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         Segre Beniamino:     more books (15)
  1. Some Properties of Differentiable Varieties and Transforma- tions: With Special Reference to the Analytic and Algebraic Cases (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 2. Folge) by Beniamino Segre, 1971-04-22
  2. Memorie Scelte: Volume I: A Cura Di Beniamino Segre by Francesco Severi, 1950
  3. The geometries of Galois by Beniamino Segre, 1959
  4. Some Properties of Differentiable Varieties and Transformations with Special Reference to the Analytic and Algebraic Cases by Beniamino Segre, 1957
  5. Arithmetical questions on algebraic varieties by Beniamino Segre, 1951
  6. Algebraic geometry by Beniamino Segre, 1954
  7. Seminario Discipline umanistiche e informatica: Il problema dell'integrazione (Roma, 8 ottobre 1991) (Contributi del Centro linceo interdisciplinare " Beniamino Segre " ) by Seminario Discipline umanistiche e informatica, 1993
  8. Mathematics towards the Third Millennium: Convegno internazionale promosso del Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare " Beniamino Segre " (Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei)
  9. Lectures on modern geometry (Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Monografie matematiche 7) by Beniamino Segre, 1961
  10. The non-singular cubic surfaces;: A new method of investigation with special reference to questions of reality, by Beniamino Segre, 1942
  11. Lezioni Di Geometria Moderna, Volume 1: Fondamenti Di Geometria Sopra Un Corpo Qualsiasi by Beniamino Segre, 1948
  13. Istituzioni di geometria superiore Vol II: Spazzi proiettivi by Beniamino Segre, 1965
  14. Istituzioni di geometria superiore Vol III: Complessi, reti, disegni by Beniamino Segre, 1965

1. Beniamino Segre
Beniamino Segre. Obituary. This is reproduced, with permission, from Acta Arithmetica 45 (1985) 13
Beniamino Segre
Obituary This is reproduced, with permission, from Acta Arithmetica 45 (1985) 1-3 Back to some biographies of past contributors to number theory (Vancouver Site) Last updated at 18th April 2003

2. Search Results For Corrado Segre
segre beniamino Beniamino Segre . Beniamino Segre s teachers at Turin Universityincluded Peano, Fano, Fubini and Corrado Segre (a not too close relative).

3. Geometry Is Part Of Their Lives
Vitali. Wilkins. Rosanes. segre beniamino. Sylvester. Von Staudt. Wirtinger. Roth. Segre Corrado. Synge. Voronoy. Witten
Geometry is Part of Their Lives The Fourth Group (96) Rheticus Schrodinger Spanier Van der Waerden ... Weyl

4. Segre Beniamino
Translate this page Home , Beniamino Segre (Torino 1903-Frascati 1977). Studied in Torino with C.Segre and G. Fano, then in Paris with E. Cartan and in Roma with F. Severi.
Beniamino Segre (Torino 1903-Frascati 1977)
Studied in Torino with C. Segre and G. Fano, then in Paris with E. Cartan and in Roma with F. Severi. Taught in Bologna (since 1931), then because of the racial laws he emigrated to England in 1938. After the war he taught again in Bologna (since 1946) and Roma (since 1950). He was also much involved in the study of combinatorial geometry. Main students: G. Tallini. Selected papers reprinted by U.M.I. (2 vol. Ed. Cremonese) in 1987. Main commemorations and studies: E. Vesentini, Boll. dell'Unione Mat. Ital. , 15-A, 1978, 699-714 and first volume of Selected papers.
Genere della curva doppia per la varietý di S che annulla un determinante simmetrico, Atti della R. Acc. delle Scienze di Torino , 58, 1923, 162-170; summary in Boll. dell'Unione Mat. Ital. Sul moto sferico vorticoso di un fluido incompressibile, Ann. di Mat. pura e applicata Dei sistemi linerari tangenti ad un qualunque sistema di forme, Rend. della R. Acc. Nazionale dei Lincei Sui complessi algebrici di rette di S n Rend. della R. Acc. Nazionale dei Lincei

5. Home Page
Translate this page Martinelli Montesano Morin Palatini Pascal Pieri Pompilj Rosati Sannia Scorza segre beniamino Segre Corrado
[ Home ] Albanese Bagnera Baldassarri Battaglini ... Veronese Bibliografia dei geometri algebrici italiani.

6. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï
Johann Andrea von Segner Born 9 Oct 1704 in Pressburg, Hungary (now Bratislava,Slovakia) Died 5 Oct 1777 in Halle, Germany segre beniamino, Beniamino Segre

7. Marcello Mencarini - Archive
Translate this page Jean Paul, Scelba Mario, Schipa Tito, Schippers Thomas, Schweitzer Albert, SecchiaPietro, Segantini Giovanni, Segni Antonio, segre beniamino, Sella Quintino
The archive is composed of approximately 100.000 colour slides and 20.000 black and white negatives. All of my photographs from the 70s until present. There are portraits of personalities from the world of literature, art, cinema, theatre, dance and culture in general.The archive also holds a collection of images from the world of jazz, pop, and rock. The sector dedicated to classical music is particularly vast: photos of opera singers, conductors, contemporary composers, soloists, theatres and orchestras. The photos are almost always taken in places where the sitters live and work, taking care not to modify the environment and to preserve - when possible- the natural light conditions without using electronic flashes or artificial lighting. I also have thousands of images and reportages about cultural events, Italian cities and foreign places . I have a collection of historical images of personalities and events from the Italian world of culture during the 50s and 60s.

8. Premi
Translate this page 1927 Padova. ROSATI Carlo. 1928 Pisa. FANTAPPIÉ Luigi. 1929 Palermo. segre beniamino.1930 Bologna. CANTELLI Francesco Paolo. 1931 Roma. KRALL Giulio. 1932 Napoli.
Attività Convegni Iniziative ... Relazione
Medaglie dell’Accademia Nazionale dei XL
Le due medaglie dei XL per le Matematiche e per le Scienze Fisiche e Naturali costituiscono i primi premi governativi concessi nel 1866 dal Regno d’Italia, subito dopo l’unificazione del Paese, incaricando la Società Italiana delle Scienze di assegnarli annualmente ad illustri studiosi italiani di scienze matematiche e di scienze fisiche e naturali.
A) Per le Matematiche
CASORATI Felice 1868 Pavia BELTRAMI Eugenio 1875 Roma FERGOLA Emanuele 1876 Napoli CAPORALI Ettore 1878 Perugia D’OVIDIO Enrico 1879 Torino DE PAOLIS Riccardo 1880 Roma CAPELLI Alfredo 1882 Palermo BIANCHI Luigi 1883 Pisa SEGRÈ Corrado 1884 Torino CESÀRO Ernesto 1887 Napoli VOLTERRA Vito 1888 Torino CASTELNUOVO Guido 1893 Roma SOMIGLIANA Carlo 1894 Pavia ENRIQUES Federico 1895 Bologna CAPELLI Alfredo 1896 Napoli RICCI-CURBASTRO Gregorio 1901 Padova LEVI-CIVITA Tullio 1903 Padova PASCAL Ernesto 1904 Pavia ARZELÀ Cesare 1905 Bologna SEVERI Francesco 1906 Padova LAURICELLA Francesco 1907 Catania FUBINI Guido 1908 Torino PICCIATI Giuseppe 1909 Bologna ALMANSI Emilio 1911 Roma LEVI Elia Eugenio 1912 Genova ABRAHAM Max 1913 Milano PASCAL Ernesto 1914 Napoli CALAPSO Pasquale 1915 Palermo TORELLI Eugenio 1916 Pisa AMALDI Ugo 1918 Padova ARMELLINI Giuseppe 1919 Torino SIGNORINI Antonio

