomination, altro Oscar sfiorato, in un film diventato un vero e proprio cult: si tratta de "L'Atti...

    70. Finite Geometry Web
    Eindhoven, Netherlands. 2004, Jun 79, International Conference, Trendsin Geometry In Memory of beniamino segre , Rome, Italy. 2004
    Finite Geometry Web
    Here is a collection of links to finite geometry resources on the web. There are a good many such things, but they are scattered and I would like to have a single starting point for finding them. Similar information pertaining to a rather more general area is available at The World Combinatorics Exchange While I keep these pages for my own benefit, it would be great if this collection could be useful for others, too. With that in mind, if you know of anyone (including yourself!) who has something - notes, conference web page, personal home page, whatever - to which there should be a link here but there isn't, please let me know. I'd also be happy to hear any suggestions and to be informed of any broken links that you might find. You can email me at This page is inspired by the Number Theory Web , created and maintained by Keith Matthews
    Links to geometer's web pages
    Online Notes
    Links to notes available on-line
    Conferences and Workshops

    71. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern
    Translate this page Charlotte Angas (8.6.1858 - 10.11.1931) Scott, Sheila (Macintyre) (1910 - 1960) vonSegner, Johann (1704 - 1777) segre, beniamino (1903 - 1977) segre, Corrado
    Diese Seite ist dem Andenken meines Vaters Otto Hebisch (1917 - 1998) gewidmet. By our fathers and their fathers
    in some old and distant town
    from places no one here remembers
    come the things we've handed down.
    Marc Cohn Dies ist eine Sammlung, die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammt, u. a. aus Jean Dieudonne, Geschichte der Mathematik, 1700 - 1900, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1985. Helmut Gericke, Mathematik in Antike und Orient - Mathematik im Abendland, Fourier Verlag, Wiesbaden 1992. Otto Toeplitz, Die Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung, Springer, Berlin 1949. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive A B C ... Z Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909)
    Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829)
    Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130)
    Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922)
    Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930)
    Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998)
    Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843)

    72. Selected New Acquisitions From And About Italy - 1/04
    beniamino segre ; n. 105) Main Stack CC75.7.A734 2002.
    Selected New Acquisitions From and About Italy
    UC Berkeley Library
    January, 2004
    The following is a quick, unedited list of new library acquisitions from and/or about Italy. The items appear in call number order and are, therefore, roughly divided by subject. Symposium Syriacum (5th : 1988 : Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
    V Symposium Syriacum 1988 : Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven,
    29-31 ao^ut 1988 / edited by Rene Lavenant.
    Roma : Pont. Institutum Studiorum Orientalium, 1990.
    (Series: Orientalia Christiana analecta ; 236)
    Main Stack BR41.S96 1988 Symposium Syriacum (7th : 1996 : Uppsala University)
    Symposium Syriacum VII : Uppsala University, Department of Asian
    and African Languages, 11-14 August 1996 / edited by Rene La
    Roma : Pontificio Istituto orientale, 1998.
    (Series: Orientalia Christiana analecta ; 256) Main Stack BX173.2.S96 1996 Archaeometry in Europe in the third millennium : Convegno internazionale : Roma, 29-30 marzo 2001. Roma : Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, 2002.

    73. Technion - Israel Institute Of Technology Department Of
    lines. beniamino segre easily disproved this by constructing a loophaving no such pairwhat M. Ghomi and I call a {\it skew loop}.
    Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Department of Mathematics ========== COLLOQUIUM ========== SPEAKER: Prof. Bruce Solomon, Indiana University TITLE: Skew loops and quadric surfaces DATE: Monday, January 6, 2003 PLACE: Amado 232 TIME: 15:30 Refreshments will be served in the Faculty Lounge, Room 820, before the Colloquium. For further information please contact: Yehuda Pinchover Announcement from: Michael Cwikel

    74. Klingenberg
    him regarding trips to Italy and he spent time in 1952/53 at the University of Romewhere he was strongly influenced by F Severi, E Bompiani and beniamino segre
    Wilhelm P A Klingenberg
    Born: 28 Jan 1924 in Rostock, Mecklenburg, Germany
    Click the picture above
    to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
    Wilhelm Klingenberg 's family moved to Berlin in 1934 and there Klingenberg attended schools where he learnt Latin, Greek and French but he had to study mathematics on his own. He entered the Joachimsthalsces Gymnasium in 1937 and received his school diploma in 1941. He applied to enter the University of Berlin but this was not permitted and he had to serve in the army. He writes in [1]:- Klingenberg obtained a doctorate in 1950 with a thesis on affine differential geometry . from 1950 to 1952 he was a research assistant at Kiel where F Bachmann interested him in the foundations of geometry. At this time he solved a problem on equivalences of configurations in an affine plane which Ruth Moufang had worked on. Blaschke advised him regarding trips to Italy and he spent time in 1952/53 at the University of Rome where he was strongly influenced by F Severi , E Bompiani and Beniamino Segre After returning to Germany he completed his habilitation Reidemeister . He wrote in [1]:- I have fond memories of our years there - Reidemeister had a brilliant mind and a wide range of interests, his wife Elisabeth was a renowned photographer.