9. Un Elenco Di Matematici
Translate this page 1843, Scorza Giuseppe, 1908-1996. Secchi Angelo, 1818-1878, segre beniamino, 1903-1977.Segre Corrado, 1863-1924, Sella Quintino, 1827-1884. Senigaglia Ermanno, 1889-1916,
Un elenco di matematici
Riportiamo qui un elenco di matematici vissuti nel periodo considerato nella mostra.
Abbiamo tratto le biografie essenzialmente da due fonti.
Matematici italiani del primo secolo dello stato unitario pubblicata nel 1962 da G. F. Tricomi nelle Memorie dell'Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. Classe di Scienze fisiche matematiche e naturali , serie IV tomo I; qui sono raccolte 371 brevi biografie di matematici italiani morti tra il 1 gennaio 1861 e il 31 dicembre 1960.
Lettera Pristem , su cui nel 1991 inizia la pubblicazione a cura di P. Nastasi di Matematici italiani: un secondo elenco , che continua il lavoro del Tricomi proponendo nuove brevi biografie di matematici italiani scomparsi tra il 1960 e il 1990.
Riportiamo inoltre per una decina di matematici ``maggiori'' una cronologia della vita, a cura di S. Giuntini.
Si ringraziano L'Accademia delle Scienze di Torino e Lettera Pristem per il permesso di utilizzare il materiale da loro pubblicato. A B C D ... Amoroso Luigi Andreoli Giulio Andreotti Aldo Angelitti Filippo Antonelli Giovanni Antoniazzi Anton Maria ... Barilari Pacifico Barilli Giuseppe (pseud. Quirico Filopanti)

10. Biography-center - Letter S
bio/s/seghers/hercules/biograph.html. segre, beniamino. Mathematicians/segre_beniamino.html. segre, Corrado
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993 biographies

11. Boston
19641966. segre, beniamino. 5 TLS, 1 ALS, 2 telegrams 6. CTL, beniamino segre to DD, Oct. 18, 1956
The Inventory
of the
Danilo Dolci Collection
Department of Special Collections
Boston University
Department of Special Collections 771 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Tel: 617/353-3696
Fax: 617/353-2838 DOLCI, DANILO Apri.l 1983-Nov. 1984 PARTIALLY RESTRICTED [Sections VII and VIII] I. MANUSCRIPT CREATURA DI CREATURE. Poems 1949-1980. New edition, revised and enlarged. 1982. Typescript~ typescript-mimeo., and printed tearsheets, without corrections. ca. 310 p. on ca. 155 leaves. (g1) II. CORRESPONDENCE A. Letters by DD to various persons, Arranged chronologically . 1958-1982. ca. 2000 letters Box 1-4 [1958-1962, B 1, 1963-1968, B. 2; 1969-1973, B.3; 1974-1982, B, 4] B. Letters from the followinp to DD: (Each folder contains DD's carbons and occasionally other items as we11.) Box 4 Chavez, Cesar E. to Mrs. John E. Bailey, TLS photocopy July 29, 1969. (#10) Cousins, Norman (g11) 1966-1972. 11 TLS, 2 cards. Day, Dorothy XLS, March 28, May Friedmann, Georges (g13) 1960-1973. 19 TLS, 4 ALS, 2 postcards, 2 misc. Fromm

12. Segre_Beniamino
beniamino segre. beniamino segre s teachers at Turin University includedPeano, Fano, Fubini and Corrado segre (a not too close relative).
Beniamino Segre
Born: 16 Feb 1903 in Turin, Italy
Died: 22 Oct 1977 in Frascati, Italy
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to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Beniamino Segre 's teachers at Turin University included Peano Fano Fubini and Corrado Segre (a not too close relative). Beniamino graduated from Turin in 1923 having written a dissertation on geometry. He was appointed to a post in Turin where he remained until 1926. After studying in Paris with Cartan for a year, Beniamino became Severi 's assistant in Rome. By 1931 when he was appointed to the chair at Bologna he already had 40 publications in algebraic geometry differential geometry topology and differential equations . However he was of Jewish background and the Fascist Italian Government forced him out and he went to England. After being interned as an alien in 1940 he was appointed to a teaching post in Manchester with Mordell in 1942. In 1946 he returned to Bologna succeeding Severi in Rome in 1950. His output of research papers on geometry and related topics reached nearly 300 not counting a long list of other publications.