    75. Dipartimento Di Matematica-Università Di Napoli
    Groups in Bressanone June, 2nd 5th, 2004; International Conference Trendsin Geometry - In memory of beniamino segre, Roma, 7-9 June 2004.

    76. Australian Mathematical Society Medal
    These geometric objects have been the subject of intense study since the1950s and the remarkable work of the Italian geometer beniamino segre.

    Information Publications Directory ... Links Australian Mathematical Society Web Site
    Christine O'Keefe and Mathai Varghese share the Australian Mathematical Society 2000 Medal
    The Medal of the Australian Mathematical Society for 2000 is shared between Dr Christine O'Keefe and Dr Mathai Varghese . Both work in geometry, although their specialties within geometry are very different, and the dual medal highlights Australia's strength in this area of mathematics. Dr O'Keefe's specialty is finite geometry, which involves generalisation of smooth or continuous features like curves and surfaces from the ordinary geometry of Euclid and Pythagoras to discrete or non-continuous objects. She has proved a number of important results in finite geometry, involving structures such as hyper-ovals and generalised quadrangles. Finite geometry, and O'Keefe's work in particular, has potential applications in information security, an area of vital importance in the development of e-commerce and the internet. ( Research citation Dr Varghese works in the area of continuous or differentiable geometry. Many of his results involve the geometry of manifolds, familiar examples of which are again curves and surfaces. However, mathematicians are not restricted to three dimensions, and much of Varghese's work is in spaces of higher dimension, and sometimes even in infinitely many dimensions. Varghese has proved a number of important results related to classifying manifolds with different geometric structures on them. His work finds applications in physics, in particular to string theory and the pursuit of what physicists like to call `the theory of everything'. (

    77. Humanist Archives Vol. 7 : 7.0454 Seminari Lincei (1/105)
    LINCEI (Roma, Italy) CENTRO LINCEO INTERDISCIPLINARE beniamino segre Attivit a
    7.0454 Seminari Lincei (1/105)
    Wed, 2 Feb 1994 18:18:42 EST
    Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 7, No. 0454. Wednesday, 2 Feb 1994.
    Date: Mon, 31 Jan 94 13:48:49 SET
    Subject: Seminari Lincei
    a cura di Tito Orlandi
    Definizione della ricerca:
    avanzati l'opinione che l'uso strumentale della macchina computer sia del tutto secondario rispetto di strutturare i dati da sottoporre ai procedimenti resi possibili dall'informatica (modelling, modellizzazione). In questa prospettiva il rapporto fra informatica e discipline se vi sia un particolare modo informatico di attuare, con risultati scientificamente soddisfacenti, le metodologie

    78. Vitae
    beniamino segre ,Accademia dei Lincei, Roma, per il triennio accademico 1986/1989;
    Universita' degli Studi di Roma, La Sapienza
    Dipartimento di Fisica
    Piazzale Moro 5
    00185 ROMA, ITALIA Roma 1 agosto 2000
    Curriculum Vitae
  • 1 Nato il 29.12.1941 2 Laurea con lode in Fisica, Universita' di Roma,1963. 3 Diploma con lode della Scuola di perfezionamento in Fisica, Universita' di Firenze, 1965. 4 Professore incaricato di "Fisica I" presso la Facolta' di Ingegneria, Universita' di Firenze, AA 1964/65. 5 Professore incaricato di "Fisica dei neutroni" presso la Facolta' di Scienze, Universita' di Firenze, AA 1965/66. 6 Ricercatore in Fisica Matematica all'Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (I.H.E.S.) di Parigi, AA 1966/67 e 1967/68. 7 Ricercatore presso il Dipartimento di Matematica della Rockefeller University, New York, AA 1968/69 e 1969/70. 8 Libero docente in "Istituzioni di Fisica Teorica" dal dicembre 1969. 9 Assistente Ordinario di "Analisi Matematica" presso l'Istituto di Matematica dell'Universita' di Roma negli AA 1970/71 e 1971/72. 10 Professore incaricato di "Istituzioni di Analisi Superiore" presso l'Istituto Matematico dell'Universita' di Roma per gli AA 1970/71 e 1971/72.
  • 79. }‘Ú×î•ñ
    Geometrie Some properties of differentiable varieties and transformations, withspecial reference to the analytic and algebraic cases / beniamino segre;

    80. Résultats De La Recherche
    Translate this page Notice complète URL stable http//, beniamino Recenti prospettive nella teoria delle corrispondenze.

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