Segal , Arthur. 55. segre, beniamino. 56. segre, Mario. 57. segre, Umberto. 58
[Back to Department Home Page]
M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives
Inventory of the
RECORDS, 1941-1974
(GER-017) For reference queries contact Grenander Department Reference staff or (518)-437-3933 Finding Aid Compiled by
Marion P. Munzer
March 25, 1985 and
Sandra Hunt Hawrylchak

University Libraries / University at Albany / State University of New York
1400 Washington Avenue / Albany, New York 12222 / (518) 437-3935
VOLUME: 9.25 linear feet ACQUISITION: The records of the American Council were acquired by the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives in 1974. The Collection consists of photocopies made of selected files (originals of the complete files were sent to the Immigration History Research Center of the University of Minnesota), and the complete files left by Else Staudinger, Director of ACEP, in the New School for Social Research. ACCESS: Access to this record group is unrestricted. Information on the rights to items photocopied (Series I-III) Should be obtained from Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota, 826 Berry Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101. Rights to the items produced by the American Council (curriculum vitae, letters, etc., in Series IV) may have been transferred to another agency when the American Council ceased operation. Rights to items in Series IV which were produced by individuals remain with the individuals or their heirs. It is the responsibility of an author to secure permission for publication from the holder of such rights for materials in this Collection.

14. Segre_Beniamino
Biography of beniamino segre (19031977) beniamino segre. Born 16 Feb 1903 in Turin, Italy beniamino segre's teachers at Turin University included Peano, Fano, Fubini and Corrado segre
Beniamino Segre
Born: 16 Feb 1903 in Turin, Italy
Died: 22 Oct 1977 in Frascati, Italy
Click the picture above
to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Beniamino Segre 's teachers at Turin University included Peano Fano Fubini and Corrado Segre (a not too close relative). Beniamino graduated from Turin in 1923 having written a dissertation on geometry. He was appointed to a post in Turin where he remained until 1926. After studying in Paris with Cartan for a year, Beniamino became Severi 's assistant in Rome. By 1931 when he was appointed to the chair at Bologna he already had 40 publications in algebraic geometry differential geometry topology and differential equations . However he was of Jewish background and the Fascist Italian Government forced him out and he went to England. After being interned as an alien in 1940 he was appointed to a teaching post in Manchester with Mordell in 1942. In 1946 he returned to Bologna succeeding Severi in Rome in 1950. His output of research papers on geometry and related topics reached nearly 300 not counting a long list of other publications.

15. AIM Reprint Library:
Listing for segre, beniamino. Viewing Page 110 11-20 21-21 NEXT . segre,beniamino. 2. Some arithmetical problems on the use of the balance.;mode=display;BrowseT

16. Segre_Beniamino Portrait
beniamino segre. JOC/EFR September 2003 http// PictDisplay/segre_beniamino.html
Beniamino Segre
JOC/EFR September 2003 The URL of this page is:

17. AIM Reprint Library:
Translate this page Segal GB Segal, GB Segal, GB Segal, Irivng E. Segal, Irving Ezra Segal, SanfordL. Segal, William Segert, J. Segev, Yoav segre SB segre, beniamino Seidel, W;mode=display;BrowseL

18. Résultats De La Recherche
Translate this page Auteur segre, beniamino (2 articles) segre, beniamino Recenti prospettivenella teoria delle corrispondenze. Bulletin de la Société, Beniamino&format=sho

19. Matches For: MR=21:3423
21 3423 14.00. segre, beniamino. Recenti prospettive nella teoria delle corrispondenze

20. Auteur - Segre, Beniamino
Translate this page Auteur segre, beniamino, 8 documents trouvés. Ajouter au panier, Imprimer,Envoyer par mail, Liste détaillée. Ouvrage Opere scelte,vol.

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